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3 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

It's more the focus. Social media has killed younglings' ability to read extended chunks or write them. I've been in the classroom since '05 and there has been a steady decline in both reading and comprehension.

Due to moving abroad I've had to do some undergrad courses and for one of my final exams, I had to knock out 3 essays that were 4-600 words each.

When I was doing A-level History and Law 1999-2001 we were knocking out 2-4 2000 word essays every week or two. The standards really have declined.

Within the last couple of years I sat down and roughly counted the words in a GW battle report from c. 2 years ago and one from wd.175. The difference was night and day. There was virtually no reading in the modern report compared with thousands of words for the older bat rep.

I don't know how we fix it but nuking social media would be a start. You think of most Facebook posts, tweets, tik.toks etc, it's all short. Even things like the Simpsons. In the 90s, episodes would have 2 strands of story running through an episode. Now it's off on a million different tangents every minute or so because kids don't have the attention spans or focus. They need to read more but it's incredibly hard to get them to do so. 

That all said, I'm excited for the new skaven and book.

Even videos, kids nowadays see videos on x2. They just want a quick and short dose of dopamine.

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2 hours ago, Frodorowski said:

So which kits are potentially being removed / renewed with StD battletome due to TOW? Chariots, warshrine, manticore, tzcheench beast... Any other that may be moved back to TOW? 

Considering how big their tome is... I think it would be just a hero and some units completely removed and not renewed.

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Btw, Im beginning to think that the new underworlds thing will be anounced on a monday reveal for september. Why? Because of release-sinergy.

But Im curious to know whats going on with the game. Is it really going to change from what it is now? Same case goes for Warcry, btw

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I do fear that if the Manticore is moved to TOW, StD will loses it generic character on a flying monster. I expect a replacement for the StD sorceror and lord on foot.

Hopefully there will be also a replacement for the Manticore and chariot, but I don't have big hopes with StD coming so quickly are two armies with lots of new sculpts. 

It feels like GW tries to make beasts exclusive per army, so I think Manticore will go.

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6 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Btw, Im beginning to think that the new underworlds thing will be anounced on a monday reveal for september. Why? Because of release-sinergy.

But Im curious to know whats going on with the game. Is it really going to change from what it is now? Same case goes for Warcry, btw

One or two mondays are going to be for chorfs star players 

Also there should be other preview in Essen spiel, that there is golden demon in one month. Maybe there Will be the place

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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

May I say something?

There should be zero tolerance towards some users:

Spammer : tons of posts a day such WhatsApp chat

Derail topic users : users continuously derail AoS thread with ToW or other off topic discussion.

Stormcast/AoS hostiles: after 9 years and 4 editions enough is enough .

GW grognards : for them GW is evil and bad whatever it does. 

As much as I agree with the mod-hat, I do find your reaction not really appropriate and so far I have not seen that much spammers here. The chat derailing is absolutely normal, due to the fact that there are not unlimited amounts of rumors floating around, and we are still trying to create discussions. Again, ToW is tied to AoS and comparisons are inevitable and in my point of view, favor an interesting conversation because GW tries new things in both systems that might be implemented later on, which is absolutely something that can be discussed in the rumor thread (this is also true for 40k). As for GW Grognards and AoS/Stormcasts haters? While hate is quite a strong word, I can still totally understand why people are annoyed by GW in parts strong predatory practices, the nuking of the old world and armies/parts of armies. Also, GW can only blame itself for the strong focus on Stormcasts, and I can honestly tell you: no I do not want Stormcasts every edition, I want armies to finally have a decent roster to play with, and a plot that is engaging and involves a lot of different factions, not always The Golden God and his mighty followers. I am paying a premium price for my miniatures and it is my right as a consumer to not agree with GW practices. Where are the Fyreslayers, where are the Idoneth, give us Malerion, and this is only the tip of the iceberg in what's missing and players need and want. Please let the mods manage this thread, and do not start dictating people how they should feel or behave on this forum, because it's none of your business.


12 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Also I think a lot of BM characters have the ability to grant "primal fury" (juiced up frenzy).

Correct me if I' wrong but: no they don't. This would be absolutely broken. The Doombull and co can give Frenzy to the unit he joins, but only Frenzy he got by Primal Fury. There is a spell that grants a unit Frenzy but not in our spell lore (but we can take it).


13 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

It is not the time, it is the attitude from nowadays kid. If you show the ToW book (or even AoS book) to a kid they instantly give up because it is too chunk.


1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Even videos, kids nowadays see videos on x2. They just want a quick and short dose of dopamine.


