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Counting the days till WarCry!!!

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My biggest fear is they roll it out like the my did necromunda and kill a lot of hype for people wanting to play bands that aren’t out. 


I genuinely dont don’t think they’ll do that but it’s a fear. 


Im extremely hyped to see the final warbands but I think I’ll actually be going with the Ghur-boys and maybe buying two starter boxes so I can grow the game. 

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1 hour ago, FlatTooth said:

My biggest fear is they roll it out like the my did necromunda and kill a lot of hype for people wanting to play bands that aren’t out. 


I genuinely dont don’t think they’ll do that but it’s a fear. 

I really don’t know what they’ll do with this. If they hadn’t previewed the other warbands I would have said they’d follow the Necromunda/Underworlds pattern and stretch it. The previews make me think otherwise.

It will genuinely be too much for my wallet to handle if they do release them all at the same time.

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1 hour ago, FlatTooth said:

My biggest fear is they roll it out like the my did necromunda and kill a lot of hype for people wanting to play bands that aren’t out. 


I genuinely dont don’t think they’ll do that but it’s a fear. 


Im extremely hyped to see the final warbands but I think I’ll actually be going with the Ghur-boys and maybe buying two starter boxes so I can grow the game. 

I hear you but I don't think they'll do this. For Necromunda they didn't preview any of the gangs that far in advance of their release like they have done for Warcry so far 




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I'm pretty sure we already know exactly what the contents of the starter box are. We will get the first two warbands,  6 harpies,  6 of the strange bird creatures, a bunch of terrain,  a kill team style board and the rules. The price will probably be about £100. 

The terrain and the board can be seen here.images.jpeg.e0ba00f7a684a7c36ef6b6977814ff6a.jpeg


As for the release schedule, I think it will similar to Shadespire with the warbands coming out between now and the beginning of next year.  I am most curious to see what kind of support we see beyond the six warbands. If we are getting NPC monsters there is a great opportunity to add something like a new bullgor,  Cockatrice,  or some other monsters. It really could add an extra dimension to the game.

Depending in how they do the preorders,  we could start seeing rules previews as soon as Monday. 

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Yeah I suspect the warband rollout might be a little faster than say Underworlds, at least the first  4 anyway (2 in box set, then 🐍 & 🦅 following reasonably quickly, seeing as they’ve been previewed for ages now).

Final 2 late summer I would guess, get it done before both the new Underworlds season starts and we’re back on battletome rollout (& hopefully a new medium/big army release).

Anyway not long to wait to we’ll see soon. Plus silver lining of having waited so long for this game now is that I’ve spent several months thinking about small Skirmish game mechanics, mixing up ideas from AoS, Kill Team, Underworlds & other games that if it doesn’t come close to my platonic ideal i’ll be more than 50% towards having an entirely home made rule set to mess around with too. 🧐

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I'm pretty excited about Warcry as well, particularly the Ghurish hunters with their lion and the Chaos wildlife! I may have to buy the starter box for those!

As for using them in AoS, I'd be floored if these warbands don't have unique warscrolls like the Shadespire ones. Consider that every model for every AoS-adjacent product they've released has rules for AoS.  They might not be "usable" in top tier Matched Play but they're still usable. If that's the case, then the only people who might use them would be overwhelming majority of Chaos players in casual games! 😁

PS: I'd definitely use them as allies for my Beasts of Chaos. My Beastlord is always looking for new pets!

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Looking at warcom, preorders for Killteam, was on 21th, with launch on 28. But the first article about KT was on 5th, with an article each day.


I expect and wish something similar for warcry. With the first article in 5/6 hours.


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They've already said they will be showing off Warcry (able to be played) at the AoS Open Day on the 20th July. 

So at the absolute earliest we might see pre-orders on the 20th, release on the 27th. 
but I think, preview on the 20th, pre-orders on the 27th, release on the 3rd is more likely. 

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3 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

They've already said they will be showing off Warcry (able to be played) at the AoS Open Day on the 20th July. 

So at the absolute earliest we might see pre-orders on the 20th, release on the 27th. 
but I think, preview on the 20th, pre-orders on the 27th, release on the 3rd is more likely. 

This is one of my main bets on the relase date (Game releasing on the 3rd). I shared it with my local group at the shop we play and the owner was really firm on denying it, saying that it will release in July. 

My personal favourite theory will be preorder on the 20 to release on the 27, but because I can spend more of my days off with the models, and is still July, as the owner said. 

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Maybe was a mistake. But if people will be able to buy it in the event, others should be able to pre-order it at least.




So if the preorder is on 20th, I dont understand why they have not started doing previews as with other games

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15 minutes ago, zamerion said:

So if the preorder is on 20th, I dont understand why they have not started doing previews as with other games

they've just spent a week or so doing all the Apocalypse promo, how to play videos, faction walkthroughs etc. would have been a bit messy for them to do both at once.

I was expecting them to start this week but since they've found a slot for Sylvaneth I'd expect that to be this week's AoS 'content' now.

so maybe some very light news this week and then I'd guess the full Becca Scott 'how to play', new website etc treatment next.

we'll see soon enough.




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To be fair they can likely get most of the Warcry details into only 5 news posts and that's spreading it out some. So that easily fits into one week. They've already shown 4 of the 6 warbands and are likely holding at least one for the actual day to be revealed. We also don't know how they are going to put it on sale; what's in the core box what support  material there is etc.. 

This week is a good catch-up week for releases it seems. Fitting a smattering of things for everyone that cleans up a lot of previewed stuff and also adds some (we didn't know the new knights were coming for Adepicus Titanicus). Actually AT is getting nearer and nearer to the interesting point where they will have released all of the FW models for knights/titans into it for Imperials. Which means soon we'll start seeing "new" titans (either totally new, stuff only seen in the lore before and also old variations that have yet to be released in 40K scale)

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