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Deadly Terrain

Ian R


If a model is on deadly terrain but does not actually move does it have to do the deadly roll?  In other words, can the model remain stationary near deadly terrain to avoid the risk of the D3 mortal wound dice roll?

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5 answers to this question

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53 minutes ago, Ian R said:

If a model is on deadly terrain but does not actually move does it have to do the deadly roll?  In other words, can the model remain stationary near deadly terrain to avoid the risk of the D3 mortal wound dice roll?

No, the rule does specify when it is triggert (marked green):


Deadly: Roll a dice for each unit that finishes a normal
or charge move within 1" of any Deadly terrain
features. On a 1, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

It is only triggert when making a normal move or charge move.

So in that case you can even make Pile in moves without triggering it.

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9 minutes ago, Ian R said:

Thanks, but to be clear if the model moves 0” it has finished its opportunity to move in the move phase, but not physically moved.  Is it caught?

No. If you do not move the unit the model is in at all you do not have to declare it moved 0” you just say it didn’t move this turn and don’t trigger the deadly terrain rules. It can still move next turn, though any movement aside from pile in will trigger deadly terrain. 


However moving any part of the unit will trigger deadly terrain even if the model that is near/on the terrain itself does not move/moves 0” , that will trigger the deadly terrain.

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The other key word that wasn't highlighted is "finishes".  It doesn't matter where you start, only where you finish.  If you start within 1" of Deadly terrain, and then do a normal move or charge move that ends more than 1" from Deadly terrain, good for you, no roll.

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On 6/21/2019 at 2:45 PM, Ian R said:

Thanks, but to be clear if the model moves 0” it has finished its opportunity to move in the move phase, but not physically moved.  Is it caught?

If you said: "I select this unit to move and move every model 0 inches" and the unit was within 1 inch of deadly terrain, then yes, it would be caught.

But you do not have to move a unit in the first place:


"Start your movement phase by picking one of your units and moving each model in that unit until you’ve moved all the models you want to. You can then pick another unit to move, until you have moved as many of your units as you wish. No unit can be moved more than once in each movement phase."

(https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf, page 4 under MOVEMENT PHASE)


Just like with piling-in, you have to remember there is a big difference between not moving/piling-in at all and moving/piling-in 0 inches.

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