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1 hour ago, TechnoVampire said:

Are people reading the 2025 “road map” top to bottom? Because to me it looks like that gold line from 2024 goes across the bottom and up, suggesting at death would be the first release in 2025? (After spearheads)

(Again it’s absolutely woeful, so I may be completely wrong) 

This is the quote from Nova preview article  along the roadmap

“The Slaves to Darkness will also get a new Spearhead box featuring the Darkoath Tribes – and this will be joined in 2025 by a Spearhead for the Orruk Warclans, and an army box and individual releases for the Gloomspite Gitz. As for the denizens of Death, we’ll have more news on them in good time. Nagash may be petty, but he is patient.“

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14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Come now fellow Mortals, to those complaining that S2D didnt get much, you just had a massive update.

Im expecting single model updates this Edition from; Ironjawz, FEC, S2D, Seraphon, Sylvaneth and perhaps even COS.


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What is the pint of battle tomes? I mean it's one thing to have to pay for rules but it's another to make the release schedule like it is. Weekly battletome releases wroh a single model release would be fine . It's fine and they'll be years of every faction in the same foot. They could add proper releases whenever then. 

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41 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Come now fellow Mortals, to those complaining that S2D didnt get much, you just had a massive update.

Im expecting single model updates this Edition from; Ironjawz, FEC, S2D, Seraphon, Sylvaneth and perhaps even COS.

I would add SBGL to that list. I can see grave guard getting an update with Warcry, but I don't expect a huge wave with the SBGL battletome since they got a TON last edition.

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18 minutes ago, CDM said:

What is the pint of battle tomes? I mean it's one thing to have to pay for rules but it's another to make the release schedule like it is. Weekly battletome releases wroh a single model release would be fine . It's fine and they'll be years of every faction in the same foot. They could add proper releases whenever then. 

Battletomes also add Anvil of Apotheosis and Path to Glory rules specifically for a faction. I bet they're not fully done for every faction as it is now.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Come now fellow Mortals, to those complaining that S2D didnt get much, you just had a massive update.

Im expecting single model updates this Edition from; Ironjawz, FEC, S2D, Seraphon, Sylvaneth and perhaps even COS.

Imo, it's a flaw in how GW releases stuff. There are always hobbyist that are disappointed, because of how the release schedule is handled. No army should only get one new foot hero and than a big nothing. It's even worse for IdK, FS, Ogres and KO. Imagine that these also has to suffer again a foot hero only. (Which is still perfect possible with how GW releases stuff)

Everybody disliked the single foot hero + BT release, but atleast those BT's did change the armylist and possible army playstyles.

With what we have seen with the Skaven BT is that they kept the index. It's basically a copy paste.

We know now that StD only gets one foot hero. As @Sception said, there is an overabundance of foot heroes already, which was the biggest complaint during 3rd.

Luckly it's a wizard, as these are still useful and it's an update sculpt of an existing hero.

What I am trying to say is that if the StD BT has the same rules as it has in the index, no extra formations, bigger spell list, artefacts, heroic traits and etc.. . It's quite boring as it means that this is it for StD for the rest of the edition. There is nothing to get excited about, there is no new product to buy, collect and paint and there is nothing that changes what you can do with your army as it's the same as what already was released with the index.

There is no wow factor with only one new miniature and/or no new rules. It's static.

Anyway, it's still possible that the Skaven and SCE battletome are the anomalies and all new BT's will not suffer the copy paste of the index in their new BT. So let's hope that the STD BT adds some new stuff rules wise.


Edited by Tonhel
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My P-Review:

Underworlds: 6/10

New Edition, streamlining the game, Embergard minis as the setting, all the warbands usable... all really needed changes for the sustainability of the game. Lack of artwork in the cards? I needed it as well to save some budget, but a step back in the end quality. 7,5/10


The Emberwatch just feels like the Stormcasts are starting to suffer the Space Marines syndrome. Completely unnecessary, repetitive, and one of the worst sculpts that we recently got for SCE. 3/10.


