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Warhammer - The Old World

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3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Man that guy nailed it๐Ÿ˜‚

I think if you google with the pic you could find the info. It was a girl, if I remember it correctly. And yeah. I always thought it was real until I saw that.

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We really need spoiler tags on mobile. Anyways, wdy guys think about the following list? (I might make the marksman thane my general and make the shieldbearer thane a bsb)


++ Characters [592 pts] ++
Thane [138 pts]
(Hand weapon, Handgun, Full plate armour, Shield, On foot, Master Rune of Bursting Flame, Rune of Rapid Fire, Rune of Accuracy)

Engineer Sapper [113 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Handgun, Rune of Rapid Fire, Rune of Accuracy)

Runesmith [144 pts]
(Hand weapon, Great weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, 2x Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Warding)

Thane [197 pts]
(Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, General, Shieldbearers, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Striking)

++ Core Units [740 pts] ++
1 Scout Gyrocopters [60 pts]
(Hand weapons, Clatterguns, Heavy armour (Lightly armoured fuselage))

1 Scout Gyrocopters [60 pts]
(Hand weapons, Clatterguns, Heavy armour (Lightly armoured fuselage))

Dwarf Cart [65 pts]
(Hand weapons, Bugman's Cart)

5 Rangers [70 pts]
(Hand weapons, Crossbows, Throwing axes, Heavy armour, Great weapons)

5 Rangers [70 pts]
(Hand weapons, Crossbows, Throwing axes, Heavy armour, Great weapons)

5 Thunderers [50 pts]
(Hand weapons, Handguns, Heavy armour)

15 Dwarf Warriors [215 pts]
(Hand weapons, Heavy armour, Shields, Drilled (0-1 unit per 1000 points), Veteran (0-1 unit per 1000 points), Veteran (champion), Standard bearer [Rune of Battle + Rune of Courage])

10 Dwarf Warriors [100 pts]
(Hand weapons, Heavy armour, Shields, Veteran (champion), Standard bearer)

5 Thunderers [50 pts]
(Hand weapons, Handguns, Heavy armour)

++ Special Units [667 pts] ++
5 Miners [86 pts]
(Hand weapons, Great weapons, Heavy armour, Prospector (champion) [Steam drill])

5 Miners [86 pts]
(Hand weapons, Great weapons, Heavy armour, Prospector (champion) [Steam drill])

Cannon [100 pts]
(Cannon, Hand weapons, Light armour)

Bolt Thrower [55 pts]
(Bolt thrower, Hand weapons, Light armour)

Doomseeker [160 pts]
(Hand weapon (Whirling blades of death), Master Rune of Swiftness, Rune of the Hateful, Rune of Endless Battle, Rune of Wrath)

Doomseeker [180 pts]
(Hand weapon (Whirling blades of death), 2x Rune of Fury, Rune of the Hateful, Rune of Endless Battle, Warrior's Rune)

Created with "Old World Builder"


Edited by JackStreicher
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Looks like a fun army, that few people could complain about being a boring gunline to play against, so you've won half the battle coming up with a Dwarf list :Dย 

If you're not running Ungrim or Throgrim for Ld10, always run a Sapper as your general to jump his command aura, and thus dangerous terrain bubble from 9" to 12". Sappers are gonna spend a lot of their time stood just behind units, because Hostile Terrain doesn't work when he's in combat (entrench a unit you think it going to be charge, hop out and stand behind it), so I'd drop his handgun runes, if not the handgun itself, and think about a great weapon/brace of pistols, and the Master Rune of Gromril, just in case he's got to fight off sneaky fast cav or skirmishers.

Great loadout on the gun Thane. I'd absolutely make the shieldbearers Thane BSB. With 5 wounds and a Rune of Parrying, he's already gonna be hard enough to kill that the single pip of save from a shield won't make too much difference, and imo could be dropped for a great weapon, which will make a difference against elite troops and enemy characters.

