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1 hour ago, Kempak said:

Well have to say love all the models they have shown. I did expect more but suppose I built it up in my head.

Love the new terrain piece glad they are building on that again.

Was hoping for a refresh of the knight heraldor, lord castellant and lord ordinator. Does this mean they are leaving for good once discontinued 😔

See what the new army boxes look like too I imagine will mirror 40k army box with each battletome.

Hopefully the orruk warclan spearhead is a ironjawz one.

Lord Ordinator is part of the Sacrosanct, so there are chances for that one at least if the Sacrosact comes back.

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1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

I don't think the new Warclans Spearhead necessarily means we're getting a Warclans battletome with it. It's probably just plugging the current hole that's a lack of an Ironjawz specific Spearhead sooner rather than later.

It would be weird if that is not the case. So far 40k has been a new battleforce, new combat patrol and codex.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It would be weird if that is not the case. So far 40k has been a new battleforce, new combat patrol and codex.

I think so too , at least we will be fixed on IJ and KB battletome in early 2025 in this case 

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21 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it is normal that they are more dynamic. They don't have all the restraint from the armour that the new ones are wearing.

Also, as I said, heavier gryphs :P

Except nothing sells the heavy cavalry look. The riders look very generic. Almost like Liberators which is not a heavy infantry. The gryphs look like they're on a stroll, not charging towards the enemy.

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The "roadmaps" only cover the next couple of months of releases. 

The next 40k release is going to be Krieg, most likely as a release box in November, with the rest of the range coming in January along with the Eldar. Big hints that swooping hawks will be getting a refresh. 

Why they decided to not do Thousand Sons to tie in with Space marine 2 is a bit strange, unless they are the hinted big release for Chaos with the rumoured automata. However it could also be World Eaters wave 2 or the enigmatic Emperor's children rumours. Past January next year nobody knows. 

Same thing for AOS. They have front loaded the releases after after SCE with 3 of the most popular factions, but post maybe Feb 2025 there's no clue as to what else is coming. I would guess that the next 3 releases for AOS will be pretty minor, with the exception of maybe GSG. 


Having the Empire before High elves is a suprise, and it's some nice hints that Nuln and maybe Lothern/Cothique will be Armies of renown. After them it says "more armies to come". Well we all know that's it's going to be Wood elves and Beastmen, so it's hardly a big mystery. 


It seems that GW heard that people want a road map, so decided to just release one covering the next 3-4 months, despite most fans wanting a roadmap covering a whole year, so they can plan their purchases better and have some idea what's coming for thier armies. 


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Yeah, well, fans wanting a yearly roadmap were already deceiving themselves by thinking GW would ever do that.

Mostly because economic and logistic situation right now is so explosive than trying to put even just months for a year plan is putting yourself in a corner that will only damage your reputation (and anger from fans who will say "but you said it would come out that month !!!") more for no gain at all.

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26 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

They are not a replacement. Just share the word Pallador.

We lost the evocators on dracolines for sculpts that look like there were sculpted a decade ago. The one with lance and shield is just ackward. A pointless addition.

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11 minutes ago, michu said:

Except nothing sells the heavy cavalry look. The riders look very generic. Almost like Liberators which is not a heavy infantry. The gryphs look like they're on a stroll, not charging towards the enemy.


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1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

with the addition of 2 hero warscrolls (big crow, named big crow) and 2 units (side-palladors and 2h reclusians), plus 2 we already know are coming (azyros, named azyros) the stormcast BT is set to have 30 hero warscrolls and 25 units, if everything from the faction pack is carried over.

Apart from the evident problem with middle-management bloating, all those heroes are quite a sad state in an edition where you bring 2 or 3 in an army, with 1 or 2 being necessarily one of the (few) wizards the faction now has

Agreed. If it's anything like SCE 3rd edition, there will be a couple of hero models that are just straight up better options then others, and the latter will just never see any play outside fun narrative games. 

It's not just a SCE problem. I play Lumineth and if you want to win, it's almost compulsory to take a Lord Regent and 2 units of dawnriders. Some conceptual cools units like the Caligrave don't even get a look in. 

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4 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Yeah, well, fans wanting a yearly roadmap were already deceiving themselves by thinking GW would ever do that.

Mostly because economic and logistic situation right now is so explosive than trying to put even just months for a year plan is putting yourself in a corner that will only damage your reputation (and anger from fans who will say "but you said it would come out that month !!!") more for no gain at all.

GW doesn't need to or have to put out a super detailed roadmap of what models are coming in which particular week of the month. All they need to do is a bigger version of what they have done previously.

Simply just saying "in Summer 2025 we are releasing XYZ battletomes and Y is getting a refresh, would be enough. That gives them some leway to account for shipping and logistics, whilst giving fans a decent timeframe. 

