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Speculation time - how much would it take for (example) Gutbusters Tome to be successful

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Speculation time.

Let's imagine there was a Gutbusters Battletome in the pipeline.  (The exact same thought experiment could be done for Slaves to Darkness, Dispossessed, Free People, various Aelves - substitute the tome-less legacy army of your choice).

How much of a release would it have to be, in order to be considered "successful" by the community (level one speculation), and how much would it have to be to be considered "successful" by GW (level two speculation)?

  1. The bare minimum Battletome I could imagine would be a Bonesplitters repeat: something that did NOT tie together Beastclaw and Gutbusters and Maneaters and the poor ol' Firebelly - just straight up Gutbusters.  It would include a terrain piece and endless spells and zero new units (perhaps some of the lingering Hero kits would be re-packed with round bases, and they might do some hijinks around giving different weapon loadouts different warscrolls as per Bonsepltters with 4 different warscrolls out of the one box of Boys). 
    1. Outcome:  People who already have Gutbuster armies would buy book + terrain + spells.  It would barely nudge the needle on popularity outside folks who already have them (unless they were accidentally to become a powerhouse).  I think the chatter around it would be largely negative.
  2. The Battletome I actually expect would be a Beasts of Chaos repeat - tie together the Ogor factions, plus terrain and spells.  Still no new units (other than re-packs). 
    1. Outcome:  I reckon, again unless it's an accidental powerhouse, few people other than existing collectors would buy tome + terrain + spells, but at least you're casting a wider net by including the Beastclaw collectors.  But then again, there does seem to be this undertone in the community that if only they weren't so terrible, the Beastclaw SC box looks so fun as a hobby project, and pushing those monsters around is a right good time, so maybe the appeal of a decent tome would be higher than I'm imagining.  I believe the chatter around this would be neutral, tipping toward positive if the rules were well received.
  3. The pie-in-the-sky Battletome I wouldn't dare to hope for would be a Gloomspite Gits repeat - tie the factions together, plus replace some older sculpts with brand new ones, and maybe expand the line a little.  Plus terrain and spells. 
    1. This would have the potential to be very popular, whether it was a "meta leader" or not.  Existing players would upgrade with book and spells and terrain, as well as topping up their collection.  New players would be attracted to the faction.  I reckon the chatter in the community would be pretty positive about this one, especially if they hit the power level just right.

The good thing about 1 and 2 is that they would be very low cost for GW to do.  The only new models would be China-plastic, so it wouldn't add to the production bottleneck in Notts.

Assuming that the outcomes I predicted were to occur, how many of those would be considered "successful"?  I don't think there's any real way for option 1 to be a success in the community, although with the super-low cost for GW, it wouldn't take much sales for it to turn a profit.  Option 3 would be a community success almost no matter what the rules were, but adding in those new units would make measuring GW's success a lot harder.  They would have to push a lot of actual product, in addition to the books and China-plastic kits.  The expected (by me) option 2 would have, I think, the best chance at success on both levels.  It's the same low capital costs for GW, but with a wider net for an audience.  A lot of the community success would depend on how well received the actual rules were I think, but if the tome was solid, it would be at least a minor hit even without any new models.

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I would assume option 2 as the most possible for gw. A lot of units were already tied together in the shop and I could expect this to happen also to the book. New Artifacts, a cool new Alligience Ability, Spell Lore and Maybe some Sort of Clans could add more then enough depth to the Gutbusters. I could imagine an own Lore of Magic for Firebellies and maybe an additional perk, but no full sub-alligience like f.e. Skaven Skryre in Skaventide.

This kind of release makes the most sense as it is a good for gw in selling stuff as customers may be attracted to a wider range of products and requires a lower ammount of investment than a full new range of models.

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In my mind, until GW fleshes out Firebelly and Maneaters, they are just ostracized Gutbusters. So, at LEAST 2.

I've been iffy on fusing BCR back in. They are cool (ice pun) on their own. But, if both sides are still well represented and can live on their own, but a combined tome does EACH side justice and faster, I am for it.

