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3 minutes ago, Vagard said:

to me the cloak was what defined the mini, maybe the lion head on the new mini is probably not that good

Yeah, that's what I didn't like ; it was defining it too much for a generic character. If it was a named character, I wouldn't mind.

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1 hour ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

So my best guesses based on my understanding of what they said 

Release roadmap (preorder date guesses)

7 september skaven 
14 September kill team 
21 Sept Bloodbowl chaos d
28 Sept warriors of chaos 2
5 Oct stormcast
12 Oct blood angels main release 
19 Oct aos narrative handbook 
26 Oct slaves to darkness 
November middle earth new edition 
December Krieg boxset


High elves 

Orruk warclans 
New gitmob gitz 

Eldar aspect warriors
Emperors children

as per @Elarin rumors

Skaven preorder is on 7th of September

Kill team is 21st of September

Stormcast is 28th of September 

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3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Yeah, but it bugs me that seemingly all cool creatures have to go to Stormcast. With the Griffon now in the SCE roster it is bad news for the CoS Griffon. Atleast they have the Manticore that's stolen from StD and which StD will probable lose with the new BT. Luckily there is still TOW, where you have loads of cool monsters to chose from as mount. Maybe with a bit of luck and a bit of retconnectibg they will add Elspeth von Draken to the Empire Arcane Journal..as I remember she is already very, very old when she appeared in Tamurkhan.

You are probably right.

Imo there’s nothing wrong with two factions having the same monsters/mounts but GW will probably disagree.

anyways, best griffon model ever hands down.

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11 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Don't know if anyone mentioned this so far, but

Alongside from the new releases, there are wider releases for several of the units which first appeared in Skaventide, such as the Liberators and Prosecutors, as well as the Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum who first appeared in the Dominion box three years ago, alongside the Stormcoven, who were originally part of Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow.

Looks like Underworlds warbands are back on the main game menu.

Yeah. Both SCE and Skavens have a warband returning. Hopefully we will know soon with the Skaven tome.

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7 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

I wonder why that warband returned. Putting all underworlds warbands into legends was a choice that made sense to me. (Giving models primarly made for other games legend only rules for AoS is sensible) so this feels really weird to me.

As a Spearhead player, I'm excited for a Darkoath Spearhead.

If I had to guess:

Underworlds had a bunch of legacy units that were never planned to be part of AoS proper. As I remember, in 2nd ed the Legions of Nagash FAQ even stated that the Sepulchral Guard were not a unit, but you could use them as variant sculpts for skeletons. I think the citadel studio wants to change this, and now properly want to treat underworlds units as AoS main game units, just like they have been doing with Warcry recently. To help facilitate this, I can see how they would want to draw a line so that they don't have the obligation to support a bunch of old and hard to get kits in the same way.

Warcry has kind of been doing the same thing by removing all of the first ed warbands from matched play and using 2nd ed to fill out the rosters of different factions.

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Man that Morrgryph rules, all time good griffon sculpt. Looks so alive and ready to lunge, with those watchful mad bird eyes. It’s wonderfully naturalistic and I say that as someone who really liked the deliberately stiff bombast and heraldic post of the plastic WHFB imperial griffon. 

Agreed that it doesn’t look very deathly/Morr-related/gothic compared to the Skaventide gryph-beasts. In Scottish or Irish though, its name would translate simple as “Great Gryph” or “Big Gryph”, which are certainly accurate terms…

Other Thunderstrike stuff is fine. The presence of the old Underworlds band is fun though! Like the pestilens Plague Pack, it’ll be interesting to see how they’re implemented. That fact that it’s these random two suggests that it’s quite deliberate, maybe to make SCE/skaven units in the same vein as the CoS Command Corps.

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11 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Funny people complain about the lack of quantity / quality in GW previews. It's not like this trend is new, it's been like this for quite a long time now.

They do that because the sole purpose of Warhammer Community is litterally about giving constant new / previews every day. What did you expect them to do, spoiling everything so that they have less content in their future articles ?

Even with that, there's something objectively wrong.

