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1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I think it’ll only be the most recent warbands, so probably Stab-Ladz, Headsman’s Curse, Gorechosen of Dromm, Ephilim’s Pandaemonium, Cyreni’s Razors, etc. Or I’m just completely wrong and OBR get to keep Mir Kainan because his sculpt goes incredibly hard but doesn’t actually have anything he can proxy as very well. 

I really hope it not rather it the most popular kits


  • Soulblight --> Crimison court, rather then Zondara’s Gravebreakers while the werewolf and zombies do look good the option of having a good variety of vampire lord customization would also Sons of Velmorn is another one i take over Zondrara
  • Flesh eater--> The Skinnerkin
  • Ossiarch Bonereapers-->Kainan’s Reapers
  • Nighthaunt--->Drepur’s Wraithcreepers
  • Cities of sigmar---> Hexbane’s Hunters but fine if it's Brethren of the Bolt
  • Seraphon-->Starblood Stalkers
  • Sylvaneth-->Skaeth’s Wild Hunt
  • Idoneth--->Elathain’s Soulraid or Cyreni’s Razors Idoneth fans which you like better?
  • Lumineth--->Myari’s Purifiers
  • Daughter of Khaine---> Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven  i really despise Gryselle’s Arenai look ugh really hope it balde coven or at least The Shadeborn
  • Kharadon--->Thundrik’s Profiteers (I didn't realize how the dawii only got 1 warband each)
  • Fyreslayers--->The Chosen Axes
  •  Khorne--->Gorechosen of Dromm far better then a warband of samey blood warriors
  • Tzeentch-->Ephilim’s Pandaemonium 
  • Nurgle--->The Wurmspat
  • Slaanesh--->The Thricefold Discord  
  • Slaves to darkness--->Khagra’s Ravagers 
  • Ogre Mawtribe--->Blackpowder’s Buccaneers 
  • Gloomspite gitz---> Grinkrak’s Looncourt 
  • Orruk Warclans-->Daggok’s Stab-Ladz or Morgok’s Krushas depending on IJ or Krule taste


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53 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Have we confirmed that it’s just the rats tomorrow? And not the unholy mixture of them and stormcasts?

Lol, no one has done 40 kits in one single release, GW will sure try to dip fed the waves a bit. We got 4 months without new 40k codexes ahead.

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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

They’re actually just a generic unit- the Glaivewraith Stalker. 

yeah picking Nighthaunt is a bit difficult due to almost all of them being generic unit 

  • Thorns of the Briar Queen--->Chainrasps
  • Lady Harrow’s Mournflight--->Tomb Banshees
  • Drepur’s Wraithcreepers--->Glaivewraith stalkers
  • The Headsmen’s Curse--->Bladegheist Revenant


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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

No, it’s not just a snap in half . It’s a work of retooling the existing mould .

@dmorley21has hinted that “ old underworlds warband” will come back and “ we will learn about old underworlds band when Skaven BT drops”

And GW confirmed recently that plague pack and stormcoven are coming back with Skaven and SCE BT . 

I only knew about Stormcast and Skaven ones. Not sure what the future holds.

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5 hours ago, Tonhel said:


Maybe there will be a surprise waiting for you? I mean StD got a TON of stuff recently (ever since the first new warriors/knights) but they‘re definitely one of those armies that GW likes to release something for. 

And yeah, would be really cool if they at least made a regiment of renown with warriors et alii so that I can use em more often! I fear that Tzeentch isn‘t going to get their own mortal elite anytime soon, so I hope we‘ll get to be able to use some S2D units via a ROR or something. 