Ogor priests, cool artifacts, and a really unique playstyle that fits the 'all in on big guys' mindset and I would love it.

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I think any of the options has potential. 

I think you underestimate the appeal of elite armies, I think if the rules were appealing (not as in a power house, but can compete. Gloomspite or BoC tier) then you would get a fair amount of interest.

I thought you meant something else when I read the thread, so just going to mention that as well. 

I would love it if they played around with alliegiance stuff. I think it's an amazing way to tinker with units. Daemonettes aren't brilliant as allies or in Grand alliance chaos, but benefit a lot from Slaanesh.

I think you could fix a lot of the ogor problems with good allegiance abilities. For example, I would love it if Gutbusters had a special rule that each Gutbuster in a Gutbuster Allegiance Army counted as 5 models for the purposes of capturing objectives. 

Another thing I think would be really cool is if they played into the mercenary thing with ogors.

Having Bulls/Ironguts/Man-eaters be able to gain the relevant keyword for the army they are in. So you get some big benefits for having  an ogor army, but other benefits for having some as mercenaries. That in turn would probably cause some people to start playing ogors. I wonder how many people will start fyreslayer or FEC armies after getting some mercenaries for their other armies.

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6 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

I think you could fix a lot of the ogor problems with good allegiance abilities. For example, I would love it if Gutbusters had a special rule that each Gutbuster in a Gutbuster Allegiance Army counted as 5 models for the purposes of capturing objectives. 

I had  almost this same thought in the Gutbuster thread, but simply count wounds (or wounds characteristic) for the purposes of objectives and battleshock. It would be a unique ability and very thematic for their “bully” theme, one Ogor being worth 4 of anything else!

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I would have been confident in a best case scenario, Gloomspite-But-Its-Ogors tome + model line, since the ogre lore and aesthetic is fairly unique and something I think GW would try and push to further diversify Destruction.

But then the skaven book dropped to practically no new models. Skaven are easily AoS's and GW's  most unique and iconic fantasy race, and I was surprised we didn't get even just a new rat ogre kit. Now they might have something up their sleeve for the year of the rat, but that remains to be seen.

I think the Firebelly and Maneaters getting shunted into a mercenary role pretty much confirms we're not seeing them redone in plastic anytime in the future.

These days I think the most we'll see for Ogors is a skaven style consolidation of the footsloggers and the cavalry monsters, with maybe one new plastic tyrant to help push sales and definitely some endless spells and terrain. 


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What allegiance abilities fit us in fluff terms? I cant help but think that some kind of thing like making our stuff do damage on the charge, like the old gutbuster wartribe battalion might be appropriate. 

Or alternatively, do a 40k blood angels style army special rule giving us +1 to hit or wound in a turn that we've charged.


Another thing to consider is how some warscrolls might need to change. Leadbelchers, for starters, are a visually cool unit but rather underwhelming on the table. Their massive handheld artillery pieces do piddly and woefully short ranged damage. They need to hit farther and/or harder. Perhaps have a short ranged 'shotgun' profile representing the cannon being loaded with shrapnel or weapons (as can be represented on the model), and a longer ranged - harder hitting - cannonball profile.

Ironblasters much like leadbelchers are giant cannons with no oomph. They should hit like a ****** shadowsword volcano cannon. Give it drawbacks, but make the potential tremendous.


Ironguts dont have anywhere near the kind of self contained buffs that bulls can possess. Their special rule is something I've never personally triggered. I think it should be something that can be activated once per game without any requirements


GW should also bring in firebellies and maneaters. Definitely firebellies, and if they're not gonna make maneaters actual mercenaries for hire instead of the weaksauce system they've revealed then just put them in with gutbusters where they should be anyway.

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Back when this was a task on the GW interviews I came up with a menu option for allegiance that I thought would work well for the Gutbusters, that allowed you to essentially adapt as the game went on by the butchers "picking a course" out of all of the meat, slay a wizard and put that on the menu to allow units to dispell. Slay a monster and put that on the menu instead to give your Ogors the strength of the beast. This way Ogors might start good but adapt to great if you pick your targets to consume as the game goes on, getting stronger into the late game through consumption and empowering the Maw. 

