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26 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

I say this the biggest issue i have for SCE now is that massively bloated the Warrior chamber with models like they didn't need a pallador unit when Extremists, Vanguard and Warrior chamber already have a calv unit

The ruination chamber feel really directionless but i save that rant later

I think this is just a previous move to a future trim for both Vanguard and Extremis in the 5th and 6th editions.

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1 hour ago, AquaRegis said:

What exactly is the economic situation that affects GW? I hear that reasoning all the time as if it's a catch all term to excuse or explain decision making.

Change of government in UK with projections of social unrests, instability in Europe with the war between Ukraine and Russia escalading, fears of what the US election will bring about in the end of the year and what it means for world wide stability, instability in middle east, China economical issues...also trouble with logistics around the world that is still not resolved, price of materials needed to make GW products keeping to rise, climate change keeps getting worse, and so on...

Just watch the news. Depressing, but instructive to understand why GW is careful for the future.

Of course GW would love to release more miniatures faster. What, you think they enjoy pushing that lot of future products in 2025 ?

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

GW are publicly listed company. They can probably limit the information on the future plans as long as the numbers align, but some sort of roadmaps is unavoidable in the long run.

Anyway... Is it unreasonable to expect rather precise release schedule for the next 6 months from a company of such size? As for the "worldwide uncertainty" and "current economic situation" arguments - c'mon, we are talking about the company established in one of the world's strongest economies, holding a (nigh) monopoly position in the sector. And people are not asking for their strategic plans for the next 3 or 5 years, either.

Miniature production isn't patching a video game with an update downloadable online. It asks for far more ressources and preparation.

Roadmaps are a stupidity taken from the video game industry. It works there for a reason, that doesn't mean it applies the same for miniature wargames.

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26 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

Apparently the Lord Terminos also uses They/Them pronouns in the Skaventide Novel. It supposedly has more to do with the part of their role which is to be unknowable, rather than representation

Ah I see, fitting to be honest. 

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54 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

You mean an overbloated, unnecessary addition to the setting? We don’t need 12 bloody factions that are essentially the same faction wearing funny hats. 

Yeah... Especially when they had such an obvious route for more interesting things with degraded Stormcast. Like, where are the lightning gheists? As I recall they are incredibly destructive so they would be perfect for the Ruination chamber....

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2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

You are probably right.

Imo there’s nothing wrong with two factions having the same monsters/mounts but GW will probably disagree.

anyways, best griffon model ever hands down.


1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

The same thing happen for Kroot

This ^

It why i like TOW chaos warriors having chaos dragons, trolls and manticore because it IS the same animals of the world that been twisted by the energy of the chaos. There a explanation why this specific creature is in this army but there other faction with the same but bit diffrent armor or varients 

Imo, there should be mounts that are based on alliance instead of faction. But this will never happen as it is do dangerous for their precious balance. Luckly in TOW you have loads of different mount options.

1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

If you ever get stressed or sad about your performances at work, remember : there is someone at GW who greenlit these "roadmaps" to be shown at a public event. The fact these were made by "professionnals" is baffling. I've seen interns do better jobs at presentation than this (I know this, I was the intern).

Brilliant! Completely agree.

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9 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Miniature production isn't patching a video game with an update downloadable online. It asks for far more ressources and preparation.

Roadmaps are a stupidity taken from the video game industry. It works there for a reason, that doesn't mean it applies the same for miniature wargames.

Doesn't GW have most of its stuff prepared a year or so in advance? And also all it needs (as with most viedogame roadmaps) is a "subject to change" disclaimer with an explanation that sometimes things have to be delayed.

Also I would say that roadmaps are even more useful for something like Warhammer than in videogames. Warhammer is a massive sink of both time and money, and having an idea of what's around the corner allows people to plan what they want to do.

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2 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Yeah... Especially when they had such an obvious route for more interesting things with degraded Stormcast. Like, where are the lightning gheists? As I recall they are incredibly destructive so they would be perfect for the Ruination chamber....

I actually don't like the idea of a Lightning Gheist as a Stormcast unit. IMO, it doesn't fit the fairly noble characterization of the Stormcast. It would kind of be like using someone's soul as a bomb.

Also, I don't like it that much because GW sculpted lightning looks very not good.

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2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I actually don't like the idea of a Lightning Gheist as a Stormcast unit.

I agree with this. 

My understanding from the lore was a lightning gheist was trying to escape reforging which is why they have guards are stuff for the process to stop them running away. Always seemed like they'd make more sense for a Nighthaunt unit to me.

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3 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Doesn't GW have most of its stuff prepared a year or so in advance? And also all it needs (as with most viedogame roadmaps) is a "subject to change" disclaimer with an explanation that sometimes things have to be delayed.