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55 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

yeah picking Nighthaunt is a bit difficult due to almost all of them being generic unit 

  • Thorns of the Briar Queen--->Chainrasps
  • Lady Harrow’s Mournflight--->Tomb Banshees
  • Drepur’s Wraithcreepers--->Glaivewraith stalkers
  • The Headsmen’s Curse--->Bladegheist Revenant


No, like they are literally just 4 generic, Easy-To-Build Glaivewraith Stalkers. Their kit has 0 unique sculpts. The other 3 do. You can literally get them for 20 bucks off of GW. Apparently so is the Mournflight. So it's really just Thorns (Who aren't available as a single purchase or outside of two OOP boxes) or the Curse.

Edited by ScionOfOssia
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5 hours ago, MitGas said:

And yeah, would be really cool if they at least made a regiment of renown with warriors et alii so that I can use em more often! I fear that Tzeentch isn‘t going to get their own mortal elite anytime soon, so I hope we‘ll get to be able to use some S2D units via a ROR or something. 

It's gotta happen, sooner or later. Nothing fancy, just some Chaos Warriors and Knights with a Chaos Lord or Sorcerer. 

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I think there's an important change in how GW are referring to the two returning Underworlds bands. It's "the plague pack", not "Skabbik's plague pack", and "the stormcoven", not "Domitan's stormcoven".

I would guess that they're turning some of them into generic units - e.g. a stormcoven will just be an elite group of three Knights Arcanum.

That might inform which others are likely to be rescued... Or I could be reading far too much into nothing 😂

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10 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

The downside for Destro with those early releases is that they will have half of their factions released at the beginning, so presumably, they won't be too important in the narrative. This will intensify if they split Warclans, where they will get 3/5 factions in the first 6 months.

That's not how It works... The narrative is not related when the book is released. Never worked like this.

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Kruleboys don’t even need a big release to work, imo.

Just a cavalry unit & the Monster Hunters need to stay (in a nerfed state, they are obviously too cheap right now).

Best case for KB would be gutripper cav, a non-hero monster & maybe another unit of Hobgrots. Hobgrots cav, Hobgrots scouts… something like that.

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

That's not how It works... The narrative is not related when the book is released. Never worked like this.

It kind of is, as the Battletomes also move the narrative. If we have two or three of their battletomes at an early stage, it is not very likely that they will include a big push in the narrative. Obviously they could also be featured in the end of the edition campaign or in one of those new narrative books that seems to be frequent during the edition now.

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1 hour ago, Kromek said:

I think there's an important change in how GW are referring to the two returning Underworlds bands. It's "the plague pack", not "Skabbik's plague pack", and "the stormcoven", not "Domitan's stormcoven".

I would guess that they're turning some of them into generic units - e.g. a stormcoven will just be an elite group of three Knights Arcanum.

That might inform which others are likely to be rescued... Or I could be reading far too much into nothing 😂

I also think this would be the way from now on, a similar approach to Warcry. The question is if the new UW releases would follow that path as well.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It kind of is, as the Battletomes also move the narrative. If we have two or three of their battletomes at an early stage, it is not very likely that they will include a big push in the narrative. Obviously they could also be featured in the end of the edition campaign or in one of those new narrative books that seems to be frequent during the edition now.

Except it doesn’t. The main narrative for 3rd Ed with featured factions were the Dawnbringer books. They featured Cities of Sigmar, Orruk Warclans, Flesh-Eater Courts, and Slaves to Darkness, but also had big elements for Gloomspite, Maggotkin, Stormcast, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine, Soulblight and Skaven, and plenty of smaller moments for others. Of all those factions only Cities and FEC got their battle tomes released during the campaign.

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9 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Except it doesn’t. The main narrative for 3rd Ed with featured factions were the Dawnbringer books. They featured Cities of Sigmar, Orruk Warclans, Flesh-Eater Courts, and Slaves to Darkness, but also had big elements for Gloomspite, Maggotkin, Stormcast, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine, Soulblight and Skaven, and plenty of smaller moments for others. Of all those factions only Cities and FEC got their battle tomes released during the campaign.

