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16 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

He's actually wrong, sadly - there are no new battle formations, the 'new' ones he mentions were all in the indices already and I don't know why he thinks they're new.

It looks like the battletomes will hew very close to the indices in terms of the non-model rule options like formations, artefacts, etc. I hope we'll see something like the old Battle Magic supplement later in the edition, where they could roll out a book introducing new lores and artefacts for every faction at once jn one place and thus avoid codex creep that way... But that's just my raw, unfounded hope rather than being based on anything concrete.

Yeah, that would be a solution, not the best, as you have to pay double, while it was previously included in the BT.

I guess they wanted to keep the BT rules almost exactly as the indexes, so armies that only get a BT mid/late edition are still balanced with the armies that already have a BT. For balance this is great, but for the game / flavour of your army it's very boring.

If they release each 6 - 9 months a cool big campaign book in the same way as HH gets, with lots of cool stuff, than everything is fine. If it is just the the BT that's a copy of the free index ruleswise for the rest of the edition for your army.. that's a very big meh. 😞 


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35 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

He's actually wrong, sadly - there are no new battle formations, the 'new' ones he mentions were all in the indices already and I don't know why he thinks they're new.

It looks like the battletomes will hew very close to the indices in terms of the non-model rule options like formations, artefacts, etc. I hope we'll see something like the old Battle Magic supplement later in the edition, where they could roll out a book introducing new lores and artefacts for every faction at once jn one place and thus avoid codex creep that way... But that's just my raw, unfounded hope rather than being based on anything concrete.

What about the upcoming narrative book? Could it include rules for most of the factions?

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14 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Yeah, that would be a solution, not the best, as you have to pay double, while it was previously included in the BT.

I guess they wanted to keep the BT rules almost exactly as the indexes, so armies that only get a BT mid/late edition are still balanced with the armies that already have a BT. For balance this is great, but for the game / flavour of your army it's very boring.

If they release each 6 - 9 months a cool big campaign book in the same way as HH gets, with lots of cool stuff, than everything is fine. If it is just the the BT that's a copy of the free index ruleswise for the rest of the edition for your army.. that's a very big meh. 😞 


I see it the other way around. It is a shame, yeah, but if you don't follow the lore and already use some external tool for tracking the rules then you are saving money.

And the index are always there, which would be pretty close to your real BT.

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5 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

To be fair, the anvil of apotheosis stuff looks super cool, enough to make me think maybe I *do* want to play Path to Glory.

Yeah. IMO the game will follow that streamline path, but the more customisable game will be the Path to Glory.

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Looking at the battletomes I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. If the Skaven book is the model going forward, there's quite a bit of good stuff but also quite a bit missing. The lore section looks pretty good. The fear that we would follow 40k in having the lore section cut doesn't seem to have come to pass. I like what I've seen of the presentation. I really like what they're doing with the path to glory section. There has been so much talk of GW doing heroes dirty in AoS and how they suffer in comparison to the old world but these are the deepest customisation options heroes have had since fantasy was in its RPG like early editions. This is the first time I actually want to play path to glory. If tournament organisers are worried about AoS going stale, they should allow anvil heroes in events. 

Onto the disappointing side. I really like the concept of the armies of renown; it's basically what the old world is doing, but the options for lores and items are too limited in the battletomes.  They should have a full set of three of each and limiting them to just one endless spell is stupid. They were so close to being a great way to bring variety in the game but no one's going to take them as they give up too much and don't get enough in return. This is especially true in the Skaven book where the default lores are so good. 

As for the main rules of the book the structure is solid, it's just lacking in options. Give us 6 battle formations, artefacts, heroic traits and mount traits. Give us 2 spell lores and prayers lore (3 for factions that specialise) Keep the regiments of renown as they are but put the rules for them online for free. 

If GW could do all that, they would have a pretty great series of books. 

