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Club night at the South London Legion 26 June 2019


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Bring the Apocalypse down to the South London Legion any Wednesday for AoS, Nightvault, 40K, Kill Team, Bloodbowl, Necromunda and Middle Earth!

You can now find us here:

Lansdowne Hotel

Carolyn House

Lansdowne Road

Croydon, CR0 2AD



The new venue is between East Croydon and West Croydon Stations.  There are 15 minute trains to Victoria/London Bridge.

It has a bar...


This week!

  • 15 Legionaries heading to Heat 3 (AoS).
  • Heresy campaign kicked off!
  • Excitement over the new General’s Handbook.
  • Several Slaanesh armies being rolled out.
  • Adding more scenery!


Matt and John playing Heresy!


Jimbo strikes a Power Pose


My Fyreslayers battle to a draw vs @Leonardas Skaven.


Next week

There will be the usual mixture of 2,000 point games going on. If you have a smaller force, then someone should be happy to give you an introductory or demo game as well.

June Update

The Legion is in good shape with new members,  exciting new armies, solid tournament results and excitement over new releases.  We’re looking forward to getting a lot of games in at our colourful venue over the summer and enjoy some drinks!





The highlight of the first half of the year was Blood Tithe - an international team event running for its second year now. A full cohort of Legionaries were in attendance and performed admirably.





The irreplaceable Marc Wilson organised the event - feedback received was positive! Marc will Be piloting a revamped London GT AoS tournament later this year! Bring on Blood Tithe 2020! I supported Marc behind the scenes but was gutted to miss out - edit - delighted for my son’s birthday!

Ben Savva continued his strong performances - coming second at the South Coast GT and winning 3 one-dayers at the Bad Moon Cafe.






Spot the difference

Other club mates have put in strong performances. Leo doing very well with Dreadwood (bagging a third place trophy) and John smashing up Malifaux events and finding success in his initial forays into Middle Earth! Many of us are looking forward to good times at Heat 3 and Blackout @Chris Tomlin

Earlier in the year, Team Fiction @Leonardas, Leo, @Age of The Erstwood and Alex Kew performed well at the AoS Team Event - getting 4th Place! 


Spectacular turn one Alpha Bunkering of an entire Legions army! -2 to hit rerolling 6s on the 30 Plaguebearers!

AoS Super League 2019

@Marc Wilson Team Event - modelled on the Champions League of Football/Soccer has now entered the second round. Initial round features games between players from the same club. This is an exciting new format and a way to spread a tournament over a year.

Hobby Corner

On the hobby front, people are building up new armies esp. Slaanesh Khorne and Gitz.
Ben Savva attended Vince Venturella’s 2-day painting class in May, with striking results:
I finished my first ever 40K army after purchasing an airbrush - great tool!
Ben Savva’s latest commission finished off Alex Kew’s striking Stormcast:
Conor’s Tzeentch:

@Age of The Erstwood Ben Savva finished painting Leo’s Dreadwood commission:


I put the finishing touches on my Fyreslayers:
 Craig has nailed his Custodes army:
I showed my true colours: Kudos to Jon Scrivens  @jonscrivens
Jon also immortalised that chariot of fire, that home away from home that we know and love:
Lord Castellant Jimbo and the Battlebus
Comedy corner
Khorne vs Legions of Azgorth! Another close one.
Nathan is mourning Ynnari.
There’s plenty of fresh blood for 40K. I took my BA and Ad Mech force to a one dayer at Bad Moon Cafe - got the wooden spoon!
Seb’s Guard
John commanding the Blood Angels!
I’m looking forward to the 2 Dayer at Bad Moon Cafe on 3-4 August.
Rob Bradley managed a commanding victory over Matt’s Chaos Dwarves to take the trophy!
Preparations are afoot for the 2019 Season brought to you by Bloodweiser.
Bloodbowl is such an amazing game! New players are very welcome! 

Warhammer Underworlds (Nightvault)

We had a great time at a recent tournament hosted at the club and kindly organised by the delightful Matt from GW Croydon. 

Simon Fro is leading the charge and starting a campaign soon. I’m doing Van Saar!
Will be going strong this year and the level of support from GW (e.g. Squat Mercenary and Genestealer Cults in White Dwarf).
@Thanatos Ares
@Marc Wilson

Give me a shout on the forum or post below and Ican add you to our AoS WhatsApp chatroom (we broke a quarter of a million messages recently and counting - I swear fully half of it is John talking about Khorgoraths).

Middle Earth

Simon Fro has a great time at Throne of Skulls!


Huge amount of excitement over the new releases!

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