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40 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I'm thinking this may have been the models he has seen. Not disputing that Chaos Dwarfs (or whatever they will be called) will appear in the core game, but no idea if it will be soon or even this edition. 

I hope they do as I have a soft spot for them and had a small army for them in 4th edition fantasy (painted black and silver/iron as my painting skills at the time were even less than what I have now!). 


If that's true they will build an army purely from side game models.

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10 minutes ago, Aleser said:

You would be suprised how many opponents those 4 people have to play most balanced GW game :)

It's so much fun now that warbands actually come with complete decks. I still prefer Warcry as my favourite GW game, but due to all the options (especially if you're using AoS units) it gets much less balanced very fast.

AoS, Warcry and UW are all in a great spot right now (except for UWs lack of releases). Three very distinct games, all with really fun rules and gorgeous models. Give us roadmaps to take away some of the uncertainty GW please.

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4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

It's so much fun now that warbands actually come with complete decks. I still prefer Warcry as my favourite GW game, but due to all the options (especially if you're using AoS units) it gets much less balanced very fast.

AoS, Warcry and UW are all in a great spot right now (except for UWs lack of releases). Three very distinct games, all with really fun rules and gorgeous models. Give us roadmaps to take away some of the uncertainty GW please.

I think UW kinda had a lot before AoS 4th, new core box and set with 4 old updated warbands in same time was really big release so I am fine with little break. I am sure we can expect another big drop of UW goodies :)

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33 minutes ago, Aleser said:

I can see Chorfs as expansion to STD range same like Darkoath, so just few units I am not sure that we need another army when there is a lot to update/add more units. 

Common, it seems that AoS duardins are destined to be in TOW (City dwarfs), mixed in the same battletome (Fyreslayers and Kharadrons) or a theme for an existing army (STD).

That's not fun

Edited by Beliman
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43 minutes ago, Aleser said:

I can see Chorfs as expansion to STD range same like Darkoath, so just few units I am not sure that we need another army when there is a lot to update/add more units. 

We have 5 elvish armies with One coming(Idoneth,sylvaneth,Lumineth,dok and Malerion).

Stop with this "too much armies" nonsense,more so when we Just Lost 2 of them(Bonesplitterz and Beasts).

Also considering warcry warband lore "Hashut has his armie" STD are another thing.

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9 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Common, it seems that AoS duardins are destined to be in TOW (City dwarfs), mixed in the same battletome (Fyreslayers and Kharadrons) or a theme for an existing army (STD).

That's not fun

Hope is the last thing to die.

Fyreslayers and Kharadron both need another wave to flesh them out (especially FS).
Dispossessed hopefully get a refresh with Cities wave 2 (maybe with some Valaya imagery based on Dawnbringers shorts).
And Chorfs having their own map icons (and minor, but unique Chaos God) separates them from S2D IMHO.

And the only things we know for "certain" about 4th Ed. (blessed be the Whitefangs), are that there will be Chorfs and a Cogfort.
I really hope dwarfs get the updates they deserve.

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16 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Common, it seems that AoS duardins are destined to be in TOW (City dwarfs), mixed in the same battletome (Fyreslayers and Kharadrons) or a theme for an existing army (STD).

That's not fun

I can't imagine Chorfs being anything other than their own army, to be honest. I don't think that bloating the S2D tome further and further is in anyone's interest.

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4 hours ago, cyrus said:

Valrak is late on the party 😂

7 months ago on this forum 


As I said, I'm aware. I even commented on it back then. But to quote an old book:

"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

And it seems that even though everyone agrees that Whitefang is trustworthy, people still falter in their beliefs about Chaos Dwarfs coming. "Before the rooster crows 3 times" and so on...

And yes, this was an off-the-cuff remark by Valrak during last night's livestream. He cares absolutely nothing for Age of Sigmar, which in a way makes it even more believable. He has so little interest in the game, he wouldn't even care to lie about it.

The stream is gone now, but my personal interpretation of his wording was that he had in fact seen the models, but the guy is notorious for tripping over words, mixing things up, etc. 

I strongly disagree with the assertion that he has a "mixed record" because "he comments on every 40K rumor." If you watch his videos - which I do, because I have little else going on - he makes it pretty clear when he's commenting on other rumors vs. when he's presenting those from his own sources. A lot of people fail to appreciate that distinction, which is ironically the thing they're accusing him of.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this small nugget of rumor/info.


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6 hours ago, Lich King said:

Any expectations for the Nova preview ? Ogres please 

Stormcast reveals. Possibly a Battletome roadmap.

Next Underworlds release OR next Warcry teams. I suspect it'll be one or the other, however with how long it's been since the last UW release (March) and Briar & Bone taking forever and a day to finally see the light of day they may pull a double-whammy.

Some stuff for Horus Heresy.

Maybe another Blood Bowl team? 


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3 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

As I said, I'm aware. I even commented on it back then. But to quote an old book:

"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

And it seems that even though everyone agrees that Whitefang is trustworthy, people still falter in their beliefs about Chaos Dwarfs coming. "Before the rooster crows 3 times" and so on...

And yes, this was an off-the-cuff remark by Valrak during last night's livestream. He cares absolutely nothing for Age of Sigmar, which in a way makes it even more believable. He has so little interest in the game, he wouldn't even care to lie about it.

The stream is gone now, but my personal interpretation of his wording was that he had in fact seen the models, but the guy is notorious for tripping over words, mixing things up, etc. 

