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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

skaven vs. Skaven? I‘d take that over SCE again and again and again… I‘d love to know how much better SCE sell - cause it would be cooler to have some CoS (maybe with a unit of SCE in them)  in a starter for example. Just to mix it up a little.


I really hope that some armies finally get a second wave like Ironjawz or Sylvaneth did - especially mine! 😂 Tzeentch mortals need to be expanded upon, else I got very little to buy. 


We all know that SCE disappearing from the starter box is impossible, but having CoS instead would be a nice opportunity to get rid of all its WHFB leftovers.

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39 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Sylvaneth are more than elves though... So far, we've seen mostly forest spirits looking like elves. 

I'm gonna do a @Sception and argument why, to me, the most neglected elf faction is DOK. Because at the end of the day, half their kits are WFB leftovers, very good leftovers that I think absolutely rule, but still, it made their integration to AoS less impactful than when IDK released. I remember their release and the hype was through the roof, it was to me, one of the sickest releases GW has ever done. Even if they haven't gotten much since, just like OBR, their core range that released in AoS1 is very complete and impressive and gives them the means to do well in the current AoS. 

DoK, meanwhile, haven't had that luxury. That is why I think a "grand Dark Elf comeback" with Malerion and his elves would do great for them.

That's the eternal debate. Who should get stuff first? Armies with WHFB leftovers that got a wave (of any size) recently or AoS 100% armies that didn't get a wave recently?

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15 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

If OBR are one of the 5th edition launch factions and its against Stormcast again (And there is no reason to think it wouldn't be) I wonder what models they would get.

Normally launch boxes are a horde faction vs a elite faction. As long as Stormcast are in, they will likely always be the elite half so OBR would take up the horde mantle. Then normally you get 20-40 of the most basic unit the army has in the set (Bloodreavers, Chainrasps, Hobgrots for AoS or Poxwalkers, Necron Warriors, Termagants for 40k) but Mortek Guard are surely not going to be replaced so it would need to be a new unit either comparable to them or lower on the ranks. 
For comparable units I think another melee unit would be too close to Mortek Guard and a ranged unit doesn't really fit the design space for that launch box slot.
And while there is design space for a lower ranked unit (something like the Teratic Prowlers from the Warcry kit) I also don't think that fits the 20-40 models in the box slot.

Of course they could just invert the expectations and make the OBR in the box hyper-elite so the Stormcast act as the "horde" side or they simply ignore the thoughts I wrote above. But its not a clear choice like Clanrats were for Skaven for example

What about CoS vs OBR? The chances are below 0, but as someone mentioned earlier OBR is easy to paint, and they would take the elite role, while CoS would take the horde and harder-to-paint role.

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27 minutes ago, rattila said:

You could have a starter set of stormcast with 20-30 flagellant. 
Or à starter set with some kind of shooters of lowly beast for ossiarch. Anything is possible, its age of sigmar! =p

This would be only be possible if the order part of the starter set is SCE + RoR (flagellants + ...). It would be very cool, but I don't think this will be included in a starter set. But hopefully such builds will be possible when CoS gets it BT.

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14 hours ago, Sception said:

I'm also hoping for more than just a pity hero for OBR this edition, but I'm not sure it's fair to call the faction 'neglected' in any way.  Their launch release in late 2e was one of the most complete and most impressive for a brand new AoS faction, really only outdone by the Lumineth, who are an outlier far removed from the norm in terms of how favored they've been by the GW studio.

Yes, OBR only received a single infantry hero in 3e, if you don't count box game releases, but that's not really outside the norm at all.  If they get the same treatment in 4e then we might have some room to start complaining.  Maybe.

What would you like to see as OBR 2nd wave ?

As you said their range seem quite complete with light infantry ,big infantry, flying big infantry, cavalry, warmachine, monster ,2 center pieces , terrain, endless spells and (too) many heroes.

By the irony they really miss a foot hero : a Liege Immortis .

55 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

In terms of actual model support, DoK are mostly coasting off of their initial AoS 1 release, which was realistically only three kits all told, with most of the rest of their stuff being the typical solo hero sprues and an outsized representation in Underworlds teams.  That said, they do quite often pop up as relatively big players in narrative events, and were one of the last factions to receive new endless spells if I recall, so they're not exactly under-served either.

A big chunk of their range is still WHFB kits though, I don't think it would be out of the question to see the eventual removal of the Cauldron of Blood and its variant builds (potentially something that could be replaced in theming with a terrain piece, I suppose, or with the underworlds Bladecoven taking the place of the infantry Priest option.)  For my money it depends on whether they're intending to expand the Morai-Heg/Krethusa stuff into actual models, or if it will just remain a narrative option with a unique hero model, I suspect the alternative is the often spitballed DoK/Malerion dark elf blender.

There are reliable rumors about a Morai-Heg/Krethusa WU warband that will herald a DOK second wave.

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17 minutes ago, cyrus said:

What would you like to see as OBR 2nd wave ?

As you said their range seem quite complete with light infantry ,big infantry, flying big infantry, cavalry, warmachine, monster ,2 center pieces , terrain, endless spells and (too) many heroes.

