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Squatting Watch: Alerts for Discontinued Models

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1 minute ago, The World Tree said:

These models have existed for many years. Those who have been in the hobby for years have had plenty of chance to purchase. I think they are right to overhaul older armies to develop new - some of the unit choices are odd, granted - so long as the rules remain supported. They are matched play legal per GHB19.

And what about those who just started ? HUH

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1 minute ago, azdimy said:

Just waking up in the US to find out most of the units in last chance to buy say currently out of stock? Guess that window has passed for us already!

Yeah, GW's communication went out when about half of the sets were already gone.

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2 minutes ago, azdimy said:

Just waking up in the US to find out most of the units in last chance to buy say currently out of stock? Guess that window has passed for us already!


Yeah a complete joke really to add to the disappointment of GW getting rid of some really nice models. Sold out already when last chance to buy meaning the only way to get hold of them will be second hand or if they do made to order in the future.

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39 minutes ago, Aryann said:

I'm now making some enemies here but got to be honest - I LOVE that last move of GW. Seriously. I know some of you feel let down but on the other hand, how long have those minis been available to buy? 10 years? It's no surprise that products disappear and are replaced by newer ones. You had lot of time to have joy with those minis. Some factions might be abandoned which might make you sad or angry. If I were to guess - Free Peoples and Dispossessed. Some will be reimagined or updated which imho is great. I'm thinking all the elves. Your minis had their time and still can give joy. As your collection and in games. Maybe only tournaments will be a no go. Maybe you will actually like where GW is taking your army. 

I was going to reply in a certain way but it's not worth the ban.

This is way beyond the worst case scenario I had in mind.

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3 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

There are always models that used to be sold. Is it reasonable to expect GW to stock every single model they've ever produced?

Nope. But you only see it in the commercial way. They're a manufacturer who sell miniatures. Sure. But there's more to it for consumers.
Why did a lot of people complained when Battle died ? Because they were attached emotionnaly to the Old world. A lot of us still are.
They don't sell computers, they sell a whole universe, and it's normal that people want to see what grew upon them, to live on.
Anyway, have a good day mate


3 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

The communication on this has been very poor, no argument there.

That's a big problem!

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9 minutes ago, azdimy said:

Just waking up in the US to find out most of the units in last chance to buy say currently out of stock? Guess that window has passed for us already!

Same in France bro. 6 hours ago, everything was already gone! Thanks Aussies and Kiwis :D

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I'm actually pretty glad this cull has happened, means I can get rid of loads of models that are just dead weight to me now and focus on newer more exciting stuff!

Sure as a player it's sad to see some of the kits go and there's a few that are a surprise but we all knew a cull had to happen at some point. The models that have been around for a decade plus generally don't look too nice anymore and don't fit with the current aesthetic. Hopefully the kits/factions that replace them in future will be light years better.

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2 minutes ago, SentinelGuy said:

It's hard to be enthusiastic about the game when your army could be squated every few months.

I remember when the initial rumours of AoS bled out regarding WHFB's squat'ing and The Bubble 'Verse (which later turned out to be the Realms). One of the plans mentioned was for a constant cycling of models every few years, so nothing was truly permanent and to 'encourage' people to keep picking up new armies and not having to commit to them long-term the same way they do for 40k.

As happy as I was for Cities of Sigmar, I'd be surprised if they received long-term support. 

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6 minutes ago, murphs said:

I was going to reply in a certain way but it's not worth the ban.

This is way beyond the worst case scenario I had in mind.

My intention is not to make any of you angry. I'm sure most of said armies have a future. Whether only with new rules or a complete rework. People can't expect that a company will produce the very same products forever. It's natural that you fade out oldones to introduce new products. GW had poor communication on this, true. It's like being upset that you can no longer buy PlayStation 2 when there is PS4 now. It's natural to think that Sony will stop producing PS3 and that you will see fewer gamesbeing released on PS4 when they introduce PS5. 

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50 minutes ago, Aryann said:

I'm now making some enemies here but got to be honest - I LOVE that last move of GW. Seriously. I know some of you feel let down but on the other hand, how long have those minis been available to buy? 10 years? It's no surprise that products disappear and are replaced by newer ones. You had lot of time to have joy with those minis. Some factions might be abandoned which might make you sad or angry. If I were to guess - Free Peoples and Dispossessed. Some will be reimagined or updated which imho is great. I'm thinking all the elves. Your minis had their time and still can give joy. As your collection and in games. Maybe only tournaments will be a no go. Maybe you will actually like where GW is taking your army. 

I understand people wishing for new models to existing, older lines. That's normal. 'Loving' people losing rules and potential collections is, quite frankly, one of the most absurd things I've ever read even by GW White Knight standards.

