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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Hopefully not IDK, FS, and KO. OBR I would only be okay with if they launch as the headers of 5th. 

When I saw Whitefng's leaks about SBGL I instantly thought about OBR. Probably SBGL is the Death faction in the best shape.

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

When I saw Whitefng's leaks about SBGL I instantly thought about OBR. Probably SBGL is the Death faction in the best shape.

If it’s just old stuff getting updated, I take infinitely less issue with it than “Here’s a bunch of new stuff for an army who has subfactions larger than your army’s entire range!”

Edited by ScionOfOssia
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51 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

Honestly, with the Warcry units going into discount boxes I think that warcry is kinda done as its own line.

Could be lining up for the same things as Kill Team, where they're valid for current Warcry for a few years then become AoS units?

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I think the reason why Warcry has been M.I.A for so long is because GW are changing their philosophy around the warband releases in the boxes.

Kill Team is a way for GW to release new units into 40k without a huge investment needed, and Warcry has been the same to some extent, but there have been a lot of warbands that are very awkward to use in regular AoS because the models all have different base sizes, weapons and even health points.

My theory is that GW have decided that they won't be making anymore warbands that are primarily used for Warcry, but all future warbands are designed to work seemlessly in both.

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4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Look, all I'm saying is after those Ratling reveals, we definitely need Halflings in CoS. Why should Glutos have them all?! Or maybe their own army like Kings of War has. Bring back the Halfling Catapult! Or at least make one a 'seasonal alt-sculpt' for the Greatcannon. They could also stick them in Destruction with the Ogors, given in Fantasy they got along pretty well, though I know a lot of people prefer Ogors just be Ogors without any non-Ogor hangers on. 


Can you imagine how much Gnoblars would HATE these guys swooping in and taking their sidekick schtick?

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26 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

If it’s just old stuff getting updated, I take infinitely less issue with it than “Here’s a bunch of new stuff for an army who has subfactions larger than your army’s entire range!”

As a SBGL player I’d also much prefer those few remaining old kits that stick out get an update so that the faction is relatively complete, and hopefully other factions with less can be brought up to a similar standard. 

I’d like to see the majority of what’s already in the game be brought up to standard before lots more is added. 

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43 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

As a SBGL player I’d also much prefer those few remaining old kits that stick out get an update so that the faction is relatively complete, and hopefully other factions with less can be brought up to a similar standard. 

Which kits would you say are most in need of updating? Grave Guard and Black Knights stand out to me.

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2 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

You like Deathrattle? You like Boxsets?


You like… 


Zombie Dragons? 

You, human, have made my hobby day. 👊

🍻 Here's to hopefully new grave guard, black knights, wight king on dragon option, deathrattle mage, and some kind of deathrattle ranged option. 

One of my hobby dreams to build a non tomb kings full deathrattle army. 🖤💀🤘

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1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

Could it be that this zombie dragon on the SBGL cover finally gets a release?

SoulBlight Gravelords Battle Tome Cover by Thomas Elliott : r ...


Dare I truly hope?

A Zombie dragon refresh get rid of the Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist and Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon so maybe they'll get refresh those later down the roadmap (the Terrorghiest not the zombie dragon for Ghoul)

However we might even get a new Prince Vhordrai multi-build with it and his whole story with the Crimson Keep and the war with the Avengorii that they currently in


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4 minutes ago, Sharkbelly said:

Which kits would you say are most in need of updating? Grave Guard and Black Knights stand out to me.

I agree, especially given they’re at the core of the army and one or both are in most lists. 

after that I’d say it’s the VLOZD kit and terrorgheists. 

Lastly the mortarchs are starting to look a bit dated, but they still hold up quite well. 

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9 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

A Zombie dragon refresh get rid of the Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist and Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon so maybe they'll get refresh those later down the roadmap (the Terrorghiest not the zombie dragon for Ghoul)

However we might even get a new Prince Vhordrai multi-build with it and his whole story with the Crimson Keep and the war with the Avengorii that they currently in


Vhordrai and the crimson keep/ blood knights are my favourite element of SBGL. I’d love to see them get fleshed out in the lore and on the table!  

