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3 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

We have the RE that is 100% some kind of Gitmob wolf (either a big one or the armour is more decorated than the regular riders)


And Whitefang teased armoured troggoths a while back.

There's also the fact that Spiderfang still very much exist in the setting too so there's stuff they could update or add for them too, even if I'm sure this box will be Gitmob focused.

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

my thoughts as a Stormcasty:

Overall: Not a fan of the increasing amount of capes, scrolls, and various greebles. I can no longer defend Stormcast as a consistent launch box choice for ease of painting and building. I am a fan of Ruination being a smaller chamber; it should not have every battlefield role for what it is narratively. Very confused why everyone thinks the new Palladors AREN'T vanguard when they were announced that way.


Iridan: Worst part of this model is they're another Hammers of Sigmar character, when I thought Hallowed Knights would actually get some love this edition... great to see a Grim Reaper style hero with more of the cool braziers, the gryph probably should've been painted more like a corvid but i'm not too upset. it is quite literally a More-gryph and it LOOKS good. A generic version is icing on this cake.

Lord-Celestant: I can agree the pose feels strange, and the lion skin does cause a slight proportion issue, but it is still overall better than the old Celestant by far. Also gives us an official Sigrun from Realms of Ruin. I like it enough that I'd finally consider having a LC in my army.

Lord-Relictor: Literal 11/10 model for me, it even got less scrolls than the old one 😂the breastplate being ribs?? I could kiss this sculptor(s) for real.

Lord-Termin-dos: now that I've seen it, we should've expected this with the original sharing a sprue. Not as much a fan as the stoic standing pose, but it does give a more Lordly feel for being a regiment leader/general.

Reclusians: expected of course, I love the design of the 2h mauls but these models are still overdetailed for me. They also make me wish Annihilators had released in 5s not 3s. I think we'll see double axe build for them in their article. More memoriams is super good regardless.

Stormstrike Palladors: I really need to see all of the build types and 360 angles on them. I want to love them, but the lance pose does look weirdly flat and it sucks to have to paint both barding and capes. Suffers heavily from the 3-model cav issue of needing to be reinforced to see the command AND weapon loadouts. Going to call these having amazing synergy with the og Palladors to prove they're not a replacement. So far I only Like them; solid narrative evolution and individually I enjoy the riders and mounts.

Stormreach Portal: I'm more curious about this one narratively and rules wise. Does this make us less elite if we get guaranteed reinforcements? It certainly feels like a consolation prize against the MW spam we still suck against. Neat little building.

Battletome: Another awkward swinging-weapon pose and the art makes that dang crotch sword look even worse. I was hoping we'd actually get Hallowed Knights for once... cannot believe that was ONLY for the Vermintide launch :| Biggest disappointment by far. And they're gonna want 60 bucks for it I'm sure.

Overall: the additions/refreshes make a lot of sense. I'm now on Team "lightning gheist units probably don't fit narratively"--HOWEVER, I do still think Vandus is coming, which makes me think Stormcast might get a tiny wave before 5e.

Roadmap: I'm hoping the "army boxes" mentioned have a Spearhead built into them and do not require extraneous purchases to create one. Death being "more to be announced" makes me hope Nagash will take his revenge on Skaven for the Necroquake!!!

I do agree with you about how little the ruination chamber especially coming how most of it bulk are just warrior chamber that tranfer over (Relictor, Veritant, Prosecutors ect.)

The lighting ghiest still works if they do it in a away of a righteous Dreadnought vibe of a hero who reach the breaking point but still serve the greater good

The entire edition battletome is going to be like that as shown with 40k 10th edition

7 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

We have the RE that is 100% some kind of Gitmob wolf (either a big one or the armour is more decorated than the regular riders)


And Whitefang teased armoured troggoths a while back.

Did he or was it discussion about it beacuse the armor troggoth did appear in the Dawnbringer short where they guarded Skraggrot

1 minute ago, EonChao said:

There's also the fact that Spiderfang still very much exist in the setting too so there's stuff they could update or add for them too, even if I'm sure this box will be Gitmob focused.

I don't know spiderfang are going the way of the Bonesplitterz but yet to be seen who know mabye the Gitmob will be riding giant scorpions

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13 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

To me having a narrative book so soon after the release is something significant! Hopefully we start to get them more often.

Couldnt agree more. Id rather a Narrative book every 6 months throughout the Edition then smashing them all out at the end.