Also FWIW my factional command ability I worked up puts them in the activation wars from the start :P

Here's the allegiance traits I thought would give them something of a starting point:




An army with the GUTBUSTERS allegiance gains the following Battle Traits:


The Bloodied Banquet:
For the tribes of Gutbusters every battle is a potential myriad of meals, every fallen for a pile of meat (or bones) to be devoured in a decadent feast of flavours. Every army arrives to the field of battle ravenous, eyeing up the host that stands against them picking out which of the foes they will devour first. Every meal devoured is a gift to the great hungering beast Gorkamorka, that he might feed and impart some scraps of power to those on the field below.

At the beginning of each of your hero phase tally up the number of enemy units slain previously in the battle and select an ability from the table below. The effects listed last for the rest of the battle, or until you select a different Bloody Banquet





Empty Larder

0-1 Enemy Units Slain

Ravenous the Gutbusters descend on their foes.

You may reroll all failed charges with friendly GUTBUSTERS units.

Feeding Frenzy

2+ Enemy Units Slain

Having gained their first taste of the enemy the Ogors descend into a bestial feeding frenzy.

In the Combat phase reroll all unmodified 1s to hit for friendly GUTBUSTERS units

Mountains of Meat

3+ Enemy Units Slain

Blood drunk your Ogors are numb to all but the most lethal of wounds.
Roll a D6 whenever a wound or mortal wound is assigned to a GUTBUSTERS unit. On a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored

Eyes of the Seer

1 or more Enemy Wizard Slain

Every part of a Wizard is a delectable feast infused with the writing magicks of the realms.

Roll a D6 whenever a friendly GUTBUSTERS unit selected as the target of an Enemy Spell, on an unmodified roll of a 6 that spell has no effect

Longwalker Jerky

1 or more Enemy Monster Slain

The muscular sinews of the great beasts can be refined into jerky, granting some portion of their resilience to those that chew it in battle.

In your Hero Phase roll a D6 for every friendly wounded GUTBUSTERS unit, on an unmodified roll of  4+ you may restore 1 wound lost previously in the battle, friendly GUTBUSTERS Heroes may instead heal D3 wound lost previously in the battle

Heart of the Champion

Enemy General Slain

To consume the heart of mighty Champions is the highest honour to Gorkamorka.

In each of your HERO PHASES roll a D6, on an unmodified roll of  4+ you may generate an additional command point


A Rare Delicacy:

In combat the enticing scent of fresh meat can flood the nostrils of older Gutbusters, none more relished than the refined muscular sinew of champions and beasts. Many Ogor champions give into their hunger and bite huge chunks of flesh off of a wounded enemy to savour as they fight. Few Heroes survive such a bite but those who do have a scar and a story they won’t soon forget.

After a friendly GUTBUSTERS HERO has resolved their attacks in the combat phase, if they inflicted any wounds upon but failed to kill an enemy HERO or MONSTER you may immediately inflict a single Mortal Wound on that model.


First to the Feast:

There is a savage momentum that builds when Gutbusters hordes sense and impending feast, woe betide any who stand between them and a fresh meat.

In your movement phased any friendly GUTBUSTERS unit that rolls an unmodified 6 for a Run move may attempt to make a charge move later in the turn despite having run.



Don’t let it Spoil:  In the Combat Phase, after a friendly GUTBUSTERS hero has complete their attacks, you may select a friendly GUTBUSTERS unit within 6 inches that has not already attacked that phase. You may activate that unit and complete their melee attacks immediately, units that attack in this manner may not attack again in the same combat phase.