That's not true. Season of war was supposed to be as important as Dawnbringers. It is just a matter of it being cut off. And this edition we will have more narrative books.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

That's not true. Season of war was supposed to be as important as Dawnbringers. It is just a matter of it being cut off. And this edition we will have more narrative books.

Seasons of War Thondia's narrative, if I remember correctly, focused predominately on Yndrasta, Orruks, Beasts of Chaos and a litte about the Dawnbringer campaigns into Ghur. Yndrasta was released around 9-10 months before it, Battletome Orruk Warclans 6-7 months before Thondia (the story included both Kruleboyz and Bonesplittas), Battle Tome: Beasts of Chaos was released 10 months later and Cities of Sigmar near the end of the edition. The narrative doesn't care which tomes are releasing around it and whats come before or coming later. It tells a story drawing on various factions in a corner of the realms and there's nothing stopping it drawing in stuff from other factions beyond those currently getting new releases.

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13 hours ago, Garrac said:

Btw, tomorrow is rat sunday!!!!!!

Curious to see:


-The new set of dices

-The warscroll diferences with the gamer edition

-More details on the new battletomes

-If there'll be a spanish edition for the Garmer format

-Skabbik reboxed, perhaps?

-Please, rebox Skittersank as well?

Was gonna add "very little hope of separate sprue for clanrats" but it really seems like that would be totally wasted. But, oh well, the skaventide sprues here as well.

Its 17 kits in total, yes. I think it would be GW's biggest wave ever? Werent necrons a 19 kits wave?

Ok, going to make the list a bit bigger to spice things up:


-The new set of dices

-The warscroll diferences with the gamer edition

-More details on the new battletomes

-If there'll be a spanish edition for the Garmer format

-Skabbik reboxed, perhaps?

-Please, rebox Skittersank as well?

-Doomflayers: coming in 1s or 2s?

-Regiments of renown?

-How monopose are globadiers and stormvermin?

Last article did mention a Skryrre ROR, so I think this is a rather interesting question. i'd guess there's a full weapon-teams ror?

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58 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Seasons of War Thondia's narrative, if I remember correctly, focused predominately on Yndrasta, Orruks, Beasts of Chaos and a litte about the Dawnbringer campaigns into Ghur. Yndrasta was released around 9-10 months before it, Battletome Orruk Warclans 6-7 months before Thondia (the story included both Kruleboyz and Bonesplittas), Battle Tome: Beasts of Chaos was released 10 months later and Cities of Sigmar near the end of the edition. The narrative doesn't care which tomes are releasing around it and whats come before or coming later. It tells a story drawing on various factions in a corner of the realms and there's nothing stopping it drawing in stuff from other factions beyond those currently getting new releases.

Yeah, but that's not what I am talking about. Independently of the narrative books, BTs also move the narrative when they are released, but if they are closer to the start of the edition that narrative tend to be tiend to the starting act (in this case Skaventide) so their push of the narrative tend to be smaller.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Yeah, but that's not what I am talking about. Independently of the narrative books, BTs also move the narrative when they are released, but if they are closer to the start of the edition that narrative tend to be tiend to the starting act (in this case Skaventide) so their push of the narrative tend to be smaller.

I know exactly what you're talking about and you're wrong. The main narrative of the setting isn't pushed forward much at all by the battle tomes. They add lore and nuance but the main drive is always the launch box, final campaign, and then any campaign books that come out in between. All the Battletomes do is add in faction focus on their new model's lore and the factions response to the new edition's status quo.

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Tbh I think rolling in some of the WHU warbands would be a bit pointless unless they actually offer something new and interesting.

The Plague Pack could, like a command unit. So too Kainan’s reapers, a unique ambassador and bodyguard. Most of the others though, eh.

Daggrot’s stab lads are just a killaboss and some gutrippas. Instead, the Kunnin Kremlin from Harrowdeep would offer a Snatchaboss on foot with his assorted grabbing minions, which would actually be something new to the list.

