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5 hours ago, The Other Shrek said:

I heard that Sigmar and Nagash are making a temporary alliance to deal with the Skaven resulting in some undead units with guns to help defend points. Rumor source said it was reliable.

I’ve also heard similar rumblings. Gonna pop off an email to Valrak now.

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5 hours ago, The Other Shrek said:

I heard that Sigmar and Nagash are making a temporary alliance to deal with the Skaven resulting in some undead units with guns to help defend points. Rumor source said it was reliable.

Don't they have the Vampire keyword too? I have a friend who's uncle workes for GW and who mentioned that. 

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5 hours ago, The Other Shrek said:

I heard that Sigmar and Nagash are making a temporary alliance to deal with the Skaven resulting in some undead units with guns to help defend points. Rumor source said it was reliable.

Yes there is a rumors about Nagash being back and take his revenge over Skaven , which pair with Whitefang rumours about “ Death main protagonist of 4th edition “ 

Edited by cyrus
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16 minutes ago, cyrus said:

“ Death main protagonist of 4th edition “ 

To me there is too much expectations about the lore and the death GA. 

I only understood Whitefang's "death protagonist" as ruination chamber and Morr going foreground thanks to it. There is a lot of "death" related things like skulls, or ruination shields and the fact that now ScE are not immortal anymore. 

I don't think it has any link to Nagash or the GA death itself. Whitefang also teased ruination by comparing them to 40K death company. 

One last argument, as far as I remember, the lore does not go very far after the big box release. The story moves forward during the DB series to set up the new edition story but after the reveal it stalls pretty much the whole edition with minor news during battletome releases. 

Expecting nagash to do a big appearance to save everyone or to do something major now is just copium to me. The big thing was the vermindoom, it will be there at least until next edition and the death protagonist related to 4ed is morr and maybe some lore reveal during ScE 2nd wave related to stormcasts. 

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1 hour ago, Vagard said:

To me there is too much expectations about the lore and the death GA. 

I only understood Whitefang's "death protagonist" as ruination chamber and Morr going foreground thanks to it. There is a lot of "death" related things like skulls, or ruination shields and the fact that now ScE are not immortal anymore. 

I don't think it has any link to Nagash or the GA death itself. Whitefang also teased ruination by comparing them to 40K death company. 

One last argument, as far as I remember, the lore does not go very far after the big box release. The story moves forward during the DB series to set up the new edition story but after the reveal it stalls pretty much the whole edition with minor news during battletome releases. 

Expecting nagash to do a big appearance to save everyone or to do something major now is just copium to me. The big thing was the vermindoom, it will be there at least until next edition and the death protagonist related to 4ed is morr and maybe some lore reveal during ScE 2nd wave related to stormcasts. 

It's kind of like a chicken and the egg conundrum, where what comes first? The models o'r the narrative? 

Do GW create a story and then create the models around that story,  or are the models designed first and then a narrative is woven to fit around them? Are Skaven the antagonist because they desperately needed a refresh or alwas the refresh don because they were planned to be the new antagonist after destruction? 


I can see Nagash "playing a role" in fighting the Skaven being done as, a wave 2 of Ossiarchs, because "Nagash is really responding to the Skaven threat by sending out his legions of Bonereapers to fight the Skaven", and that will be that.

There isn't any intricate main plot for 40k or AOS. It's just things happening with new models and then on to the next event. 

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10 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

It's kind of like a chicken and the egg conundrum, where what comes first? The models o'r the narrative? 

Do GW create a story and then create the models around that story,  or are the models designed first and then a narrative is woven to fit around them? Are Skaven the antagonist because they desperately needed a refresh or alwas the refresh don because they were planned to be the new antagonist after destruction? 


I can see Nagash "playing a role" in fighting the Skaven being done as, a wave 2 of Ossiarchs, because "Nagash is really responding to the Skaven threat by sending out his legions of Bonereapers to fight the Skaven", and that will be that.

There isn't any intricate main plot for 40k or AOS. It's just things happening with new models and then on to the next event. 

