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AoS 2 - Ogor Mawtribe Discussion


Ogor Mawtribes Poll  

503 members have voted

  1. 1. What tier do you feel Ogors are pre-battletome?

    • High-tier
    • Mid-tier
    • Low-tier
  2. 2. What kind of army will you be running?

    • Entirely Gutbusters
    • Mostly Gutbusters
    • Mixed forces
    • Mostly Beastclaw Raiders
    • Entirely Beastclaw Raiders

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Hey everyone,

I came up with this 745 points Gutbusters Battle Regiment idea for smaller games:

Slaughtermaster (140)
Butcher (135)
9 Gluttons (390)
Gorger (80)

I'm having a hard time figuring out a full 750 Gutbusters combination with the new points, do you have any?
Only managed to make lists around 740.
Also, do I get any benefit for having a list below minimum required points in the new edition?

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On 6/22/2021 at 5:06 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

The HoSH is good if you have Mournfangs.  The extra damage on the charge is pretty nice, and with an All Out Attack, those tusks get scary.  And even at a reinforced unit of 4 they still only need 1" of coherency.  

I think this is a better combo now you can use all out attack on the Mournfangs too, hitting on 4s with both profiles meant i'd have turns where they'd just flub hard and do nothing, hitting on 3s will help so much.


edit: Ignore that, I thought that CA was in the command phase, you can't issue All out Attack and Linebreakers to the same unit. Rip and Tear from Thunderbellies would still work though.

Edited by PainfullyMediocre
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3 minutes ago, PainfullyMediocre said:

I think this is a better combo now you can use all out attack on the Mournfangs too, hitting on 4s with both profiles meant i'd have turns where they'd just flub hard and do nothing, hitting on 3s will help so much.

It's been addressed before but you can't benefit from Line-breakers and All Out Attack at the same time because both activate in the Combat Phase

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On 6/24/2021 at 1:25 AM, Iamanbo said:

hi, i think this will be the first playlist i play for 3.0 on saturday



Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
- Mawtribe: Underguts
- Lord of War

Huskard on Thundertusk (335)
- General
- Chaintrap
- Prayer: Pulverising Hailstorm
- Mount Trait: Alvagr Ancient

Firebelly (125)
- Artefact: Gnoblar Blast Keg
- Lore of the Sun-Eater: Billowing Ash

Slaughtermaster (140)
- Lore of Gutmagic: Blood Feast

8 x Leadbelchers (360)
4 x Ironguts (245)
4 x Ironguts (245)

- Grand Battery

Tyrant (160)
- Artefact: Gruesome Trophy Rack
- Big Name: Fateseeker
Ironblaster (130)
Ironblaster (130)
Ironblaster (130)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Wounds: 125


Seems interesting especially with shooting getting some buffs in AoS 3 I really want to know how that game turns out. Good luck!


2 hours ago, Ennio said:

Hey everyone,

I came up with this 745 points Gutbusters Battle Regiment idea for smaller games:

Slaughtermaster (140)
Butcher (135)
9 Gluttons (390)
Gorger (80)

I'm having a hard time figuring out a full 750 Gutbusters combination with the new points, do you have any?
Only managed to make lists around 740.
Also, do I get any benefit for having a list below minimum required points in the new edition?


In the new edition you always get triumphs but can only use them if you have less points than your opponent's list  so being 5 points under isn't all bad. That being said in 3rd edition you won't be able to run 9 gluttons without paying for 12 since the minimum unit size for gluttons is 6 and reinforces in blocks of 6 now. To get an exact 750 list I'd go with something like


Slaughtermaster (140)

Butcher (135)

4 Ironguts (245)

4 Leadbelchers (180)

Suffocating Gravetide (50)

This way you have almost the same number of models but don't have to worry about the new coherency rules.

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2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Suffocating Gravetide?  Wow, that used to be almost the worst spell.  It's good now?

I don't think it's that amazing of an endless spell but it fits 50 pts exactly, and in a lower 750 point game I think it can be reasonably good source of mortal wounds and bravery de-buff especially since the original list and my suggestion list has 2 casters to make the most out of the magic phase. 

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I came up with a couple 750 points unconventional lists:

For this one Bloodgullet's command abilites wouldn't be usable as I have no Gluttons, so I'm doubting if I should just go for no allegiance and get some good artefacts/traits instead.

Slaughtermaster (140)
4 Ironguts (245)
Icebrow Hunter (125)
Gorger (80)
2 Mournfang Pack (160)
750 points total


Meatfist Allegiance
Tyrant (160)
6 Gluttons (260)
4 Ironguts (245)
Gorger (80)
745 total so I would probably get a Triumph.