As much as I see the problem that there is with short span attention and child neglection by giving children 24h access to films and videos and phones: children are not soulless dopamine-craving monsters, and will in fact be quite easily interested in painting and miniatures and a lot of other hobbies. Please do not depiction them as only dopamine-craving, because this is just not true. Children will generally be (at least mildly) interested by anything you show them (depending on the age, interests and education of the child).

Edited by Son Of Morghur
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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Even videos, kids nowadays see videos on x2. They just want a quick and short dose of dopamine.

That is just crazy. Although were in Spain do these children live? 

47 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It feels like GW tries to make beasts exclusive per army, so I think Manticore will go.

I am not a fan of this. I love dragons and other monsters. There is such cool stuff aesthetic wise you can do with dragons and it is a shame if i.e dragons are locked to SCE.

If Archaon needs an another reason to kick orders butt it is because they have stolen their Chaos Manticores😎

7 minutes ago, Son Of Morghur said:

As much as I agree with the mod-hat, I do find your reaction not really appropriate and so far I have not seen that much spammers here. The chat derailing is absolutely normal, due to the fact that there are not unlimited amounts of rumors floating around, and we are still trying to create discussions. Again, ToW is tied to AoS and comparisons are inevitable and in my point of view, favor an interesting conversation because GW tries new things in both systems that might be implemented later on, which is absolutely something that can be discussed in the rumor thread (this is also true for 40k). As for GW Grognards and AoS/Stormcasts haters? While hate is quite a strong word, I can still totally understand why people are annoyed by GW in parts strong predatory practices, the nuking of the old world and armies/parts of armies. Also, GW can only blame itself for the strong focus on Stormcasts, and I can honestly tell you: no I do not want Stormcasts every edition, I want armies to finally have a decent roster to play with, and a plot that is engaging and involves a lot of different factions, not always The Golden God and his mighty followers. I am paying a premium price for my miniatures and it is my right as a consumer to not agree with GW practices. Where are the Fyreslayers, where are the Idoneth, give us Malerion, and this is only the tip of the iceberg in what's missing and players need and want. Please let the mods manage this thread, and do not start dictating people how they should feel or behave on this forum, because it's none of your business.


Correct me if I' wrong but: no they don't. This would be absolutely broken. The Doombull and co can give Frenzy to the unit he joins, but only Frenzy he got by Primal Fury. There is a spell that grants a unit Frenzy but not in our spell lore (but we can take it).




As much as I see the problem that there is with short span attention and child neglection by giving children 24h access to films and videos and phones: children are not soulless dopamine-craving monsters, and will in fact be quite easily interested in painting and miniatures and a lot of other hobbies. Please do not depiction them as only dopamine-craving, because this is just not true. Children will generally be (at least mildly) interested by anything you show them (depending on the age, interests and education of the child).

Fantastic post! Sadly I am out of likes.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Chariot could leave during the Wave 2

Not sure because Chaos lord is still there with wave 1 and Lord and Chariot are in spearhead too .

I should give granted for the moment only new Chaos sorcerer for STD .

Maybe it’s just a coincidence but STD and Warclans are next bt after Skaven and SCE : both received a mid size release during Dawnbringers campaign along with battletome supplements.

For Orruk warclans it’s very likely the re release of swampcalla shaman and killaboss on foot from Dominion, in the same manner as Lord imperitant and Knight arcanum are coming back. They managed to “ divide” the common sprue.

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10 minutes ago, cyrus said:

For Orruk warclans it’s very likely the re release of swampcalla shaman and killaboss on foot from Dominion, in the same manner as Lord imperitant and Knight arcanum are coming back. They managed to “ divide” the common sprue.

I'm fairly certain this is something that's been a big change recently within GW regarding their internal processes. There's been a few characters from Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress that shared sprues with other characters that are now available as individual clampacks. I think they're finally taking advantage of the CAD based designs to separate or create new sprues using the same parts and taking the new moulds into account with the budget. I assume because they've wanted to re-release stuff from older box sets where stuff shared sprues in a lot more of a mixed fashion and found it hard to do.

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13 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Not sure because Chaos lord is still there with wave 1 and Lord and Chariot are in spearhead too .

I should give granted for the moment only new Chaos sorcerer for STD .

Maybe it’s just a coincidence but STD and Warclans are next bt after Skaven and SCE : both received a mid size release during Dawnbringers campaign along with battletome supplements.