Edited by Chikout
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With regards to the lack of content I think GW might be playing the real long game. 40k went so hard on giving option and customization in 8th and 9th that they had to re-index after only 2 editions and I don't think they want to do the same with AoS. I'm guessing they're starting as lean as possible for this edition so they can gradually add new rules and content in subsequent editions to keep things going as long as they can. Either that or maybe they've actually been listening to people begging for longer editions and they're planning pushing to 4 years and will add things through the narrative books in years 3 and 4. Doing something like a malign sorceries style event in year 3 and a broken realms in year 4 could really flesh things out. 

Either way I'm good with this as is. It means I probably don't need to buy the army book and can just record the minor changes from the index, which is a relief because my hopes for the gamer edition of the army book have been utterly trashed. Making the mini book 50% more expensive than the standard is a huuuge waste of potential and a real shame. 

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I think the most likely explanation is that they knew the indexes for these two would only be relevant for a few months and as such basically made the BTs the same because they were developed at the same time, probably by the same group. I’m more curious if they’ll FAQ stuff into other factions if they’re added later on. 

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So, the "Gamer Edition" is just a smaller-format Soft-Cover Battletome and cards for £7.50 less than the Hardback Battletome and cards? That is a shame. 

I'm also a little disappointed that they kept the same Battletome cover format as 3rd Edition. I like it when they change the cover formatting between editions (I would have preferred the Gamer Edition cover on the Hardback Battletome, with a larger Warhammer AoS logo, to give 4th its own identity) Let's hope they at least use new artwork on the covers for all factions. I'm not a fan of 40k's approach of keeping the same artwork with a faction icon overlay. It feels lazy and penny-pinching. 

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6 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

What about the upcoming narrative book? Could it include rules for most of the factions?

Since it’s a Narrative book then probably not(or at least nothing Matched Play legal)

I imagine it’ll be like Thondia with cool Narrative Realm Rules, Realm Spells & possibly an Apotheosis extension in the Realm of Fire but nothing for the hard-nose crowd.

Best I think it could do is release some Regiments of Renown kits for some deals & tie into the story, like a Krittok’s claw pack set vs whatever the non-draconith RoR is for SCE to battle at the foot of Attramor & Snow Peak so they can do escalation missions between them and then add in the players Chaos & Order Grand Alliance armies alongside the regiment allies as the battle intensity increases.

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6 hours ago, Chikout said:

Looking at the battletomes I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. If the Skaven book is the model going forward, there's quite a bit of good stuff but also quite a bit missing. The lore section looks pretty good. The fear that we would follow 40k in having the lore section cut doesn't seem to have come to pass. I like what I've seen of the presentation. I really like what they're doing with the path to glory section. There has been so much talk of GW doing heroes dirty in AoS and how they suffer in comparison to the old world but these are the deepest customisation options heroes have had since fantasy was in its RPG like early editions. This is the first time I actually want to play path to glory. If tournament organisers are worried about AoS going stale, they should allow anvil heroes in events. 

Onto the disappointing side. I really like the concept of the armies of renown; it's basically what the old world is doing, but the options for lores and items are too limited in the battletomes.  They should have a full set of three of each and limiting them to just one endless spell is stupid. They were so close to being a great way to bring variety in the game but no one's going to take them as they give up too much and don't get enough in return. This is especially true in the Skaven book where the default lores are so good. 

As for the main rules of the book the structure is solid, it's just lacking in options. Give us 6 battle formations, artefacts, heroic traits and mount traits. Give us 2 spell lores and prayers lore (3 for factions that specialise) Keep the regiments of renown as they are but put the rules for them online for free. 

If GW could do all that, they would have a pretty great series of books. 

Path to Glory is very cool!

But the problem is, you need to convince everyone in your group to play that instead of matched play. In 3rd edition we had a couple of full gaming days (4 players) where we did a PtG campaign, I loved it with my StD, the Idoneth player of our group had defeat after defeat. We never played it again in 3rd.