Edited by TechnoVampire
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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Now speculation time for my fellow CoS followers. New UW is set in Embergard, so... we will have to get something cool at some point, right? RIGHT?

Also, as UW is set in Embergard I think this kind of clears the rumours about Warcry being set in Embergard ala Mordheim.

"Sewer watch" men at arms 

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9 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

Vhordrai and the crimson keep/ blood knights are my favourite element of SBGL. I’d love to see them get fleshed out in the lore and on the table!  

I feel the opposite, I really hope they'll get rid of Vhordrai and take back some older and cooler BD vampire. Vhordrai is so bland they basically recycled an old artwork of Mannfred in the only official artwork representing him.

Also I find it so weird they downgraded so many special character minis to generic heroes and then upgraded a random generic vampire to a named character. 


--- Hi new guy here but I lurk this topic since the very beginning XD I just didn't wanted to subscribe because I become easily 'addicted' to forums... Old times stuff --- 

BASICALLY I'm posting now cause the new WarCom site is a mess and is off at least for the second time since its release few days ago. I'm here to ask if someone knows about the new reveals for WHday-week ... Something was planned for the next days too? I remember about 8th of October... Thanks 

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1 minute ago, Malerion God of Ulgu said:

I feel the opposite, I really hope they'll get rid of Vhordrai and take back some older and cooler BD vampire. Vhordrai is so bland they basically recycled an old artwork of Mannfred in the only official artwork representing him.

Also I find it so weird they downgraded so many special character minis to generic heroes and then upgraded a random generic vampire to a named character. 


--- Hi new guy here but I lurk this topic since the very beginning XD I just didn't wanted to subscribe because I become easily 'addicted' to forums... Old times stuff --- 

BASICALLY I'm posting now cause the new WarCom site is a mess and is off at least for the second time since its release few days ago. I'm here to ask if someone knows about the new reveals for WHday-week ... Something was planned for the next days too? I remember about 8th of October... Thanks 

To each their own. I find the martial branch of SBGL the most compelling. Especially after reading The Last Volari. I think the concept of Vhordrai and the crimson keep are pretty bad ass and would like to see them fleshed out. 

… Of all the Warhammer vamps I think Abhorash is the most interesting. 

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Quiet? Those little guys make a lot of noise with their trains!

CDN media

Haha, I have a friend who will be getting Chaos Dwarfs so I will not be. Got 8 AoS armies already so quite happy to let him collect this one 🤣. I might get myself a Bale Taurus if there is a new one though just as a little project, but i'll see.

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20 minutes ago, Malerion God of Ulgu said:

I feel the opposite, I really hope they'll get rid of Vhordrai and take back some older and cooler BD vampire. Vhordrai is so bland they basically recycled an old artwork of Mannfred in the only official artwork representing him.

Also I find it so weird they downgraded so many special character minis to generic heroes and then upgraded a random generic vampire to a named character. 


--- Hi new guy here but I lurk this topic since the very beginning XD I just didn't wanted to subscribe because I become easily 'addicted' to forums... Old times stuff --- 

BASICALLY I'm posting now cause the new WarCom site is a mess and is off at least for the second time since its release few days ago. I'm here to ask if someone knows about the new reveals for WHday-week ... Something was planned for the next days too? I remember about 8th of October... Thanks 

If you need to look for something in warcom use this link: All News and Features - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

What is down is only the home page.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Out of curiosity, does anyone know how the daemon princes 'Ruinous Favor' ability will work as a regiment of renown? It lets him pick a slaves to darkness unit within 12 to roll on the eye of the gods table. If he's run in a god marked army he could only pick himself, but would he actually get to roll on the table? Usually regiments of renown don't get to use their original battle traits right?

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Now that I've woken up, I can share my thoughts. 

Underworlds. The minis are awesome, especially the Skaven. The warlock and the mini doomwheel ( @Whitefang back me up proving that they have just as gooda track record as the original Whitefang) are 10/10. The acolytes aren't quite as good but are still great. I'm slightly disappointed the Stormcast aren't Reclusians but the models are cool. 