Also I would say that roadmaps are even more useful for something like Warhammer than in videogames. Warhammer is a massive sink of both time and money, and having an idea of what's around the corner allows people to plan what they want to do.

People don't care about disclaimers, they only remember the roadmap picture. And they will rage about that if what they think are the deadlines are missed. And if you think it's just a matter of pushing a button to load everything in trucks on release day, you're gravely mistaken about how miniature production actually works and is delivered.

As for the rest, like I said before, you can't build and paint models that aren't available yet. And rules are in effect only when they're out too. You can only plan on what is present at the moment, not a vague notion somewhere in 2025 that won't help you anyway.

Same for the video games : you play the current version that's available, not the one that would be coming in the future. You enjoy the present, not the future that doesn't exist yet.

Roadmaps are just made for marketing / hype purposes. People can always find justification about their use from the point of view as a customer, sure, but TBH, it's just that : justification. It has no real practical application to your Hobby, in reality. Either you already have the miniatures available or you don't - and for the rules, we all know a roadmap is never about revealing what will be the new ones anyway.

What do you think we did in the age where roadmaps didn't exist ? Yep, we still built, painted and collect armies, just the ones we could at the time. It's the journey that counts, not really the end.

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12 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Doesn't GW have most of its stuff prepared a year or so in advance? And also all it needs (as with most viedogame roadmaps) is a "subject to change" disclaimer with an explanation that sometimes things have to be delayed.

Also I would say that roadmaps are even more useful for something like Warhammer than in videogames. Warhammer is a massive sink of both time and money, and having an idea of what's around the corner allows people to plan what they want to do.

The shouldn't have bothered with doing those weak roadmaps. It's only causing frustration.

After seeing those roadmaps and what will come for 40K, 30K, TOW and even AoS for the next 4 months it will be very interesting to see the financial report for june 2024 to the end of november. I predict a decline.

If GW didn't show those sad excuses that they call roadmaps there would have been more hype than there is now. Unbelievable how this was given the greenlit. 

Edited by Tonhel
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11 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I actually don't like the idea of a Lightning Gheist as a Stormcast unit. IMO, it doesn't fit the fairly noble characterization of the Stormcast. It would kind of be like using someone's soul as a bomb.

Also, I don't like it that much because GW sculpted lightning looks very not good.

Same. It would likely be visually inconsistent with the rest of the range, and you can’t actually control a lightning gheist. The Stormcast would never field them. 

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Lighning gheist could have add depth to ScE range and lore. The "fairly noble characterization of the Stormcast" is gone with the ruination chamber, they even kill each other now if you read the new caracter lore ! 

Their lore is going more grim and deep, I like it but this does not goes through the minis enough to me

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Just now, Vagard said:

Lighning gheist could have add depth to ScE range and lore. The "fairly noble characterization of the Stormcast" is gone with the ruination chamber, they even kill each other now if you read the new caracter lore ! 

Their lore is going more grim and deep, I like it but this does not goes through the minis enough to me

I disagree with that, I think the new lore treats the idea that Ruination members are trying their hardest to cling to their sense of self and that they are making a huge sacrifice by going into battle again, knowing full well that if they die their soul might be completely destroyed (in a world where afterlives are confirmed), with a huge amount of gravity. Everyone involved seems to view it as an incredible act of heroism.

I could see, however, something like a Ruination manifestation lore that incorporates Lighting Gheists in a way that treats their presence with a similar amount of respect.

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30 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Change of government in UK with projections of social unrests, instability in Europe with the war between Ukraine and Russia escalading, fears of what the US election will bring about in the end of the year and what it means for world wide stability, instability in middle east, China economical issues...also trouble with logistics around the world that is still not resolved, price of materials needed to make GW products keeping to rise, climate change keeps getting worse, and so on...

Just watch the news. Depressing, but instructive to understand why GW is careful for the future.

Of course GW would love to release more miniatures faster. What, you think they enjoy pushing that lot of future products in 2025 ?

None of those things with the exception of logistics, production and energy costs affect GW. 

A couple of Riots in the UK do not affect GW and neither does the US election, with the exception of potential Tarif policy. That withstanding the UK is in a good position to get a good trade deal with the USA. Climate change has no affect on a model company, with the exception of policies create by governments to address it. 

As an investor driven company GW are going to b paying far more attention to market trends and spending habits of consumers. Example being the surge during covid and the slight drop after, or the annual boost around Christmas. 

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29 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

A different armour. I said it xD

Yep and I’m asking you to expand on that. Clearly you have an idea how to fix the representation issue within the hobby scene and I’m asking you to enlighten us 

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Personally can't wait for 5th edition Stormcast and the opening of the Logister chamber, with the range bolstered by Battle-accountants and a new range of Gryph-couriers, supported by a new Celestar Storm-abacus kit with moving beads so you can count the number of dead dark elves that'll be in the launch box alongside them. 

