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The Rumour Thread

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Better roadmap, plus the Stormcast in full HD:

Slaves To Darkness is the Chaos 'Tome.



The Slaves to Darkness will also get a new Spearhead box featuring the Darkoath Tribes – and this will be joined in 2025 by a Spearhead for the Orruk Warclans, and an army box and individual releases for the Gloomspite Gitz. As for the denizens of Death, we’ll have more news on them in good time. Nagash may be petty, but he is patient.




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1 minute ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Honestly the Lord Relictor is my favorite of all of them

the rest......eh it more Warrior chamber bloat and multiparts for models that honestly the original look better 

the griffon seem like the biggest disappointment because for something call a Morrgryph it just a plain griffon 

Yeah, Palladors and that guy could be CoS refreshments. IMO this confirms bye bye for the Griffin.

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1 minute ago, novakai said:

That was an amazing Roadmap, people can sure plan their purchasing around that chaos battletome coming out this year or the next Death and Destruction time in 2025 /s

I detect the tiniest hint of sarcasm. 

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well, I was expecting more from the new chamber, only 3 units of 3 models if we count the multipart reclusians is not a lot... 

nothing is ugly but most of minis were expected at this point, no real surprise apart for the terrain

Edited by Vagard
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