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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

The Warcry kits going into the battleforces is a really good thing IMO! The kits are usually quite unique and a real addition to their AoS army. It shows these kits have a safe future and won't be discontinued, and also shows that the model of releasing not just chaos kits but kits for every faction is working.

No, not really. I have the Warcry savagers and atleast in 3rd it was imo a mess basesize wise. The stronger Proven with better stats are on 28,5 mm base and the Wrathtouched who has nothing special in the AoS rules is on a 32mm base. So 2 proven with better stats are on smaller bases, like the other normal savagers.

Warcry units would work if the base sizes are uniform with other AoS units.

Compare that with the Kill Team sets, those base sizes are afaik coherent with comperable 40K units or a just new sculpts for existing units.

And while I really like the Warcry kits for StD. They would have been more worthwile if they from the beginning proper AoS units with standarized equipment and base size.

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As a Underworlds player with all the warbands and Cards, I feel a bit sad but I understand that a change was necessary.


Other point, I don't think that Warcry is in danger, we still have one year in Ghur and then move to a new edition.

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

Yeah, first six months is much more likely. I’d say something like. Krieg in January/ February, Warclans late Feb, Eldar March, Gloomspite April, Knights May, Soulblight June, Heresy new edition as the big summer release and Chaos Duardin and Emperor’s children in the autumn. Those will probably be the major releases and we’ll get a couple of hero only books for each setting as well. 

Yes, I think so too. This seems a lot more plausible than the wishlisting of getting a lot of AoS in the first three months of 2025.

The next couple of months will be very light on almost everything except MESBG. With the roadmap preview event it was clear that there will not be much for 40K and nothing for TOW. For AoS it will be SCE + STD and maybe the narrative book that wasn't mentioned at all yesterday... ?

Sadly the StD release is the absolute minimum.

There is also the Empire that will be released somewhere in the beginning of 2025, even if it's only an AJ + a couple of resin miniatures, they still need 1-2 weeks to release all those old plastic sets. Than there is HH, 40K with Krieg/Eldar/EC or is EC for 30K?

A lot of stuff for different games are waiting for a release slot.


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10 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

The next couple of months will be very light on almost everything except MESBG. With the roadmap preview event it was clear that there will not be much for 40K and nothing for TOW. For AoS it will be SCE + STD and maybe the narrative book that wasn't mentioned at all yesterday... ?

If it isn't mentioned I wouldn't assume it to be in 2024.

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9 hours ago, Chikout said:

Now that I've woken up, I can share my thoughts. 

Underworlds. The minis are awesome, especially the Skaven. The warlock and the mini doomwheel ( @Whitefang back me up proving that they have just as gooda track record as the original Whitefang) are 10/10. The acolytes aren't quite as good but are still great. I'm slightly disappointed the Stormcast aren't Reclusians but the models are cool. 

As for the game itself, I'm intrigued to see how they've changed it. The single board and the photos instead of art are clear cost cutting measures. Again disappointing but it f that's what it takes for the game to survive, I'm ok with it. 

Slaves to darkness. 

The spearhead is cool, and makes a nice accompaniment to the launch box. The single hero was expected, especially for a faction that's had a lot of love over the last few editions. The lore sounds cool and I would have liked to read it but I'm not buying a battletome until they reverse their stupid warscrolls decision. 

Dark mechanicum was great to see and it's hopefully just the beginning of a wave of releases that reaches 40k eventually. 

The Christmas mini is nice and the ratling kill team is cool. Do you think there's anyone in the world who could spare the dog so I can use it in my wildercorps warband? I'm not sold on the Orks. They look fine but not amazing. 

The battleforces are ok. The concept of designing them to compliment a spearhead is good. The Ironjawz one is a clear standout. It's basically just all the new stuff in a box. The cities one is solid but who's running two cannons?

The surprises were meh. I don't care about lifesize weapons. Give me a high quality animation that stars the Eldar or anything AoS, please. 

The disappointments.

No narrative book. Has it been delayed like the Stormcast? 

No teases for next year aside from the Emperor's children logo which we all knew about already. 

Warhammer community site is a s*******. Can we just roll back to the old one? 

And it will be interesting to see if we can use the new UW warbands in AoS anymore.

About "the Christmas" mini, the rumours were saying it is for Thanksgiving, so maybe we get it earlier.

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9 hours ago, Matrindur said:

I think everything they showed was nice but the fact they had to show the Battleforces in a preview show because they had nothing else to show is not a great look.

Quick price structure for the Battleforces: 
Assuming the Battleforces will be 180€ like the latest BA army set and would give the 31-39% discount range. Might also be 175€ since thats what the GSC and Sororitas Battleforces were. Probably 180€ for the 40k ones and 175€ for the AoS ones.