WHU units were pretty consistently badly integrated into AoS, which was a shame when they offer potential for interesting new units, so if they’re taking a new angle where these are more generic warscrolls, that’s the kind of logic I’d like to see applied here.

Edited by sandlemad
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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

I know exactly what you're talking about and you're wrong. The main narrative of the setting isn't pushed forward much at all by the battle tomes. They add lore and nuance but the main drive is always the launch box, final campaign, and then any campaign books that come out in between. All the Battletomes do is add in faction focus on their new model's lore and the factions response to the new edition's status quo.

Well, for me that's enough to be called a movement in the lore. We don't need a Skaventide or an End of Times to have a change in the lore.

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51 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Tbh I think rolling in some of the WHU warbands would be a bit pointless unless they actually offer something new and interesting.

The Plague Pack could, like a command unit. So too Kainan’s reapers, a unique ambassador and bodyguard. Most of the others though, eh.

Daggrot’s stab lads are just a killaboss and some gutrippas. Instead, the Kunnin Kremlin from Harrowdeep would offer a Snatchaboss on foot with his assorted grabbing minions, which would actually be something new to the list.

WHU units were pretty consistently badly integrated into AoS, which was a shame when they offer potential for interesting new units, so if they’re taking a new angle where these are more generic warscrolls, that’s the kind of logic I’d like to see applied here.

The problem is that not all games can be focused as a way to add stuff to the main game. In the end they are their own games. If we have to stretch them to include new stuff into AoS they will end up losing their own identity. If that's the case it is better just that the game is dropped and those resources are put into proper AoS releases rather than having something mid way for two games.

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5 hours ago, Rachmani said:

Kruleboys don’t even need a big release to work, imo.

Just a cavalry unit & the Monster Hunters need to stay (in a nerfed state, they are obviously too cheap right now).

Best case for KB would be gutripper cav, a non-hero monster & maybe another unit of Hobgrots. Hobgrots cav, Hobgrots scouts… something like that.

I agree they wouldn't need a lot to fill them out. I'd like to see 4 kits. I think it could be interesting to add 2 cavalry options 1 heavy cavalry of murknobs and a lighter hobgrot cavalry option. A monstrous infantry unit (Troggs/Fimir take your pick) and a hobgrot hero. 


The road map was a bit rough to interpret and in all fairness, I didn't have time to watch the videos. Was it confirmed Warclans are getting their Battletome or is this just speculation? The road map looks like it's just a spearhead for Warclans to me and GSG are the next battletome after S2D. 

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6 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

I agree they wouldn't need a lot to fill them out. I'd like to see 4 kits. I think it could be interesting to add 2 cavalry options 1 heavy cavalry of murknobs and a lighter hobgrot cavalry option. A monstrous infantry unit (Troggs/Fimir take your pick) and a hobgrot hero. 


The road map was a bit rough to interpret and in all fairness, I didn't have time to watch the videos. Was it confirmed Warclans are getting their Battletome or is this just speculation? The road map looks like it's just a spearhead for Warclans to me and GSG are the next battletome after S2D. 

It is speculation based on 40k, as they are releasing altogether the BT, new mini/minis Combat Patrol (our Spearhead) and one or more Battleforce.

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32 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The problem is that not all games can be focused as a way to add stuff to the main game. In the end they are their own games. If we have to stretch them to include new stuff into AoS they will end up losing their own identity. If that's the case it is better just that the game is dropped and those resources are put into proper AoS releases rather than having something mid way for two games.

I’m not saying this should be the case going forward and moreover I seriously doubt that’s how they’re thinking about it. It’s just that if they are in fact looking backwards for WHU units to include (as they appear to be), I’d rather they do it sensibly with interesting units rather than feeling each army has to get something useless and non-distinct as a matter of course.

In any case, speaking personally, if it had to happen I’d rather that they dropped AoS and kept WHU going but hey, that’s never going to be the case.😉

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