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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


And what is FEY? 😅

We need a dictionary included in all the boxes so we can check all these acronyms quickly.

  • SCE-->Stormcast
  • CoS-->Cities of Sigmar
  • FYRE-->Fyreslayer
  • FEY-->Sylvaneth
  • IDK-->Idoneth Deepkin
  • LRL-->Lumienth Realmlords
  • DOK-->Daugther of Khaine
  • DINO--->Seraphon
  • KO-->Kharadon Overlords
  • S2D-->Slaves to Darkness
  • BOK-->Blades of Khorne
  • MON-->Maggotkin of Nurgle
  • RAT-->Skaven
  • HOS-->Hedonites of slaanesh
  • DOT-->Disciples of Tzeeentch
  • OW-->Ork Warclans
  • OMT--->Ogre mawtribes
  • SOB-->Sons of Behemat
  • GG-->Gloomspite gitz
  • Confused 1
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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

ok so from the Roadmap bets 

stating the rules now

  • 4 factions post-starter edition (no skaven no Stormcast)
  • order of the faction does not matter so long as their the first 4 faction in the roadmap
  • Picking Kruleboyz or Ironjawz doesn't matter it will all count towards Ork Warclans and either two the faction pick will still count if picking the other

so right now it

if you want to change, Add or throw in for those who didn't just respond and i record it 

I'm in


Maggotkin, NH, GSG, Idoneth

Going a left of centre 😂

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43 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

ok so from the Roadmap bets 

stating the rules now

  • 4 factions post-starter edition (no skaven no Stormcast)
  • order of the faction does not matter so long as their the first 4 faction in the roadmap
  • Picking Kruleboyz or Ironjawz doesn't matter it will all count towards Ork Warclans and either two the faction pick will still count if picking the other

so right now it

if you want to change, Add

or throw in for those who didn't just respond and i record it 

Ok, I'm going S2D, NH, OW, and Chaos Duardin. There are so many people piping in about that release that I think we'll see it early next year. So we'll see a redacted on the road map. 

As for the rest of the reveal show, we'll see the stormcast obviously. 

We'll see high elves for the old world, hopefully with something plastic and a road map for the next two books after that. 

We'll see more admech stuff and the rumoured box set for heresy. 

40k is actually a bit of a mystery. We actually have a pretty good idea about what's coming for the rest of the edition:

Eldar aspects, imperial guard krieg, Votann, space wolves, emperor's children, space wolves and possibly thousand sons. That would make 12 miniature waves in 10th  which is pretty standard for an edition. There aren't any solid rumours for the autumn though. It could be any of those or just a couple of hero only books. 

I think we'll get at least a teaser for the new edition of middle earth though they may have to wait until after the movie trailer to show anything. 

Getting into the and more/ wishlisting territory, I'd love to see a choas Duardin underworlds warband if only to understand the vibe they're going for. 

Finally, I want to see the new season for Warcry. Some Eshin Skaven would be lovely. 

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Oh this is fun! Using the first 4 40k releases if I remember correctly we got a very small release (Necrons), a single hero (Admech), a small wave (Dark Angels) and a single hero (Orks)

So I think we might get the following:
Gloomspite Gitz (Small Release),
Nighthaunt (Single Hero),
Kruel Boyz (Small wave),
Sylvaneth (Single Hero)

My logic is mostly derived from the fact that Gloomspite are a popular and robust range much like Necrons after their update. There are a few models that need updates, but I imagine they will focus on getting out maybe a gitmob hero and a gitmob chariot. Nighthaunt feel like a mechanically fun/powerful list and thus may be closer to a release, they also have a stunning well supported range and thus can just ad a single hero for the time being. Kruelboyz feel like a safe bet as it appears that the stater army of the previous edition is often an early inclusion in GW's releases. However, unlike Necrons I think that Kruelboyz just need another small wave to fill out their ranks. Sylvanth are a shot in the dark, but they have gotten some decent support and I feel like Kurnothi are still a little ways off for the time being. Originally I had Slaves to Darkness here but as I feel like they will need a Sorcerer and a Chaos Lord to fill out their ranks I just decided to go with Sylvanth.

This is not an informed or educated guess by any means just having some fun guessing. 