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18 minutes ago, EonChao said:

There's also the fact that Spiderfang still very much exist in the setting too so there's stuff they could update or add for them too, even if I'm sure this box will be Gitmob focused.

Existing in the setting is not a problem for GW to remove stuff, and Spiderfang is losing members slowly, and also they have super poor rules + are featured in ToW. Doesn't look bright for them.

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3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Couldnt agree more. Id rather a Narrative book every 6 months throughout the Edition then smashing them all out at the end.

Has anyone here bought Pariah Nexus? That would be equivalent to our upcoming Narrative book, IIRC. Was it good? Was it focused just on Necrons and Admech (I think it was released at the same time as Necrons and Admech)?

Warhammer 40000: Pariah Nexus (Inglés)

If it is somehow similar our book could be focused on S2D.

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21 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Has anyone here bought Pariah Nexus? That would be equivalent to our upcoming Narrative book, IIRC. Was it good? Was it focused just on Necrons and Admech (I think it was released at the same time as Necrons and Admech)?

Warhammer 40000: Pariah Nexus (Inglés)

If it is somehow similar our book could be focused on S2D.

It was a pick up from last edition plot of the Pariah nexus with the imperium making a crack to get into the necron sector

Silent king and Crawl began to throw super weapons at each other which cause the necron to respect the silent king less as he "getting on the inferior level" giving Stormlord more support

The doomsday technology D-measuring attracted Vashtorr to show up at the end teleporting with Wormwood claiming he has big plans

Overall not bad it felt like the writter wanted to play with Crawl and Silent king toys with it but again it just picking up the 9th edition plot that got forgottenby the time of Ark of Omen. Most is retreading it and explain what happen and what the nexus is tho

Narratively the waekest link is the end just beacuse it shoving the Vashtorr return at the end for no other beacuse they want this character back in the narrative after they randomly poochie him at the end of Ark of Omen (despite the whole point of that campaign being him taking a super weapon)

Comming how GW has left the ear of the beast behind to focus on the Hour of ruin im sure they focus more on the gnaw. Maybe on another front like the central front where fyreslayer, cos and Stormcast are joining together to reclaim lost Magmaholds? Or could be what happening in another realm like ghyran 

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47 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Existing in the setting is not a problem for GW to remove stuff, and Spiderfang is losing members slowly, and also they have super poor rules + are featured in ToW. Doesn't look bright for them.

Wolfriders, wolf chariots and a special character on a big wolf also exits in TOW, so I don't think in this case it's an argument against spiderfang expanding in AoS.

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7 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

It was a pick up from last edition plot of the Pariah nexus with the imperium making a crack to get into the necron sector

Silent king and Crawl began to throw super weapons at each other which cause the necron to respect the silent king less as he "getting on the inferior level" giving Stormlord more support

The doomsday technology D-measuring attracted Vashtorr to show up at the end teleporting with Wormwood claiming he has big plans

Overall not bad it felt like the writter wanted to play with Crawl and Silent king toys with it but again it just picking up the 9th edition plot that got forgottenby the time of Ark of Omen. Most is retreading it and explain what happen and what the nexus is tho

Narratively the waekest link is the end just beacuse it shoving the Vashtorr return at the end for no other beacuse they want this character back in the narrative after they randomly poochie him at the end of Ark of Omen (despite the whole point of that campaign being him taking a super weapon)

Comming how GW has left the ear of the beast behind to focus on the Hour of ruin im sure they focus more on the gnaw. Maybe on another front like the central front where fyreslayer, cos and Stormcast are joining together to reclaim lost Magmaholds? Or could be what happening in another realm like ghyran 

The thing is that it seems to be tied to the codex that got released, so if the same pattern is followed our book would be tied to Slaves.

Maybe a follow-up from Abraxia's plot and Hammerhall's siege?

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I don't know if this was already posted but it was confirmed that these are indeed new palladors and not replacements for Vanguard ones. Tbh even when talking about them in the stream the way they said what they do in game did not sound the same as Vanguard ones.




Edited by Vaellas
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Just now, Tonhel said:

Wolfriders, wolf chariots and a special character on a big wolf also exits in TOW, so I don't think in this case it's an argument against spiderfang expanding in AoS.

Assuming Gitmob would have those units/ characters. Maybe it diverges into something different, but good point anyways.

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57 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

I do agree with you about how little the ruination chamber especially coming how most of it bulk are just warrior chamber that tranfer over (Relictor, Veritant, Prosecutors ect.)