For Orruk warclans it’s very likely the re release of swampcalla shaman and killaboss on foot from Dominion, in the same manner as Lord imperitant and Knight arcanum are coming back. They managed to “ divide” the common sprue.

The killaboss and swampcalla are on separate sprues. 

This is also my concern with warclans staying together as it'll be treated and looked at in such a way that it is one army and won't recieve anything new. 

It'll be presented as a "brand new spearhead" consisting of already released minis and "for the first time ever" you can get the killaboss and swapclla on their own even though they've technically been out three years. 

Look at this wonderful "new" stuff for warclans. 

I hope I'm wrong and there are some surprises in store for fans of the green. 


Can't be too down though because.... GITMOB is hopefully rolling in!!! 🤘💚🐺🤘

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4 hours ago, Frodorowski said:

So which kits are potentially being removed / renewed with StD battletome due to TOW? Chariots, warshrine, manticore, tzcheench beast... Any other that may be moved back to TOW? 

Removed: Chariot, Chaos lord, Chaos sorcerer (already), Chaos Manticore, Chimera, Chaos spawn

Staying: Warshrine, Tzeentch/Khrone big monsters

4 hours ago, Tonhel said:

I do fear that if the Manticore is moved to TOW, StD will loses it generic character on a flying monster. I expect a replacement for the StD sorceror and lord on foot.

Hopefully there will be also a replacement for the Manticore and chariot, but I don't have big hopes with StD coming so quickly are two armies with lots of new sculpts. 

The chaos lord and sorcerer equivalents are likely sure to be the 4e S2D edition coming how early the tome is and much like how  40k did CSM with the chaos lord maybe the chaos lord is a dual kit with him being on foot or on a monstrous flying mount or with wings?

also it kind of the only big thing GW has to show off for the end of the year since 40k is taking a hiatus and TOW has their Chaos Warrior wave 2 to show off

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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16 hours ago, Tonhel said:


  • Expanding the spells in a lore from 3 to 6 or giving each faction a second spell lore.
  • Increasing the artefacts from 3 to 6 or more. Expanding heroic traits and etc.

Does not make the game more complex at all. Removing stuff or removing options is not the same as streamlining. What is the point of Spearhead if the main game is also very limited in options.

Yes it does. It's more combinations and interactions that need balancing every balance pass and accounting for every time something is added to the game. It literally makes the game more complex.

Spearhead has fixed armies with its own warscrolls, its own board with fixed objectives, its own twist/command rules system, and spells are all single warsroll abilities with none of the rules of the main AoS magic module. This isn't a serious comparison.

Besides which, I'm seeing people complain that there aren't more spells, but only in the abstract. The complains don't seem to be "this faction needs a spell to do this" but just "we need 3 more spells for everything" and I'm not sure if you've really thought that all the way through. Do we? What do we need, and for who?

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20 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

The killaboss and swampcalla are on separate sprues. 

This is also my concern with warclans staying together as it'll be treated and looked at in such a way that it is one army and won't recieve anything new. 

It'll be presented as a "brand new spearhead" consisting of already released minis and "for the first time ever" you can get the killaboss and swapclla on their own even though they've technically been out three years. 

Look at this wonderful "new" stuff for warclans. 

I hope I'm wrong and there are some surprises in store for fans of the green. 


Can't be too down though because.... GITMOB is hopefully rolling in!!! 🤘💚🐺🤘

Killaboss in on the same sprue with Knight Arcanum and Swampcalla is on the same sprue with Lord Imperitant .

I am fine with no release for orruks : Ironjawz get a well deserved second wave and Kruleboyz received 2 underworlds warband and one warcry warband .

Edited by cyrus
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13 hours ago, Urauloth said:

Considering I really just want to buy books full of lore, maps, heraldry and artwork, I like the look of the new Battletomes.

Honestly its all I want from the Battletomes. Rules, to me, should be available online as they take up far too much of the book for what is essentially just Warscrolls.

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21 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

The killaboss and swampcalla are on separate sprues. 

This is also my concern with warclans staying together as it'll be treated and looked at in such a way that it is one army and won't recieve anything new. 

It'll be presented as a "brand new spearhead" consisting of already released minis and "for the first time ever" you can get the killaboss and swapclla on their own even though they've technically been out three years. 

Look at this wonderful "new" stuff for warclans. 

I hope I'm wrong and there are some surprises in store for fans of the green. 


Can't be too down though because.... GITMOB is hopefully rolling in!!! 🤘💚🐺🤘

As others have and will point out, Ironjawz got a significant update at the tail end of 3rd, so it's not like they're forgotten. And it's highly likely that the Killaboss and Swampcalla being released by themselves won't be the only thing Orruks get.