The thing is until now, after the release of a new version, the lore is frozen for 2 years and a half at least, before a serie of lore books is released during more or less 6 months with new minis along. It is the case since the beginning of AoS and the end times. 

There is some small evolution in the lore during the version witrh new armies and minor events but nothing huge as the necroquake, ritual of life or vermindoom. So of course Nagash will appear in this edition and do some stuff, but as well as the other gods when their respective BT will be released. 

The thing is not about Nagash doing something or not, it is about nagash being the major protagonist of the version. In my opinion it is too late for that and he will not play a major role in 4th, not more than the other gods. 

Edited by Vagard
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4 minutes ago, Vagard said:

The thing is until now, after the release of a new version, the lore is frozen for 2 years and a half at least, before a serie of lore books is released during more or less 6 months with new minis along. It is the case since the beginning of AoS and the end times. 

There is some small evolution in the lore during the version witrh new armies and minor events but nothing huge as the necroquake, ritual of life or vermindoom. So of course Nagash will appear in this edition and do some stuff, but as well as the other gods when their respective BT will be released. 

The thing is not about Nagash doing something or not, it is about nagash being the major protagonist of the version. In my opinion it is too late for that and he will not play a major role in 4th, not more than the other gods. 

I don't think it will be frozen for so long. In fact, 40k got a Pariah Nexus narrative book released with the Necrons or shortly after, so it wouldn't surprise me if we see something like that announced in Nova or appearing in the roadmaps.

Then we could have something earlier, midway through the edition, ala Thondia, Gallet and Lendu.

And in the worst case, our battletomes always move a little bit the narrative, and Nagash could appear in four of them.

Said that I think the death mentions are tied to Morrda.

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On 8/20/2024 at 11:02 AM, Ragest said:

I hope we get the river temple soon and Tyrion and Malerion coming in the final campaign.

I could see River Temple getting a full update like Ironjawz did at the end of 4th during the campaign books

On 8/20/2024 at 11:16 AM, Ejecutor said:

I didn't watch the video about Nova until today, but Adam is back!

Maybe we have again a proper preview rather than a pre-recorded video? I think, considering a big focus would be roadmaps it is the ideal scenario for a pre-recorded video, but seeing Adam made me dream about the good ol previews.

I think this will still be pre-recorded, as they've mentioned talking to the designers I believe.

On 8/20/2024 at 12:03 PM, Deakz28 said:

Votann are essentially getting the exact same treatment as LRL in my eyes, half a book to start half a book now 

It's honestly the best way to release a completely new army, you can get them up to speed with the variety of heroes and units they need without overwhelming the players starting them. There's plenty of variety in the initial wave (for Votann 5 units, 2 vehicles, 4 heroes), chuck in a few extra options through the side games (2 new units from Kill Team) and then follow up with a small to medium wave the next edition. It paces everything out so that your main spenders can buy everything. Sisters, Nighthaunt and Lumineth all got similar treatments and I'd be shocked if we don't get a mini Kruleboyz and CoS wave this edition to help push them along.

20 hours ago, AquaRegis said:

Hard to belive its the same design team who worked on both sets. 

GW seem to have really been churning out bland looking Space marines since the Black Templars (which were solid), or just anything with power armour like the recent downgrade of Corteaz. 
It must be some kind of management interferance on the direction they want the newer Space marines to go in, as Marketable super-cool future soldiers rather then the warrior monk/crusading Knights they used to be. Its not even as if 40K just has bad designs in generall as the new KT stuff looks great, the Kroot were fantastic and the Tyranids had a great refresh to name a few recent ones. 

The main issue with Space Marines is their uniformity. It means that when the studio plays it safe the models tend to look very samey. The Black Templars buck that trend to an extent (and their best new models were sculpted by a major Templar fan in the studio) but even then you had people complaining about things like the new Emperor's Champion sculpt.

