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The Rumour Thread

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12 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Blood angles continue suffer i guess

See all of them together just help visualize how bland they really are compare to all normal marines


Truly Spearhead is a blessing for us

Also mind you the guy who design these guys also help design some these guys (the caviler marshal itself) so it not the sculptors that are at fult here


The minis are what they are but the combat patrol contents are so dull. No variety. They used to be a lot more interesting, not anymore. The fact they're not splitting the assault intercessors into 5s is appalling. Little Jimmy only has 3 elements to play with.

The original ork one is koptas, dread, 2x10 Boyz and a warboss in mega armour - 5 elements. The new one is one unit of squighogs and 2x10 snagga boyz and beast boss. 3 elements.

Personally the contents are killing it as a viable game. Hopefully spearhead continues as it is.

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20 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Blood angles continue suffer i guess

See all of them together just help visualize how bland they really are compare to all normal marines


Truly Spearhead is a blessing for us

Also mind you the guy who design these guys also help design some these guys (the caviler marshal itself) so it not the sculptors that are at fult here


Hard to belive its the same design team who worked on both sets. 

GW seem to have really been churning out bland looking Space marines since the Black Templars (which were solid), or just anything with power armour like the recent downgrade of Corteaz. 
It must be some kind of management interferance on the direction they want the newer Space marines to go in, as Marketable super-cool future soldiers rather then the warrior monk/crusading Knights they used to be. Its not even as if 40K just has bad designs in generall as the new KT stuff looks great, the Kroot were fantastic and the Tyranids had a great refresh to name a few recent ones. 

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7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

We have the sword from the SCE "hero" and some sort of baddie with poisons.

With Death being a possible 4e protagonist and Skaven invading underworlds as well as the 'real' world (realms) I am... heavily considering the poisoner REs could be fantasy rat-poison

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The funny thing is that the blood angels look fine to me. I actually think they are as exciting/boring ad any other Space Marine release. I get that they are a downgrade in terms of intricacies but proportianly they are a massive improvement over their older renditions. 


But honestly I don't care about fictional weapon loadouts (melta, bolter, and flammer are not particularly distinctive to my eye) so like 90 percent of space marines could literally be the same unit and I wouldn't know 🤷 

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19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I have to say that seeing them again made them look a bit better than the idea I had from the first impression.

They are fine, nothing spectacular, but a solid upgrade and will probably sell very well.

I wouldn't be surprised that the BA armybox is sold out on pre-order day and the combat patrol temporarily out of stock soon.

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2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

minions...of nagash? 😂

with all of the Vermindoom stuff I feel confident that another COS wave is sooner rather than later.

Maggotkin of Nurgle 😆

Yes-yes, Cities on Roadmap! Cogfort!

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1 hour ago, Sigmarusvult said:

Idk, If they are supposed to be futuristic knights then make them look like so.

they're supposed to be tacticool super soldiers in a neverending war, they look exactly like they need to tbh. it makes complete sense that the longer a war goes on the more ostentation and aesthetics you drop for practicality.

2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

That gun in the bloke on the rights hand looks like a straight up Assault Rifle from Halo.

so glad someone else thinks so, I haven't said anything LOL.

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In terms of rumor engines, we've seen stuff for Wolf riding gitz, seraphon, stormcast, guard, and squats, but nothing that seems to be cogfort or Chaos Dwarves, right? (Not that I don't think they're coming, but that would suggest they're further out? Or meant to be a bigger surprise?)

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

With Death being a possible 4e protagonist and Skaven invading underworlds as well as the 'real' world (realms) I am... heavily considering the poisoner REs could be fantasy rat-poison

A new UW band of plagues eradicators.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

minions...of nagash? 😂

with all of the Vermindoom stuff I feel confident that another COS wave is sooner rather than later.

of course they got to send in their rat killing specialist


Edited by Dragon-knight77
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1 hour ago, The Other Shrek said:

In terms of rumor engines, we've seen stuff for Wolf riding gitz, seraphon, stormcast, guard, and squats, but nothing that seems to be cogfort or Chaos Dwarves, right? (Not that I don't think they're coming, but that would suggest they're further out? Or meant to be a bigger surprise?)

I think Chaos Duardins would be treated, in terms of REs, either as a surprise or have its own dedicated bunch once we are closer to the release date.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think Chaos Duardins would be treated, in terms of REs, either as a surprise or have its own dedicated bunch once we are closer to the release date.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the first release of Lumineth only have one or two rumour engines?

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

minions...of nagash? 😂

with all of the Vermindoom stuff I feel confident that another COS wave is sooner rather than later.

Giant banana endless spell possibility...

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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think Chaos Duardins would be treated, in terms of REs, either as a surprise or have its own dedicated bunch once we are closer to the release date.

I’m going with the latter option, seeing as how both the Votann and World Eaters were given this treatment.

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7 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I’m going with the latter option, seeing as how both the Votann and World Eaters were given this treatment.

I am not sure about World Eaters (very likely I have them in the RE site just as Chaos Space Marines), but Votanns also got 9 RE before their first wave. It was not a dedicated series, like the Dominion one or the Daemon Engine, but it was a decent number of them.

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I have no inkling of roadmap likelihoods.


CoS will get an undead militia with rifles. It will have both the Death and Order keywords. Probably the vampire keyword.

SBGL will get a foot hero. It will be a new necromancer, but with a sword and the Deathrattle keyword.

Seraphon will get another wave of minis, including Kroak’s son, Rybt. He will be a beefcake.

Destruction will get a new wave of centerpiece models that can only be taken as mercenaries, not as their own faction. They will be really cool. Make Kragnos look dumb.

Demons will be moved to 40K exclusive, except for the existing AoS exclusive demons, which will become their own faction and not able to be taken by anyone else. Skaven will be new Coalition allies for everyone, officially taking BoC’s role in the hierarchy.

Within one week this will be selectively copied, pasted, and shared across discord and reddit as a sourced rumor, and make its way back here after being mentioned on a YouTube video.

My prophecy is now spoken. Tremble at our fates.

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6 hours ago, Garrac said:

A "one box to play the game" box that has barely 20% and is usually worse than the box from previous editions, lets you play a game mode no one plays bevause its just a dumbed up version of the main system, and it won't help you a lot to begin a new army?

Yeah, most of vanguards sucked.

I miss start collectings.

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3 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Within one week this will be selectively copied, pasted, and shared across discord and reddit as a sourced rumor, and make its way back here after being mentioned on a YouTube video.

You need to post it on 4chan. Honestly for the last years all the no-TGA "rumors" always come from there and were always wrong.

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I think that the Blood Angel Combat Patrol is Okay, but I agree with others that if it included a larger vehicle kit it would make it an A-tier set as opposed to just a B-tier set. 

I was perusing the Warhammer site on desktop (Its layout and overall UI/UX experience really needs improved) and a few things stood out. Apart from a handful of kits, the SM vehicle line needs a complete update/overhaul IMO. (Would be fertile ground for some new concepts/kits)

I also wish they would have the Marine kits in the Chapter colours under the different chapter sections. It's a small thing but it just bugs me. 

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34 minutes ago, Hollow said:

I also wish they would have the Marine kits in the Chapter colours under the different chapter sections. It's a small thing but it just bugs me. 

I would already be happy if they didn't have all the Marine kits in every chapter. Have the generic kits in the generic SM category and only have the chapter specifics in the chapter chategories. Its way too annoying to find some chapter specifics in between the sea of generic kits. 

I know why they are probably doing this since some categories would look very empty without the generic kits but still.

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