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27 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


I don't understand that this was removed for stormstrike palladors that aren't an improvement to the existing palladors in aesthetics or dynamics.



I also don't get why this had to be removed.


I would even say that even the old Extremis chamber looks better, because, while similarly not dynamic, the armour sells the "heavy cavalry" look better

Edited by michu
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Huh, spear head for Orruk Warclans? 

While KB already got one? Geez, and some wondered why some of us wanted IJ and KB to be separated... 

I hope swampy Boyz will get something coming along with the campaign book, because if not, looks like we won't even get a single mini this edition... 

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10 minutes ago, michu said:

I would even say that old Extremis chamber looks better, because while not dynamic, the armour sells the "heavy cavalry" look

I personally never liked the old Stormcast mounts. Any of them, really. That's a major improvement I see in the new Ruination stuff: The Gryph-Mounts all look really rad.

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Well have to say love all the models they have shown. I did expect more but suppose I built it up in my head.

Love the new terrain piece glad they are building on that again.

Was hoping for a refresh of the knight heraldor, lord castellant and lord ordinator. Does this mean they are leaving for good once discontinued 😔

See what the new army boxes look like too I imagine will mirror 40k army box with each battletome.

Hopefully the orruk warclan spearhead is a ironjawz one.

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23 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Huh, spear head for Orruk Warclans? 

While KB already got one? Geez, and some wondered why some of us wanted IJ and KB to be separated... 

I hope swampy Boyz will get something coming along with the campaign book, because if not, looks like we won't even get a single mini this edition... 

it’s IJ spearhead , kruleboyz will keep theirs 

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42 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

This was the worst one. "We are releasing stuff, and it will be tanks". 


Feels almost a joke considering that most of the HH release have been plastic Tanks over any other unit type

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2 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

I don't think the new Warclans Spearhead necessarily means we're getting a Warclans battletome with it. It's probably just plugging the current hole that's a lack of an Ironjawz specific Spearhead sooner rather than later.

Yeah , I think kruleboyz and ij share a faction pack because IJ didn’t had their spearhead box but once their spearhead will be released they will be split into 2 battletome

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I don't know, if an Ironjawz Spearhead is released under the Warclans branding for their packaging then I assume that means they'll be kept together in a battletome this edition.

It would be very weird to have to repackage a new Spearhead like that again when the battletome releases, after all.

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I would rank the different Stormcast mounts like this:



9: Dracoths
Don't like the head and proportions, too low to the ground?

Lord-Celestant on Dracoth

8. Tauralon
I like the body but the head and in particular the eyes kills it for me

Stormcast Eternals Aventis Firestrike D.O.

7. Stardrake
The body is fine but again don't like the head and the wings feel too small and tacked on

Lord Celestant auf Stardrake

6. Gryph Charger
Perfectly average to me. Nothering very bad but also nothing that great about it.


5. Morrgryph
Very much like it but kinda too basic for the centerpiece they should be


4. Pallador Gryph-stalkers?
Not sure if these are also supposed to be Gryph-Stalkers. They are very similar but have less feather than the Lord-Vigilant version as you can best see on the hind-legs. Still a great design though I think they don't fit this design of cavalry the best.


3. Dracolines
I really like them both how they look and the movement they convey. Everything else is looking like normal bird or standard depictions of dragons but these are great for trying something different. 

Easy to Build: Astreia Solbright, Lord-Arcanum

2. Gryph-stalker
I like this version with more feather more and also fits the Lord-Vigilant very well


1. Draconith 
Peak dragon design, finally flying and just all around the dragon cavalry I wanted for Stormcast since the first Dracoths

Stormdrake Guard


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3 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

I don't know, if an Ironjawz Spearhead is released under the Warclans branding for their packaging then I assume that means they'll be kept together in a battletome this edition.

It would be very weird to have to repackage a new Spearhead like that again when the battletome releases, after all.

Skaven are coming soon and they didn't repack anything, so It seems this edition we will not have a repack

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2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

What a dissapointed. I can't say I am impressed with the new Stormcast. So after the dragons became a SCE exclusive, now they also claim the griffons?

And when is this one designed? The dynamics feel wrong and static. The older palladors are so much more dynamic. 10 rfcfvbfhdhsVanguard-Palladors

The monday articles off the last couple of weeks were much better than this show. 

For AoS Skaven are the clear winner easily.

Quite honestly the poses look like a design for TOW.

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7 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Quite honestly the poses look like a design for TOW.

Yeah, but it bugs me that seemingly all cool creatures have to go to Stormcast. With the Griffon now in the SCE roster it is bad news for the CoS Griffon. Atleast they have the Manticore that's stolen from StD and which StD will probable lose with the new BT. Luckily there is still TOW, where you have loads of cool monsters to chose from as mount. Maybe with a bit of luck and a bit of retconnectibg they will add Elspeth von Draken to the Empire Arcane Journal..as I remember she is already very, very old when she appeared in Tamurkhan.

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I'm not sure what preview show you guys are talking about, sounds pretty useless. But the one I saw was awesome.

-I like the new Chorf models a lot. That guy holding up his finger is great.

-I really liked the Wolf Rider models they previewed, though I'm a little confused about whether that's going to be part of the same wave as the spider Spearhead.

-The Croneguard look awesome. May get me to pick up some DoK/start underworlds. It's going to be a rough 6 months to wait, though.

-I'm surprised they didn't mention Cities of Sigmar, but the timeline they gave pretty much confirms that rumor about the vampire musketeers being cross faction, since that's a death army sitting in the CoS window.

-Super jazzed by the Idoneth Crab Riders. And the Nurgle daemon warband looks fun to paint.

All in all, hyped by a clear set of expectations for the next 6 months with enough mystery about smaller releases to keep me looking for more reveals and that rapid fire rumor engine thing was awesome. I think I saw a giant squid for Idoneth, but it could have been a lot of other things...

What were your favorite parts?

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So after having slept on it, some initial thoughts.

This was arguably the worst preview they've ever done, especially at a major event. Felt really thin on the ground and if the only thing you have to me lion about a game system is 'they exist' why even bother.

I really like the new big bird. I kinda like the new cavalry but the guy with the lance looks ridiculously simple. Not sure these were worth getting rid of EvoCats for.

New Relictor is fine, still prefer the old one, but it's a good replacement. Not a fan of the new Celestant and the other bits are good without being noteworthy.

Not suprising to see Slaves up first. I wonder if the new Darkoath Spearhead will entirely replace the existing Chaos Warrior one? I do wonder how long support will stay for 'older' Spearhead boxes in general.

They've mentioned Orruk Warclans coming up, hopefully this means the army is getting split. Now we've shaken off the corpse of Bonesplitterz I think both the other Orkney factions would benefit from having their own space to work in.

Also, they seemed to hint at a change to how battletomes work. I hope there's something significant there because the current model really, really doesn't work for me.


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with the addition of 2 hero warscrolls (big crow, named big crow) and 2 units (side-palladors and 2h reclusians), plus 2 we already know are coming (azyros, named azyros) the stormcast BT is set to have 30 hero warscrolls and 25 units, if everything from the faction pack is carried over.

Apart from the evident problem with middle-management bloating, all those heroes are quite a sad state in an edition where you bring 2 or 3 in an army, with 1 or 2 being necessarily one of the (few) wizards the faction now has

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