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6 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

Here's the allegiance traits I thought would give them something of a starting point:


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An army with the GUTBUSTERS allegiance gains the following Battle Traits:


The Bloodied Banquet:
For the tribes of Gutbusters every battle is a potential myriad of meals, every fallen for a pile of meat (or bones) to be devoured in a decadent feast of flavours. Every army arrives to the field of battle ravenous, eyeing up the host that stands against them picking out which of the foes they will devour first. Every meal devoured is a gift to the great hungering beast Gorkamorka, that he might feed and impart some scraps of power to those on the field below.

At the beginning of each of your hero phase tally up the number of enemy units slain previously in the battle and select an ability from the table below. The effects listed last for the rest of the battle, or until you select a different Bloody Banquet





Empty Larder

0-1 Enemy Units Slain

Ravenous the Gutbusters descend on their foes.

You may reroll all failed charges with friendly GUTBUSTERS units.

Feeding Frenzy

2+ Enemy Units Slain

Having gained their first taste of the enemy the Ogors descend into a bestial feeding frenzy.

In the Combat phase reroll all unmodified 1s to hit for friendly GUTBUSTERS units

Mountains of Meat

3+ Enemy Units Slain

Blood drunk your Ogors are numb to all but the most lethal of wounds.
Roll a D6 whenever a wound or mortal wound is assigned to a GUTBUSTERS unit. On a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored

Eyes of the Seer

1 or more Enemy Wizard Slain

Every part of a Wizard is a delectable feast infused with the writing magicks of the realms.

Roll a D6 whenever a friendly GUTBUSTERS unit selected as the target of an Enemy Spell, on an unmodified roll of a 6 that spell has no effect

Longwalker Jerky

1 or more Enemy Monster Slain

The muscular sinews of the great beasts can be refined into jerky, granting some portion of their resilience to those that chew it in battle.

In your Hero Phase roll a D6 for every friendly wounded GUTBUSTERS unit, on an unmodified roll of  4+ you may restore 1 wound lost previously in the battle, friendly GUTBUSTERS Heroes may instead heal D3 wound lost previously in the battle

Heart of the Champion

Enemy General Slain

To consume the heart of mighty Champions is the highest honour to Gorkamorka.

In each of your HERO PHASES roll a D6, on an unmodified roll of  4+ you may generate an additional command point


A Rare Delicacy:

In combat the enticing scent of fresh meat can flood the nostrils of older Gutbusters, none more relished than the refined muscular sinew of champions and beasts. Many Ogor champions give into their hunger and bite huge chunks of flesh off of a wounded enemy to savour as they fight. Few Heroes survive such a bite but those who do have a scar and a story they won’t soon forget.

After a friendly GUTBUSTERS HERO has resolved their attacks in the combat phase, if they inflicted any wounds upon but failed to kill an enemy HERO or MONSTER you may immediately inflict a single Mortal Wound on that model.


First to the Feast:

There is a savage momentum that builds when Gutbusters hordes sense and impending feast, woe betide any who stand between them and a fresh meat.

In your movement phased any friendly GUTBUSTERS unit that rolls an unmodified 6 for a Run move may attempt to make a charge move later in the turn despite having run.



Don’t let it Spoil:  In the Combat Phase, after a friendly GUTBUSTERS hero has complete their attacks, you may select a friendly GUTBUSTERS unit within 6 inches that has not already attacked that phase. You may activate that unit and complete their melee attacks immediately, units that attack in this manner may not attack again in the same combat phase.


Oh GW please please please!

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I think Gutbuster needs at least a plastic hero kit like what FEC got for any release to feel successful. the range just has too much resin between the two hero choices and the maneater for new players to gravitate to.

I think this fact really hurt Bonesplitterz because your heroes have to be bought on the website and are mostly resin or metal models.

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I'd prefer if Gutbusters remained their own thing, if I wanted to play Beastclaw, I'd play Beastclaw (kind of the same attitude most have about allies); however, I wouldn't be affronted if they blended them together. I'd just like regular Ogors to get a proper book with cool new AoS lore, an actual allegiance ability, and all the rest of the standard stuff. If we get new models, dope, I think new Ogor sculpts could look incredible...but if we don't, it's fine---as long as all the models that do exist become viable (looking at you scraplauncher, ironblaster, and leadbelcher). And GW designers, if you HAVE to make our abilities and spells "lolrandom" because we're Destruction, at least make the effects worth being random. Our current Butcher has like a 33% chance to do something useful, or just stand around like an idiot.



