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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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They are very specific about them not being starter boxes, more like the 40k/AoS splash boxes i suspect than the AoD and Epic boxes which specifically are starters. They didnt include the rulebook in the recent Mk3 splash box did they? 

Essentially if you do want these boxes, i wouldnt hang around.

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1 hour ago, Noserenda said:

They are very specific about them not being starter boxes, more like the 40k/AoS splash boxes i suspect than the AoD and Epic boxes which specifically are starters. They didnt include the rulebook in the recent Mk3 splash box did they? 

Essentially if you do want these boxes, i wouldnt hang around.

They followed up on that starter miscommunication from WarhammerFest, in that they apparently don't classify Age of Darkness or the Legions Imperialis Core Set as 'starters' either, because the assumption is people getting into those games are not 'starting' hobbyists. 

To GW, a starter set is very specifically the three tier boxes that only 40k and AoS have (Warrior -> Harbinger -> Extremis, etc), which is what they meant when they said "TOW won't have a starter set", even though most people would definitely classify Age of Darkness - and the Bretonnia/TK set - as being such.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They followed up on that starter miscommunication from WarhammerFest, in that they apparently don't classify Age of Darkness or the Legions Imperialis Core Set as 'starters' either, because the assumption is people getting into those games are not 'starting' hobbyists. 

To GW, a starter set is very specifically the three tier boxes that only 40k and AoS have (Warrior -> Harbinger -> Extremis, etc), which is what they meant when they said "TOW won't have a starter set", even though most people would definitely classify Age of Darkness - and the Bretonnia/TK set - as being such.

Thats them having a weird internal labelling though, (and some weird elitism leaking out as you mention) those are both starter boxes because they are set up to start you on the system, the only difference between those and the various core system starters is scale and the latter having a better quick start setup guide.

The Old World boxes are an army box with a rulebook added, something we have seen time and time again from GW as a splash release, the only real difference being they are one sided.

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7 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Thats them having a weird internal labelling though, (and some weird elitism leaking out as you mention) those are both starter boxes because they are set up to start you on the system, the only difference between those and the various core system starters is scale and the latter having a better quick start setup guide.

The Old World boxes are an army box with a rulebook added, something we have seen time and time again from GW as a splash release, the only real difference being they are one sided.

I disagree just because the Age of Darkness box is very difficult to split due to the inherent points/money imbalance of the Spartan and Contemptor. It definitely feels like it was designed as an Army Box-first, with some marketing handwaving of "yeah you can split it if you want, I guess..." As a set for one person to consume for themselves alone, it works much better and probably what GW expected most people to do with it.

We'll find it either way in a week or two.

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18 hours ago, Hollow said:


I think it is funny that you parrot this forum "knowledge" and state it as if it is a known fact. There have been exactly 0 official statements from Gamesworkshop regarding the production run of Dominion. 

This tends to happen fairly frequently when it comes to Games Workshop. Somebody will make a post on a forum speculating that they think something is the case, several people will repeat it and then it just becomes an accepted truth even though there has actually been 0 official confirmation either way. 

Pretty sure the boxes going for $120 on secondary markets and the stacks of them at every FLGS are strong indications of overproduction. The lack of GW commentary on sales numbers doesn't really mean anything bc they rarely give meaningful insight into that kind of data publicly. 

Compare Dominion to other starter boxes like Age of Darkness, Indomitus, and Leviathan which are holding their value (or in Indomitus's case appreciating). Its crystal clear Dominion is an outlier. 

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GW doesn't just send products to FLGS. They need to order them from GW. Is it GW's fault if FLGS over-order? And have GW "Over-produced" when they have just created the amount to match the demand for orders? It's not GW's responsibility for FLGS to sell stock, it is GW's responsibility to sell stock to FLGS. Which they did. 

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3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

GW doesn't just send products to FLGS. They need to order them from GW. Is it GW's fault if FLGS over-order? And have GW "Over-produced" when they have just created the amount to match the demand for orders? It's not GW's responsibility for FLGS to sell stock, it is GW's responsibility to sell stock to FLGS. Which they did. 

That's not technically true. When we started the ed with Domion I remember some FLGS saying they ordered X and received 2X instead. So GW gave them more than they asked for. Another topic is how you manage that, and I have no clue if you can send them back or not.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I remember some FLGS saying they ordered X and received 2X instead

Which FLGS and where? Any specifics or is this another example of "I read a random forum post somewhere claiming something and it is now a fact" 😅

If you have a trade account with GW you place an order for products. You might not receive as much as you would like due to supply issues. If you were to receive more than you ordered you would just return them and it would be a breach of contract if GW sent you more than you had ordered and refused return. 

