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14 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Then I will go with Rob 😅

I remember during 2ed that Rob said a lot of "leaks", most of them false. That affected this community with a few people critizing Whitefang or other smaller leakers like was their fault of false expectations. Rob is a good entertainer, but his leaks are usually late or rarely true.

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4 hours ago, EthanolMuffins said:

So with all this chorf talk got me thinking, what armies could we see introduced over the next couple editions

So far heres what I could think of:

• Necromancer/Flesh golem themed death faction

Deadwalkers have domains and autonomy considering some BL books... there's a Queen deadwalker in the Nagash court so i'd love to see a deadwalker expansion.

Tbh also deathrattle should have options to be "autonomous" with new units to represent their fallen Kingdoms.

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4 hours ago, EthanolMuffins said:

So with all this chorf talk got me thinking, what armies could we see introduced over the next couple editions

So far heres what I could think of:

• Chorfs (4th ed probably)

• Umbraneth (5th ed if I had to guess)

• Reimagined Beasts of Chaos

• Silent people (Hopium)

• Necromancer/Flesh golem themed death faction

I would put it around the same level as Silent Copium the Golemkind and Drogrukh.

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On 9/16/2024 at 4:40 PM, Vasshpit said:

What is it about the chorfs design that has such a cult following of sorts?

I'm not against it or anything and nor is it my cup of tea either but fans of them are fanatical and I wanted to get some feedback. 

To me, it's easy to answer that:

  • They are dwarfs/duardins
  • The are evil (evil is cool in fictional universes).
  • Because they are evil dwarfs/duardins, they have a twist compared to classic dwarfs (use magic, machines with daemons, slaves, pollution etc... if Dwarfs/Duardin are Jedis, Chorfs are Siths).
  • Their design is so lovely: Asirian dwarfs with zigurats, black towers, slaves and machines. It reminds me of ancient civilizations from Frazzetta paints, hyperborea myths from the greeks or R. E. Howard descriptions of advanced civilizations from hyborean age. The only things that can scratch the same feeling would be lizardemen/seraphon (but they are not chaotic/dwarf), Ind/Nagas (MIA) and Naggaroth (pointy-ears).
  • Their "realm", full of megalopolis with cyclopean zigurats, roads and even a train that connect them. It reminds me about the Infinite Empire in Star Wars EU, but without becoming extinct.
  • That duality of faith and technology in an evil faction is so unique. At the top of their hierarchy, they have Prophets (dwarf wizards!), but their daemonsmith are so badass to subdue any daemonic entity and bind them in to their machines. And on the bottom, slaves.
  • I already said that, but I just love their cartoony evil dwarf design (I'm not a fan of Legion Azghor):image.png.d7c9cb34f915cd3f6d2a57bd432e4b4a.png
Edited by Beliman
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2 hours ago, Beliman said:
  • Because they are evil dwarfs/duardins, they have a twist (use magic, machines with daemons, slaves, pollution etc... if Dwarfs/Duardin are Jedis, Chorfs are Siths).

Where on Earth did you get garden variety dwarfs (or Fyr*slayers or Kharadron) as celibate, acrobatic new age monk-wizards from?!


  • I already said that, but I just love their cartoony evil dwarf design (I'm not a fan of Legion Azghor):image.png.d7c9cb34f915cd3f6d2a57bd432e4b4a.png

This I fully agree with. The new Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarfs aren't OTT enough for me.

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52 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Bringing Chaos Dwarfs to AoS is good because there existance changes the paradigm of Chaos. 

They also play like no other Chaos factions.

They play a lot on shooting and trash meatshields just like Skaven, but they also have tough heavily armoured troops like STD or Khorne. They have monsters like everyone else, but they also have war machines which is more rare in Chaos.

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What about having a mix so everyone is happy?

Some units look like the Horns of Hashut, others have the old WHFB style, and others have the Legion of Azgorh aesthetic.

How would the Chorfs enthusiasts feel about that?

I think if I have to order their aesthetic it would probably be Legion of Azgorh > Horns of Hashut > WHFB Big Hats.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What about having a mix so everyone is happy?

Some units look like the Horns of Hashut, others have the old WHFB style, and others have the Legion of Azgorh aesthetic.

How would the Chorfs enthusiasts feel about that?

The Total War Chaos Dwarfs are a hodgepodge of 4th ed big hats and the newer Forge World stuff and look garishly mismatched. Like if you had the casts of the 60s Batman tv show and the Christopher Nolan movies standing next to each other.

Edited by Double Misfire
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51 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

They also play like no other Chaos factions.

They play a lot on shooting and trash meatshields just like Skaven, but they also have tough heavily armoured troops like STD or Khorne. They have monsters like everyone else, but they also have war machines which is more rare in Chaos.

They also have wizards. Infact they have everything compared with any other faction in AoS. So I assume something will have to go.

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3 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

Where on Earth did you get garden variety dwarfs (or Fyr*slayers or Kharadron) as celibate, acrobatic new age monk-wizards from?!

Nobody said that LOL 

Explanation: what I wanted to say is that both dwarfs are diferent sides of the same coin.

Edited by Beliman
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12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

They also have wizards. Infact they have everything compared with any other faction in AoS. So I assume something will have to go.

I don't know, AoS already has a bunch of toolbox factions with access to all tools the game has to offer.

In general the balancing mechanism in that case seems to be weak base warscrolls, weak allegiance abilities and/or high points.

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18 hours ago, Kempak said:

Anyone else having issues claiming their free sub mini? It keeps saying I need to subscribe then if I do log in again it tells me the model is no longer available, the chat people are just telling me to clear my cache and cookies like bro i've tried two different browsers and incognitos now.




order now.JPG


I had the exact same issue last year. In the end they told me to wait a couple of weeks to see if it changes as may be an issue with the website. After that I contacted back to say the issue was still there and you can see from my page that I had subbed for a year so it should be claimable. Had a different person who could see the same, but also could not fix the problem so instead they managed to send the model to me on their end.

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24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I don't know, AoS already has a bunch of toolbox factions with access to all tools the game has to offer.

In general the balancing mechanism in that case seems to be weak base warscrolls, weak allegiance abilities and/or high points.

Weak warscrolls would feel contradictory with how I envision Chaos Dwarfs, some of their auxiliary units should have weak warscrolls. I am curious how they will do it. Although the imagine I have for CD is based on Warhammer. GW can redesign a lot of stuff with the AoS variant.

Maybe there will be no heavily armoured CD units and etc ...

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9 hours ago, EthanolMuffins said:


• Necromancer/Flesh golem themed death faction

Thats what I’ve been building over the last 3 years. But not so much Necromancers but Necrarchs. The Necrarch’s returning under the Leadership of W’soran/Melkhior/Zacharias with a whole bunch of Flesh Golems would have me equally excited and dissapointed. Excited for new minis for each, disappointed I wasted 3 years making them from expensive bits 😅😩


The Necrarch’s returning and Refreshed the Way Ushoran and the Strigoi have been brought back would be utterly breathtaking.


Necromancers in old Lore  would seek out Necrarch’s and become their disciples, sometimes even being gifted vampirism by the Necrarch Master.  

Edited by Kronos
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14 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Back-banners are the great loss of the shift in miniature design style over the years.

Agree, they gave an awful lot of presence to characters you wouldn't typically find riding things like dwarfs or skaven, and made them easy to identify.

I'm always tempted to slap back banners on my Dwarf characters, but worry they'd be mistakes for BSBs on modern tables.

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