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53 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

What do you think we did in the age where roadmaps didn't exist ? Yep, we still built, painted and collect armies, just the ones we could at the time. It's the journey that counts, not really the end.

GW being more transparent with their plans is a good thing. I enjoy an overview on what's coming and it isn't just hype, it gives a look inside of what's going on which X or Y system/faction/lore which I'm interested in. In thing regard you are wrong in claiming there's no practical application because I do make plans because my time is precious to me.


1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

Doesn't GW have most of its stuff prepared a year or so in advance? And also all it needs (as with most viedogame roadmaps) is a "subject to change" disclaimer with an explanation that sometimes things have to be delayed.

Also I would say that roadmaps are even more useful for something like Warhammer than in videogames. Warhammer is a massive sink of both time and money, and having an idea of what's around the corner allows people to plan what they want to do.


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1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

People don't care about disclaimers, they only remember the roadmap picture. And they will rage about that if what they think are the deadlines are missed. And if you think it's just a matter of pushing a button to load everything in trucks on release day, you're gravely mistaken about how miniature production actually works and is delivered.

As for the rest, like I said before, you can't build and paint models that aren't available yet. And rules are in effect only when they're out too. You can only plan on what is present at the moment, not a vague notion somewhere in 2025 that won't help you anyway.

Same for the video games : you play the current version that's available, not the one that would be coming in the future. You enjoy the present, not the future that doesn't exist yet.

Roadmaps are just made for marketing / hype purposes. People can always find justification about their use from the point of view as a customer, sure, but TBH, it's just that : justification. It has no real practical application to your Hobby, in reality. Either you already have the miniatures available or you don't - and for the rules, we all know a roadmap is never about revealing what will be the new ones anyway.

What do you think we did in the age where roadmaps didn't exist ? Yep, we still built, painted and collect armies, just the ones we could at the time. It's the journey that counts, not really the end.

Roadmap, as a concept, and not just talking about these ones from GW, are made purely for planning. GW would use them for planning work, us for planning purchases or whatever. But that's their sole purpose.

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Roadmaps are a business and project tool and are business type / project type agnostic.
This dissonant topic is getting so boring and swerving from the point of the thread. Just stop engaging in the direct discussion.

On the actual topic, I am interested in how much / if this Morrda theme will evolve further and where it will go. Good guy death incoming in a few cycles?

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Just now, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Roadmaps are a business and project tool and are business type / project type agnostic.
This dissonant topic is getting so boring and swerving from the point of the thread. Just stop engaging in the direct discussion.

On the actual topic, I am interested in how much / if this Morrda theme will evolve further and where it will go. Good guy death incoming in a few cycles?

I would not dislike if they developed the characterization Nagash as fractured entity more by revealing that he also has a Morrda aspect that helps the GA: Order factions that he usually opposes.

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1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would not dislike if they developed the characterization Nagash as fractured entity more by revealing that he also has a Morrda aspect that helps the GA: Order factions that he usually opposes.

This would be awesome! All the consumed death gods fracturing off him would set up some interesting faction opportunities and god level interplay in the lore.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I disagree with that, I think the new lore treats the idea that Ruination members are trying their hardest to cling to their sense of self and that they are making a huge sacrifice by going into battle again, knowing full well that if they die their soul might be completely destroyed (in a world where afterlives are confirmed), with a huge amount of gravity. Everyone involved seems to view it as an incredible act of heroism.

I could see, however, something like a Ruination manifestation lore that incorporates Lighting Gheists in a way that treats their presence with a similar amount of respect.

We still have this:


But I doubt it is SCE now.

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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

Yep and I’m asking you to expand on that. Clearly you have an idea how to fix the representation issue within the hobby scene and I’m asking you to enlighten us 

We have two "body types" represented with the current armour. Male and female. That covers some representations, but not all of them. Give new armours that mix both facets. In a simple way and as a plane example, a female top and a male bottom, or a male body and a female head/ helmet.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, Starfyre said:

Personally can't wait for 5th edition Stormcast and the opening of the Logister chamber, with the range bolstered by Battle-accountants and a new range of Gryph-couriers, supported by a new Celestar Storm-abacus kit with moving beads so you can count the number of dead dark elves that'll be in the launch box alongside them. 

We are close to that. We now have Memorians. The next step, when the Logister Chamber opens, would be SCE with companion accountants, HR guys, and all that kind of Azyrites.

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13 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

So our two options for the griffin is Grim Reaper or Spear Boi, both look amazing imo. @MitGas! Think we can kitbash him into a Tzeentch lord?

