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33 minutes ago, pitzok said:

Where did the info that gamer's editions don't have lore come from? It's not in any of the articles.

It's a nice addition but I wish the card packs in them would be available sperately. They would still probably be too expensive for me anyway, but it would be nice to have your entire rules in card form, as they are really nice quality.

Pretty positive that in a stream not too long back when they first spoke about the Gamer's edition they said that there would be no lore in it so the information is coming from that rather than this article. They went on as well about how the book was smaller as a result so it could more eaasily fit in a bag.

Edited by Vaellas
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53 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

The idea of seeing a faction's lore from their and also outside point of view is great idea to avoid the 40k codex route of "my faction's the best, my codex says so". Also MAPS MAPS MAPS !

Regiments of Renown replacing allies feels more thematic imo. I like it. You can really weave a narrative around the allies you bring, I feel. Armies of Renown too are great to be included. The more options to play with, the better, and they aren't gatekeeping them behind campaign books, which is great.

Best part is the gamer's edition. FINALLY you can buy a cheaper version of your BT if you don't care about the lore and only want the rules ! This is a wish that we have expressed for a long time !

Not gonna lie these new BTs are looking better than ever !

Considering that data cards are usually half the price of a BT, I don't think the gamer edition will be cheaper. Same price or more expensive.

Also, it is limited and wouldn't surprise me if they don't translate it, as the old limited edition BTs.

Edited by Ejecutor
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9 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

So Tomes are basically just the Faction Packs with nothing else being added? No extra subfactions or command traits or artefacts?

For everyone else I understand this is terrible (and will be even worse when they change their mind in a few months and some books end up not having the bonus rules later books will get)

but the one silver lining to this is that beasts players who are stuck with what we have now until the death of 4th (assuming you have good friends who will let you keep using your rules after they're legended) is that the power creep won't be as pronounced.


Everyone... wins? Loses equally.

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1 hour ago, Starfyre said:

I know Start Collecting and Vanguard sets were discontinued when new ones were released, but do we think that the STD and Ironjawz spearheads are going to replace the existing sets or be in addition to the current ones?

SCE already have two Spearhead detachments so I think they will be a separate release.

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1 minute ago, xAres said:

SCE already have two Spearhead detachments so I think they will be a separate release.

Agreed on this. With 40k they replaced the Space marine CP, with AoS they added  it so you could have both and it does really seem like they want to expand on Spearhead.

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3 minutes ago, xAres said:

SCE already have two Spearhead detachments so I think they will be a separate release.

I think GW also confirmed this. New spearheads aren't going to make existing ones useless.

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28 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I kind of suspect the gamers edition will either be the same sort of price as a battletome but I'm expecting the cost of battletomes to go up and match the 40K ones. (so around £40-45). I'm very excited about the gamers edition as it's ideal if you get all the stuff you need but just wary of it being limited.


I think it means you get all the cards. The warscrolls will have the same information but you'll have cards for everything you need to remember in a game. 

I agree. I think keeping the points online is brilliant and it seems silly to have outdated information in a book. 

As for the books being cash cows, they aren't as most people don't collect them all like you've mentioned. I used to back in the days of 8th edition Fantasy but ended up selling my collection due to a house move and wanted less stuff to move. I try not to buy any now unless it's for what I'm playing with but I'm still really grumpy about getting the Flesh Eaters box for Christmas and finding out a few weeks later it will be out of date!


There's a problem with the points being online. Let's say in 30 years we are retired and want to play AoS 4th edition, but the points are not online anymore. How do you play? It wouldn't hurt to put 2-4 pages more with the points and the QR still.

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1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

There were gamers editions in 40k 7th. They flopped hard.

yeah, a gamers edition is just another try to empty your pockets. A true gamer edition is a pfd version of the rules with a good layout / index. Not another book. So now you have to pay for a book for the fluff and pay again for a smaller book.

26 minutes ago, The Red King said:

For everyone else I understand this is terrible (and will be even worse when they change their mind in a few months and some books end up not having the bonus rules later books will get)

but the one silver lining to this is that beasts players who are stuck with what we have now until the death of 4th (assuming you have good friends who will let you keep using your rules after they're legended) is that the power creep won't be as pronounced.


Everyone... wins? Loses equally.

Lol, yeah. who would have expected that the indexes are infact the rules for the rest of the edition for everyone. In the mean time TOW keeps giving more and more options to really add flavour to your army.

Edited by Tonhel
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55 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:


As for the books being cash cows, they aren't as most people don't collect them all like you've mentioned. I used to back in the days of 8th edition Fantasy but ended up selling my collection due to a house move and wanted less stuff to move. I try not to buy any now unless it's for what I'm playing with but I'm still really grumpy about getting the Flesh Eaters box for Christmas and finding out a few weeks later it will be out of date!


I totally hear you here. I loved the fact the seraphon cards for everything were in the army box. I think I got 3/4 games out of it before 4.0 dropped...