By the irony they really miss a foot hero : a Liege Immortis .

There are reliable rumors about a Morai-Heg/Krethusa WU warband that will herald a DOK second wave.

Atleast an archer unit in the same way as the mini in the UW warband.


Edited by Tonhel
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28 minutes ago, cyrus said:

What would you like to see as OBR 2nd wave ?

As you said their range seem quite complete with light infantry ,big infantry, flying big infantry, cavalry, warmachine, monster ,2 center pieces , terrain, endless spells and (too) many heroes.

By the irony they really miss a foot hero : a Liege Immortis .

There are reliable rumors about a Morai-Heg/Krethusa WU warband that will herald a DOK second wave.

And DoK are not part of the UW roster right now, so maybe they are the first warband for 2025.

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3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Atleast an archer unit in the same way as the mini in the UW warband.


That seems like a lock in. I would also say that some kind of ballista would also be likely given they are mentioned I think in descriptions of their fortifications.

As more editions maybe some kind of swarm unit to reference their Tomb King roots, to be a bit like Nurglings and Spirit Hosts. Perhaps some kind of flier too. But yeah those are off the cuff, but think there is a lot of design space left in them especially given they are constructs so could really have anything done with them.

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I'd love to see some more units for BoK too outside of the obvious Daemon Prince Khorgos Khul. The Blood reavers and Warriors have aged well although I think the Crushers and Reapers/Mongers have aged slightly worse as they're (at least to me) pretty clearly WHFB models. The army also has a lot of Daemon units, like the other Marks of Chaos, they really do need a good redo.

I'd love to see some heavy armoured bruiser units and building upon the Khorgorath too, I love those goobers 😁

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1 minute ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

I'd love to see some more units for BoK too outside of the obvious Daemon Prince Khorgos Khul. The Blood reavers and Warriors have aged well although I think the Crushers and Reapers/Mongers have aged slightly worse as they're (at least to me) pretty clearly WHFB models. The army also has a lot of Daemon units, like the other Marks of Chaos, they really do need a good redo.

I'd love to see some heavy armoured bruiser units and building upon the Khorgorath too, I love those goobers 😁

On this topic. Do we know what happened with the rumour we had some months ago about 40k working on new demons that could be used in AoS as well? I think it was also about 40k demon armies joining their Chaos Marines equivalents.

Has this been discarded? Is it still around? Because it could mean heavy stuff for all the monogods.

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2 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

I'd love to see some more units for BoK too outside of the obvious Daemon Prince Khorgos Khul. The Blood reavers and Warriors have aged well although I think the Crushers and Reapers/Mongers have aged slightly worse as they're (at least to me) pretty clearly WHFB models. The army also has a lot of Daemon units, like the other Marks of Chaos, they really do need a good redo.

I'd love to see some heavy armoured bruiser units and building upon the Khorgorath too, I love those goobers 😁

Medium release focus on:

Khorgos Khul
Hero on Juggy (it is still resin kit)
Support heroes (only avaliable in the old start collecting)

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9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Medium release focus on:

Khorgos Khul
Hero on Juggy (it is still resin kit)
Support heroes (only avaliable in the old start collecting)

No Khorgorath???? There have been rumours about them ever since this thread started

Rumour: Khorgorath

Type: New sculpt model

Date expected: 2016/2017

Contents: Multipart plastic Khorgorath, possibly a single model or unit.

Source: Lady Atia


Edited by Fellman
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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

We all know that SCE disappearing from the starter box is impossible, but having CoS instead would be a nice opportunity to get rid of all its WHFB leftovers.

Yeah, that's why I meant they could do a mixed force - SCE, especially the new ones, are lovely minis but I'm not sure how much more they really "need". While CoS could use a substantial release much more. And combining them would be cool. At least in my mind.

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2 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

There are a lot of elf fans out there. Can't say elves were neglected considering DoK, Idoneth, LRL and Sylvaneth getting steady releases (actually maybe except for DoK and ID) but there is definitely place for a grand Dark Elves comeback (which would make sense why DoK hasn't been really supported with models over the years). Box SCE vs. Malerion is my bet.

DoK and Idoneth needed at least medium-sized waves like a year ago already even if Aelves overall got many releases. But they are both quite limited lines. I figure DoK will get a huge one one day via Malerion joining the army, so I would imagine that DoK will get very little this edition and then have their renaissance in 5th.

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11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Medium release focus on:

Khorgos Khul
Hero on Juggy (it is still resin kit)
Support heroes (only avaliable in the old start collecting)

Although I'm not 100% what kind of role Khornegors would fill with Reavers and Warriors already there (I suppose as a sort of Daemon and Bloodbound "bridge" unit that both sides can take), the rest of these would be ideal honestly. I love the Bloodstoker especially and would love to see what they do with him these days 😊

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Just now, TrawlingCleaner said:

Although I'm not 100% what kind of role Khornegors would fill with Reavers and Warriors already there (I suppose as a sort of Daemon and Bloodbound "bridge" unit that both sides can take), the rest of these would be ideal honestly. I love the Bloodstoker especially and would love to see what they do with him these days 😊

Khornegors can be really big

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