The Dark Angels updates were pretty amazing too. The Lion and Azrael were both really good, Asmodai's new sculpt could be a bit more dynamic but was still pretty great, and Belial is possibly my favourite terminator character sculpt. The new Deathwing Knights are really good even if they've lost the aesthetic I preferred from the old ones, and the Companions look great, but with both them and the Black Templars it's achieved by burying the Space Marine in heaps of robes.

The Blood Angels won't ever have that option, they struggled to have a visual identity beyond red and black Ultramarines before the previous sculpts and so even though these new sculpts are objectively decent, compared to the wider releases of GW for all their games they feel worse than they are.

10 hours ago, Hollow said:

I think that the Blood Angel Combat Patrol is Okay, but I agree with others that if it included a larger vehicle kit it would make it an A-tier set as opposed to just a B-tier set. 

I was perusing the Warhammer site on desktop (Its layout and overall UI/UX experience really needs improved) and a few things stood out. Apart from a handful of kits, the SM vehicle line needs a complete update/overhaul IMO. (Would be fertile ground for some new concepts/kits)

I also wish they would have the Marine kits in the Chapter colours under the different chapter sections. It's a small thing but it just bugs me. 

I think they've decided that Combat Patrol and Spearheads don't really want a bigger centrepiece unit to keep them more focused on skirmish level gameplay. I disagree with the choice but so far the biggest things added to the new Combat Patrols are a Canoptek Doomstalker for Necrons, an Achilles Ridgerunner for GSC and a Devilfish for T'au. Sisters, Custodes, Orks, CSM, Imperial Agents, Ad Mech and the various Space Marine ones that have been updated all became more infantry/bike/cavalry based.

Edited by EonChao
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56 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

It's kind of like a chicken and the egg conundrum, where what comes first? The models o'r the narrative? 

Do GW create a story and then create the models around that story,  or are the models designed first and then a narrative is woven to fit around them? Are Skaven the antagonist because they desperately needed a refresh or alwas the refresh don because they were planned to be the new antagonist after destruction? 


I can see Nagash "playing a role" in fighting the Skaven being done as, a wave 2 of Ossiarchs, because "Nagash is really responding to the Skaven threat by sending out his legions of Bonereapers to fight the Skaven", and that will be that.

There isn't any intricate main plot for 40k or AOS. It's just things happening with new models and then on to the next event. 

I think I heard a few years ago that the process starts with model design, although that was in relation to rules. But I think it happens with lore too. 

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16 minutes ago, Beliman said:

For anyone interested, FAQs updated on the App

Looking for them on the downloads site I found this that I think is quite new:


UHQ6zCySWUusqYhB.pdf (warhammer-community.com)

It is a PDF with three images that I think are supposed to be used as the back of your own custom data cards?


I don't know if this is supposed to have other uses, but they look cool for something like what I mentioned.

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1 hour ago, RetconnedLegion said:

I’ve also heard similar rumblings. Gonna pop off an email to Valrak now.

"By the the Emprah, I don't pay attention to AOS rumours! Mate, mate... do I look like I care about AOS?! Actually, I did hear one rumour that AOS is likely to see a new army in the upcoming edition. I'm hearin' that they will also get a new Codex with a hero model in the not to distant future. But you are gonna love this, in the New Black Templar book Thaddeus Appearedonce is likely gettin' named dropped. Thats right the SONS OF DORN are gettin' another NAMED CHARACTER IN THE LORE!!! The codex will be released alongside a new Black Templar Model,  is it Thaddeus Appearedonce or a new Primaris Lieutenant? But according to the whispers in the warp this new model with have MK VII armour and a powerboltfist.... Thats right Appearedonce has crossed the Rubicon Primaris..."

^How I imagine Valrak will respond.

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9 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

I think I heard a few years ago that the process starts with model design, although that was in relation to rules. But I think it happens with lore too. 

I believe it's a mix of all of them. Special characters probably come from a lore reason, potentially tied in with Black Library releases, but other releases are probably the rules team telling the sculpting studio what they want and then adjusting the rules to reflect the models they get sent back. Some projects probably have a more specific brief to them with less freedom for the sculptors for various reasons.