So we're getting


Warscroll cards

Gamer's edition - battletome + warscroll cards in one but smaller. 


In the regular warscroll pack they should include the spells and everything else. Very frustrating. The battletome looks lush but for practicality the gamer's ed wins. I really don't want to have to order both :( Ambiguity as to whether the fluff is in the gamer's edition as article says it's just a smaller battletome with everything in it. The stream with the dev team says it's stripped back. Schroedinger is going loopy at this time.

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1 minute ago, 01rtb01 said:

I totally hear you here. I loved the fact the seraphon cards for everything were in the army box. I think I got 3/4 games out of it before 4.0 dropped...


So we're getting


Warscroll cards

Gamer's edition - battletome + warscroll cards in one but smaller. 


In the regular warscroll pack they should include the spells and everything else. Very frustrating. The battletome looks lush but for practicality the gamer's ed wins. I really don't want to have to order both :( Ambiguity as to whether the fluff is in the gamer's edition as article says it's just a smaller battletome with everything in it. The stream with the dev team says it's stripped back. Schroedinger is going loopy at this time.

If the gamers edition contains all the fluff and etc... It would hamper the sales of the bigger battletom. Hopefully the gamers edition has all the same fluff, but I fear for it.

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39 minutes ago, The Red King said:

For everyone else I understand this is terrible (and will be even worse when they change their mind in a few months and some books end up not having the bonus rules later books will get)

but the one silver lining to this is that beasts players who are stuck with what we have now until the death of 4th (assuming you have good friends who will let you keep using your rules after they're legended) is that the power creep won't be as pronounced.


Everyone... wins? Loses equally.

Yeah, seems like 4th is going down the same route at 10th 40k, where your army list customization is limited to what GW Models TM, you buy and put on the table. Any other other options are limited to a very small number of artifacts and traits. 

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5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

If the gamers edition contains all the fluff and etc... It would hamper the sales of the bigger battletom. Hopefully the gamers edition has all the same fluff, but I fear for it.

The gamer edition will have a limited stock release. Once it gets over, its jojover

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Battletomes have always been for people who want more lore/artwork. They're basically useless for those who just want the rules. The only way I'd ever buy another $60 army book is if it was $20 instead.

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2 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Battletomes have always been for people who want more lore/artwork. They're basically useless for those who just want the rules. The only way I'd ever buy another $60 army book is if it was $20 instead.

Pretty much. The only 40K 10E codex I own is the Tau one, because it came in the armybox. I plan to approach AoS 4E the same way. Honestly every time I've paid for a battletome I've regretted it, and that was before they started costing $60. I'm tapped out of the battletome market entirely.

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25 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

If the gamers edition contains all the fluff and etc... It would hamper the sales of the bigger battletom. Hopefully the gamers edition has all the same fluff, but I fear for it.

It has all the same stuff. You can go back and listen to the original interview. It never said anything about lore not being there. It's just a smaller format book. 

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37 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

Yeah, seems like 4th is going down the same route at 10th 40k, where your army list customization is limited to what GW Models TM, you buy and put on the table. Any other other options are limited to a very small number of artifacts and traits. 

Yeah, but why?

I can understand that they don't create new unit options without miniatures in the same way as TOW is doing with various new units as this opens the door to third parties. 

But why don't add more spell/prayer lores, artefacts and heroic traits to factions that get a proper battletome? Or atleast expand the lores from 3 to 6. It can't be a lack of creativity.

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5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Yeah, but why?

I can understand that they don't create new unit options without miniatures in the same way as TOW is doing with various new units as this opens the door to third parties. 

But why don't add more spell/prayer lores, artefacts and heroic traits to factions that get a proper battletome? Or atleast expand the lores from 3 to 6. It can't be a lack of creativity.

10th is doing it, 4E is doing it, Kill Team has announced streamlined rules for the next edition, even BFME is "streamlining". Seems to me the entire company got handed a mandate to simplify their games, except for TOW, apparently.

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15 minutes ago, madmac said:

10th is doing it, 4E is doing it, Kill Team has announced streamlined rules for the next edition, even BFME is "streamlining". Seems to me the entire company got handed a mandate to simplify their games, except for TOW, apparently.

The Cynic in me, thinks it's the board of directors, coming to the conclusion that increased streamlining equals easy for new players, which then equals more people buying in and higher sales. 

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

There's a problem with the points being online. Let's say in 30 years we are retired and want to play AoS 4th edition, but the points are not online anymore. How do you play? It wouldn't hurt to put 2-4 pages more with the points and the QR still.

Either you'll be playing at a time where points don't matter, or you're serious enough that you've already printed the points out years earlier

1 hour ago, Chikout said:

It has all the same stuff. You can go back and listen to the original interview. It never said anything about lore not being there. It's just a smaller format book. 

it can't have all of the same fluff if it's supposed to be a cheaper, softback Gamer edition though right? especially if the regular battletomes are now getting more lore pages and gatefold pages.

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