I strongly disagree with the assertion that he has a "mixed record" because "he comments on every 40K rumor." If you watch his videos - which I do, because I have little else going on - he makes it pretty clear when he's commenting on other rumors vs. when he's presenting those from his own sources. A lot of people fail to appreciate that distinction, which is ironically the thing they're accusing him of.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this small nugget of rumor/info.


Absolutely 👍 

Valrak has a strong track record and probably one of his source may have seen chaos dwarfs / hammers of hashut . Let’s see in in the next videos/streams if he will add something.

I am sure that some chaos dwarfs units are already done since first rumours from Rob thwg and Whitefang are actually from January .

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41 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I can't imagine Chorfs being anything other than their own army, to be honest. I don't think that bloating the S2D tome further and further is in anyone's interest.

Also, if the rumour about them being somehow clockwork/ cogs themed would make them stand out with the rest of the S2D army.

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3 hours ago, Chikout said:

I don’t know the validity of this but AoS 3rd edition was almost certainly the victim of the Covid hangover. GW’s lead time on miniatures is usually about two years but David Waeselynck shared on instagram that he designed the Morbheg Knights during lockdown. That’s 3 and a half years between design and release. If FEC was delayed by more than a year it wouldn’t surprise me if Chaos Duardin suffered a similar fate. It would make sense if gw chose to prioritise 40k in the aftermath of Covid. 
The good news is that could mean we get a very full AoS release schedule in 4th edition as they catch up. 


3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Source? Wouldn't surprise me at all, to be honest. Especially knowing how everything has been changed to fit the weird removals from 3rd edition.

Addressing both these posts, as always I don't know specifics but I remember hearing that previews in 2021/22 were exciting for studio staff because they were actually getting to see things they hadn't seen before for the first time in a while. Working in the studio meant they'd all be seeing all of the things the rest of the team were sculpting just by being in the same space but working from home prevented that. With larger releases being worked on by multiple people it might have led to inconsistences that needed correcting or projects working at different paces to normal.

That said design can also work in non-uniform ways, projects get started and moved around within the schedule based on other factors. The very famous example in GW is Jes Goodwin's Eldar Jetbike redesign, which was shown off at Games Day 2007 as a prototype but not actually released until Spring 2015, almost 8 years later. So it could be that the FEC were delayed, it could the Chaos Duardin have been done for a previous edition, but it might just be bigger projects having bigger lead time to get them ready.

goodwin jetbike proto.jpg

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18 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

The way his ascension was written in Dawnbringers 6 where he switched between multiple forms ("a Hound, then a thing of chained axes, then a scorpid abomination, then all of these things and none") seemed to me to be a hint that he's getting a model. 

If he wasn't going to get one, they'd just say that he became a Bloodthirster.

Mechanically him coming back would also make sense as currently BoK don't have a "Bridge" character ie a character that can take both halves of the army in game.

StD have 5 characters that can take Any StD keyword units, MKoN have 6, HoS have 5 and DoT have 4.

It's a bit odd for BoK as not even the Blood Thirsters can take Bloodbound units but I think when we get an ascended Khorgos, he's work as a good bridge as assumably he's likely to be pretty daemonic

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Common, it seems that AoS duardins are destined to be in TOW (City dwarfs), mixed in the same battletome (Fyreslayers and Kharadrons) or a theme for an existing army (STD).

That's not fun

I think this is a kind of pessimistic view.

Dispossessed were very much due for a visual update which they will likely get, and I love them being part of the cosmopolitan CoS instead of being a separate army.

FS and KO are not destined to be combined, they seem to be more and more separate and a FS wave is likely this edition. There has been no credible indication of a Duardrazhal tome ever, and Grombrindal is explicitly factionless and in legends. It's mainly non-Duardin players that want to combine the two for no reason.

For Chuardin, we haven't heard anything definitive, but StD just had 2 BIG waves. Very unlikely for Chuardin to be yet another StD subfaction, thats going to make the tome really bloated.

I feel like Duardin are going to be having a good year. Hopefully KO is also included in that.

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8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

For Chuardin, we haven't heard anything definitive, but StD just had 2 BIG waves. Very unlikely for Chuardin to be yet another StD subfaction, thats going to make the tome really bloated.

I think S2D is the faction with the most items on the webstore right now. Cities, Stormcast and Soulblight all have fewer entries at the moment. Of course, Stormcast is set to re-bloat any time now and Cities just had all dwarves removed, but still: I don't really see a good reason to include Chaos Dwarves in Slaves to Darkness when that faction already has loads of units nobody is running because everything gets role-crowded by Varanguard and Chaos Warriors.

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9 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I think this is a kind of pessimistic view.

Dispossessed were very much due for a visual update which they will likely get, and I love them being part of the cosmopolitan CoS instead of being a separate army.

FS and KO are not destined to be combined, they seem to be more and more separate and a FS wave is likely this edition. There has been no credible indication of a Duardrazhal tome ever, and Grombrindal is explicitly factionless and in legends. It's mainly non-Duardin players that want to combine the two for no reason.

For Chuardin, we haven't heard anything definitive, but StD just had 2 BIG waves. Very unlikely for Chuardin to be yet another StD subfaction, thats going to make the tome really bloated.

I feel like Duardin are going to be having a good year. Hopefully KO is also included in that.

This right here

The reason for soup dwarf come from 

A. Those people want Old dwarfs back and if they combine and swint then maybe it there. Obviously that would be the case nor will it happen

B. The "army hasn't updated" so the faction will get Beast'D or Deathwatch'D

Don't know where people got that Chorf being part of Slaves to Darkness when GW is treating them a clearly a distinct separate army from the teaser, icons and even lore having nothing to do with the chaos warrior


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