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The Rumour Thread

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12 hours ago, cyrus said:

Sometimes they do , sometimes they do not . But they could still make a " 2 days to go" today i.e. 


Last bet for AoS reveals :

- New Chaos Lord on foot  (outside spearhead)

- New Chaos Sorcerer on foot (non commemorative one)

- New Chaos Spawn 

- Narrative book aka Embergard Nexus aka Darkoath vs Skaven 


Pretty much confirmed STD battletome and Darkoath spearhead ☸️

The Chaos Spawn modelhas needed updating from the moment it released. I never like that multi part plastic kit. It reminds me of the last Rat Ogor kit.

12 hours ago, EntMan said:

Oh that is perfect. All Ogors should at minimum be this size!! A single Ogor should have the power of another Factions Elite unit.

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11 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Maybe one day Archaon becomes a minor Chaos deity and fills one of the arrows ?

Archaon was (and is) capable of ascending to elemental God status (Same as Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, The Great Horned Rat & Gorka Morka) but refused the final "gift" of giving up the last remaining shard of what makes him fundamentally mortal. It is a source of great power, and vulnerability, and a quintessential part of his conflicted sad story. 

Gods are a cornerstone of what makes up the Age of Sigmar setting. Gods, Mortals, Monsters & Magic. There are the elemental Gods that are circular (no beginning or end) and whose power waxes and wanes as the emotions of Mortals fluctuate. The Great Horned Rat feeds off Desperation (amongst other things) The catastrophe of the Vermindoom evoked so much desperation in mortals that it allowed for The Great Horned Rat's ascension to "Elemental God status" and he now sits on The Pantheon of the Dark Gods, the fifth finger of a dark hand. 

There are the "Ascended Gods", once mortal beings who (one way or another) ascended into "God" status. Each of these Ascended beings is like a country or nation-state. Different sizes, amount of followers (or citizens), influence and powers (both hard and soft). Each has no real "Friends", only interests and agendas. This includes Alarielle, Grimnir, Grungni, Malerion, Nagash, Sigmar, Teclis, Tyrion, Morathi and Kragnos. 

Then you have the "God Beasts" - beings infused with the power of the Realms. Mighty and Powerful, there are dozens of known God Beasts across the realms both past and present. 

Similar to the God Beasts there are the Incarnates which are manifestations of the Realms themselves. 

The Underworld Deities that used to rule over the various Underworlds of Shyish before Nagash consumed most and sent the rest into exile. 

The Winter Gods. Ancient Deities are handy if you need another God suspended in Ice for an age or two. 

And of course, you have The Old Ones. (Arguably the true counterweight to the Pantheon of the Dark Gods) Chotec, Huanchi, Itzl, Quetli, Quetzl, Tepok, Tlanxla & Tzunki. 

There is a huge range of other "Deities" and aspiring gods. Mortarchs, Princes, Daemons, Heralds, Avatars and of course, The Prince of Cats. 


I hope we continue to see Gods (Of all shapes and sizes) explored in parallel with the Mortals of the realms. I am as interested and inspired by a shield and sword as the machinations and Great Games of Gods. 


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36 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

If someone doesn't have Realms of Ruin it is included in a Humble Bundle:

Have a Warhammer Day (paga lo que quieras y ayuda a organizaciones benéficas) (humblebundle.com)

For 13,44 € you get the Ultimate Edition and a bunch of other Warhammer games.


Chaos Gate: DH was great, at least if you loved the original Chaos Gate like me. That alone is a good deal. 

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19 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Formless Distortion = Be'Lakor?

Malevolent Artifice = Hashut for AOS

Encroaching Ruin = GHR it seems

Ravenous Dissolution = ?

Ravenous Dissolution is pretty obviously Malal the way its described.

Encroaching Ruin is supposed to be Dark King. I don't care for the Dark King, I think its pretty much the worst way they could've done the popular "Emperor becomes the 5th Chaos God" fan theory, and Horned Rat is the only God of Ruin I acknowledge.

Formless Distortion doesn't really correspond to anybody, the way its described it kind of sounds like Morghur in Fantasy and AoS but its not like he's ever been a full god or had a 40k version. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Formless Distortion = Be'Lakor?

Malevolent Artifice = Hashut for AOS

Encroaching Ruin = GHR it seems

Ravenous Dissolution = ?