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Lightning Gheists could be used as the story evolved (direly) against Sigmar's interests. I think the main obstacle, other than ethics, is that Gheists are uncontrollable beings that blindly destroy everything around. Not sure you want to have such a thing wrecking havoc in your own army as much as in enemy lines.

Feels like it's a perfect miniature to release a bit later, not just at the beginning of the skaventide events.

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11 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

I don't get the saltiness ?? Great show !!!

Stromcast are 11/10 ! Stormstrike Palladors, Multipart Reclusians with Memorians, LORD RELICTOR !

Also :

Complete. Azyrite. Art Deco. Building. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Our Roadmap is also fine, probably the best one ?

  • Slaves to Darkness BT + Darkoath Spearhead in 2024
  • Destruction BT with Spearhead for Warclan and Gloomspite : individual releases meaning Gitmob most probably early next year
  • Narrative Book in 2024
  • Death book early 2025

ToW is fine too (even if they mention Kislev and Siege of Praag being far off...) : 

  • Empire
  • High Elves with Merwyrm !

Confirmations that : 

  • HH/LI is more everything in plastic 
  • 40k is getting AT LAST something Chaos in 2025 - probably Emperor's Children (and Death Korps, very nice, Aeldari and Imperial Knight ok)
  • UW and Warcry are alive and kicking - at least the former with releases in 2024 still !

Thanks for recap !

Narrative book 2024 !!!!

So I reported a couple of time a rumors back in march saying that : " Nagash will be back and take his revenge over Skaven "

Same rumours mentioned Nagash and Sigmar having a "non belligerent pact" and Skaven invented a war machine could destroy targets soul and Nagash being mad about this.

What do you think ?

From tonight preview :


As for the denizens of Death, we’ll have more news on them in good time. Nagash may be petty, but he is patient.


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1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

Miniature production isn't patching a video game with an update downloadable online. It asks for far more ressources and preparation.

Roadmaps are a stupidity taken from the video game industry. It works there for a reason, that doesn't mean it applies the same for miniature wargames.

I was under the impression that brands such as Magic: The Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons also publish roadmaps (release schedules). And they can stick to them, despite the necessity to produce the physical products and ship them worldwide. I've also visited the Bandai Gunpla site and, rather conveniently, the first information I've found is the list of 18 kits to be released in the first quarter of 2025.

We have also all heard the stories of how GW plans and works years in advance. Like, you know, right now they are allegedly playtesting the AoS 5th edition rules and working on Idoneth wave 3. This lead me to believe that their roadmaps (especially when talking approx. 6 months in advance) are referring to products that are, to a large extent, already produced, packed and waiting in the warehouse. 


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I know this is going to shock people. But I didn't like the preview. Here's my initial reactions.

Iridan - The rider is good. Ominous and I like the mail coif robe. Downside. The silhouette on that griffin made me think it was a bull taurus from the front and then its wings looks like belthanos grasshopper from the side. O audibly said "that silhouette is terrible."

Lord vigilant - riders not as cool. Mounts pose is better. Really improves the silhouette. Has nothing to do with Morr unless he's now the God of all birds in which case it could have been a flamingo.

Lord celestant - This one is a surprise to me because even with the thunderstrike army I think that female stormcast have cooler proportions than the male versions but this one is just... wrong somehow. Something to do with the legs or the arms idk. Too skinny but also top heavy? I can't tell but it's wrong.

Lord replicator - actually great. Wouldn't change a thing. Maybe a different weapon option would be nice.

Lord terminos - with Helm and sword. Cool. Fine. Good mini. But what on earth is that axe? It looks terrible.

Reclusians - don't look any better than the push fit ones. Still appear to be 2 with the same leg pose per 3

Palladors - at a glance I literally thought these were just the other palladors.  Why have they done this?

Portal - cool I was right about them getting terrain (hinted by white Dwarf rules) but this is pretty uninspired. You could make this out of a cardboard cereal box and save the 60 bucks it'll cost.

Road map - Absolute lowlights of the show. Regardless of what information it provides (or more accurately doesn't) its just a crime against graphic design.  "If you'll just follow this yellow line it will guide your eye around the infographic and... why are to reading bottom to top on the right side? The yellow line? No it only applies on the left hand side obviously!"

Like sigmarite said.  I've seen better graphics from interns and in fact have never seen a worse one in real life.  Pitiful for a company of this size to put out something that rushed. 


All in all this makes it look like the miniature side of the business is floundering "uhhh sorry we can't confirm anything with any accuracy at all" what? 

Meanwhile the company is turning record profits which is clearly going to... Amazon deals? Idk what's going on at GW but I don't like it. Again to nobody's surprise. 

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