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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Then we have:


Isn't it surprising the lack of death on the list?

Unknown Chaos

Unknown Destro

If I had to pick the third herald, between Order, Order and Destro, I would go for Destro, but it feels weird that all the grand alliances are more or less balanced apart from Death, which is.... death.

I think the reason why there no Death is because the cycle starts after the 4 "starter factions" 

The Jaws of iztl and Grandfather gardeners was included in the starter book so I think we get Order-->Death-->Destruction-->Death at the end of that cycle

1 hour ago, Elarin said:



This look sick ....in a cool nurgle way lol

Interesting to point at all the grubs crawling around him almost like they're expanding upon the Rotflys.

I do like that the Plaugebearer isn't jolly or goofy as while i enjoy a couple of them the lore surrounding the minor demon state that they're an outlier among them for they are in constant servitude even the Nurgling is pretty sinister looking compare to the standard marketable jolly little Nurgling

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Even with only two models revealed, these two warbands are looking a lot more interesting than the actual starter set ones... though, I suppose the starters will be easier for people to paint up well, which may be the point. 

Yeah. All the SCE around all the games are just too much. I find ages more interesting the Skaven warband rather than the SCE one when Skaven are not my cup of tea but I have a little collection of SCE models that I like.

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4 minutes ago, MarkK said:

Looks great! Hope we get a refresh of plaguebearers and plague drones this edition up to this standard 

They really need to be updated, they're so off compared to the other Nurgle minis, most of them very cool. 

I kind of like both new heroes but tbh I'm not entirely sure, I'll wait for HQ/official pics hehehe. Also there are other potential Nurgle minis to be updated/re-introduced in the range. 

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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Potbelly. Literally. A pot in a belly. This is so fun ! We should take hints more literally on this thread.

Apparently I'm in the minority here but I don't really find it fun. It's just... incredibly dumb? Like I'm all for the standard Nurgle body horror and I love the majority of the model but why did they just kinda shove a pot in his stomach? It doesn't make any sense. It looks super off but not in an actual gross way, just awkward and confusing purely for the sake of a stupid pun. 


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38 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

Apparently I'm in the minority here but I don't really find it fun. It's just... incredibly dumb? Like I'm all for the standard Nurgle body horror and I love the majority of the model but why did they just kinda shove a pot in his stomach? It doesn't make any sense. It looks super off but not in an actual gross way, just awkward and confusing purely for the sake of a stupid pun. 


Nurgle has always had plenty of 'dumb' things in their models like gallows strapped to the back on the lord of blights, mortarion having a ton of chains with spiky balls hanging from him, death guard with extremely janky shoulder and back protrusions, etc.

I adore this model, it's great fun and the pun only adds to that. I wish more armies had silly stuff like this, it gives a lot of character and fits perfectly in the universe.

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19 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Nurgle has always had plenty of 'dumb' things in their models like gallows strapped to the back on the lord of blights, mortarion having a ton of chains with spiky balls hanging from him, death guard with extremely janky shoulder and back protrusions, etc.

I adore this model, it's great fun and the pun only adds to that. I wish more armies had silly stuff like this, it gives a lot of character and fits perfectly in the universe.

At least those have some sort of purpose though. The gallows isn't a gallows, it's an ammunition rack. Sure it follows the visual motif, but it does something. The spiky balls aren't spiky balls, they're plague-filled incense burners. They reinforce the corrupted angel motif the same way as the sickly bug wings and the nurgling cherubim. The pot is just... a pot shoved into his stomach. You can't really put anything in it or stir it because it's too deep inside to access properly. You can't get anything out without spilling it entirely (as it is spilling on the model). What's the point? He fills it up and then shoves it in the least practical spot possible for storage, but then also needs a nurgling to carry it around because there's no way the torn flaps of skin can support a massive iron pot. Why not just get the nurgling to carry it around in the first place? 