Heedless Slaughter(Khorne)


The dark fury of battle and the red joy of life’s final end. For some among the hordes of the Warp, the only goal was to fight and to die – it mattered not where or why as long as blood flowed. Such vile entities would appear garbed in the trappings of conquerors and executioners, caring only for the tally of skulls and death they might reap from the mortal world, irrespective of such concerns as ‘friend’ or ‘foe’

Putrid Corruption (Nurgle)


A slow corruption, rotting away body and soul, with no final release in death. Among the hosts of Chaos there were those who cared nothing for victory or defeat, only that suffering was spread to as many as possible. Such creatures were ushered forth into the material world in a miasma of disease and filth, content to spread their vile gifts to the world of mortals

Rapturous Sensation (Slaanesh)


A maddening screech of sensation and wild impulses. For some among the numberless tide of Chaos the ends of violence truly mattered not, merely that they were there to take part and to experience its vicissitudes, inflicting overwhelming pain and gorging on mortals’ fear. These daemonkind revelled in the sensory overload of war, bounding over shell-sundered battlefields to deliver blissful death as they exulted in each blinding flash and deafening blast

Infernal Tempest (Tzeentch)


Some hosts of daemonkind brought forth a maelstrom of raw warpstuff with them, manifesting the energy of the Immaterium as sheer elemental power. Around these entities roiled tempests of prismatic balefire, the air riven with crackling arcs of unreal lightning as the earth twisted into fragments of shimmering crystal. To these Daemons there was no higher purpose than the promulgation of that power and of its profligate use on the battlefields of the material realm

Now it's the next four that are really interesting. Ones that have very very potentially game changing lore implications. Of the two who I am certain of their names, neither are gods. One is a lesser warp god who has just started doing things, and the other never reached apotheosis.

First we have:

Malevolent Artifice (Who is clearly Vashtorr)


Just as Chaos reflects back a twisted mockery of humanity’s every facet, so too is the very drive to create perverted into a malevolent and destructive force within the Immaterium. Conjured forth into realspace, such daemonkind harnessed the works of mortals as a vector for their own annihilation, their monstrous machine-entity forms at once a mimicry of flesh and artifice, every action made to demonstrate their supremacy over both mortal beings and everything they deigned to create

Ravenous Dissolution (Yes that sound like Malice no it not Malice people please stop bring Malal up that character is legally dead)


Such is the hatred that swirls within the Warp that it encompasses all things, and like the dragon of eternity that feasts upon its own tail, this hatred extends even to itself. To expect rational and sane logic from creatures such as these would be foolish, for Chaos was both its name and nature. Yet, in its self-destructive hatred there was no ally to be found, only a new and more unpredictable foe

Formless Distortion


Even as Daemons manifest as obscene parodies of mortal forms, the true essence of Chaos is endlessly shifting and unknowable, twisting, changing and perverting everything it touches. Some Daemons who crossed the veil into realspace embodied this ceaseless distortion to its fullest extent, shaping themselves into roiling agglomerations of immaterial flesh and bone, for whom death was simply one component of the eternal metamorphosis they would inflict upon the material world

It's the last one I find the most interesting. Encroaching Ruin. Samus here is listed as the daemon prince of the primordial annilator and of Encroaching Ruin, this god to be. With Samus' title as the end and the death and its description this leaves me to believe this god to be, to be none other than the Dark King. The god of humanity who has yet to reach apotheosis.

Encroaching Ruin(The Dark King this could be Great Horned rat but this come from 40k and it what the Dark king is describe to be)


Chaos in its purest form is a terror that few can stand before and remain sane. It hungers only for destruction, that all things mortal meet their predestined end and crumble into dust to be forgotten. To this singular end it moves inexorably, driven by a nightmarish purpose which subsumes the petty divisions of daemonkind


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but to rake up the current rumor/speculation of what coming for Warhammer feel free to add more and/or correct me if im missing stuff


  • Slaves to Darkness with a Darkoath spearhead
  • Orruk Warclans with a spearhead (possibly Ironjawz)
  • Gloomspite gitz next
    • Gitmob wave (kind of confirmed with the early army box 2025) by Whitefang
  • Chaos dwarfs 2025 various including HonestWargammer & Whitefang 
  • CoS getting a Cogfort by Whitefangbackmeup
  • Lumineth getting their own phoenix guard by Whitefang
  • Seraphon getting Temple guard (through rumor engines)
  • Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang 
  • A mini-doomwheel (possibly for Underworld)  by Whitfangbackmeup
  • New Wolf-rats (possibly for Underworld) only thing missing from SGwarhound list