The Christmas Rumour Engines are normally resolved in the first half of the year, and we still have half of them pending.

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Stormcast collector since they were first released, my take:

  • Iridan the Witness - The rider is great, the position of the wings let it down. Outside the stormdrake guard, there seems to be an issue with wings on SCE kits - Krondys, Ionus and the Stormdrake both feature oddly turned in/out wings that look unnatural in my opinion. 7/10
  • Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph - is fine but the rider in particular is lacking in dynamism. An armoured gryph head option to mirror the palladors would have been a nice touch I think 6/10
  • Lord Celestant - regardless of the comparison to the old version (which I own), I do not like this model. It suffers the same issue as the Lord-Imperant in that it looks to me to be out of proportion which gives me a sense of uncanny valley. It's too tall and/or skinny, I think the head is too small and the waist too thin and the right arm is too high on the body. The head with hair is a better option than the one they've gone with on the dual-handed option, but I think that's because the hair gives it volume. The helmeted head wants to be more ornate. It doesn't appear to be overly heroic looking. 3/10
  • Lord Relictor - Is a fantastic model. 9/10
  • Lord-Terminos - is better than the version in Skaventide, which I think has the same issue as the Lord-Celestant in that the proportion are slightly off (tall and too thin). This one is much better proportioned. I think it's great, and I'd use it over the Lord-Celestant any day. 8/10
  • Reclusians - I'm a big fan of the Reclusian design in the Skaventide, where I thought the only limiting option was the fact that all 3 shared almost the exact same pose. This kits solves that issue for me and are therefore an upgrade. I really like them, and I like the appearance of the Stormsoul maces carrying over from the Paladins kits. Helmeted heads for me. 7/10
  • Stormstrike Palladors - seem like a pointless addition to the range, and the commentary seems to suggest that even the designers don't know what to do with them. I like the mounts, but I think the riders should either have been Reclusians, or carry over more of the design touches from the stormstrike chariot, notably the helmets. 5/10
  • Stormreach Portal - keeping it clean from the mild Slaaneshi thoughts I had when I first saw it, it's a solid design, looks great. Whether it's useful in the game remains to be seen given we already have Scions of the Storm, but as a model kit it's cool. 7/10.
  • Stormcast Eternals Battletome - the cover design is fine, but not terribly inspiring compared to some of the visuals from the 4th edition trailer, where the Reclusians were more imposing and dramatic. Not great, but not offensive. 5/10

I agree with what seems to be the majority of the crowd in that the roadmaps are awfully designed, confusing and not terribly inspiring. I sit in the camp where I'd prefer for them not to have done them at all. I very much enjoy logging onto warcom every week to see what's coming out next week and the surprise that generates. These are just vague and I think actually confuse the purchase journey.

The fact there is information missing - I missed completely there's a narrative book coming because I didn't watch the reveal show - is poor. I thought StD would be next, Abraxia will presumably get her individual release as part of that. 

Other than that, the rest of the preview show wasn't for me.

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11 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Funny people complain about the lack of quantity / quality in GW previews. It's not like this trend is new, it's been like this for quite a long time now.

They do that because the sole purpose of Warhammer Community is litterally about giving constant new / previews every day. What did you expect them to do, spoiling everything so that they have less content in their future articles ?

I mean... Yeah. A lot of previews are dissapointing, but we really seem to have entered a new low now. Spending ages on utterly pointless gabble about whats coming which amounted to nothing (and was more focussed on stuff already out) - with the actual roadmap image not even shown in a "roadmap show" is insane.

Even last year I feel that the previews were far better in quality. So it's not really about Warhammer Community, as that has been a constant for years, it's about the obvious decline in the preview shows which now don't even seem to be bothered with showing a roadmap picture.

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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Even with that, there's something objectively wrong.

No, it's just people don't understand the current economic situation (not just in UK, worldwide) mean projections in the future are uncertain at best and that GW is still not sure about the pace of production they'll be able to follow.

If they don't say much right now, it's mostly because they can't, not that they don't want to. And they still have Warhammer Community daily articles to keep the feed regular, anyway.