How about this as an alternative. The plaguebearer has a horribly bloated stomach dragging on the ground. The top of the stomach is torn open and you can see it's filled with an awful brew of plague and disease. One hand is desperately gripping the outer edge trying to keep it from ripping open further and dumping the contents. Another hand is holding his staff and stirring the mixture in his stomach. You could even have a third hand or tentacle if you want to keep the book. Now you have a suitably gross looking model with logical body horror consistent with other parts of the range, and you can even make the stupid pun if you really want. 

Edited by Grimrock
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I dunno why anyone finds overtly cute cartoony faces and stupid puns turned mini cool for Nurgle but whatever… I do find the trend of making Chaos more accessible to youngsters a big step in the wrong direction. 

But hey, I‘m „old-fashioned“. I found the grimdark short story of the harbinger delightful… 

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It's not doing much for me either, really, I like his little book, and the ticks are a good touch, but it kinda runs into the early UW design bottleneck where he just looks like he could be a plague bearer unit champion, plain silhouette, pretty standard design elements, compared to the leaked Seraphon this guy doesn't really make me excited.

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35 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I dunno why anyone finds overtly cute cartoony faces and stupid puns turned mini cool for Nurgle but whatever… I do find the trend of making Chaos more accessible to youngsters a big step in the wrong direction. 

But hey, I‘m „old-fashioned“. I found the grimdark short story of the harbinger delightful… 

I gotta disagree here. Warhammer, in its purest form is the contrast of Entirely Grim Lore and stories studded with Rivets of Silly Names and situations. Tiktaq'to, Lord Kroak (A Frog That is Dead and has Kroaked, Genius), Skaven accidentally calling the Eldar in 40k. A Goblin Shaman thinking that the relationship between human and greenskins is endearing because they eat each other and then upset when he finds out they don’t.

Possibly my favourite being Hashut, bless you, as little jokey on sneezing. 

Warhammer is crammed full of silly jokes, puns, unserious models and the such. I don’t think these guys even come particularly close. Butnif they do, thats Nurgles bag- Grotesque, rotting flesh. Disease, tumours and rot, and Nurgeling doing a puppet show right next the most horrific thing you’ve ever seen.


In regards to the Pot, Mammon did it first, and Frankly, More tubes and collection buckets please 😂


Edited by Kronos
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8 hours ago, Beliman said:

That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to play a few friendly tournaments just to hang around with friends, but I will probably take a break too.

The time for my 160 Arkanauts and a Khemist list will yet come back. And I'll be ready!

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19 minutes ago, NotBeastmanBob said:

@Elarin any full warband pictures that maybe floating about? 👀

They show only these two models in the Core Rules, sadly. I skimmed through all the lore pages and I didn't find any suggestions about future models or warbands either. The focus is purely on Stormcast and Skaven

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2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

Apparently I'm in the minority here but I don't really find it fun. It's just... incredibly dumb? Like I'm all for the standard Nurgle body horror and I love the majority of the model but why did they just kinda shove a pot in his stomach?

Nurgle isn't always gross body horror with dudes with their intestines out, tumors everywhere... It's also the grotesque, like the other Nurgle miniature that's happily jogging along with his bagpipe made of organs.

And about dumb... Come on, are we really having this argument ? Warhammer is dumb and has always been ! Take a step back, look at all the WTF Skaven machines, Ork and GSG minis aka the big and tiny fungus hooligans, the over-the-top cool stupidity of the Imperium, the entire existence of Blood Bowl... a plaguebearer with a pot full of puss inside his belly is the least of the worst offenders here.

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2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

Apparently I'm in the minority here but I don't really find it fun. It's just... incredibly dumb? Like I'm all for the standard Nurgle body horror and I love the majority of the model but why did they just kinda shove a pot in his stomach? It doesn't make any sense. It looks super off but not in an actual gross way, just awkward and confusing purely for the sake of a stupid pun. 


I think it may be the angle but perhaps the execution of the idea could have been a little better imo. 

Other than that the actual daemon is fine. 

Hope you nurgle fans are excited for it. 👍

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