That said there's probably plenty of back and forth between the two teams with sculptors coming up with ideas that the rules team build off of too.

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18 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

"By the the Emprah, I don't pay attention to AOS rumours! Mate, mate... do I look like I care about AOS?! Actually, I did hear one rumour that AOS is likely to see a new army in the upcoming edition. I'm hearin' that they will also get a new Codex with a hero model in the not to distant future. But you are gonna love this, in the New Black Templar book Thaddeus Appearedonce is likely gettin' named dropped. Thats right the SONS OF DORN are gettin' another NAMED CHARACTER IN THE LORE!!! The codex will be released alongside a new Black Templar Model,  is it Thaddeus Appearedonce or a new Primaris Lieutenant? But according to the whispers in the warp this new model with have MK VII armour and a powerboltfist.... Thats right Appearedonce has crossed the Rubicon Primaris..."

^How I imagine Valrak will respond.


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30 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

"By the the Emprah, I don't pay attention to AOS rumours! Mate, mate... do I look like I care about AOS?! Actually, I did hear one rumour that AOS is likely to see a new army in the upcoming edition. I'm hearin' that they will also get a new Codex with a hero model in the not to distant future. But you are gonna love this, in the New Black Templar book Thaddeus Appearedonce is likely gettin' named dropped. Thats right the SONS OF DORN are gettin' another NAMED CHARACTER IN THE LORE!!! The codex will be released alongside a new Black Templar Model,  is it Thaddeus Appearedonce or a new Primaris Lieutenant? But according to the whispers in the warp this new model with have MK VII armour and a powerboltfist.... Thats right Appearedonce has crossed the Rubicon Primaris..."

^How I imagine Valrak will respond.

Wow, I've got Valrak's voice in my head when I was reading this LOL

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't think it will be frozen for so long. In fact, 40k got a Pariah Nexus narrative book released with the Necrons or shortly after, so it wouldn't surprise me if we see something like that announced in Nova or appearing in the roadmaps.

Then we could have something earlier, midway through the edition, ala Thondia, Gallet and Lendu.

And in the worst case, our battletomes always move a little bit the narrative, and Nagash could appear in four of them.

Said that I think the death mentions are tied to Morrda.

Yeah so you basically confirm what I said earlier, minor changes during the version (thondia, gallet and everything only were seasons but nothing changed apart the location) -> no major changes.

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13 minutes ago, Vagard said:

Yeah so you basically confirm what I said earlier, minor changes during the version (thondia, gallet and everything only were seasons but nothing changed apart the location) -> no major changes.

They were minor because we only got one book out of the three. I think with three book we can have a decent movement in the lore midway through the edition.

But that was just one possible outcome, we still have to see if we receive more narrative books, as 40k did right after the edition with  Pariah Nexus.

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1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

I think I heard a few years ago that the process starts with model design, although that was in relation to rules. But I think it happens with lore too. 

IIRC things start at the top with some broad strokes lore, based on what general model range they want to touch on.

Then the sculpting team goes nuts.

Things get shoved in the bin, or approved for release.

Then the rules and fiction writers try their best to deal with what models are getting put out. 


Which is to say, the sculptors aren't doing their jobs with no knowledge of how their work is supposed to fit into the whole, but they are the ultimate driver of the company. If they sculpt something that's contradictory to current game or lore, no one from the rules or fiction side gets to run in and veto it, or ask for changes.

Edited by LordSolarMach
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Product design comes first. Bits of lore may be created through the design process, but rules will never have an impact on model design.

Lumineth models weren't redesigned (or even re-painted) to have flaming weapons to represent sunmetal weapons and neither do they reflect the whole weird cloning thing, as an example. Rules are written to the product the ruleswriter has been presented with.

Most special characters are just generic character sculpts given names and some additional bits of lore. Most of the dual-build character kits are examples of that, and that's just so you buy more than one. 

Campaigns and the ongoing narrative are just ways to package up and theme a set of releases. 

Edited by Starfyre
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