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1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

I think it's probably burning wood on someone's base.

I am inclinde to agree it looks like a burning branch and could be anything from a fiery new sylvaneth to a camp side fire on an imperial guardsmen's scenic base.

I do think that the sculpting is reminiscent of some recent chaos flames/effects and I am hopeful that it is something Chaos Dwarf related. But nothing is iconographically linked to a specific faction. I guess it is unlikely to be Idoneth?


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5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

40k: Krieg。AoS

S2D BT。Darkoath Spearhead 和一位会根据是否拥有战斗力而改变的英雄。如果我们拥有战斗力,它将是一个混沌巫师,并将在盒子里被“绑架”。如果没有,Darkoath Shaman 将是 Spearhead 独有的。叙事书,Darkoath(Brann 的复仇)对抗 Skavens。Chariot 和 Manticore 将消失。Underworlds

SCE 对抗 Mini doomwheel。

杀戮小队: Ratlings、Orglins 和任何以 ings 结尾的对抗 Orks。Legion


泄露的 Legions Imperialis Mechanicum 套装:r/AdeptusMechanicus

Thanks for the summary~

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I have no clue how to interpret this. Burning wood? A spell?

The Rumour Engine – 24th of September - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

RumourEngine Sep24 Content

I don't think it looks like how GW sculpts fire. Neither do I think it looks like how they sculpt smoke, it doesn't match Be'lakor's or say the Plague Packs.

It kind of looks like it's growing to me, the way the tendrils where it meets the wood kind of clasp around it. 

Therefore... Morghur.

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Could it be a snippet of a new Mortarch? With the amazing Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion for FEC released, the rumour of "Death as a big player in 4th" from Whitefang and the ropey roadmap alluding to something significant coming for Death, I can't help but feel that new sculpts for Mannfred Von Carstien, Mortach of Night and Neferata, Mortach of Blood for SBGL are around the corner. Or perhaps Arkhan the Black is back (leading a second wave for Ossiarch Bonereapers) after being Sparta-kicked into the Aetheric void by Eltharion? 

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1 minute ago, Hollow said:

Could it be a snippet of a new Mortarch? With the amazing Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion for FEC released, the rumour of "Death as a big player in 4th" from Whitefang and the ropey roadmap alluding to something significant coming for Death, I can't help but feel that new sculpts for Mannfred Von Carstien, Mortach of Night and Neferata, Mortach of Blood for SBGL are around the corner. Or perhaps Arkhan the Black is back (leading a second wave for Ossiarch Bonereapers) after being Sparta-kicked into the Aetheric void by Eltharion? 

IMO both the "big player" message and the roadmap section are being over-dimensioned.

We already have Death as a protagonist with the Ruination Chamber and Morrda.

Images of Age of Sigmar Upcoming & New Releases in 2024

And this is what it says. Something to be announced for Death. It could be big or small.

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3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Could it be a snippet of a new Mortarch? With the amazing Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion for FEC released, the rumour of "Death as a big player in 4th" from Whitefang and the ropey roadmap alluding to something significant coming for Death, I can't help but feel that new sculpts for Mannfred Von Carstien, Mortach of Night and Neferata, Mortach of Blood for SBGL are around the corner. Or perhaps Arkhan the Black is back (leading a second wave for Ossiarch Bonereapers) after being Sparta-kicked into the Aetheric void by Eltharion? 

I would love new kits for the OG Mortarchs but I feel like if one was to get a new kit, the remainder would have to get their update shortly afterwards. But if the "Death" for spring is in fact multiple death factions I could see it. 

New Neferata with her court surrounding her. Arkhan "on foot" maybe in the palm of a giant skeleton hand he's contructing for himself. Mannfred still with a mount of some kind. Would be rad. 

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