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22 hours ago, Taerg Ad Ywons said:

Do we know if the launch boxes are the new battalions, or will they be the typical fomo box? I ask as I'm keen on tombkings and kinda want to not miss out.

I like the idea of a KWTNMO box, sounds less stressful than a FOMO box! 🤣

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4 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Which FLGS and where? Any specifics or is this another example of "I read a random forum post somewhere claiming something and it is now a fact" 😅

If you have a trade account with GW you place an order for products. You might not receive as much as you would like due to supply issues. If you were to receive more than you ordered you would just return them and it would be a breach of contract if GW sent you more than you had ordered and refused return. 

No. It is not. I read it from the FLGS owners on WhatsApp groups where they are and I share with them. From Spain on the Domion box launch.

I don't know about the legal faff or the implications, but it is a tricky situation. If you refuse them, they can send you fewer boxes on a later order, so I guess that's why they took them.

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't know about the legal faff or the implications,

No, you don't. 

9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

but it is a tricky situation

No, it's not. 

9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

If you refuse them, they can send you fewer boxes on a later order

No, they can't. 

9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

so I guess that's why they took them.

No, they didn't. 


Again, which FLGS were these specifically? Kingdom Wargames, Game or Wargame Garrison in Madrid? Goblintrader in Valencia/Barcelona/Madrid? Friquest or Dungeon Marvels in Barcelona? Racoon Games in Seville? 

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17 minutes ago, Hollow said:

No, you don't. 

No, it's not. 

No, they can't. 

No, they didn't. 


Again, which FLGS were these specifically? Kingdom Wargames, Game or Wargame Garrison in Madrid? Goblintrader in Valencia/Barcelona/Madrid? Friquest or Dungeon Marvels in Barcelona? Racoon Games in Seville? 

That I remember from the top of my head, Santuario Games from Madrid. And you can say no to everything I am saying to you, but it is the truth. Over here the stores have real battles to get the boxes they order week after week. One extreme case was when most of them received just one box from a Kill Team release. So it is not surprising that they take a product to not "upset" the company.

Anyways, too much divergence from the topic.

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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Over here the stores have real battles to get the boxes they order week after week. One extreme case was when most of them received just one box from a Kill Team release

You are deliberately conflating two completely different issues. You can try to order a million copies of a certain product if you wish, but you will only be allocated as many as they have to give. What does NOT happen, however, is if you order a certain amount and then get double that amount and are refused return. 

11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Anyways, too much divergence from the topic.

With all due respect, I think you are spreading misinformation and want to move on because you are being called out for doing so. 

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Not sure why you are derailing the thread tilting at windmills @Hollow but we do know a couple of things for certain. 1. From the annual report the box exceeded sales numbers of the previous editions 2. It was on sale with steep discounts all over the place including GW itself who almost never do this. 3. Despite both of those things you can still get new copies.

Its not really a leap to say they made too many is it? But yeah, start your own topic if you want to soapbox about it for some reason.

Oh and as a former LGS owner, albeit maaaany years ago now, GW both sent us free stuff and sent us stuff (at a discount) we didnt order they assured us would sell, which to be fair, it did lol. Im sure things have shifted over the years but im also sure the possibility is still there.

56 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I disagree just because the Age of Darkness box is very difficult to split due to the inherent points/money imbalance of the Spartan and Contemptor. It definitely feels like it was designed as an Army Box-first, with some marketing handwaving of "yeah you can split it if you want, I guess..." As a set for one person to consume for themselves alone, it works much better and probably what GW expected most people to do with it.

We'll find it either way in a week or two.

Oh yeah but thats not been unusual, all the previous 30k boxes had a similar problem, though they were all technically boardgames with sought after minis in them :D

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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

Can we return to TOW?

So, one big centerpiece and at least one new unit for each Core Faction. What do you think we are going to see for the other ones?

I start by saying I have no in-depth knowledge about what is available at X or Y time, so I could say Steam Tank when they were not created.

- Plastic - General on Demigryph.
- Plastic - An elite heavy armoured infantry.
- Resin - Banner Bearer.
- Resin - Arcane Collegiate member.
- Resin - Engineer.

Green Skins:
- Plastic - Orc on Serpent.
- Plastic - Black Orcs.
- Resin - Warchanter.
- Resin - Goblin something.

That is my guess for the next rumoured wave.

