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Squatting Watch: Alerts for Discontinued Models

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5 hours ago, Lord marcus said:

I'd prefer they bring the empire great cannon kit back. It's objectively better. That and it features in some of the artwork

I agree, the Great Cannon was awesome. Though I must say the crew for it might be strange. Then again I think the crew for all the empire weapon teams are weird. actually most things are weird with the exception of the great swords, hunters and bird riders..

I do hope that they give the option of a hero on said bird rider though, it just uses up one of the guys in the box. I believe things like this have been done before.

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A LOT of stuff has gone to "last chance to buy". 26 boxes in total (doubles and multiple option sets sort of evening out).


I'll edit this post with the list.






Warrior priest with and without horse

All Freeguild generals


Volkhar on war altar



Organ gun/cannon



Dragon noble

Glade guard

Disposessed warriors



Dragon blades

Dragon lord/archmage on dragon


Freeguild archers (already sold out)

Freeguild general (already sold out)

White lions (already sold out)


If this is the handful they spoke abut, they have big hands, so I am hoping for reboxing of something.

I think that's the entirety of the Draconis dudes, most of the Devoted to Sigmar, everything but three boxes for the Wanderers, the entire eldritch councel and quite a bit from the Disposessed.

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3 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

Thanks for putting this up @zilberfrid. Given what we have with mercs in the Generals Handbook maybe some of these models might be coming back - I wouldn’t count on it though.

I don't know at the moment. Much of what is in that list makes at least some sense to cut, but wow, this would be a slaughter! I sure hope GW gives some clarity for us.

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At least some of those are clearly being reboxed. As mentioned before, some of those units just got their mercenary rules, they wouldn't delete them a month later.

The fate of everything from that list that's not a plastic model is probably sealed though.

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13 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

I don't think they would get rid of the war alter.

Probably just changing the name to Excelsior Warpriest on War Alter and base size.

They could be getting rid of the entire Devoted faction, and roll in the Flagellants with Freeguild.

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5 minutes ago, dekay said:

At least some of those are clearly being reboxed. As mentioned before, some of those units just got their mercenary rules, they wouldn't delete them a month later.

The fate of everything from that list that's not a plastic model is probably sealed though.

I don't know whether they'll be reboxed. Their rules can stay around a bit, and the mercenaries shifted to available units.

GW will not give word this weekend, and prefer to take the negative nes to monday.

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You might be right, but the good thing is we might actually know something for sure soon. Possibly they will do some announcement in few days regarding the status change. Or not, to make better profit from the panic buys that are probably happening right now ; )

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Hoo boy, I was expecting a culling, but that's no joke.  I guess I was right that GW was taking this opportunity to eliminate everything they didn't have long term plans for.

Assuming this list is accurate, and looking at it on a per-faction basis:

Dark Elves are basically untouched, not overly surprising since all their stuff is plastic and relatively new.  It's enough to make me wonder if GW is serious about spinning out Darkling Covens into their own thing, (being a GHB faction and all) or if Malerion is just going to absorb the non DoK Dark Elves wholesale.

High Elves on the other hand are slaughtered. Phoenix Temple looks to be the only survivors. Look on the bright side I guess, Tyrion and Teclis are going to be a brand new army when they finally arrive.

Wanderers also hit hard, but the remaining kits will definitely get merged with the Kurnothi. If not there would be no survivors at all (See, High Elves and their many discontinued plastic kits)

Dispossessed losing Warriors and their variants was long predicted, losing the artillery is sad, but I do think they will get an armybook eventually.

Free Peoples: They basically killed the Devoted of Sigmar and kept most of the rest, minus finecast, the archers, and the generals. I would not be surprised if they get a new plastic general but otherwise they actually kept most of their signature units, I think.

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Why GW can't tell us the list before updating the site is beyond me - or at least at the same time. 

A few of those look like reboxings - I'd be shocked if they got rid of the Skycutter and High Elf dragon models and dragon riders. A lot of them are on square bases on the product page so those could just be reboxing. The big surprises are  Glade Guard and warriors for dispossed since they featured in promotional displays and have round bases, unless they are both rebasing and giving some boxes new names. 

Until the list comes out we can't be certain what is a reboxing and what is a straight out removal, though if you're on the fence about any still up for sale in your region I'd treat the current "last chance" as removal so grab the models now if you can. A bitter pill to swallow, but at the same time they could have removed far more (unless they are going to do two waves!) 


Note a good few models not on the list are still shown on square bases so could still be "at risk" 

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32 minutes ago, madmac said:

Hoo boy, I was expecting a culling, but that's no joke.  I guess I was right that GW was taking this opportunity to eliminate everything they didn't have long term plans for.

Assuming this list is accurate, and looking at it on a per-faction basis:

Dark Elves are basically untouched, not overly surprising since all their stuff is plastic and relatively new.  It's enough to make me wonder if GW is serious about spinning out Darkling Covens into their own thing, (being a GHB faction and all) or if Malerion is just going to absorb the non DoK Dark Elves wholesale.

High Elves on the other hand are slaughtered. Phoenix Temple looks to be the only survivors. Look on the bright side I guess, Tyrion and Teclis are going to be a brand new army when they finally arrive.