The lighting ghiest still works if they do it in a away of a righteous Dreadnought vibe of a hero who reach the breaking point but still serve the greater good

The entire edition battletome is going to be like that as shown with 40k 10th edition

Did he or was it discussion about it beacuse the armor troggoth did appear in the Dawnbringer short where they guarded Skraggrot

I don't know spiderfang are going the way of the Bonesplitterz but yet to be seen who know mabye the Gitmob will be riding giant scorpions

Honestly there should be more arthropod themed stuff in destruction in general so I'd be fine with Gitmob scorpion riders ;)

49 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Existing in the setting is not a problem for GW to remove stuff, and Spiderfang is losing members slowly, and also they have super poor rules + are featured in ToW. Doesn't look bright for them.

Yep but the spider-riders and arachnarok both escaped the last batch of removals whereas the resin character from the range, and goblins that fall into the territory of gitmob and gloomspite both exist in the TOW too. So the fact they're still here for now means they have as good a chance as any of getting kept.

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3 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

Could this be a new faction? It seems strange that they wouldn't list the faction name otherwise



I hope so. I would like to see a "Mortal" death faction (Death cults who worship and follow Nagash) The four other Death Factions are well-rounded and supported. Apart from a handful of outstanding updates (Graveguard) and perhaps OBR getting a few more kits, where else can they go within the Death Grand Alliance with the existing 4 factions? 


As for the preview show, I thought it was a complete disaster. I like the models shown, but the Roadmaps were a complete waste of time and poorly executed. I just don't understand why they can't seem to put together a decent Preview show. 

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3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

HOWEVER, I do still think Vandus is coming, which makes me think Stormcast might get a tiny wave before 5e.

on this i only hoping that they fix the Extremis Chamber with 1-2 thunderstrike Dracoth rider & 1 Star-drake rider no need for more warscrolls. I kind of just prefer the Warrior x Vanguard x Extremis x Ruination  square Stormcast got 


18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The thing is that it seems to be tied to the codex that got released, so if the same pattern is followed our book would be tied to Slaves.

Maybe a follow-up from Abraxia's plot and Hammerhall's siege?

If so then it most likely be the Darkoath Dawnbringer plot with the Hel claw lore state that Brand is currently uniting all the tribes of the mountains against the Skaven. A odd alliance between the Stormcast and Darkoath against the skaven forces while also showcasing the Darkoath spearhead

Warhammer World Anniversary – Gunnar Brand Leads the Oathbound Into the  Mortal Realms - Warhammer Community 

15 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Honestly there should be more arthropod themed stuff in destruction in general so I'd be fine with Gitmob scorpion riders ;)

Yep but the spider-riders and arachnarok both escaped the last batch of removals whereas the resin character from the range, and goblins that fall into the territory of gitmob and gloomspite both exist in the TOW too. So the fact they're still here for now means they have as good a chance as any of getting kept.

If spidergrots are going to stay they're going to have to come out with new sculpts since i don't think there any old spider goblins miniature TOW can put out like they did with night goblins and wolf riders.  

We'll soon see next year but am rooting for them

15 minutes ago, Hollow said:


I hope so. I would like to see a "Mortal" death faction (Death cults who worship and follow Nagash) The four other Death Factions are well-rounded and supported. Apart from a handful of outstanding updates (Graveguard) and perhaps OBR getting a few more kits, where else can they go within the Death Grand Alliance with the existing 4 factions? 


As for the preview show, I thought it was a complete disaster. I like the models shown, but the Roadmaps were a complete waste of time and poorly executed. I just don't understand why they can't seem to put together a decent Preview show. 

Necromacer theme faction? something like Frankenstein and the reanimator where you have psudo-zombies and cultist who have experiment on the flesh a little to much. Like Exiled dead but good 

But honestly I think it more a Ossiarch expansion the faction is pretty liked among the community and like you said is the only Grand alliance of Death that didn't get much content unlike Vampires, ghouls and ghost. Definitely see a sort of refresh where you get some name characters, Mortek archers, Necrotitan centerpiece & specialist constructs

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8 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

If spidergrots are going to stay they're going to have to come out with new sculpts since i don't think there any old spider goblins miniature TOW can put out like they did with night goblins and wolf riders.  

We'll soon see next year but am rooting for them


There are the 4th edition metal forest goblin spider riders which I would love for them to bring back, along with the forest goblins on foot, just classic characterful models. 