Zikkit's Tunnelpack is a breath of air. Something new, interesting, funny. The one with the claws is not my cup of tea, but if the rival warband would pair this level it would have been a 9/10 box. 8/10 for this warband.


AoS: 8/10

The new Sorcerer is quite simple but in a good way. 8/10. S2D "only" has one model, well, not true. They got two, but when an army is so big it is not something bad

Slaves to Darkness Sorcerer Lord

The artwork for the BT is the best one so far, it also seems it has more content than the Skaven and SCE one, plus it brings back some options for the monogods, so 8/10.


KT: 8/10

Both warbands are cool, but nothing out of the charts. It gains points to go for 800/10 because one of the ratlings looks like Big Boss:


Why Big Boss rids himself of his bandana - Autonomy in Metal Gear Solid  Peace Walker

40k: It is just a single mini, but it has a lot of charm. 9/10

LI: Not my cup of tea, but I saw a lot of people happy about it. And it looks good. 8/10

The AoS ones look better than their 40k counterpart. 7/10

Emperor Children: 0/10. Totally unnecessary.

Overall quite happy with the preview in terms of AoS, and I like we took back the old live format. The future looks bright for AoS.

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12 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I would add SBGL to that list. I can see grave guard getting an update with Warcry, but I don't expect a huge wave with the SBGL battletome since they got a TON last edition.

And sadly it looks like they will have a proper release.

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So for 4th edition 

Started Factions:

  • Skaven wave
  • Stormcast wave

Hero faction (1-3 models):

  • Slaves to darkness

Wave faction

  • Chaos Dwarfs 

rest of the factions which we don't know. Bold mean is a faction that need a wave and underline is that we have a idea of possibly getting a wave. 

3 edition gave us 6 wave factions 

  • Cities of sigmar
  • Sylvaneth
  • Seraphon
  • Lumineth
  • Daughter of Khaine
  • Kharadon
  • Fyreslayer
  • Idoneth Deepkin
  • Blades of Khorne
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Maggotkin of nurgle
  • Disciples of Tzeentch
  • Orruk Warclans
  • Ogor Mawtribes
  • Gloomspite gitz
  • Sons of Behemat
  • Soulblight Gravelords
  • Ossiarch bonereapers
  • Nighthaunt
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13 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Anyway, it's still possible that the Skaven and SCE battletome are the anomalies and all new BT's will not suffer the copy paste of the index in their new BT. So let's hope that the STD BT adds some new stuff rules wise.

Gw already said this before launching the Skavens BT, but we will have to wait how much the S2D one will expand over the index.

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

And sadly it looks like they will have a proper release.

Why? I am sad with what StD seemingly will get get during 4th, but I over the moon that SBG will get new GG, a zombie dragon and maybe even Black knights.

It's not a competition between armies.. unless it is SCE...

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Come now fellow Mortals, to those complaining that S2D didnt get much, you just had a massive update.

To be fair I didn't want them to get an update to the old models. I already have those kits painted up and ready to go, I don't have any desire to buy newer versions that are conveniently on different base sizes or whatever to make my existing models obsolete. It's purely an observation that they seem to be continuing the existing trend of a hero and a book. So everyone that has a somewhat fleshed out army but was hoping for a new unit or monster (like Sons of Behemat or Deepkin or Khorne or Slaanesh etc.) should temper their expectations and get prepared for a bare minimum low effort release. Any rumors of more effort being put in are in serious jeopardy right now. 

Edit: other that factions with strong rumors to the contrary like SBGL which will likely be one of the few factions to get a proper update 


Edited by Grimrock
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8 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Why? I am sad with what StD seemingly will get get during 4th, but I over the moon that SBG will get new GG, a zombie dragon and maybe even Black knights.

It's not a competition between armies.. unless it is SCE...

Because is one of the most chunky factions and I think smaller ones deserve it more, but happy for those that collect it. It could even affect me if that implies a FEC terrorgheist renewal.

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