  • Stormcast vs Skaven
  • 3 heralds said to bring more stuff in the future
    • Chaos dwarfs with other races like Hobgrots
    • Kerthusa's Daughter of Khain warband
    • Gitmob/Kurnothi/Order of Azyr (i don't remember which one turn to be the one)
  • A warband that goes "rawr" (Seraphon ?)
  • A warband with a potbelly (Nurgle demon)
  • A chaos warband
  • A Destruction warband


  • Next year a new edition


  • Krieg wave
    • A Krieg commissar
    • A Krieg captain on horse
    • Heavy weapons squad
    • Krieg command squad
    • Krieg Death Rider 
    • WW1 artillery
  • Eldar wave
    • Asurman
    • Fuegan with fire dragons 
    • New Pheonix lord for the Warp spider and new warp spider 
    • Barroth with new swooping hawks
    • Prince Yriel
    • Eldar Corsairs (some with jumppack??) & Corsair Warseer
    • Eldar Viper vehicles 
  • Imperial Knights
    • New Armiger
  • Emperor Children (2025)
    • Plastic Fulgrim
    • Lucious
    • Noise Marines
  • Codex Daemons of Chaos are gone


  • Waaay off new edition at one point with MK II armor Iron warrior vs Salamanders with saturnine terminators
  • Plastic Mechnicum knights 


  • Ratlings along with Ogryns  vs Armored Orkz (Tankbusters?) 
  • Grey knights (this is uncertain)


  • More new Malstraine Genestealers
  • Updating old gangs 


  • Empire
  • High elves
    • Tyrion and Teclis are the special characters
  • Beastmen are getting Peytron, Gorebull & Fimir
    • Morgur is special character
  • Grand Cathay coming long time but coming 
Edited by Dragon-knight77
forgot TOW lol
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7 hours ago, Wurgog_on_a_Wyvern said:

I think its a bit to early but I'm hoping they show so Gitmob models during the upcoming event.

Considering there are at least two previews before they release them I think it is very unlikely.

Edited by Ejecutor
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5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

but to rake up the current rumor/speculation of what coming for Warhammer feel free to add more and/or correct me if im missing stuff


  • Slaves to Darkness with a Darkoath spearhead
  • Orruk Warclans with a spearhead (possibly Ironjawz)
  • Gloomspite gitz next
    • Gitmob wave (kind of confirmed with the early army box 2025) by Whitefang
  • Chaos dwarfs 2025 various including HonestWargammer & Whitefang 
  • CoS getting a Cogfort by Whitefangbackmeup
  • Lumineth getting their own phoenix guard by Whitefang
  • Seraphon getting Temple guard (through rumor engines)
  • Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang 
  • A mini-doomwheel (possibly for Underworld)  by Whitfangbackmeup
  • New Wolf-rats (possibly for Underworld) only thing missing from SGwarhound list


  • Stormcast vs Skaven
  • 3 heralds said to bring more stuff in the future
    • Chaos dwarfs with other races like Hobgrots
    • Kerthusa's Daughter of Khain warband
    • Gitmob/Kurnothi/Order of Azyr (i don't remember which one turn to be the one)
  • A warband that goes "rawr" (Seraphon ?)
  • A warband with a potbelly (Nurgle demon)
  • A chaos warband
  • A Destruction warband


  • Next year a new edition


  • Krieg wave
    • A Krieg commissar
    • A Krieg captain on horse
    • Heavy weapons squad
    • Krieg command squad
    • Krieg Death Rider 
    • WW1 artillery
  • Eldar wave
    • Asurman
    • Fuegan with fire dragons 
    • New Pheonix lord for the Warp spider and new warp spider 
    • Barroth with new swooping hawks
    • Prince Yriel
    • Eldar Corsairs (some with jumppack??) & Corsair Warseer
    • Eldar Viper vehicles 
  • Imperial Knights
    • New Armiger
  • Emperor Children (2025)
    • Plastic Fulgrim
    • Lucious
    • Noise Marines
  • Codex Daemons of Chaos are gone


  • Waaay off new edition at one point with MK II armor Iron warrior vs Salamanders with saturnine terminators
  • Plastic Mechnicum knights 


  • Ratlings along with Ogryns  vs Armored Orkz (Tankbusters?) 
  • Grey knights (this is uncertain)