Flesh Eater Courts Battleforce
Grand Justice Gormayne - 34€
Crypt Guard - 41€
2x Crypt Horrors - 47,5€
2x Morbheg Knights - 47,5€
Total: 265€ - Discount if 180€: 32%

Ironjawz Battleforce
Tuskboss on Maw-grunta - 65€
2x Orruk Ardboys - 51,25€
2x Brute Ragerz - 47,5€
Total: 262,5€ - Discount if 180€: 31%

Maggotkin of Nurgle Battleforce
Harbinger of Decay - 47,5€
Rotmire Creed - 51,25€
Putrid Blightkings - 51,25€
2x Pusgoyle Blightlords - 62,5€
Total: 275€ - Discount if 180€: 35%

Cities of Sigmar Battleforce
Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy - 35€
Freeguild Command Corps - 44€
Freeguild Fusiliers - 47,5€
Ironweld Great Cannon - 44€
Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk - 44€
Freeguild Cavaliers - 55€
Total: 269€ - Discount if 180€: 33%

Tau Battleforce
Commander - 51,25€
XV88 Broadside - 51,25€
XV95 Ghostkeel - 72,5€
XV104 Riptide - 93€
Total: 268€ - Discount if 180€: 33%

Necrons Battleforce
Overlord with Translocation Shroud - 32,5€
C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon - 102,5€
2x Triarch Praetorians/Lychguard - 47,5€
Necron Warriors - 41€
Total: 271€ - Discount if 180€: 34%

Adepta Sororitas Battleforce
Ministorum Priest - 28€
Repentia Squad - 47,5€
Arco-flagellants - 47,5€
Penitent Engines/Mortifiers - 51,25€
2x Sororitas Rhino - 54,5€
Total: 283,25€ - Discount if 180€: 36%

Imperial Knights Battleforce
Questoris Knight - 145€
2x Armiger - 75€
Total: 295€ - Discount if 180€: 39%

Dark Angels Battleforce
Lion El'Jonson - 55€
Chaplain in Terminator Armour - 35€
2x Inner Circle Companions - 47,5€
2x Deathwing Knights - 55€
Total: 295€ - Discount if 180€: 39%

IMO it will be 180 for AoS and 190 for 40k. We already got BFs for 180 in 40k last year.

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Is it me or do the AoS battleforces offer much better value than the 40k one ? Apart from the Dark Angels and Knights one, none of them scream "good deal" to me. Instead, they remind me how expensive 40k has gotten $/€/£ to points wise, especially the Sisters/Battlesuits one.

Meanwhile, they're throwing stuff like 6 Morbhegs, 20 Ardboyz, 4 Pusgoyles... in the AoS battleforces. 

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I know people complained about the 1 hero per tome release, but for armies that already have a lot or recently received a big wave I think it's completely fine. It allows them to focus on other armies, but still give some new goodies to an army each edition.

StD received multiple big waves last edition (knights, darkoath) plus some separate releases (Abraxia) plus a ton of warcry warbands, part of which entered the range permanently. Thats more kits than some entire armies consist of. If any army would be fine with one hero along with their tome, it would be StD.

Other armies like SCE, FeC, SBGL, Sylvaneth, Seraphon, CoS, Ironjawz also got substantial waves quite recently. I'd be fine with them just getting a hero alongside their tome too. They can always be expanded later on in the edition. There are armies that have been left in the dust for far longer, who are in desparate need of a bigger release. Ogors being the worst of all.

Edited by Snarff
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9 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Kill Team isn't 100% the same since their teams specifically also have a "all wargear the same" build option to use as 40k squads in addition to the specialized KT gear.

For AoS meanwhile they just use the same wargear setup as in Warcry so not quite as "made with AoS in mind" 

Of course that still doesn't mean anything like Warcry is done just wanted to clarify.

Even with Warcry there has been a shift into that full wargear direction. Wildercoprses is the perfect example, IMO.

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If they're planning to do literally every battletome next year, like the road map seems to suggest, then a lot of them will be only small miniature releases by sheer necessity.

If that is the case... I'm not sure what the edition plan will be, exactly, but it seems to suggest larger expansions to some factions might come later, in some form?

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8 hours ago, Stormy1486 said:

Yeah glad I didnt stay up to watch any of this.

The minatures and battlforcess fine but not particuarly note worthy.

Pretty dissapointing thats it for AoS this year. So many armies desperate for more models and who knows when Chaos Dwarves may be. Another 18months? 4-5 years away? Seems like another edition without Malerion. And Iron jawz coming? Another single model release?

