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12 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I think the warcom article was really rushed or prepared by someone not really experienced due to summer holidays.

Missing pictures of stormvermin and weapon teams is embarrassing.

No way we are waiting for “12 months” to be released: it’s for sure a mistake and it’s going to be 2 months! 

Our rumourmongers were accurate , I think we miss only wolf rats ! 

The 12 months thing is not about the release, but about the Skaventide code contest. It was stated that the winners will win everything released during the next 12 months.

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3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Apparently from the looks of the weapon team 

they seem to be multipart kit.

you seem to have 3 different choices of weapons for the weapon team

I meant from existing kits (in the guess where this comment applied was Liberators and Reclusians).

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I do wonder if the Wolfrat rumor was just the name used for the Clawlord on Gnaw-beast. Or if it's like the legendary Chaos Bikers that have yet to see the light of day, despite being included in an otherwise 100% (well, 99%) correct rumor dump.

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1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Assuming that Stormcast will get 10 new kits (not counting the already revealed Knight Azyros), the same amount the Skaven are getting (not counting their previously revealed Brood Horror), here's my guesses.

#1: Lord Celestant resculpt.

#2: Lord Relictor resculpt.

#3: Lord Vigilor on Morrgryph.

#4: Multipart Reclusians.

#5: Ruination Vandus Hammerhand.

#6: Hallowed Knights Lord-Commander.

#7: New Ruination non-hero big unit (like a monster or dreadnought equivelant).

#8: New Ruination unit more elite than Reclusians (like a Lightning Gheist or whatever).

#9: Multipart Liberators.

#10: Grimrooks (completely random guess because I'm running out of ideas at this point). 

Here my guesses as i belive we get 

  1. Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph
  2. Lord Relictor now in the ruination chamber 
  3. Lord Celestant in Thunderstrike
  4. Knight Azyros/ Tornus the Redeemed (confirmed)
  5. Multipart Reclusians
  6. Grimrook falconer/wizard
  7. Ruination chamber war-machine ballista
  8. Lighting Ghiest
  9. Knight buglar (knight heraldor with wings as a random guess)
  10. Stormcast Felix Jager
Edited by Dragon-knight77
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I really hope the speculation about the Plague Pack being Skabbik's gang repackaged is true, they're far too nice models to go to Legends so quickly and it neatly solves the lack of a cheap foot priest. Also I wonder if wolfrats are going to be part of a Warcry unit with a Packmaster and maybe a couple of other smallish Moulder creatures, like the recent Ossiarch one. It'd make sense for them to have been sculpted together, I guess?

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Seriously, that Warpspark Battery is the kind of kit I wish GW would do more of. As Tyranid player, dual-build kits sometimes suffer from repetitive poses, resulting in inorganic duplicates. On the flipside, some of the new 'Nid releases could have been made a lot more interesting with more options (Barbgaunts, Genestealers, Lictor). Part of that problem comes with Tyranids being all organic, of course.

But I really love these. Interesting that the Warpfire version doesn't seem to make use of the giant rat pack mule. 

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52 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The 12 months thing is not about the release, but about the Skaventide code contest. It was stated that the winners will win everything released during the next 12 months.

Yeah, also, warcom can get wild on their statements.

There's still room to cope for the dreaded eshin warcry band, just gotta hold up a bit more...

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So stoked to see what the new battletome overhauls end up being.

Just the idea of a cheaper rules book with reference material is enough to bring a tear to me eye. Exactly what i’ve been asking for ever since I started running out of shelf.


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5 minutes ago, Fracas said:

So stoked to see what the new battletome overhauls end up being.

Just the idea of a cheaper rules book with reference material is enough to bring a tear to me eye. Exactly what i’ve been asking for ever since I started running out of shelf.


I doubt the battletomes would be cheaper... also, that kind of cards usually are sold separately.

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I doubt the battletomes would be cheaper... also, that kind of cards usually are sold separately.