Rangers can be good as cheeky five man scouts but are also are a brilliant Swiss Army knife of a unit. I'd drop the 10 man Warriors and use the points to bring one of the Ranger units up to 10 (and consider bulking them up further with any other points saved), and give them full command. That way you've got a unit that does everything the previous two units did but better, that can be joined by the Runelord for Armour Bane 4 shots.

The two Thunderer units - why not give them Expeditionary Marksmen for 10 points total? It's one of the AoI's unique special rules, and guarantees they'll be able to shoot on turn 1.

I've no experience with Miners in TOW yet, but feel splashing out for champions and steam drills on tiny disposable units might be pushing it in points. You're already hedging your bets on at least some dwarfs turning up with two units, 52 points better spent bulking out Rangers?

Cannons are... probably the worst they've ever been in any version of the game in TOW. However, they're my entire life, and while they're probably not worth the points I'll always still take one. The best use I've found for a solo Cannon against armies who don't have many disposable units, is using it as a psychological piece, plonking it in a far corner on the battlefield, and forcing my opponent to have to make the choice between wasting several turns going after it, or getting shot at (they're not Irondrakes, but they still kill stuff).

Everybody's gonna have a lot of fun figuring out the right Doomseeker forumla for them (suspect mine's the maximum amount of cheap naked guys to leave room in my mercenary allowance for ogres). Please report back on how heavily runed up guys fare! :)ย 

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22 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Any leak about the gyrocoptersโ€˜ price?

When they were still selling them for AoS on the website they were individually the same price as the 10-man Ironbreakers and Hammerers (ยฃ34), and with both being repackaged with double the models I expect they'll be the same price (ยฃ52.50 RRP or your local equivalent).

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3 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

The two Thunderer units - why not give them Expeditionary Marksmen for 10 points total? It's one of the AoI's unique special rules, and guarantees they'll be able to shoot on turn 1.

Old world builder didnโ€™t have the option at the time! Iโ€˜ll give the upgrade to them.

I only have 10 Scouts :D

would I be able to scout deploy the rangers with the runesmith inside the unit?

thx for the feedback!

Edited by JackStreicher
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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

Old world builder didnโ€™t have the option at the time! Iโ€˜ll give the upgrade to them.

thx for the feedback!

Let us know how you get on with the Expeditionary Force and if it's fun to use, especially the scout gyros and improved miners. I'm keen to give it a go, but am currently converting up a unit of mercenary ogres I can't run with it who I'm excited to field, so probably won't be for a while.

Also just realised these posts should probably be in the Dwarf threadย ๐Ÿ‘€

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6 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I only have 10 Scouts :D

would I be able to scout deploy the rangers with the runesmith inside the unit?

Didn't see this edit!

Only characters who also have the Scouts special rule can start the game set up with a scouting unit, and it looks like Rune of Brotherhood ain't a thing in this edition, so no scouting characters for Dwarfs.

However, you can deploy a unit of skirmishing rangers with a single model within 7" (or 9" if there's a Bugman's Cart nearby) of a Runesmith, and have him spring up to give them Forgefire on their shots first turn.

I tend to use my main block of Rangers as a conventional unit, deployed near most of the rest of my army, with a cheeky 5 dwarf unit of skirmishers to scout further afield if needed.

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2 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

Let us know how you get on with the Expeditionary Force and if it's fun to use, especially the scout gyros and improved miners. I'm keen to give it a go, but am currently converting up a unit of mercenary ogres I can't run with it who I'm excited to field, so probably won't be for a while.

Also just realised these posts should probably be in the Dwarf threadย ๐Ÿ‘€

This is general Old World, so why not!

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On 7/30/2024 at 3:10 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

When they were still selling them for AoS on the website they were individually the same price as the 10-man Ironbreakers and Hammerers (ยฃ34), and with both being repackaged with double the models I expect they'll be the same price (ยฃ52.50 RRP or your local equivalent).

Price wise Iโ€™m guessing theyโ€™ll be around the 5-10ish bugs more expensive then they where when they where or are sold in 10s

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