In January 2021 Death Guard got their 9th ed release. It had a new character, new terrain in addition to figures from the Dark Imperium box set being released separately and a Combat Patrol.

May 2022 and Nighthaunt's 3rd ed release included characters from the Soul Wars box set but also 2 new heroes (the Scriptor Mortis had been released a little earlier in a box set and had to wait for an individual release) and a new unit. Their Vanguard box was released later in the year.

November 2023 had the 10th Necrons release and that again included characters from the Indomitus/9th starters and a combat patrol whilst also including 3 new character sculpts.

So whilst nothing is certain there's a good chance Orruks get something else even if it's just a character or two. And if they don't at least they got a good sized release not too long ago


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35 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Killaboss in on the same sprue with Knight Arcanum and Swampcalla is on the same sprue with Lord Imperitant .

Pretty sure they're individual Screenshot_20240831_074912_eBay.jpg.7a63f6ab8aeb1ae33b102ff96edfe9c9.jpgScreenshot_20240831_074952_eBay.jpg.d014d500ad09eda4b77f0d386d042197.jpg


And those underworlds bands are now legend. 

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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Pretty sure they're individual Screenshot_20240831_074912_eBay.jpg.7a63f6ab8aeb1ae33b102ff96edfe9c9.jpgScreenshot_20240831_074952_eBay.jpg.d014d500ad09eda4b77f0d386d042197.jpg


And those underworlds bands are now legend. 

Pretty sure they are not individual but combined with ScE heroes .IMG_1662.jpeg.b139e35a531f0864f40f84b738216aa3.jpeg


Only one underworlds band will go to legend , the other one will stay , same for Monsta killaz .

At the moment we just really need better rules 🤞


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@cyrus Ah, i see what you're saying. We're both right. Heh.

and looking in the app shows no stab ladz or kunnin krew unless I'm missing something. 

My ultimate point is that keeping orruks together gives the impression that one army gets attention because the other recieved models is all.  

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21 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Pretty sure they are not individual but combined with ScE heroes .IMG_1662.jpeg.b139e35a531f0864f40f84b738216aa3.jpeg


Only one underworlds band will go to legend , the other one will stay , same for Monsta killaz .

At the moment we just really need better rules 🤞


They were connected for Dominion but this type of sprue connection can be filled up in the mold so they can be produced seperately which is likely what they are going to do. For example 40k Indomitus also had connections between the Overlord/Captain and Royal Warden/Lieutenant and they are sold seperately now

Edited by Matrindur
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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

Not sure because Chaos lord is still there with wave 1 and Lord and Chariot are in spearhead too .

I should give granted for the moment only new Chaos sorcerer for STD .

Maybe it’s just a coincidence but STD and Warclans are next bt after Skaven and SCE : both received a mid size release during Dawnbringers campaign along with battletome supplements.

For Orruk warclans it’s very likely the re release of swampcalla shaman and killaboss on foot from Dominion, in the same manner as Lord imperitant and Knight arcanum are coming back. They managed to “ divide” the common sprue.

Yeah. There's a theory since Broken Realms and the 3rd edition that those factions receiving stuff in the last campaign of the edition receive something major in the next edition. As you said, it could be a coincidence, but it would fit with this theory.

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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

I'm fairly certain this is something that's been a big change recently within GW regarding their internal processes. There's been a few characters from Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress that shared sprues with other characters that are now available as individual clampacks. I think they're finally taking advantage of the CAD based designs to separate or create new sprues using the same parts and taking the new moulds into account with the budget. I assume because they've wanted to re-release stuff from older box sets where stuff shared sprues in a lot more of a mixed fashion and found it hard to do.

And design they are not mixing that much stuff anymore. Skaventide has mixed stuff that received a different option in the SCE side (+ the Questor) and from the Skavens side just two heroes share a sprue.

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58 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Honestly its all I want from the Battletomes. Rules, to me, should be available online as they take up far too much of the book for what is essentially just Warscrolls.

It would be ace if rules were removed from the BTs and they reduce the price to a half or a third.

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30 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Pretty sure they are not individual but combined with ScE heroes .IMG_1662.jpeg.b139e35a531f0864f40f84b738216aa3.jpeg


Only one underworlds band will go to legend , the other one will stay , same for Monsta killaz .

At the moment we just really need better rules 🤞


It could be that they are using the same sprue but just using a machine of some sort to divide them. It wouldn't be the best way to do it... but the chance is there.

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