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Dark Temptations (Keeper of Secrets ability)


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I wonder, where is really temptation in just +1 to hit rolls if enemy accepting the tempt. No one will accept this, because bonuse is too weak for having chance to be dead in next turn. In old rules it was cooler, because it grants 6 additional attacks, so there was really good temptation. I don't want to say that ability is bad, it is good(d3 mortal wounds for free), but the temptation is too bad, so no one will accept that.

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This isn’t really a rules question.

The temptation is hard to pull off because yes the rules make it not that tempting to most players. +1 to hit with a 50/50 chance of being slain immediately after is not quite the good deal. 

The best time someone might take it is if they think their hero is going to die in the combat phase anyways. Or if the d3 mortals would flat out kill their hero.

It would probably work better if slaanesh has more -1 hit modifiers around the army to tempt players into getting to roll even against enemy units. 

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Yes, sorry will note that this is not rule question my bad. Thanks for answer and agree with you about : "-1 hit modifiers around the army to tempt players into getting to roll even against enemy units."    What you think, is there any hope in future to make ability more temptation(more useful)?

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I’m not really sure. For the moment allying in something that can provide the -1s is about the best that could be managed or a artifact to give -1s to try and make it useful. But it might take waiting a few years or so for when the next slaanesh battletome is cycled in.

For now it feels like it’ll be really niche ability that you might get to use occasionally. At least for getting someone to take the temptation. The d3 is still great to auto hit a lot of heroes with. 

Though slaanesh has a lot of other things going for it with some of the best summoning in the game and all the crowd abilities that make it play like a control deck in MTG.

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Yeah, summoning of slaanesh daemons is really cool and Hedonites of Slaanesh have really good abilities. Sorry, this will be my last question, does Keeper of Secrets is good choice for buying? Is he good in table game for now, after hedonites update?

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He is pretty decent as a damage dealer for getting the depravity points and as a good support. He’s got one of the good command abilities letting units fight twice in the combat phase. And you can use it as long as you have points and units in range and haven’t fought a second time that combat round. Including himself 

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On 8/9/2019 at 5:46 PM, AronQ said:

Yeah, summoning of slaanesh daemons is really cool and Hedonites of Slaanesh have really good abilities. Sorry, this will be my last question, does Keeper of Secrets is good choice for buying? Is he good in table game for now, after hedonites update?

She is amazing.  The command ability is awesome,  2+ locus of diversion is great, build in healing with the Hand and solid magic. I'd say easily the best unit in the book (especially if your playing pure hedonites).

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On 8/9/2019 at 5:46 PM, AronQ said:

Yeah, summoning of slaanesh daemons is really cool and Hedonites of Slaanesh have really good abilities. Sorry, this will be my last question, does Keeper of Secrets is good choice for buying? Is he good in table game for now, after hedonites update?

It's basically necessary if you want to play the army. GW have done a good job making the Greater daemons key to playing the marked factions.

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