I missed “limited run” on second inspection, but a smaller format softback and the cards is significantly cheaper to produce than a hardback with twice the pages. 

If it’s not priced lower than the full tome, it’s wasted potential.

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so i guess my though on the models 

off the back Vizzik Skour 10/10

is just *Chef Kiss* like dam they basically made Skaven Mohg from Elden ring. The details on the Stole linking him to being the prophet/priest of GHR, the various rats on him which is like keeping the rat swarm alive, the various bell on him, the little devil horns on him making the Baphomet inspiration the Verminlord more apparent  

Krittok Foulbalde 7/10

is alright he look cool my favorite Stormvermin character design Queek 2001 still reigns. Still a good model though

Master moulder 10/10

ugh god this goes unnecessarily hard for such as hero model like moulder handlers were always lacking any sort of character previously as it only their creation was the spectacle. Now they got it this Frankenstein meet the Centipede. Like looking at it make me want to gag from the tumor growing out his back to the little helper reloading his gun being flesh grafted into him. What worse is the not only does he have a more brutal version of the Packmater pole-arm but also his gun is a traq gun so he not killing people a quick an easy death

Stormvermin 8/10

Very little change which is great no need to change what good and they do add something like the Stormvermin that just pull out a glock also glade the war-pike is still around 

Arch-warlock 9/10

Is such a cool redesign that still similar to the Ikit Claw design but being it own thing as it almost this retro-90's cyborg with the long spindly metal power-claw and weird beaky helm. I like it also like how the Halbert is not only a polearm but also a flamethrower that just metal af

Warlock Galvaneer 6/10

leak long ago and has a new helmet which is ok....not much to say still prefer the bombardier as it more dynamic it portray and the galvaneer look eh im just doing my job the weapon itself is cool tho like the little generator and the warplighting transiting in the back

Acolyte Globadiers 7/10

I really like them the various posses the gas-mask ranging from the actual WW1 gas masks to your sci-fi resperators

Warpspark Weapon Battery 10/10

What a glow up and it sooooo customizable something i wish GW does more for other kits like not only do you have three different weapon options each have three different variant on it but also the squad members from the gunner, assistant & pack-rat

Warp grinder 6/10

eh it good nothing mind blowing just surprise your alive after some people telling me that it going the way of the dodo guess you beat the allegation. cool ability of  transporting troop around

Doom-flayer 7/10

look good don't know why but it look more brutal then the previous maybe it because the skaven is actually riding the hamster wheel of blades rather than other having this weird lawnmower vibes with the rider piggyback on the other

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The more I look at the Krittok model the more it seems like something went wrong with it somewhere. The weirdness of the cloak is matched by the weirdness of the right foot just completely blending into the rock underneath.

How strange.

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GW have really nailed the Skaven refresh haven't they? You have to hope they can maintain this for other ranges that need an overhaul. Mawtribes have already got the excellent new gorgers, so I'm hoping even a small wave refresh produces the goods.  

I think it also shows the strength of the IoB sculpts as they look like they hold up and fit in with the new kits pretty well. 

I know people wanted to see Eshin and Pestilens, but it leaves a clear focus for a 2nd wave down the line. 

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2 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

GW have really nailed the Skaven refresh haven't they? You have to hope they can maintain this for other ranges that need an overhaul. Mawtribes have already got the excellent new gorgers, so I'm hoping even a small wave refresh produces the goods.  

I think it also shows the strength of the IoB sculpts as they look like they hold up and fit in with the new kits pretty well. 

I know people wanted to see Eshin and Pestilens, but it leaves a clear focus for a 2nd wave down the line. 

Every new release makes my hype for Ogors grow.

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On top of all that, certain miniatures will break free of the confines of the Skaventide box set alongside these releases, including the Clawlord on Gnaw-beast, Rat Ogors, Clanrats, and Ratling Warpblaster, alongside Thanquol on Bonreripper and the Plague Pack.

