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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Does it take really so much time to think a couple of minutes about which heroic trait and artefacts you want to take when the list is expanded a little bit? Or is it to much work to think which spell from a lore of 6 spells you will cast during the game instead of a lore of 3 spells?

Come on... Than they should have dropped Battle Tactics instead of limiting spells, artefacts and heroic traits.

Edit: And kids / teenagers not having enought time? As a working parent I can say with certainty that my children have a lot of free time... they just need to put down their phone or tablet for a sec. 😉


It is not the time, it is the attitude from nowadays kid. If you show the ToW book (or even AoS book) to a kid they instantly give up because it is too chunk.

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It is not the time, it is the attitude from nowadays kid. If you show the ToW book (or even AoS book) to a kid they instantly give up because it is too chunk.

I can't say I really agree with this. 😉 Even if the lure of console / pc games is strong when a kid is interested they will commit to it.

Anway if the reason for all this simplifying is lazy kids than the future is looking bright for TOW when GW finally decides to put even more resources in a game that doesn't treat people as lazy people that are stressed out when they have to chose which spell to take out of a lore of three spells. 🤣

If this is possible for TOW


Than surely an extra couple of spells for a spell lore or an extra lore to chose from will not be so hard to achieve. No?

Edited by Tonhel
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7 minutes ago, Flippy said:


Even GW designers can only take so much of this „streamlining” bs before getting bored to death.

Yup as seen with the craptacular Dark Angels and Eldar codexes in a past 40K edition, that “simplified” unit options. Lasted only those two books before they dropped it.

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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

There is not only 3 artefacts or 3 heroic traits. You are missing that each book will have múltiple armies of renown that are gonna be different ways to play with limited stuff that with the common book will be weak or silly. Just remember that Index AoR are not that bad.

Other point is: a good amount doesn't means a lot of variety. O&G journal have a Big amount of magic items, and except 3 or 4 they are ******. AoS and 40k are not the old games were items make them useful, the units and heroes have there own abilities that works like Old Magic items.

I mean, I play Tomb Kings, where a King/Prince has the inherent ability to increase movement, weapon skill or initiative. Also Liche Priests have built in resurrection ability. Also I think a lot of BM characters have the ability to grant "primal fury" (juiced up frenzy).

So I wouldn't say that in OW characters require items to make them useful at all. That is also not taking into account that pure melee characters on foot or horse are not completely useless in OW like they are in 90% of AoS cases.

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

IMO the're three candidates : NH, OBR and SBGL. FEC has recently had a massive overhaul, so I'm taking them out of run.


For the other three, there are elements in favour of each :

NH has at least one reminiscent rumour engine (skeletal arms holding vials).

OBR has only had one wave of initial release in the last 5 years.

SBGL still has several models that need refresh : grave guards obviously, black knights, zombie dragon, etc.


I'm hoping for the last ones, even if it would mean having to finish painting their spearhead, which has been hanging around for weeks. :P

Why do you think that the death faction would receive something big? IMO it is the other way around. It is the BT after a mid-size release for GSG, so it is very likely that it will be something small.

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

There is not only 3 artefacts or 3 heroic traits. You are missing that each book will have múltiple armies of renown that are gonna be different ways to play with limited stuff that with the common book will be weak or silly. Just remember that Index AoR are not that bad.

Other point is: a good amount doesn't means a lot of variety. O&G journal have a Big amount of magic items, and except 3 or 4 they are ******. AoS and 40k are not the old games were items make them useful, the units and heroes have there own abilities that works like Old Magic items.

You are missing the point. If you don't play Min-Max there aren't really good or bad items. You chose the items that fit the character you want to build. Ofcourse there are some combo's that are the best, but that doesn't mean every player will take it for various reasons.

Build in abilities for AoS heroes just results in armies of clones.

 It is also nonsense that there are only 3-4 usefull items for O&G. 😂

1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

I mean, I play Tomb Kings, where a King/Prince has the inherent ability to increase movement, weapon skill or initiative. Also Liche Priests have built in resurrection ability. Also I think a lot of BM characters have the ability to grant "primal fury" (juiced up frenzy).

So I wouldn't say that in OW characters require items to make them useful at all. That is also not taking into account that pure melee characters on foot or horse are not completely useless in OW like they are in 90% of AoS cases.


Edited by Tonhel
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7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

I do like how they're also putting war maps of diffrent battles and new events in them as well 

Look like they're not going stingy on the lore compare to 40k 10th edition



7 hours ago, Lucentia said:

Feels kind of like a step towards battletomes being more for collecting faction background/lore/fiction, while rules are mostly available digitally, which does make decent sense with the current system of frequent FAQs.

Obviously these numbers don't get published, but I am always curious how true the notion of GW books being cash cows really is, particularly for battletomes, I'm assuming a majority of players are only buying tomes for armies they own, so it's, what, 1-4 book purchases per edition per player, maybe?  Of course the overheads on a print product are less than for a miniature kit, but it doesn't feel like a huge money spinner on its face.

I LOVE IT. I care not for rules and just Lore and these Battletomes are speaking to me!!

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49 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Why do you think that the death faction would receive something big? IMO it is the other way around. It is the BT after a mid-size release for GSG, so it is very likely that it will be something small.

In that case, why specify that Death is going to have something ?

Other alliances will also get something if it's a small release. I find this an odd announcement. For me it implies notable stuff (but I could be wrong of course). 

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On 8/30/2024 at 3:51 PM, Tonhel said:

Yes, this means that the battltomes for Skaven and SCE will not have anything new, but the factions "might"  get extra changes to traits and units with additional books. (Maybe campaign books? Which is nice, but not expanding the spell lore, artefacts and heroic traits in that expensive battletome is very weird.

