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The Rumour Thread

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Hum... I didn't pay much attention to the Fuegan in terms of REs. Good point.

The only RE that kind of fits into it, is this one, IMO:


There are some flames in the base, they are not 100% the same, but it seems we are not seeing the base completely.

To hazard a guess I would say that's probably the base of one of the new Fire Dragons. 

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27 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Coughs GIFs | Tenor

city dwarf or Freeguild knights

Coughs GIFs | Tenor

I will leak you 4 Free Guild Knights 😅

Freeguild Command Corps

Alternative Arch-Knight build (with a new gargoylian) : r/ageofsigmar

r/ageofsigmar - Warhammer Events 2024 model revealed. The Steel Rook, an alternate Arch-Knight for the Freeguild Command Corps.

Freeguild Cavaliers

Jokes aside. I think it is so linked to all the Free Guilds that we won't see a unit made of them.

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I’m hoping for a 2nd wave of stuff for seraphon in 4th, though its unlikely 

At the very least new Temple Guard would be nice, tho I’d love to see a new dread saurian with updated other dinos such as Stegadon/Engine of the Gods and Bastilodon

If it dont happen this edition it makes sense, other factions need the attention first, such as Fyreslayers

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I may be in the minority, but I would really love some new Skinks. The old ones (heh) aren't bad, but neither were the old Clanrats, Chaos Warriors, Deathrattle Skeletons, etc. etc. We have Slanns, Saurus, and Kroxigor properly represented in Age of Sigmar now, so I really want to see the final caste make the jump as well. Also, a lot of the Skinks we've seen with Starblood Stalkers and Raptadons were pretty derpy looking.

As for wishes for the Rumor Fairy... Y'all got any more of that Malstrain stuff :3?

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