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43 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Yeah, I know, that's my point : if all Orruk Warclans are getting in 4th is a spearhead, since KB already got one, it means IJ will get theirs. And since a spearhead is the only thing orruk warclans are getting, it also means that KB will get done dirty. 

Si I hope we KB players get something new along the campaign book or within Warcry. 

If we follow the 40k pattern all BTs will receive a battleforce and a spearhead. And battleforces tend to have at least a new hero. Maybe both receive a battleforce.

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35 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Good question. I'm eager to get a Slaves Spearhead up and running, but I'll be livid if they abandon supporting it in favour of a Darkoath one (I like Chaos Warriors, I don't like the new Darkoaths)! 

I think they will be able to be played in Spearhead, but the Spearhead box will not be sold anymore.

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3 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

GW doesn't need to or have to put out a super detailed roadmap of what models are coming in which particular week of the month. All they need to do is a bigger version of what they have done previously.

Simply just saying "in Summer 2025 we are releasing XYZ battletomes and Y is getting a refresh, would be enough. That gives them some leway to account for shipping and logistics, whilst giving fans a decent timeframe. 

Except they failed to deliver on even such broad promise this year

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20 minutes ago, michu said:

Except nothing sells the heavy cavalry look. The riders look very generic. Almost like Liberators which is not a heavy infantry. The gryphs look like they're on a stroll, not charging towards the enemy.

Different tastes. For me it is the best of the wave, hehehe.

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3 minutes ago, michu said:

Except they failed to deliver on even such broad promise this year

Which is why they didn't do it in this one.

And that's why fans were deceiving themselves by asking GW to do it nonetheless.

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44 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Good question. I'm eager to get a Slaves Spearhead up and running, but I'll be livid if they abandon supporting it in favour of a Darkoath one (I like Chaos Warriors, I don't like the new Darkoaths)! 

WAIT WAIT : There will be more Spearhead for same factions !

Stormcast have/will have two ( dominion's one + new one from skaventide/starter set)

Skaven have/will have two  (old vanguard box + new one from skaventide/starter set)

Slaves have/will have two (current one + darkoath one)

Orruk warclans have/will have two ( current one with Kruleboyz + upcoming with Ironjawz)




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9 minutes ago, michu said:

Except they failed to deliver on even such broad promise this year

A 3 month gap for 2-3 armies isn't a huge ask. They could simply say "these are the factions we are planning on releasing next year, subject to change" as a disclaimer, and that's it. 

They most likely don't want to do that however, as the mystery of what's coming is great for marketing hype. 

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4 minutes ago, cyrus said:

WAIT WAIT : There will be more Spearhead for same factions !

Stormcast have/will have two ( dominion's one + new one from skaventide/starter set)

Skaven have/will have two  (old vanguard box + new one from skaventide/starter set)

Slaves have/will have two (current one + darkoath one)

Orruk warclans have/will have two ( current one with Kruleboyz + upcoming with Ironjawz)




But that's not a surprise, is it? Or do you mean that both will be for sale for both factions?

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4 minutes ago, cyrus said:

WAIT WAIT : There will be more Spearhead for same factions !

Hah, don't worry... I wasn't about to throw my Chaos Knights out of the pram! 

Yeah, I imagine there'll be multiple Spearheads for many factions in the future. I'd definitely like to see a Daemon-centered one for my Hedonites. 

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After a quick comparison, what a downgrade between 3rd ed ScE release and 4th... 

In 3rd we had brand new armors, refreshing units with a LOT of new minis (chariot, vanquishers, annihilators, vindictors, vigilors, protectors, stormdrakes and all the heroes including krondys and karazai)

This edition we had  nearly half the number of released units compared to V3 (liberators, reclusians, prosecutors, paladors, including 2 units already existing and half a chamber aka ruination which is not enough to do a full ruination army)

In the other have we have more heroes including many revamped ones and only 3 really new ones. Among all those 3 heroes, we have the lord terminos who have the useless priviledge to get 2 (3 with the sword) poses, wtf??

3rd edition was the edition of the fresh new stormcasts, dragons, big minis and a lot of new units. 

4th edition is the edition of revamped minis (not always better) and a half-filled new chamber with no diversity and no imagination or new concept at all. Reclusian are annihilators but just nearer to death, and new paladors are just vangard paladors with more armor. The morrgryph is the only "new" thing in the roaster, they just walked by so many cool ideas for ruination (lighning gheists at the top of the list, really disappointed to not see them)

Nothing is ugly in the new wave but honesty nothing makes me dreaming like 3rd ed wave did...

Edited by Vagard
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