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3 hours ago, Kronos said:

My issue with this is that For Bretonnia/Empire and orcs I understand giving them new named Characters. Human factions will be limited by Time and age more so than any other faction, Not sure how long orcs and grobis live but they do have a blank slate in the current time period so new characters for Greenskins is kind of needed. Elves and Chaos however really have unlimited timeframes. Dwarfs are a little more stretched out in regards to time and possibly the most Lore accurate from what has been shown so Far. They Have some good Established Characters return without giving us the bggest Caharcters of the Age, Kragg and Alriksson. 

Burlok is also a well established Character in lore who had a mini, Who seems to be getting an update as his Old Mini hadn’t come back for Sale (yet). Chaos has a Legion of Characters they could have dipped into, brought back, or shown at earlier part of their Campaign and ascendence. 

Seeing Young Ungrim had been the Highlight of Old World for me so far. I’d like to see more of that. Established Characters with spiffy new models, or if needed old Character Models Return, but updated is better 😂.

I get your sentiment about HH when it started, and it was nice to see some new Characters written in. Some however took over 5 years to get a miniature, Endryd took Nearly 10! And Some Very important Lore Characters have not appeared and some of those “New” Characters still have no Miniature.  

It’s not that I hate the random new Characters, I just feel its giving them more work and taking away focus from all the brilliant and much loved Characters from Lore. I hope none of this is coming across as either bitter or sharp, I just love seeing the old Fan favs come back in some way or other. 

It will be interesting to see what they decide to do with  High Elves.



The thing is that is not the same setting anymore. If they just take what they had and refresh it, they will receive complaints about WHFB being killed to release exactly the same a few years later. This is a way to remind you that is not the same. Once that is clear and established, I think we will see those good ol characters returning on mass.

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I've only just been made aware that they're bringing Galrauch back in the Old World. Surely they're not going to drag that dreadful old model out again!? 

Bleedin' typical.... the Dwarfs get a re-release of every good model they've ever had, and us Chaos worshippers get Galrauch and the Chaos Ogres. 

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32 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The thing is that is not the same setting anymore. If they just take what they had and refresh it, they will receive complaints about WHFB being killed to release exactly the same a few years later. This is a way to remind you that is not the same. Once that is clear and established, I think we will see those good ol characters returning on mass.

Besides, do we know when Valkia ascended? Maybe that hasn't happened yet?

Edited by michu
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10 hours ago, cyrus said:

So It seems that AoS StD and ToW WoC will share 3 kits :

chaos chariot

chaos lord

chaos manticore 





I’d say these 3 shared models + the chaos sorcerer are all prime candidates for a refresh. Chaos lord and sorcerer most of them because they’re foot heroes. I hope they also refresh the chariot even though that kit still looks good, unlikely but not impossible since they want to absolutely separate the AoS and TOW ranges. 

I don’t know for the manticore. STD already has a brand new mount option with the Krakadrak that kinda replaces the manticore for the chaos lord.

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8 hours ago, Grunbag said:

Any chance darkoath got a new wave of mini this edition and take the place of beast of chaos once they get definitely removed from AoS ? 

As far as we know Chorfs will take the slot of BoC in the Chaos grand alliance.

Design wise there was an hint/speculation of a new faction of “beasts of destruction”.

Time will tell ! 😉


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These TOW heroes will came later during the edition. It happens with all the FW games. We are still in the first phase of a FW game, next phase is a campaign book and start adding heroes and special units.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Will we start seeing silhouettes today? I guess if we see something from Nova it will be a SCE leak, considering how prominent they will bein the preview.

The lack of a countdown in Warcom makes me grow suspicious. GW itself doesnt seem very excited about this.

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11 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

How stupid. 

Damn silly choice of character to have rules for, then. 

I prefer this (I can always kitbash) than modern "no model, no rules". Very oldschool which is the point of TOW.

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Besides, people noticed that one of the Foot Knights looks like Wyrmslayer's art, you can make Thorgrimm out of the king from the shieldbearers kit + some book and Kiknik is just a Wolf Rider with a trophy rack and white wolf

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Just now, Nezzhil said:

So... If I understand correctly, it is a rework of the business Underworlds model what it is coming. And that was the reason of the Wintermaw season cancelation.

Yeah. All look into that. A new game model with minis integrated into AoS ala Warcry. That's why all the previous ones were moved into Legends. And I don't know if gameplay/ rules wise it will have a change as well. That's my bet.

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6 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Yeah. All look into that. A new game model with minis integrated into AoS ala Warcry. That's why all the previous ones were moved into Legends. And I don't know if gameplay/ rules wise it will have a change as well. That's my bet.

Emmm.... I doubt they would get integrated into AoS. That was one of the problems of the game, a mix of new things and proxies. The best approach is to be like Necromunda or BB.

Warcry and Kill Team for new units.

Underworlds and Necromunda to expand the universe without restrictions.

Edited by Nezzhil
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10 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

So... If I understand correctly, it is a rework of the business Underworlds model what it is coming. And that was the reason of the Wintermaw season cancelation.

Is that based on more received info? Are you convinced underworlds isn't getting cancelled? 

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1 minute ago, Chikout said:

Is that based on more received info? Are you convinced underworlds isn't getting cancelled? 

It is based on @Nighthaunt Noob info but without forgetting the real info that LGS are providing, that the actual Underworlds is not a mandatory game anymore.

I am trying to be open minded, I am an Underworlds collector since the first release. I will be sad if the game is cancelled, but I understand the reasons to do that.

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On 8/24/2024 at 4:41 AM, Nighthaunt Noob said:

Back with more rumors from the underworlds. I'm not good with emojis so I'll provide some verbal teasers instead.

- already previously shared that of course rats and the golden boys will be facing off

- a character will be lugging his "potbelly" around

- rawr

- evil gimlis aren't the only "herald" of something new we'll see; in fact there is a "herald" tie in with two other coming warbands

There's a couple other things in the pipeline - 1 chaos, 1 destruction

Going to throw out some guesses:

For Stormcast vs. Skaven, I am expecting Stormcast Ruination chamber vs. Clan Skryre or Moulder (since Skaven already had Verminus, Eshin and Pestilens-themed warbands).

Potbelly makes me think of a potbelly pig, so maybe an Ironjawz warband with a pig theme.

Rawr, IMO, suggests dinosaurs. Maybe Kroxigors?

Chaos Dwarves confirmation is nice. For their non-Duardin component, I could imagine Hobgrots, human "servants" or magical constructs. Maybe weird pets.

That leaves 3 more warbands if there are 8 this season. "Heralds" makes me think of all those heralds of the chaos gods that just got removed from the store, so maybe one of them will get a Chaos demon warband. I think it would have to be Nurgle or Khorne. Or maybe a Warband with one herald each for the four gods, if we are really lucky.

The only other Herald I can think of is the Knight-Heraldor, who might pop up in the Stormcast warband, although I don't believe it. Maybe, though, another warband has a connection to the "harbingers" from Dawnbringers.

For the missing Destruction warband, I would not expect Kruleboyz (just had a warband), Gitz (have a lot of warbands), or Sons of Behemat (I just think they would not be able to do it; they already struggle with Ogors in Underworlds). So that leaves Ogor Mawtribes or something unexpected. I hope it's the latter.

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Will we start seeing silhouettes today? I guess if we see something from Nova it will be a SCE leak, considering how prominent they will bein the preview.

I'm expecting a teaser article today. Hopefully with a preview of a new mini.

It should replace mini monday reveal with nova open so close.

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