Endless Spells are useful and I'll definitely get them eventually, which will allow me to make more versatile lists ...
but I already have all these models painted, so definitely eager to make some ready-to-play lists.
I also have other painted units (Leadbelchers and Yhetees to name a few) but I feel the points increase makes smaller games a bit tighter..?

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Something I ran across while trying to educate myself on the new edition after not playing for over a year:

Soulsnare shackles could be very problematic for us with how much we want to be the ones charging. the new version just flatly prevents charges inside it's area of effect, I don't know about anyone else, but I will be very happily taking the skullshards as my "no you don't" button just for those....

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13 hours ago, WindstormSCR said:

Something I ran across while trying to educate myself on the new edition after not playing for over a year:

Soulsnare shackles could be very problematic for us with how much we want to be the ones charging. the new version just flatly prevents charges inside it's area of effect, I don't know about anyone else, but I will be very happily taking the skullshards as my "no you don't" button just for those....

Alternatively, taking the shackles can help guarantee that stonehorn charge goes off in the first place :) 

But yeah, it's a real bad no-go-zone maker if it goes off. 

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I think this is going to be my new 1 drop Winterbite list. It's not perfect but I think it's decent. They did my Ironguts dirty by giving them a 25 point increase, I thought they were a little over costed last edition, but the new access to Command Ability buffs is huge for them. I feel like this list tries to balance the "costs" of going for the 1 drop battalion. Only one Stonehorn because we only get 1 Mount trait and artefact. Two casters for dispelling endless spells which I think will be very popular in most armies.

The combination of All out Defense/mystic shield and Winterbite -1 to hit from shooting is a really nice combo. They don't overlap and give you a pretty stout turn1 or turn 2 depending on how big your deployment is.


Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
- Mawtribe: Winterbite
Frostlord on Stonehorn (430)

- Artefact: Frostfang
- Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn
Butcher (135)
- General
- Command Trait: Wintertouched
- Cleaver
- Lore of Gutmagic: Ribcracker
Butcher (135)
- Cleaver
- Lore of Gutmagic: Blood Feast
8 x Ironguts (490)
4 x Ironguts (245)
4 x Ironguts (245)
Stonehorn Beastriders (320)
- Ogor Mawtribes Battleline (Beastclaw Raiders General)
TOTAL: 2000/2000

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Another fun one:

the faction you would THINK would use linebreaker and alpha-beast-pack... can't

Stonehorns and thundertusk beastriders lose behemoth when they become battleline, and therefore stop qualifying as *monster* for core battalions.

so in order to actually use linebreaker, you'd have to use ironguts or glutton battleline, then take the riders as non-battleline, which means you can't have a beastclaw general


just.... what?

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1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Hmmm, that stinks!   More of concern is will Boulderhead armies still be able to take multiple mount traits if mount traits are enhancements and we can’t fill out enough battalions for extra enhancements ?

Boulderhead should be fine as it specifically gives ever hero a mount trait, it's non Boulderhead lists that are the problem as it's tough to get more than 1 enhancement. 

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11 hours ago, WindstormSCR said:

Another fun one:

the faction you would THINK would use linebreaker and alpha-beast-pack... can't

Stonehorns and thundertusk beastriders lose behemoth when they become battleline, and therefore stop qualifying as *monster* for core battalions.

Soulblight Avengori and Gristlegore FEC have the same problem, & its pretty annoying.  There are other battalions that do work, so it's not a huge mechanical problem, but still, very counter-intuitive.

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18 hours ago, Mattrulesok said:

Boulderhead should be fine as it specifically gives ever hero a mount trait, it's non Boulderhead lists that are the problem as it's tough to get more than 1 enhancement. 

Does AoS have the 'specific overrides the general' principal like 40k does (or did in the past?).  If so my Boulderhead army is relieved.

Guess we'll probably see some more Hunters in the field to fill out the Hero requirements for the Core Battalions.  Shame Frost Sabres are minimum 2 instead of 4 though.  A Butcher and 2 Slaughtermasters for a Command Entourage and then a FLoSH plus whichever Troops for a Battle Regiment works out nicely.

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4 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Does AoS have the 'specific overrides the general' principal like 40k does (or did in the past?).  If so my Boulderhead army is relieved.

Guess we'll probably see some more Hunters in the field to fill out the Hero requirements for the Core Battalions.  Shame Frost Sabres are minimum 2 instead of 4 though.  A Butcher and 2 Slaughtermasters for a Command Entourage and then a FLoSH plus whichever Troops for a Battle Regiment works out nicely.

Yep, warscrolls and battletome overwrite core rules unless otherwise notes

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