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14 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

on this i only hoping that they fix the Extremis Chamber with 1-2 thunderstrike Dracoth rider & 1 Star-drake rider no need for more warscrolls. I kind of just prefer the Warrior x Vanguard x Extremis x Ruination  square Stormcast got 


If so then it most likely be the Darkoath Dawnbringer plot with the Hel claw lore state that Brand is currently uniting all the tribes of the mountains against the Skaven. A odd alliance between the Stormcast and Darkoath against the skaven forces while also showcasing the Darkoath spearhead

Warhammer World Anniversary – Gunnar Brand Leads the Oathbound Into the  Mortal Realms - Warhammer Community 

If spidergrots are going to stay they're going to have to come out with new sculpts since i don't think there any old spider goblins miniature TOW can put out like they did with night goblins and wolf riders.  

We'll soon see next year but am rooting for them

Necromacer theme faction? something like Frankenstein and the reanimator where you have psudo-zombies and cultist who have experiment on the flesh a little to much. Like Exiled dead but good 

But honestly I think it more a Ossiarch expansion the faction is pretty liked among the community and like you said is the only Grand alliance of Death that didn't get much content unlike Vampires, ghouls and ghost. Definitely see a sort of refresh where you get some name characters, Mortek archers, Necrotitan centerpiece & specialist constructs

Good point. I would go for Brand in the narrative book as well.

I actually think the Death faction would be a hero + tome one. So I am doubting between FEC and NH. If it is NH maybe they also get terrain and/ or spells.

Edited by Ejecutor
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14 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

There are the 4th edition metal forest goblin spider riders which I would love for them to bring back, along with the forest goblins on foot, just classic characterful models. 


I'd forgotten these, they're really fun minis considering their age. Especially the weird orcish grins on the spiders. They'd be fun to bring back.

12 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Good point. I would go for Brand in the narrative book as well.

I actually think the Death faction would be a hero + tome one. So I am doubting between FEC and NH. If it is NH maybe they also get terrain and/ or spells.

NH got spells in 2nd so they'd only need terrain really. Personally I'm thinking that FEC or NH are the right call if it's not something new but it makes sense to follow a Gloomspite wave with one or two single hero releases.

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3 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I'd forgotten these, they're really fun minis considering their age. Especially the weird orcish grins on the spiders. They'd be fun to bring back.

NH got spells in 2nd so they'd only need terrain really. Personally I'm thinking that FEC or NH are the right call if it's not something new but it makes sense to follow a Gloomspite wave with one or two single hero releases.

Uhh. I checked the warhammer site, as I kinda rememember them on the top of my head, and didn't see them. Then terrain only.

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Has anyone here bought Pariah Nexus? That would be equivalent to our upcoming Narrative book, IIRC. Was it good? Was it focused just on Necrons and Admech (I think it was released at the same time as Necrons and Admech)?

Warhammer 40000: Pariah Nexus (Inglés)

If it is somehow similar our book could be focused on S2D.

It isnt because the necessary stuff for the narrative mode is all on the rulebook. So, the AoS narratuve suplements arent mandatory to play games, which, thank TGHR

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38 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

sorry im super late on this but this is Frydaal the Chainmaker?

r/WarhammerFantasy - This is Frydaal the Chainmaker. She fails at being important.

that just  Holga Clovenhorn lol

Holga Clovenhorn, Aspiring Champion of Chaos : r/ageofsigmar

I did think that when I saw the drawing, I am looking forward tk seeing the actual model tho 

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5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

They are not Vanguard. It is saying the opposite. Says that as they have heavier armour they are not as fast as their Vanguard counterparts.


3 hours ago, Vaellas said:

I don't know if this was already posted but it was confirmed that these are indeed new palladors and not replacements for Vanguard ones. Tbh even when talking about them in the stream the way they said what they do in game did not sound the same as Vanguard ones.

well that is super duper annoying and the syntax of the article sentence is not clear

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If it is a new death faction then we should expect that we've seen signs of some sort, be it models, lore, or rumors. The best I'm aware of is the Outcast Dead and interpreting the potion bench rumor engine images as being something for that instead of a Nurgle release that's been hinted at or necromancers for Vampires.

It also seems odd to stick a new faction with no buildup early in a release cycle before the Chorfs and possible Clockwork Dwarves we know are coming and that GW has been leaving us clues for.

Therefore, I think that Death faction is something that already exists. Since it isn't like GW to be vague for no reason, it obviously must be Tomb Kings.

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11 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

Could this be a new faction? It seems strange that they wouldn't list the faction name otherwise


maybe a big event of death  civil war due to the War of Red Errantry.

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