  • More new Malstraine Genestealers
  • Updating old gangs 


  • Empire
  • High elves
    • Tyrion and Teclis are the special characters
  • Beastmen are getting Peytron, Gorebull & Fimir
    • Morgur is special character
  • Grand Cathay coming long time but coming 

Narrative book is missing ;)

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6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

but to rake up the current rumor/speculation of what coming for Warhammer feel free to add more and/or correct me if im missing stuff


  • Slaves to Darkness with a Darkoath spearhead
  • Orruk Warclans with a spearhead (possibly Ironjawz)
  • Gloomspite gitz next
    • Gitmob wave (kind of confirmed with the early army box 2025) by Whitefang
  • Chaos dwarfs 2025 various including HonestWargammer & Whitefang 
  • CoS getting a Cogfort by Whitefangbackmeup
  • Lumineth getting their own phoenix guard by Whitefang
  • Seraphon getting Temple guard (through rumor engines)
  • Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang 
  • A mini-doomwheel (possibly for Underworld)  by Whitfangbackmeup
  • New Wolf-rats (possibly for Underworld) only thing missing from SGwarhound list


  • Stormcast vs Skaven
  • 3 heralds said to bring more stuff in the future
    • Chaos dwarfs with other races like Hobgrots
    • Kerthusa's Daughter of Khain warband
    • Gitmob/Kurnothi/Order of Azyr (i don't remember which one turn to be the one)
  • A warband that goes "rawr" (Seraphon ?)
  • A warband with a potbelly (Nurgle demon)
  • A chaos warband
  • A Destruction warband


  • Next year a new edition


  • Krieg wave
    • A Krieg commissar
    • A Krieg captain on horse
    • Heavy weapons squad
    • Krieg command squad
    • Krieg Death Rider 
    • WW1 artillery
  • Eldar wave
    • Asurman
    • Fuegan with fire dragons 
    • New Pheonix lord for the Warp spider and new warp spider 
    • Barroth with new swooping hawks
    • Prince Yriel
    • Eldar Corsairs (some with jumppack??) & Corsair Warseer
    • Eldar Viper vehicles 
  • Imperial Knights
    • New Armiger
  • Emperor Children (2025)
    • Plastic Fulgrim
    • Lucious
    • Noise Marines
  • Codex Daemons of Chaos are gone


  • Waaay off new edition at one point with MK II armor Iron warrior vs Salamanders with saturnine terminators
  • Plastic Mechnicum knights 


  • Ratlings along with Ogryns  vs Armored Orkz (Tankbusters?) 
  • Grey knights (this is uncertain)


  • More new Malstraine Genestealers
  • Updating old gangs 


  • Empire
  • High elves
    • Tyrion and Teclis are the special characters
  • Beastmen are getting Peytron, Gorebull & Fimir
    • Morgur is special character
  • Grand Cathay coming long time but coming 

Middle-Earth is getting a brand new edition with huge changes to everything, new manual, 3 new army books and all new minis to tie in with the new anime movie at Christmas

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7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

but to rake up the current rumor/speculation of what coming for Warhammer feel free to add more and/or correct me if im missing stuff


  • Slaves to Darkness with a Darkoath spearhead
  • Orruk Warclans with a spearhead (possibly Ironjawz)
  • Gloomspite gitz next
    • Gitmob wave (kind of confirmed with the early army box 2025) by Whitefang
  • Chaos dwarfs 2025 various including HonestWargammer & Whitefang 
  • CoS getting a Cogfort by Whitefangbackmeup
  • Lumineth getting their own phoenix guard by Whitefang
  • Seraphon getting Temple guard (through rumor engines)
  • Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang 
  • A mini-doomwheel (possibly for Underworld)  by Whitfangbackmeup
  • New Wolf-rats (possibly for Underworld) only thing missing from SGwarhound list


  • Stormcast vs Skaven
  • 3 heralds said to bring more stuff in the future
    • Chaos dwarfs with other races like Hobgrots
    • Kerthusa's Daughter of Khain warband
    • Gitmob/Kurnothi/Order of Azyr (i don't remember which one turn to be the one)
  • A warband that goes "rawr" (Seraphon ?)
  • A warband with a potbelly (Nurgle demon)
  • A chaos warband
  • A Destruction warband