But this is TGA I suppose. People will rub their hands with glee at anything WHFB being removed as punishment for it's fanbase's defiance at AoS' launch. It really is one of the most stupid, toxic things that pervades a place that claims to try it's damnedest to weed out such elements.


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4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

'Loving' people losing rules and potential collections is, quite frankly, one of the most absurd things I've ever read even by GW White Knight standards.

That's a lie. 

Quote the excact sentence I speak about losing collections and rules. 

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9 hours ago, SilverJelly said:

Nothing. The rule set was bad and the cosy of entry was too high. GW over reacted. Look at the success of Total War and Vermintide


To be fair you could use the same argument for AoS. The cost of a full army is the same (sometimes more) than an old Fantasy army and the AoS rules were equally bad to begin with and the armies are just as unbalanced now as they ever were in Fantasy. They could have solved everything wrong with Fantasy by rolling it back to 6th edition and introducing a Generals Handbook to fix points costs and rules every year.

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2 hours ago, Dr Ben said:

I'm still trying to figure out why get rid of all the devoted of Sigmar leadership but not the flagellants themselves. Maybe just low demand? Maybe new plastic witch hunters/warrior priests on the way?

I wondered whether we could see a new DOS witch hunter warband for WUW: Beastgrave.  

Would the Excelsior Warpriest be suitable for re release individually, or is it on some horrible mixed sprue?

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I don't know what to think when most of the High Elf stuff is gone, but the StD Godsworn Warband is still available.

Chariots, Loremaster, Unforged and all of the metal Elves are what remain.

Also, it's worse than just this for High Elf players. Minus Phoenix Guard, Phoenixes, Shadow Warriors, and Sisters of the Watch, they've lost everything. Swifthawk Agents haven't had most of their things available for years.

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7 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

I don't know what to think when most of the High Elf stuff is gone, but the StD Godsworn Warband is still available.


Oi I did my best, I bought 3 of them a few months ago!


Also I can imagine skaven players gleefully clapping their little paws that their metal Gutter Runners are still somehow alive.

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Just now, SentinelGuy said:

They must be scrapping all the fluff as well. No longer will Tempest's Eye be guarded by the spireguard etc.  It's all a bit of a joke really, why even bother mentioning these things in the first place if GW were planning on cutting them out?

Theres the Orruk issue that has been here for months now.


"Ironjawz are the biggest Orruks"

"Bonesplitterz are the crazy Orruks"


Ok so....whats a normal Orruk?

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4 minutes ago, SentinelGuy said:

They must be scrapping all the fluff as well. No longer will Tempest's Eye be guarded by the spireguard etc.  It's all a bit of a joke really, why even bother mentioning these things in the first place if GW were planning on cutting them out?

Lore follows business decisions, not the other way around.

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1 minute ago, SentinelGuy said:

They must be scrapping all the fluff as well. No longer will Tempest's Eye be guarded by the spireguard etc.  It's all a bit of a joke really, why even bother mentioning these things in the first place if GW were planning on cutting them out?

I think we have to accept that the lore is something GW are quite happy to disregard as it suits. The whole AoS world was built from a purely commercial mindset from the get go (sales pitch; marines in fantasy) so we shouldn’t really expect it to be treated with a great deal of respect by its creators beyond how it is used to make money (they’re a business after all).

It’s a flimsy world premise that is used as vehicle to flog awesome models, that’s all.

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I wonder if the warscrolls in Cities of Sigmar are going to be more generic sounding, like the Dreadlord on a Dragon becoming Aelven Lord on a Dragon, or Dreadspears becoming Aelven Spearmen. 

I also now wonder with the Dark Elves now being the majority Aelven faction, are the more generic Aelfs in Age of Sigmar are going to be more cut throat now.   


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4 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

Theres the Orruk issue that has been here for months now.


"Ironjawz are the biggest Orruks"

"Bonesplitterz are the crazy Orruks"


Ok so....whats a normal Orruk?

They are not making normal Orruks the same reason you don't see peasant minis for Stormcasts. They are no longer attractive for this setup. That's the direction AoS took. Every AoS army needs a strong theme and unique units. At least that's what we are observing. 

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10 hours ago, Chikout said:

I'll say this again. If a model doesn't get a new warscroll in the cities book, the old warscroll and points will still be valid until the next ghb comes out. So you can use that arch mage for another 11 months at least. Discontinued does not mean removed from the rules. It just means no more updates.

True, but it's not nice knowing the days are numbered for my model. It feels pretty sad.


But hey, time to use the other half of the archmage box to make a tidecaster

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