The second big problem is that only Skaven have acces to the Anvil of Apotheosis. The armies in our group are StD, CoS, IdK, FS, OBR, SBL, DoK and Sylvaneth. So I  (StD) am the only one that will be able to use Anvil of Apotheosis in near future. That really doesn't encourage the rest of our group to switch to PtG.

I have a bigger change to convert my group to TOW than to PtG as atleast all the core factions already have customization from the start and it only gets bigger with the Arcane Journals.



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5 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Btw, from the skaven preorders trailer:



(this one


As @dmorley21hinted to us underworlds bands are coming back as generic units in AoS BT and @Nighthaunt Noobhas rumored new season with new starter set Skaven vs Stormcast : so Underworlds is dead , long live to Underworlds! 😉👍



Small note about hero customisation: no matter how many settings are available, in competitive ( but also friendly) games it will end up always to the best set which everyone will use in the end .

It happened in Whfb , it happen and it will happen in AoS and ToW 😉


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5 minutes ago, Garrac said:

How much do narrative aos books cost, btw? I know dawnbringers were at 30 euros per book, but I presume the new one will be shorter since the team literally hasnt had a lot of time to write it down?

Its always safer to assume books will go up in price.

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50 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Path to Glory is very cool!

But the problem is, you need to convince everyone in your group to play that instead of matched play.

Yes. This. 

I enjoy all sorts of games. Anything for ships and giggles. I'm rubbish at tactics anyway, so games which aren't just Matched Play appeal to me! 

But I can't say that about many of my fellow gamers. There's a certain obstinate attitude amongst so many players that Matched Play is the only type of game worth playing. 

It's a shame, but if you want to actually play a game you have to go with the flow. 

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44 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Small note about hero customisation: no matter how many settings are available, in competitive ( but also friendly) games it will end up always to the best set which everyone will use in the end .

It happened in Whfb , it happen and it will happen in AoS and ToW 😉


Nonono, I get tired of this argument. Ofcourse some player take only the best, but you seem to forget that also a big chunk of palyers/hobbyist like an item or trait because it fits their hero, army or the narrative. For a lot of players a game, be it a tabletop game or computer is not all about MIN-MAXing, but the experience.


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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

How much do narrative aos books cost, btw? I know dawnbringers were at 30 euros per book, but I presume the new one will be shorter since the team literally hasnt had a lot of time to write it down?

What makes you think they haven't had a lot of time to write it? We don't know how long it takes to write or how long an author is given. 

For all we know, all 6 Daanbringer books could have been written in a week. 

From my understanding however the book would have been written ages ago, just as the majority if not all of the new battletome will have been written and finished. 

It probably takes longer to produce the books (design, layout, photography, art work, printing, shipping) than actually write it. 

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

Small note about hero customisation: no matter how many settings are available, in competitive ( but also friendly) games it will end up always to the best set which everyone will use in the end .

It happened in Whfb , it happen and it will happen in AoS and ToW 😉

There is no problem on that. But don't take the options away, it should be the players to decide to use the same customization options or whatever they want to do.

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7 hours ago, Garrac said:

How much do narrative aos books cost, btw? I know dawnbringers were at 30 euros per book, but I presume the new one will be shorter since the team literally hasnt had a lot of time to write it down?

Same as BTs, the first DB book was cheaper, but the rest were the classic 42,50.

EDIT. Looking at my Excel this was their exact pricing:


Edited by Ejecutor
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5 hours ago, Ogregut said:

What makes you think they haven't had a lot of time to write it? We don't know how long it takes to write or how long an author is given. 

For all we know, all 6 Daanbringer books could have been written in a week. 

From my understanding however the book would have been written ages ago, just as the majority if not all of the new battletome will have been written and finished. 

It probably takes longer to produce the books (design, layout, photography, art work, printing, shipping) than actually write it. 

Yeah. It felt a bit weird. The same could be applied to the rule set or the BTs, lol. I think they had the same time as any other book.

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