Wanderers also hit hard, but the remaining kits will definitely get merged with the Kurnothi. If not there would be no survivors at all (See, High Elves and their many discontinued plastic kits)

Dispossessed losing Warriors and their variants was long predicted, losing the artillery is sad, but I do think they will get an armybook eventually.

Free Peoples: They basically killed the Devoted of Sigmar and kept most of the rest, minus finecast, the archers, and the generals. I would not be surprised if they get a new plastic general but otherwise they actually kept most of their signature units, I think.

Shadow Warriors from the High Elves also survive the cut, which is strange because the Skycutter didn't?

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Shadow Warriors might've survived because they share a kit with a wanderer unit. Skycutter going away is a surprise though, It's probably the only aelven unit that actually got mentioned by name in the new lore.

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1 minute ago, AverageBoss said:

I mean this would not be the first time they dropped a bunch of great looking plastic 8th ed kits. And it was just as baffling then.

Aye, though Brets and Tomb Kings were outliers in this edition because they were under different management and I bet there were some internal politics going on with them too.

Greenskins did get dropped but then again GW at that time had 3 ork factions in AoS which were basically the same faction concept - all had boyz and heavy boyz and bosses and then boyz riding boars. 

Goblins lost their wolfriders and chariots (boo) but at the same time gained a huge load. 



We know there's supposed to be new light and dark aelves; so there's an outside chance the light aelves might revamp/replace some of the lost models like the dragon, cavalry and skycutter. OR who knows - only GW. The only good news is that we might know and find out in the next year or two. 

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1 minute ago, dekay said:

Shadow Warriors might've survived because they share a kit with a wanderer unit. Skycutter going away is a surprise though, It's probably the only aelven unit that actually got mentioned by name in the new lore.

All the dwarf cannon got mentioned a good few times, but then so too did the lionwarriors. 


In the end the BL authors don't get brought into the model release side of things and many of the books were written long enough ago that the choices on what stays and what goes might well have jumped around a few times. So an author might well use a model to create a character without any warning that the model will be retired in a year or two; and no one in the BL loreteam that reviews books will know either. 

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6 minutes ago, Overread said:

Aye, though Brets and Tomb Kings were outliers in this edition because they were under different management and I bet there were some internal politics going on with them too.

Greenskins did get dropped but then again GW at that time had 3 ork factions in AoS which were basically the same faction concept - all had boyz and heavy boyz and bosses and then boyz riding boars. 

Goblins lost their wolfriders and chariots (boo) but at the same time gained a huge load. 



We know there's supposed to be new light and dark aelves; so there's an outside chance the light aelves might revamp/replace some of the lost models like the dragon, cavalry and skycutter. OR who knows - only GW. The only good news is that we might know and find out in the next year or two. 

Greenskinz and Gitmob were dropped without so much of a peep, which is a shame since we lost the best Goblin unit ever, the Nasty Skulker.

Honestly, I kinda wish Lion Rangers came back in a new form together with the Wanderers and Kurnothi, since they are also nomadic in nature.

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7 minutes ago, Overread said:

All the dwarf cannon got mentioned a good few times, but then so too did the lionwarriors. 


In the end the BL authors don't get brought into the model release side of things and many of the books were written long enough ago that the choices on what stays and what goes might well have jumped around a few times. So an author might well use a model to create a character without any warning that the model will be retired in a year or two; and no one in the BL loreteam that reviews books will know either. 

Just because something gets discontinued doesn't mean it can't appear in lore anymore. There's at least two Lion Ranger characters that would be interesting to keep around.

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I think Kurnothi and Dark Oath might well end up the same way - small side factions that only appear in Lore and in Underworld as flavour and never make it into AoS other than as the character units. Though GW "might" consider making their rules a bit more like the warcry teams - ergo simpler to use in a wargame setting. 


I'm totally ready to be proven wrong and would be super glad to be proven wrong, but that's just my gut feeling. Esp if GW just got rid of the high elf lion chariot kit. Then again some of those old kits have design asthetics that would never fit with the new designs. 

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Just now, Ashendant said:

Just because something gets discontinued doesn't mean it can't appear in lore anymore. There's at least two Lion Ranger characters that would be interesting to keep around.

Oh very much agreed, and the lore is only a supportive setting. There are loads of monster and creatures we might never see. One of the Inferno short stories fleshes out a whole undersea race of nymphs and merpeople who swim with vast serpents of the sea. Easily something we could see brought to the game table, even if it was only nymphs and serpents. 

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As the admin of the lexi I'm glad I've been creating links to the Wayback Machine since this whole debacle started and now will have a source for(almost) every unit. Shame the Gitmob and Greenskinz stuff came out of the left field and so their unit articles are, most likely, forever lost to digital discontinuation.

I still need to check if every miniature image is saved in the lexicanum and that will be annoying by itself.

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This is pretty sad for me, I'm actively collecting several of the CoS factions and to see the lineup decimated like this really sucks.

For those saying they may be reboxings I hope you are right, but I have very recently ordered a number of these boxes from GW and they have had the appropriate round bases put into the box as well as the squares. That goes for old red Warhammer boxes and the new white ones with no artwork, so I'm not sure they feel the need to rebox to give round bases.

I will be buying a few last bits over the weekend anyway. It looks like the Witch Hunter has now gone out of stock (UK) on last chance to buy, having only just come back into stock in the last couple of days.

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