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6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:
  • SCE-->Stormcast
  • CoS-->Cities of Sigmar
  • FYRE-->Fyreslayer
  • FEY-->Sylvaneth
  • IDK-->Idoneth Deepkin
  • LRL-->Lumienth Realmlords
  • DOK-->Daugther of Khaine
  • DINO--->Seraphon
  • KO-->Kharadon Overlords
  • S2D-->Slaves to Darkness
  • BOK-->Blades of Khorne
  • MON-->Maggotkin of Nurgle
  • RAT-->Skaven
  • HOS-->Hedonites of slaanesh
  • DOT-->Disciples of Tzeeentch
  • OW-->Ork Warclans
  • OMT--->Ogre mawtribes
  • SOB-->Sons of Behemat
  • GG-->Gloomspite gitz

WHUT?! Why is Sylvaneth = Fey?

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About Nova announcements, how do we see the chances of getting a new set of objectives?

The last two editions we got them and they tend to be announced quite early in the edition:

Realmscape Objective Set : r/ageofsigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Shattered Dominion Objectives – Comics Games And  Coffee

Maybe even this RE could be part of an objective marker?


Edited by Ejecutor
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25 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

About Nova announcements, how do we see the chances of getting a new set of objectives?

The last two editions we got them and they tend to be announced quite early in the edition:

Realmscape Objective Set : r/ageofsigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Shattered Dominion Objectives – Comics Games And  Coffee

Maybe even this RE could be part of an objective marker?


What if... that rumours of poison things are not from a game we have right now

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9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

What if... that rumours of poison things are not from a game we have right now

Warhammer quest? Cursed city had it's problems even if you ignore the sales issue, but it's a game format that still has a huge amount of potential. 

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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Warhammer quest? Cursed city had it's problems even if you ignore the sales issue, but it's a game format that still has a huge amount of potential. 

It have the vibes of the old Heroquest's Alchemist Table. Who knows if a Dungeon Crawler is coming, this type of games sells good.

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9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

It have the vibes of the old Heroquest's Alchemist Table. Who knows if a Dungeon Crawler is coming, this type of games sells good.

If that's the case, it could even be announced during Nova. I find it odd, and another confirmation about all the delays that GW is suffering, that we still have 11 RE pending from the Advent Calendar. Those RE tend to be solved early in the year:


And in fact, the last four of the advent calendar could match that kind of game.

We have the sword from the SCE "hero" and some sort of baddie with poisons.

Edited by Ejecutor
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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

About Nova announcements, how do we see the chances of getting a new set of objectives?

The last two editions we got them and they tend to be announced quite early in the edition:

Realmscape Objective Set : r/ageofsigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Shattered Dominion Objectives – Comics Games And  Coffee

Maybe even this RE could be part of an objective marker?


It's be nice to see a new set of objectives and terrain sets, particularly now they've gone to 40mm but I don't think they'll do it, I think they'd have been announced with the new edition.

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Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Kharadon, ossiarch, ogres and daughters of Khaine are in the most need of either an couple of new units or a refresh. Idoneth are pretty solid and only really need a extra 2-3 units to flesh out the range a bit better. Same could be said about Kharadon. 

Fryeslayers desperately need a refresh, and something thats not a magma drake or a foot hero. Thier infantry have some charm, but are pretty dated but The latest war cry band was perfect imo. 

GW like to do nice big boxes for £145 with a new tome and models with a big refresh for a selection of units. Could this be the Fryeslayers triumphant Return or Lumineth wave 3? Who knows? 



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20 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Kharadon, ossiarch, ogres and daughters of Khaine are in the most need of either an couple of new units or a refresh. Idoneth are pretty solid and only really need a extra 2-3 units to flesh out the range a bit better. Same could be said about Kharadon. 

Fryeslayers desperately need a refresh, and something thats not a magma drake or a foot hero. Thier infantry have some charm, but are pretty dated but The latest war cry band was perfect imo. 

GW like to do nice big boxes for £145 with a new tome and models with a big refresh for a selection of units. Could this be the Fryeslayers triumphant Return or Lumineth wave 3? Who knows? 



If we get Lumineth wave 3 before any duardin wave the game will be rebranded to Age of Lumineth.

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I didn't watch the video about Nova until today, but Adam is back!

Maybe we have again a proper preview rather than a pre-recorded video? I think, considering a big focus would be roadmaps it is the ideal scenario for a pre-recorded video, but seeing Adam made me dream about the good ol previews.

Edited by Ejecutor
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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

WHUT?! Why is Sylvaneth = Fey?

Because that what they and Alarielle is always refer to as the fey (as in the faeries )

2 hours ago, Garrac said:

My copiums beside, I think ogors need an update, or at least for the kits to get changed. A unit of 12 gluttons is too much for what it costs, and you'll never correctly balance them.

Ogres just need a straight up revamp as they're the only faction with various old and/or resin units; Frost sabers, Firebellies, man eaters ect ect.

It obvious when GW does these wave they always refresh the basic inantry so gluttons will be work on for sure

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