Don't know if this got mention but the Plague Pack? Like Skabbik's Plaguepack?

Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow – Skabbik's Plaguepack

like I wouldn't mind at all since both priest and Censer-bearer is gone. I hope some other UW warband stay in the range like Domitan’s Stormcoven, Grinkrak’s Looncourt, Hexbane’s Hunters, Xandire’s Truthseekers & Crimson Court

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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Concerning the gaps in Krittoks cloak the Skaventide Rat Ogors have same grooves:



So its clearly not just sub assembly gaps but a deliberate choice. Probably to represent poorly stitched together cloth. Now weither or not you like them is another question but I haven't seen anybody complain about these on the Rat Ogors

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Also about the list of rumours we had before the reveal


1) Master Moulder.
2) Arch Warlock.
3) New Warlock (Galvaneer with warpvolt obliterators) (Leaked one).
4) Stormvermin.
5) Weaponteams.
6) Acolyte globadiers
7) New Verminlord (Vizzik Skour).
8 ) Wolfrats.
9) Clawlord on palanquin carried by rat ogors.

Its interesting how nearly everything was perfectly correct (even the name Vizzik Skour) but the the Clawlord on palanquin was wrong and it was Krittok Foulblade instead and no Wolfrats.
I guess the palanquin thing could be explained if there is art in the battletome of Krittok Foulblade on one that they tought would also represent the model but was just artwork after all and the Wolfrats could be somebody only seeing that single model without the rest of the weapon team but still kinda strange.
Maybe things that were modelled but didn't work out, maybe coming at a later point (end of edition campaign, warcry?)

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14 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Also about the list of rumours we had before the reveal

Its interesting how nearly everything was perfectly correct (even the name Vizzik Skour) but the the Clawlord on palanquin was wrong and it was Krittok Foulblade instead and no Wolfrats.
I guess the palanquin thing could be explained if there is art in the battletome of Krittok Foulblade on one that they tought would also represent the model but was just artwork after all and the Wolfrats could be somebody only seeing that single model without the rest of the weapon team but still kinda strange.
Maybe things that were modelled but didn't work out, maybe coming at a later point (end of edition campaign, warcry?)

The Clawlord on Palanquin was not mention by SG Warhound all he said was 


A magnificent warrior with Black-fur.

A warlord with crimson armor and trophy rack

Has an unnaturally loyal and obedient personal bodyguard regiments

which fits Krittok who whole gimmick is that his weaponization of "mercy" knowing that his clan rats will fight a little hard out of appreciation of his munificence and that he'll show nicity is simply bait for will gladly dispatch Clanrats to their death en masse when the time suit him


The Rat ogre plaquin comes from the Vermintide novel which had creative liberty when it came to villains like flying skaven & facehugger swarm rats

the New Wolf rat seem to be the Gnaw-beast the Clawlord was riding in the starter box

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6 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

The Clawlord on Palanquin was not mention by SG Warhound all he said was 

which fits Krittok who whole gimmick is that his weaponization of "mercy" knowing that his clan rats will fight a little hard out of appreciation of his munificence and that he'll show nicity is simply bait for will gladly dispatch Clanrats to their death en masse when the time suit him

The Rat ogre plaquin comes from the Vermintide novel which had creative liberty when it came to villains like flying skaven & facehugger swarm rats

the New Wolf rat seem to be the Gnaw-beast the Clawlord was riding in the starter box

Seems I grabbed the wrong list then thanks.

Still would have liked actual Wolf Rats as Clan Moulder could have used one more unit. Of course Eshin is off way worse with only three units left and one of them being monkeys instead of rats ^^ 

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This makes me sad because they're amazing models. I mean Vizzik Skour is just... truly phenomenal. This time last year I would have been over the moon about this refresh and doing everything I could to convince my wife this was more important than our mortgage.

But after beasts of chaos and price hikes and everything I just... don't care. It sucks I can't get excited for this game I used to love.

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