Overall, pretty sparse 6 months ahesd of us.

Chaos Duardins are supposed to be coming during 2025. And the next 6 months will be packed in some way just if we take in mind the Gitmob armybox.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

So It is finally true... They will remove the double factions kits soon.

Necromancer + Grave Guard + Black Knights + Vargeists

Zombie Dragon


If the release is anywhere in the realms of this I’ll be over the moon. 

I really hope it comes in the first half of 2025!

Edited by TechnoVampire
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4 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

Combat patrols too. The shrinkflation is real and the newer combat patrols are very dull to boot. (Orks I'm looking at you).


I'd looked at the CoS box but one infantry unit, one cavalry, one artillery, one ogor and some characters... Doesn't seem as exciting as older boxes unless I'm being unfair? Skaventide really was a relative bargain.

They are being designed to complement the Spearheads. If you think about it in that way, they are perfect.

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11 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Interesting. I think that kind of jobs, from some of the shorts launched with DB, were made by the Wildercoprses.

True, but I was kinda thinking of Cawdor Gang Esque CoS tunnel fighters.


Similar to Sewer watch in Skavenslayer and Manslayer.


Face jail/death or join the sewer watch.

Pikes, Cudgels, small hand axes, elf like hand bolt pistols. Light leather armour. Eye patches, missing ears, hooks for hands etc

Your typical fantasy rough bar room brawlers 🤣

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4 hours ago, cyrus said:

Yes please .

Let’s say

January : Orruk warclans bt + Ironjawz Spearhead + Dominion’s swampcalla and killa boss on foot coming back on sigle sprue + ???

February: Gloomspite glitz BT + Army box ( possible Gitmob) + individual releases( possible armoured troggoths)

March : Soulblight BT + Armybox featuring new Zombie dragon

They could be  the 5th edition antagonist with a big second wave . 

Two armyboxes one next after the other seem a bit of an overkill. I am still thinking about the comment from WF JR, maybe the boxset is not an armybox but a spearhead or a battleforce.

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3 hours ago, PraetorDragoon said:

In any case, baseless speculation, but the GW silence on Warcry is telling to me. (Even Horus Heresy and Old World got a "more is coming" comment, Warcry got nothing.)

True, but HH and ToW are not comparable to Warcry. No sidegame got a roadmap.

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3 hours ago, Chikout said:

Yeah, first six months is much more likely. I’d say something like. Krieg in January/ February, Warclans late Feb, Eldar March, Gloomspite April, Knights May, Soulblight June, Heresy new edition as the big summer release and Chaos Duardin and Emperor’s children in the autumn. Those will probably be the major releases and we’ll get a couple of hero only books for each setting as well. 

That release peace is unsustainable for AoS. The BTs have to be released quicker. Also, we have Warcry new edition, if there's one.

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Wow, bad preview and not really Chaos-themed...

  • Underworld : streamlined rules (new ed, new logo) is nice and the mines under Embergard as a setting is interesting at least. The Skryre models are fantastic (between them and Globadiers, perfection). The Stormcast are okay (the fur :(), the leader is great (so that's how the Vanguard Chamber rangers-with-crossbows will look...) But WHY. NOT. RUINATION ??? Missed opportunity to have Lightning Gheist and Mortisan Handlers or at least Reclusian Variants... Now the only hope for that is Warcry.
  • Slaves to darkness : Daemon Prince in god-aligned armies : excellent ! Be'lakor and Darkoath army rules : great ! Another sorcerer shown the day the Comemorative model is on sale ? RIP. 
  • Rest AOS & 40k : boxed sets fit for a Monday preview at best. Boring.
  • Cosplay plastic toy : boring
  • KT : imperial vs orks in some ruined walls again : booorrrriiinnnggg
  • LI : absolutely great War Of Worlds Tripod models. Hope to have it for HH main game soon. Saves the show.
  • End Teaser : cool to have at least the confirmation of 2025. Means probably first half of the year, so Chaos Dwarfs surely second half ...

Well once again the AOS side game wins the show.

Cool to know we'll get a WUW roadmap and two more new warbands soon !

(And thanks to our own leaker, new Deathrattle and Zombie Dragon)

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3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

So It is finally true... They will remove the double factions kits soon.

Necromancer + Grave Guard + Black Knights + Vargeists

Zombie Dragon

Good. Only remaining kits shared cross-factions are : DOK/COS the Darkshard / White haired dudes and SBGL/FEC with the Crypt monsters and dragons, right ?

BTW if the existing STD spearhead remain alongside the new Darkoath one, it means STD will stil share the Chariot with WOC in TOW ? Strange 

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