A preview show like this is a longtime anomaly with Warhammer Community around, when you think about it. It makes no sense to do them anymore. They just do their daily articles, that's plenty enough.

Edited by Sarouan
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22 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Imo there’s nothing wrong with two factions having the same monsters/mounts but GW will probably disagree.

I actually like it, it makes it feel like these factions exist in the same world with the same creatures.


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A new army box for Gits implies new models incoming, does it not? Its unclear to me if it is a spearhead box (labelled under that but not stated as spearhead box in the text). Does new army box also implies new battletome around that time for them?

spiderfang riders and perhaps a hero on spider would be the last models gitz would need a refresh on…

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5 hours ago, The Other Shrek said:

Given that they said aspects of the Eldar swooping in, we should expect at least Swooping Hawks.

Yes, and PLEASE, PLEASE give us some updated warp spiders - the monkey unit of 40k

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5 minutes ago, Silphid said:

A new army box for Gits implies new models incoming, does it not? Its unclear to me if it is a spearhead box (labelled under that but not stated as spearhead box in the text). Does new army box also implies new battletome around that time for them?

spiderfang riders and perhaps a hero on spider would be the last models gitz would need a refresh on…

Yeah. Army box is the kind of box we had lately with Seraphon, CoS and S2D. New minis and battletome included.

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8 minutes ago, Silphid said:

A new army box for Gits implies new models incoming, does it not? Its unclear to me if it is a spearhead box (labelled under that but not stated as spearhead box in the text). Does new army box also implies new battletome around that time for them?

spiderfang riders and perhaps a hero on spider would be the last models gitz would need a refresh on…

The same thing happen for Kroot

8 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I actually like it, it makes it feel like these factions exist in the same world with the same creatures.


This ^

It why i like TOW chaos warriors having chaos dragons, trolls and manticore because it IS the same animals of the world that been twisted by the energy of the chaos. There a explanation why this specific creature is in this army but there other faction with the same but bit diffrent armor or varients 

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24 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

No, it's just people don't understand the current economic situation (not just in UK, worldwide) mean projections in the future are uncertain at best and that GW is still not sure about the pace of production they'll be able to follow.

If they don't say much right now, it's mostly because they can't, not that they don't want to. And they still have Warhammer Community daily articles to keep the feed regular, anyway.

A preview show like this is a longtime anomaly with Warhammer Community around, when you think about it. It makes no sense to do them anymore. They just do their daily articles, that's plenty enough.

What exactly is the economic situation that affects GW? I hear that reasoning all the time as if it's a catch all term to excuse or explain decision making. 

GW are in the UKs FTSE 100, in annual performance they are doing better then global companies such as McDonalds. most of thier manufacturing is in the UK as they withdrawn a lot from China. They struggle to fulfill demand and keep their products in stock, but that seems to have improved recently and there is a 3rd factory being built.

I understand that even though Economic forecasts in the UK that say the British economy is doing well, In actuality it means City and Canary Wharf in London are doing well, but GW seem to be growing from strength to strength. 


I do agree though, that live shows are redundant. Maybe 10 years ago they were great for marketing, but when you can just post on Warcom and Social media, it's a bit redundant now. 

Edited by AquaRegis
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I appreciate alot of the wider community are upset by the lack of reveals, but current reveals that aren’t released are now: Skaven, Stormcast, Kill team, and blood bowl, that gives us 4 weeks of releases, and around mid October there will be the Warhammer Day/Anniversary reveal, where we will get to see more model, so these reveals will walk us right into that preview, I’m quite content with what they revealed and the interviews were so reminiscent of the old Open days where they gave insight into the future and etc 

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53 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

The old pose wasn't especially that great, though.

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I think it has more to do with the fact it's a girl.

I'm happy they got rid of that hammer cloak (and likely we won't have that silly "throwing small hammer range attack" rule anymore).


I do love me some female stormcast. It's really nice to see some non cheesecake options. I think they've been doing pretty well on that front. I'm just hoping the eventual DoK refresh is good. I like almost everything about that army but the basic troops. 

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