Ironblasters much like leadbelchers are giant cannons with no oomph. They should hit like a ****** shadowsword volcano cannon. Give it drawbacks, but make the potential tremendous.

It is called the CANNON OF THE SKY TITANS. This thing should be a menacing beast. I swear, if they just keep it as yet another single shot, 4+ to hit with D6 damage...

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5 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

I'd be really happy with a level 2. Though I love my Yhetees, some new plastic ones would be nice though. How awesome would a giant maw endless spell where the ground turns into a big Sarlac pit - the would be cool.

I've been a big advocate of a Yhetee - Gorger dual kit!

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In BCR groups/forum, I have seen arguments between 'thematic" BCR players (who like the ice/everwinter theme predominantly, and therefore do not want to be lumped back in with Gutbusters) and "competitive" BCR players (who want a combined Ogre book for maximum number of warscroll options).

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From every battletome release I expect at least 1 new unit to be introduced. That is the very minimum I can accept. If GW has time and resources to create store exclusive space marines and stormcasts, then they defenitely can provide every updated faction with a unit or two. That's why Fyreslayers' battletome let me down. In case of small factions like Fyreslayers and Ironjawz I expect 2-3 units to be added. Daughters of Khaine is a perfect example how it should be done. Maybe only Legions of Nagash battletome are an exception as it covered a vast number of factions. 

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Would love to see a BoC level book with all the ogor factions combined together with new abilities and scroll updates, but players were still able to run pure bcr or pure guts if they wished.

Not personally interested in the army but many people are and love them so I would want them to be able to enjoy their favourite army same way I can mine 👍

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47 minutes ago, Aryann said:

From every battletome release I expect at least 1 new unit to be introduced. That is the very minimum I can accept. If GW has time and resources to create store exclusive space marines and stormcasts, then they defenitely can provide every updated faction with a unit or two. 

That's one mini a year isn't it? (40k seems to have its own resources). That's nowhere near enough production capacity for that. Plus I'm assuming it's a single character who goes in a small box.  How many factions have been released this year? Gloomspite, FEC, Skaven, Khorne, Slaanesh, would have been Slyvaneth. BoC was last year but towards the end. 

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1 hour ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

That's one mini a year isn't it? (40k seems to have its own resources). That's nowhere near enough production capacity for that. Plus I'm assuming it's a single character who goes in a small box.  How many factions have been released this year? Gloomspite, FEC, Skaven, Khorne, Slaanesh, would have been Slyvaneth. BoC was last year but towards the end

I really doubt that a large international company present at a stoke market doesn't have resources to produce 1 new mini with every book they release. 

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3 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

In BCR groups/forum, I have seen arguments between 'thematic" BCR players (who like the ice/everwinter theme predominantly, and therefore do not want to be lumped back in with Gutbusters) and "competitive" BCR players (who want a combined Ogre book for maximum number of warscroll options).

I think greatest fear is that BCR ends up like Troggoths and warherd and be underpower in a soup book ( and there a good chance it will happen ). Or what happens is that competitively your force to bring 60 grots in every list because bodies are so advantageous. 

If they make a BCR tome they are sort of force to make a low model count work within the system.  

Of course nothing so far suggest that they are going to merge the Ogor range together, their plans during the launch of AoS 2.0 was to keep them separate as per the faction  and web-store layout. and they also change the BCR points but kept Gutbuster point the same in the GHB which may indicate that they will at least keep all the BCR battalions useable in the future. I also think that the frost and everwinter theme is strong enough to kept it as a separate army.

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10 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Back when this was a task on the GW interviews I came up with a menu option for allegiance that I thought would work well for the Gutbusters, that allowed you to essentially adapt as the game went on by the butchers "picking a course" out of all of the meat, slay a wizard and put that on the menu to allow units to dispell. Slay a monster and put that on the menu instead to give your Ogors the strength of the beast. This way Ogors might start good but adapt to great if you pick your targets to consume as the game goes on, getting stronger into the late game through consumption and empowering the Maw. 