As for the game itself, I'm intrigued to see how they've changed it. The single board and the photos instead of art are clear cost cutting measures. Again disappointing but it f that's what it takes for the game to survive, I'm ok with it. 

Slaves to darkness. 

The spearhead is cool, and makes a nice accompaniment to the launch box. The single hero was expected, especially for a faction that's had a lot of love over the last few editions. The lore sounds cool and I would have liked to read it but I'm not buying a battletome until they reverse their stupid warscrolls decision. 

Dark mechanicum was great to see and it's hopefully just the beginning of a wave of releases that reaches 40k eventually. 

The Christmas mini is nice and the ratling kill team is cool. Do you think there's anyone in the world who could spare the dog so I can use it in my wildercorps warband? I'm not sold on the Orks. They look fine but not amazing. 

The battleforces are ok. The concept of designing them to compliment a spearhead is good. The Ironjawz one is a clear standout. It's basically just all the new stuff in a box. The cities one is solid but who's running two cannons?

The surprises were meh. I don't care about lifesize weapons. Give me a high quality animation that stars the Eldar or anything AoS, please. 

The disappointments.

No narrative book. Has it been delayed like the Stormcast? 

No teases for next year aside from the Emperor's children logo which we all knew about already. 

Warhammer community site is a s*******. Can we just roll back to the old one? 

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I think everything they showed was nice but the fact they had to show the Battleforces in a preview show because they had nothing else to show is not a great look.

Quick price structure for the Battleforces: 
Assuming the Battleforces will be 180€ like the latest BA army set and would give the 31-39% discount range. Might also be 175€ since thats what the GSC and Sororitas Battleforces were. Probably 180€ for the 40k ones and 175€ for the AoS ones.

Flesh Eater Courts Battleforce
Grand Justice Gormayne - 34€
Crypt Guard - 41€
2x Crypt Horrors - 47,5€
2x Morbheg Knights - 47,5€
Total: 265€ - Discount if 180€: 32%

Ironjawz Battleforce
Tuskboss on Maw-grunta - 65€
2x Orruk Ardboys - 51,25€
2x Brute Ragerz - 47,5€
Total: 262,5€ - Discount if 180€: 31%

Maggotkin of Nurgle Battleforce
Harbinger of Decay - 47,5€
Rotmire Creed - 51,25€
Putrid Blightkings - 51,25€
2x Pusgoyle Blightlords - 62,5€
Total: 275€ - Discount if 180€: 35%

Cities of Sigmar Battleforce
Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy - 35€
Freeguild Command Corps - 44€
Freeguild Fusiliers - 47,5€
Ironweld Great Cannon - 44€
Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk - 44€
Freeguild Cavaliers - 55€
Total: 269€ - Discount if 180€: 33%

Tau Battleforce
Commander - 51,25€
XV88 Broadside - 51,25€
XV95 Ghostkeel - 72,5€
XV104 Riptide - 93€
Total: 268€ - Discount if 180€: 33%

Necrons Battleforce
Overlord with Translocation Shroud - 32,5€
C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon - 102,5€
2x Triarch Praetorians/Lychguard - 47,5€
Necron Warriors - 41€
Total: 271€ - Discount if 180€: 34%

Adepta Sororitas Battleforce
Ministorum Priest - 28€
Repentia Squad - 47,5€
Arco-flagellants - 47,5€
Penitent Engines/Mortifiers - 51,25€
2x Sororitas Rhino - 54,5€
Total: 283,25€ - Discount if 180€: 36%

Imperial Knights Battleforce
Questoris Knight - 145€
2x Armiger - 75€
Total: 295€ - Discount if 180€: 39%

Dark Angels Battleforce
Lion El'Jonson - 55€
Chaplain in Terminator Armour - 35€
2x Inner Circle Companions - 47,5€
2x Deathwing Knights - 55€
Total: 295€ - Discount if 180€: 39%

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