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Before they cancelled Warhammer Forge. There were plans to make campaign books. Tamurkhan was the first book they released. I remember that for the next expansion there was art shown for a new bright wizard. It's more than a decade ago. But Warhammer forge had mini's made for it, but never released. Maybe they will be release it under TOW as resin kits?

They released some cool stuff when Warhammer forge existed.


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Another leak from the guy who has a source inside GW. He just said, as a guest on another channel, that he already knows the price of the box and that we would be positively surprised by the price that "we think it would have" (250 €).

Source (in Spanish):


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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Before they cancelled Warhammer Forge. There were plans to make campaign books. Tamurkhan was the first book they released. I remember that for the next expansion there was art shown for a new bright wizard. It's more than a decade ago. But Warhammer forge had mini's made for it, but never released. Maybe they will be release it under TOW as resin kits?

They released some cool stuff when Warhammer forge existed.


Man the Warhammer Forge outputs were so good. I still think Lietpold the Black might have had the finest detail of any FW mini.


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27 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Another leak from the guy who has a source inside GW. He just said, as a guest on another channel, that he already knows the price of the box and that we would be positively surprised by the price that "we think it would have" (250 €).

Source (in Spanish):


He also said that some comments are pretty close and ppl are saying between 100 and 150 € mainly. Some others 180€.

If this is the case, it would be a pretty nice surprise indeed and would give it a nice starting push.

EDIT: Regiments 50€, but they are going to bring more minis than we are used to. So I guess this goes in the line of the article about getting 36 archers with the spikes.

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19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

He also said that some comments are pretty close and ppl are saying between 100 and 150 € mainly. Some others 180€.

If this is the case, it would be a pretty nice surprise indeed and would give it a nice starting push.

i love that guy and their channel,by the way if the price is only around 150/180.......with the usual 20% disscount in online stores gonna be around 120/140. that gonna be VERY dangerous,i gonna buy many of those armys that i was with doubts as wood elfs or empire

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I start by saying I have no in-depth knowledge about what is available at X or Y time, so I could say Steam Tank when they were not created.

- Plastic - General on Demigryph.
- Plastic - An elite heavy armoured infantry.
- Resin - Banner Bearer.
- Resin - Arcane Collegiate member.
- Resin - Engineer.

Green Skins:
- Plastic - Orc on Serpent.
- Plastic - Black Orcs.
- Resin - Warchanter.
- Resin - Goblin something.

That is my guess for the next rumoured wave.


  • Plastic - Slayers. They're the only infantry unit which didn't receive a plastic kit (except Rangers) and presumably the CAD exists due to the Dragon Slayer releasing with 8th. They have however shown a photo with the old metals, repainted at that, so maybe this is just a fool's hope (or they're deliberately being sheepish about revealing them yet).
  • Plastic - Anvil of Doom. Thorek Ironbrow's model was ancient and it's never had a 'generic' version in model form. The Dwarfs have never done big centrepieces and I think this would serve as an appropriate middle ground. 
  • Resin - Dwarf Lord with Shieldbearers. I could possibly see this being plastic instead of the Anvil of Doom, but ultimately, it is just two dudes holding aloft a third one. The other metal/Finecrap Lords were otherwise pretty modern sculpts and have aged fairly well, plus we've already seen several of them used for TOW photographs. The Shieldbearer is a very iconic Warhammer Dwarf thing, so I'm 100% convinced we'll see a new one in some form.
  • Resin - Ranger/Hero. The Engineers and Runesmiths may be getting their old sculpts reused and we know from the Grand Army of Bretonnia that they've come up with new Lords and Heroes. A Ranger Hero (or even Lord) seems like an obvious new inclusion that would justify a model to boot.
  • Resin - Named female Queen. Call it a hunch. 
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26 minutes ago, Doko said:

i love that guy and their channel,by the way if the price is only around 150/180.......with the usual 20% disscount in online stores gonna be around 120/140. that gonna be VERY dangerous,i gonna buy many of those armys that i was with doubts as wood elfs or empire

Yes if thats the prices going forward getting another army is going to be very tempting..Wood Elves are a possibility.

2 hours ago, Beliman said:

Can we return to TOW?

So, one big centerpiece and at least one new unit for each Core Faction. What do you think we are going to see for the other ones?

Dwarfs - Juggernaught centrepiece 

unit- Rangers [bugmans brewers],


With plastic I think they could do an amazing set of Slayers, plus there would be AoS crossover. Bugman's Brewers were always a favourite of mine..


Wood Elves - forest dragon or great eagle mounts 



I'm hoping if ToW takes off we will see increasing numbers of plastic kits for the factions. 

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