I guess you could use him as a stand-in for a sorcerer lord on manticore? Which you can‘t field in DoT anymore though… 

Let‘s hope GW brings out our own mortal stuff soon. I feel like those new Stormcast mixed with the Curseling would make for pretty perfect Tzeentchian designs. I do like the sleeves they got, they remind me of Ahriman, and I like the tabards with a coat/skirt look.

I think the Skeletor dude is great but overall there‘s nothing in there I‘ll get unless I get an idea for a kitbash… but then there‘s the crippling problem that I don‘t have anything to use them as as I don‘t wanna play Slaves. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I really hope GW will throw us not just a bone but a whole skeleton this edition. ✌️


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46 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Thanks for recap !

Narrative book 2024 !!!!

So I reported a couple of time a rumors back in march saying that : " Nagash will be back and take his revenge over Skaven "

Same rumours mentioned Nagash and Sigmar having a "non belligerent pact" and Skaven invented a war machine could destroy targets soul and Nagash being mad about this.

What do you think ?

From tonight preview :


IMO the quote just refers to the 6th BT, the unknown Death one.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

We are close to that. We now have Memorians. The next step, when the Logister Chamber opens, would be SCE with companion accounts, HR guys, and all that kind of Azyrites.

That's where the Sacrosanct are. HR.

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On 8/28/2024 at 4:17 PM, Garrac said:

First replenish the stock on the endless spells of my faction, then start thinking about doing more.

Well, I can't believe my own eyes, they're FINALLY available again!!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!


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26 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Roadmaps are a business and project tool and are business type / project type agnostic.
This dissonant topic is getting so boring and swerving from the point of the thread. Just stop engaging in the direct discussion.

On the actual topic, I am interested in how much / if this Morrda theme will evolve further and where it will go. Good guy death incoming in a few cycles?

In fact, with the rumours about Zenestra being a death god, this, the snake from SBGL... death is moving a lot around different gods lately.

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

We are close to that. We now have Memorians. The next step, when the Logister Chamber opens, would be SCE with companion accounts, HR guys, and all that kind of Azyrites.

A Space Hulk style release with Stormcast Logister characters trying to reclaim an ancient lost Sigmarite temple filled with ancient lore could be pretty awesome.

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9 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Well, I can't believe my own eyes, they're FINALLY available again!!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!


Buy them before they run out of stock again!

Also, it can be a signal for the Skavens release this Sunday!

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would not dislike if they developed the characterization Nagash as fractured entity

I’d go even further: The Undying King isn’t even THE Nagash, just a particularly powerful fragment of the ACTUAL Nagash who is a horrifying, malevolent eldritch amalgam lurking below the physical plane of Shyish. The Undying King is little more than a mouthpiece for the actual Nagash entity, whose goals change and shift based entirely on what “aspect” it is in, ranging from primacy in worship and only punishing those who seek eternal life to total extinction of all life and eternal torture for anything that lived, and the other parts will attempt to see their agenda become the dominant force. 

By entering the Nadir, the Undying King is essentially getting exposed to the full force of Nagash’s power, and communes directly with the part that is his “benefactor”. Morrda is simply a manifestation of the fragment of Nagash that was formed when Nagash ate Morr, and when Nagash-Morr is ascendant, so is Morrda. All are one in Nagash, except Nagash himself is legion. 

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8 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I’d go even further: The Undying King isn’t even THE Nagash, just a particularly powerful fragment of the ACTUAL Nagash who is a horrifying, malevolent eldritch amalgam lurking below the physical plane of Shyish. The Undying King is little more than a mouthpiece for the actual Nagash entity, whose goals change and shift based entirely on what “aspect” it is in, ranging from primacy in worship and only punishing those who seek eternal life to total extinction of all life and eternal torture for anything that lived, and the other parts will attempt to see their agenda become the dominant force. 

By entering the Nadir, the Undying King is essentially getting exposed to the full force of Nagash’s power, and communes directly with the part that is his “benefactor”. Morrda is simply a manifestation of the fragment of Nagash that was formed when Nagash ate Morr, and when Nagash-Morr is ascendant, so is Morrda. All are one in Nagash, except Nagash himself is legion. 

This is why I want more takes on the faiths of the realms. Like I can imagine a purely materalist take on the gods that see their embodiments as the literal totality of their faith meanwhile another faith might see the physical manifestation of the god as nothing but an aspect of a greater abstract entity.  

Edited by Neverchosen
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