Also FWIW my factional command ability I worked up puts them in the activation wars from the start :P

Here's the allegiance traits I thought would give them something of a starting point:


  Reveal hidden contents


An army with the GUTBUSTERS allegiance gains the following Battle Traits:


The Bloodied Banquet:
For the tribes of Gutbusters every battle is a potential myriad of meals, every fallen for a pile of meat (or bones) to be devoured in a decadent feast of flavours. Every army arrives to the field of battle ravenous, eyeing up the host that stands against them picking out which of the foes they will devour first. Every meal devoured is a gift to the great hungering beast Gorkamorka, that he might feed and impart some scraps of power to those on the field below.

At the beginning of each of your hero phase tally up the number of enemy units slain previously in the battle and select an ability from the table below. The effects listed last for the rest of the battle, or until you select a different Bloody Banquet





Empty Larder

0-1 Enemy Units Slain

Ravenous the Gutbusters descend on their foes.

You may reroll all failed charges with friendly GUTBUSTERS units.

Feeding Frenzy

2+ Enemy Units Slain

Having gained their first taste of the enemy the Ogors descend into a bestial feeding frenzy.

In the Combat phase reroll all unmodified 1s to hit for friendly GUTBUSTERS units

Mountains of Meat

3+ Enemy Units Slain

Blood drunk your Ogors are numb to all but the most lethal of wounds.
Roll a D6 whenever a wound or mortal wound is assigned to a GUTBUSTERS unit. On a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored

Eyes of the Seer

1 or more Enemy Wizard Slain

Every part of a Wizard is a delectable feast infused with the writing magicks of the realms.

Roll a D6 whenever a friendly GUTBUSTERS unit selected as the target of an Enemy Spell, on an unmodified roll of a 6 that spell has no effect

Longwalker Jerky

1 or more Enemy Monster Slain

The muscular sinews of the great beasts can be refined into jerky, granting some portion of their resilience to those that chew it in battle.

In your Hero Phase roll a D6 for every friendly wounded GUTBUSTERS unit, on an unmodified roll of  4+ you may restore 1 wound lost previously in the battle, friendly GUTBUSTERS Heroes may instead heal D3 wound lost previously in the battle

Heart of the Champion

Enemy General Slain

To consume the heart of mighty Champions is the highest honour to Gorkamorka.

In each of your HERO PHASES roll a D6, on an unmodified roll of  4+ you may generate an additional command point


A Rare Delicacy:

In combat the enticing scent of fresh meat can flood the nostrils of older Gutbusters, none more relished than the refined muscular sinew of champions and beasts. Many Ogor champions give into their hunger and bite huge chunks of flesh off of a wounded enemy to savour as they fight. Few Heroes survive such a bite but those who do have a scar and a story they won’t soon forget.

After a friendly GUTBUSTERS HERO has resolved their attacks in the combat phase, if they inflicted any wounds upon but failed to kill an enemy HERO or MONSTER you may immediately inflict a single Mortal Wound on that model.


First to the Feast:

There is a savage momentum that builds when Gutbusters hordes sense and impending feast, woe betide any who stand between them and a fresh meat.

In your movement phased any friendly GUTBUSTERS unit that rolls an unmodified 6 for a Run move may attempt to make a charge move later in the turn despite having run.



Don’t let it Spoil:  In the Combat Phase, after a friendly GUTBUSTERS hero has complete their attacks, you may select a friendly GUTBUSTERS unit within 6 inches that has not already attacked that phase. You may activate that unit and complete their melee attacks immediately, units that attack in this manner may not attack again in the same combat phase.


Interesting. I was one of the other people who submitted that assignment last year, and came up with some similar ideas, albeit taking them in a radically different direction. I'll post my version, but I can't figure out how to add the spoiler/hidden contents stuff at the moment?

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