  • Next year a new edition


  • Krieg wave
    • A Krieg commissar
    • A Krieg captain on horse
    • Heavy weapons squad
    • Krieg command squad
    • Krieg Death Rider 
    • WW1 artillery
  • Eldar wave
    • Asurman
    • Fuegan with fire dragons 
    • New Pheonix lord for the Warp spider and new warp spider 
    • Barroth with new swooping hawks
    • Prince Yriel
    • Eldar Corsairs (some with jumppack??) & Corsair Warseer
    • Eldar Viper vehicles 
  • Imperial Knights
    • New Armiger
  • Emperor Children (2025)
    • Plastic Fulgrim
    • Lucious
    • Noise Marines
  • Codex Daemons of Chaos are gone


  • Waaay off new edition at one point with MK II armor Iron warrior vs Salamanders with saturnine terminators
  • Plastic Mechnicum knights 


  • Ratlings along with Ogryns  vs Armored Orkz (Tankbusters?) 
  • Grey knights (this is uncertain)


  • More new Malstraine Genestealers
  • Updating old gangs 


  • Empire
  • High elves
    • Tyrion and Teclis are the special characters
  • Beastmen are getting Peytron, Gorebull & Fimir
    • Morgur is special character
  • Grand Cathay coming long time but coming 

I think at this point the Saurus guard RE is probably connected to Underworlds warband rumored by Nighthaunt Noob 



An probably this one is for Nurgle warband 




NOTE : Rumors of Teclis and Tyrion as HE special characters has been already debunked by ToW roadmap/preview. High elves are getting a nautical character (possibly Sea Lord).


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9 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

but to rake up the current rumor/speculation of what coming for Warhammer feel free to add more and/or correct me if im missing stuff


  • Slaves to Darkness with a Darkoath spearhead
  • Orruk Warclans with a spearhead (possibly Ironjawz)
  • Gloomspite gitz next
    • Gitmob wave (kind of confirmed with the early army box 2025) by Whitefang
  • Chaos dwarfs 2025 various including HonestWargammer & Whitefang 
  • CoS getting a Cogfort by Whitefangbackmeup
  • Lumineth getting their own phoenix guard by Whitefang
  • Seraphon getting Temple guard (through rumor engines)
  • Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang 
  • A mini-doomwheel (possibly for Underworld)  by Whitfangbackmeup
  • New Wolf-rats (possibly for Underworld) only thing missing from SGwarhound list


  • Stormcast vs Skaven
  • 3 heralds said to bring more stuff in the future
    • Chaos dwarfs with other races like Hobgrots
    • Kerthusa's Daughter of Khain warband
    • Gitmob/Kurnothi/Order of Azyr (i don't remember which one turn to be the one)
  • A warband that goes "rawr" (Seraphon ?)
  • A warband with a potbelly (Nurgle demon)
  • A chaos warband
  • A Destruction warband


  • Next year a new edition


  • Krieg wave
    • A Krieg commissar
    • A Krieg captain on horse
    • Heavy weapons squad
    • Krieg command squad
    • Krieg Death Rider 
    • WW1 artillery
  • Eldar wave
    • Asurman
    • Fuegan with fire dragons 
    • New Pheonix lord for the Warp spider and new warp spider 
    • Barroth with new swooping hawks
    • Prince Yriel
    • Eldar Corsairs (some with jumppack??) & Corsair Warseer
    • Eldar Viper vehicles 
  • Imperial Knights
    • New Armiger
  • Emperor Children (2025)
    • Plastic Fulgrim
    • Lucious
    • Noise Marines
  • Codex Daemons of Chaos are gone


  • Waaay off new edition at one point with MK II armor Iron warrior vs Salamanders with saturnine terminators
  • Plastic Mechnicum knights 


  • Ratlings along with Ogryns  vs Armored Orkz (Tankbusters?) 
  • Grey knights (this is uncertain)


  • More new Malstraine Genestealers
  • Updating old gangs 


  • Empire
  • High elves
    • Tyrion and Teclis are the special characters
  • Beastmen are getting Peytron, Gorebull & Fimir
    • Morgur is special character
  • Grand Cathay coming long time but coming 

Wow, thanks, there were so much rumours I had missed !

It's crazy to think that we have these detailed rumours about the upcoming Krieg/Eldar releases. Does it come from Valrak ?

The biggest deal though is "Wanderers, Greenskinz, Swifthawks getting shown up once again". It's the very 1st Whitefang rumour I have missed, and it has huge implications. We should be really talking about that, it's a massive deal !