Edit: I hope you are right that they will add extra spells and artefacts in the battletomes. It seems very unclear.

to be quite honest if the books don't add more (even a small amount) of these additional rules/enhancements, and it's going to be over 50USD, then i agree with you and i probably won't buy the book firsthand even for the lore and art. the way it's worded, GW has set my expectations. if they don't want to deliver on that, their loss.

fwiw i do think streamlining doesn't need to come at the expense of customization like more items, traits, spells, etc.

Edited by CommissarRotke
corrected word
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9 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Does it take really so much time to think a couple of minutes about which heroic trait and artefacts you want to take when the list is expanded a little bit? Or is it to much work to think which spell from a lore of 6 spells you will cast during the game instead of a lore of 3 spells?

Come on... Than they should have dropped Battle Tactics instead of limiting spells, artefacts and heroic traits.

Edit: And kids / teenagers not having enought time? As a working parent I can say with certainty that my children have a lot of free time... they just need to put down their phone or tablet for a sec. 😉


It's more the focus. Social media has killed younglings' ability to read extended chunks or write them. I've been in the classroom since '05 and there has been a steady decline in both reading and comprehension.

Due to moving abroad I've had to do some undergrad courses and for one of my final exams, I had to knock out 3 essays that were 4-600 words each.

When I was doing A-level History and Law 1999-2001 we were knocking out 2-4 2000 word essays every week or two. The standards really have declined.

Within the last couple of years I sat down and roughly counted the words in a GW battle report from c. 2 years ago and one from wd.175. The difference was night and day. There was virtually no reading in the modern report compared with thousands of words for the older bat rep.

I don't know how we fix it but nuking social media would be a start. You think of most Facebook posts, tweets, tik.toks etc, it's all short. Even things like the Simpsons. In the 90s, episodes would have 2 strands of story running through an episode. Now it's off on a million different tangents every minute or so because kids don't have the attention spans or focus. They need to read more but it's incredibly hard to get them to do so. 

That all said, I'm excited for the new skaven and book.

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19 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

New Zeeland with preorders, It is confirmed, all the Warriors of Chaos kits are only for ToW, they removed the AoS Chaos Lords from the store.

The chariot and the lord on foot are still there, albeit listed as temporarily out of stock. 

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14 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

If 7 is Skaven, 21 is Blood Angels and 28 is Stormcast. What do you think it is in 14?

Skaven is 7th

Kill team is 21st

Stormcast is 28th 

as per Elarin romours

no news on 14Th 


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3 minutes ago, Frodorowski said:

So which kits are potentially being removed / renewed with StD battletome due to TOW? Chariots, warshrine, manticore, tzcheench beast... Any other that may be moved back to TOW? 

What! No.

Manticore and Chaos Lord/Sorcerer on foot + chariot

 That's all for ToW. Warshrine and Demon beasts are not ToW units

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On 8/29/2024 at 3:43 PM, RuneBrush said:

+++ MOD HAT +++

Just tidied up one conversation thread as it was starting to go down a somewhat hostile and non-TGA route.

May I say something?

There should be zero tolerance towards some users:

Spammer : tons of posts a day such WhatsApp chat

Derail topic users : users continuously derail AoS thread with ToW or other off topic discussion.

Stormcast/AoS hostiles: after 9 years and 4 editions enough is enough .

GW grognards : for them GW is evil and bad whatever it does. 

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On 8/31/2024 at 12:39 AM, Urauloth said:

Considering I really just want to buy books full of lore, maps, heraldry and artwork, I like the look of the new Battletomes.

If it's true that they are doing some work on background for this battletomes, like heraldy, maps, runes, language, etc... then, I'm 100% with you.

It will be one of the most awesome things that GW has done.

About the rules, I'm not a fan of reducing options. I'm not talking about full customozable rules, just 6-options tables  for artifacts, spells, etc... and maybe a few more tables for armies that don't have most of this tools (spells, manifestations, prayers, etc...). And take in mind that I'm talking about "options", not "good options".

Edited by Beliman
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15 minutes ago, Frodorowski said:

So which kits are potentially being removed / renewed with StD battletome due to TOW? Chariots, warshrine, manticore, tzcheench beast... Any other that may be moved back to TOW? 

I do fear that if the Manticore is moved to TOW, StD will loses it generic character on a flying monster. I expect a replacement for the StD sorceror and lord on foot.

Hopefully there will be also a replacement for the Manticore and chariot, but I don't have big hopes with StD coming so quickly are two armies with lots of new sculpts. 

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

New Zeeland with preorders, It is confirmed, all the Warriors of Chaos kits are only for ToW, they removed the AoS Chaos Lords from the store.

Looking at Europe web store it seems only lord on manticore left AoS for ToW .

It seems that chariot and chaos lord will stay ,

While chaos sorcerer left web store months ago and due to refresh 👍

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11 hours ago, Draznak said:

In that case, why specify that Death is going to have something ?

Other alliances will also get something if it's a small release. I find this an odd announcement. For me it implies notable stuff (but I could be wrong of course). 

It is not a lie. They will have something. A new battletome, a new hero, and terrain, for example. Considering the whole mess that is the roadmap... it is hard to interpret. It could be just to create hype.

EDIT: Now that I think about it... We are also focusing on the minis, but I think by that time it is a second narrative book time, so it could be that the narrative runs around Death rather than minis.

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Just now, cyrus said:

Looking at Europe web store it seems only lord on manticore left AoS for ToW .

It seems that chariot and chaos lord will stay ,

While chaos sorcerer left web store months ago and due to refresh 👍

Chariot could leave during the Wave 2

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