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9 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

but to rake up the current rumor/speculation of what coming for Warhammer feel free to add more and/or correct me if im missing stuff


  • Slaves to Darkness with a Darkoath spearhead
  • Orruk Warclans with a spearhead (possibly Ironjawz)
  • Gloomspite gitz next
    • Gitmob wave (kind of confirmed with the early army box 2025) by Whitefang
  • Chaos dwarfs 2025 various including HonestWargammer & Whitefang 
  • CoS getting a Cogfort by Whitefangbackmeup
  • Lumineth getting their own phoenix guard by Whitefang
  • Seraphon getting Temple guard (through rumor engines)
  • Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang 
  • A mini-doomwheel (possibly for Underworld)  by Whitfangbackmeup
  • New Wolf-rats (possibly for Underworld) only thing missing from SGwarhound list


  • Stormcast vs Skaven
  • 3 heralds said to bring more stuff in the future
    • Chaos dwarfs with other races like Hobgrots
    • Kerthusa's Daughter of Khain warband
    • Gitmob/Kurnothi/Order of Azyr (i don't remember which one turn to be the one)
  • A warband that goes "rawr" (Seraphon ?)
  • A warband with a potbelly (Nurgle demon)
  • A chaos warband
  • A Destruction warband


  • Next year a new edition


  • Krieg wave
    • A Krieg commissar
    • A Krieg captain on horse
    • Heavy weapons squad
    • Krieg command squad
    • Krieg Death Rider 
    • WW1 artillery
  • Eldar wave
    • Asurman
    • Fuegan with fire dragons 
    • New Pheonix lord for the Warp spider and new warp spider 
    • Barroth with new swooping hawks
    • Prince Yriel
    • Eldar Corsairs (some with jumppack??) & Corsair Warseer
    • Eldar Viper vehicles 
  • Imperial Knights
    • New Armiger
  • Emperor Children (2025)
    • Plastic Fulgrim
    • Lucious
    • Noise Marines
  • Codex Daemons of Chaos are gone


  • Waaay off new edition at one point with MK II armor Iron warrior vs Salamanders with saturnine terminators
  • Plastic Mechnicum knights 


  • Ratlings along with Ogryns  vs Armored Orkz (Tankbusters?) 
  • Grey knights (this is uncertain)


  • More new Malstraine Genestealers
  • Updating old gangs 


  • Empire
  • High elves
    • Tyrion and Teclis are the special characters
  • Beastmen are getting Peytron, Gorebull & Fimir
    • Morgur is special character
  • Grand Cathay coming long time but coming 

Whoah whoah whoah there was a rumour for Wanderers returning!? 

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Do we have that original Wanderers mention from whitefang?

"Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang"

Because in some way the Wanderers concept could be represented in the new Wildercorps. With their spears and crossbows, the nature roaming concept and all that:

Warcry: Wildercorps Hunters

If it is previous to the CoS launch, and the fact that it is a bit cryptic it could have been solved already.


Edited by Ejecutor
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2 minutes ago, Bulldoze said:

When did all the duardin CoS stuff get yoinked from the site and folded into Old World dwarfen holds?
Just went on to check some base sizes but none of the previously round base kits like Hammerers are there anymore

The week before Duardins were launched for ToW.

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11 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Heedless Slaughter(Khorne)

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The dark fury of battle and the red joy of life’s final end. For some among the hordes of the Warp, the only goal was to fight and to die – it mattered not where or why as long as blood flowed. Such vile entities would appear garbed in the trappings of conquerors and executioners, caring only for the tally of skulls and death they might reap from the mortal world, irrespective of such concerns as ‘friend’ or ‘foe’

Putrid Corruption (Nurgle)

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A slow corruption, rotting away body and soul, with no final release in death. Among the hosts of Chaos there were those who cared nothing for victory or defeat, only that suffering was spread to as many as possible. Such creatures were ushered forth into the material world in a miasma of disease and filth, content to spread their vile gifts to the world of mortals

Rapturous Sensation (Slaanesh)

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A maddening screech of sensation and wild impulses. For some among the numberless tide of Chaos the ends of violence truly mattered not, merely that they were there to take part and to experience its vicissitudes, inflicting overwhelming pain and gorging on mortals’ fear. These daemonkind revelled in the sensory overload of war, bounding over shell-sundered battlefields to deliver blissful death as they exulted in each blinding flash and deafening blast

Infernal Tempest (Tzeentch)

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Some hosts of daemonkind brought forth a maelstrom of raw warpstuff with them, manifesting the energy of the Immaterium as sheer elemental power. Around these entities roiled tempests of prismatic balefire, the air riven with crackling arcs of unreal lightning as the earth twisted into fragments of shimmering crystal. To these Daemons there was no higher purpose than the promulgation of that power and of its profligate use on the battlefields of the material realm

Now it's the next four that are really interesting. Ones that have very very potentially game changing lore implications. Of the two who I am certain of their names, neither are gods. One is a lesser warp god who has just started doing things, and the other never reached apotheosis.

First we have:

Malevolent Artifice (Who is clearly Vashtorr)

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Just as Chaos reflects back a twisted mockery of humanity’s every facet, so too is the very drive to create perverted into a malevolent and destructive force within the Immaterium. Conjured forth into realspace, such daemonkind harnessed the works of mortals as a vector for their own annihilation, their monstrous machine-entity forms at once a mimicry of flesh and artifice, every action made to demonstrate their supremacy over both mortal beings and everything they deigned to create

Ravenous Dissolution (Yes that sound like Malice no it not Malice people please stop bring Malal up that character is legally dead)

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Such is the hatred that swirls within the Warp that it encompasses all things, and like the dragon of eternity that feasts upon its own tail, this hatred extends even to itself. To expect rational and sane logic from creatures such as these would be foolish, for Chaos was both its name and nature. Yet, in its self-destructive hatred there was no ally to be found, only a new and more unpredictable foe

Formless Distortion

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Even as Daemons manifest as obscene parodies of mortal forms, the true essence of Chaos is endlessly shifting and unknowable, twisting, changing and perverting everything it touches. Some Daemons who crossed the veil into realspace embodied this ceaseless distortion to its fullest extent, shaping themselves into roiling agglomerations of immaterial flesh and bone, for whom death was simply one component of the eternal metamorphosis they would inflict upon the material world

It's the last one I find the most interesting. Encroaching Ruin. Samus here is listed as the daemon prince of the primordial annilator and of Encroaching Ruin, this god to be. With Samus' title as the end and the death and its description this leaves me to believe this god to be, to be none other than the Dark King. The god of humanity who has yet to reach apotheosis.

Encroaching Ruin(The Dark King this could be Great Horned rat but this come from 40k and it what the Dark king is describe to be)

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Chaos in its purest form is a terror that few can stand before and remain sane. It hungers only for destruction, that all things mortal meet their predestined end and crumble into dust to be forgotten. To this singular end it moves inexorably, driven by a nightmarish purpose which subsumes the petty divisions of daemonkind


Wouldn't the formless distortion be tzeentch? The tempest is very destructive and elemental sure, and certainly the fire stuff is kinda tzeentch but tzeentch is about *change* primarily, and the distortion's description feels far more Tzeentchian to me than the Tempests.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Wow, thanks, there were so much rumours I had missed !

It's crazy to think that we have these detailed rumours about the upcoming Krieg/Eldar releases. Does it come from Valrak ?

The biggest deal though is "Wanderers, Greenskinz, Swifthawks getting shown up once again". It's the very 1st Whitefang rumour I have missed, and it has huge implications. We should be really talking about that, it's a massive deal !

Yeah the 40k is most from Valrak & Chainsword and bolter

19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Do we have that original Wanderers mention from whitefang?

"Wanderers, swifthawk, Greenskinz are getting show up once again in one way by Whitefang"

Because in some way the Wanderers concept could be represented in the new Wildercorps. With their spears and crossbows, the nature roaming concept and all that:

Warcry: Wildercorps Hunters

If it is previous to the CoS launch, and the fact that it is a bit cryptic it could have been solved already.


It was responding to this message saying they never comeback. I took that they'll be back in a different form possibly in a diffrent faction


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1 minute ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Yeah the 40k is most from Valrak & Chainsword and bolter

It was responding to this message saying they never comeback. I took that they'll be back in a different form possibly in a diffrent faction


It is after CoS, but it could be reffering just to one and not the three of them.

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3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Yeah the 40k is most from Valrak & Chainsword and bolter

It was responding to this message saying they never comeback. I took that they'll be back in a different form possibly in a diffrent faction


He isn't wrong, they've have or will show up in The Old World. 

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