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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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With AoS you can only do what is on your warscroll. You can ofcoure convert the mini's or paint them in any way you want, but what ever you do with your mini. It will never be more than is stated on the warscroll.

You can in AoS convert you marshall on a flying carpet and make some cool background about it. But it will be still the same marshall as everyone else have.

With TOW you give your captain the flying carpet enchanted item and voila. Your conversion matters in game.

It's truely not the same. ;) 

Edit: or give your mini wings... in AoS he will never fly. In TOW you can use the flying carpet as rules vehicle to have the wing an impact in game. :D 

Edited by Tonhel
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3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


With AoS you can only do what is on your warscroll. You can ofcoure convert the mini's or paint them in any way you want, but what ever you do with your mini. It will never be more than is stated on the warscroll.

You can in AoS convert you marshall on a flying carpet and make some cool background about it. But it will be still the same marshall as everyone else have.

With TOW you give your captain the flying carpet enchanted item and voila. Your conversion matters in game.

It's truely not the same. ;) 

It is the same for me. That's why I said it is in the mind of the player. If I am playing a dude I converted with a two-handed hammer and its warscrolls say it has a shield it won't break me the illusion of it being my dude, but I understand not everyone can give that step.

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

It is the same for me. That's why I said it is in the mind of the player. If I am playing a dude I converted with a two-handed hammer and its warscrolls say it has a shield it won't break me the illusion of it being my dude, but I understand not everyone can give that step.

Afaik you don't actually play AoS? You are more interested in hobby part of it. In that window I understand your point.

But when you invest a lot of time in a conversion or background than I can assure you that it adds to the fun that your mini can actual do that stuff ingame.

If you convert your character in having wings, hangs on a balloon, sits on flying carpet or a broom. All cool conversion idea's. In game for AoS nothing will have changed. It's a gimmick. In TOW you can give him fly thanks to the flying carpet. So your conversion actual has an impact on how you play the character and how it influences the flow of the game.

For both systems the conversion / creating part is fun, but only for TOW it matters ingame.

Or say that your wizards can burn everything he touchs. He has fiery hands :D , give him the magical weapon Burning sword and voila he has flaming and magical attacks. Lol, will this have an impact on the game. Totally not, but still it is cool that your conversion is actuel rendered ingame too. The dude with the hands on fire is indeed attacking with flaming attacks.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

IMO, it is not the fact that X or Y game is better or more customisable, it is a problem in the mind of the players.

Yes, of course it's all about the players. We (the players) are exactly talking about customization options and how AoS handles that compared to other wargames.

So, if my Arkanaut Admiral Pirate Captain has some type of weird weaponry (probably stolen or customized harpoon like Dagnai), an armour of exotic/rare metal and strange animal around his shoulder (you can't be a pirate without an animal!), how can I portray my Captain using AoS rules?

I can probably do that in Trench Crusade, The Old World, Conquest, Warhammer Fantasy, Horus Heresy:Age of Darkness, etc... Of course some of this games will have a bit more dificulty to portray MY character rules-wise than other games, but the point is that AoS has a lot more trouble, I would say it's impossible to do.

Take in mind that AoS already had a lot of options in 2nd edition and an small system for them (even if I didn't like it).

Edited by Beliman
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3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

I get your point but TOW map doesn’t have every minor city or castle drawn in (some rivers don’t have names).


imo to make a unit your own it needs more than a different paintjob. If I want to make an helbard Marshal there’s no way the rules would support different weapon options which breaks immersion. The same goes for actual units.

Yep, this. BL novels and RPG (both WFB/AoS), White Dwarf, supplements, campaign books, army book/tomes are all filled with countless villages/towns/cities and other locations such as castles/citadels/crypts/mage towers/outposts etc, none of which appear on maps. Some maps are more detailed than others, but most of the time what we see is barely detailed, beyond the important towns/cities and locations that are intrinsically linked with the history of a faction(s).

As for Altdorf, no, pink and black Reiksguard as the Emperor's guards doesn't fit the background. But there's nothing stopping you from having another unit that's painted pink and black and have them as honorary bodyguards. After saving the Emperor's life, or that of another important figure. Or how about impressing the Emperor with their actions in a battle or throughout a campaign? The Reiksguard Grandmaster could have witnessed or fought alongside them, impressed by their valour and skill, speaks of them to the Emperor later. Any man, unit or regiment that's earned the respect and praise of the Grandmaster must be exceptional, for such ocassions are rare. Thus the Emperor decides to meet them for himself, cementing their place as a unit that often accompanies the Grandmaster or the Emperor whenever needed.

Edited by Sathrut
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42 minutes ago, Kronos said:

My Ungrim finally arrived, I’ve put a picture in in case anyone is curious to see how the bits are separated on the Resin Sprues. 


So, you are the one that kicked me out of the webside? XD

Edited by Beliman
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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

So, you are the one that kicked out of the webside? XD

Honestly, I had the strangest luck that day.  I just went on the site no Queue and just let me  waltz through to checkout. I always either get booted or the site crashed on me. I needed this win 😂

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3 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

Been browsing the old regiments of renown whilst considering buying Prince Ulthar and now I really really want a mto on RR1 bugmans rangers. The original unit looks even better than the subsequent 2 resculpts 

While they're gorgeous (especially Bugman himself), the original preslotta Bugman's Rangers are tiny, even next to models released a couple of years later. I'm not sure they'd even pass as juvenile gnomes these days.

Personally I'd like to see Scarloc's Wood Elf Archers make a return, Jes Goodwin's Slaine by way of Robin of Sherwood WE are the most admissible elves have ever been.

(my inner dwarf shaved himself an orange crest typing that)


Edited by Double Misfire
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1 minute ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

That fortified manor is going to cost as much as the extension I have to put on my house to store it, isn't it

If the extension of your house is the price of a GW terrain kit, I wouldn't want to move in it for anything. :P

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The batallion is similar to the army box they put out in maybe 2019, just with double the warriors and chariots and none of the Manticore Lord or warshrine (RIP)

This one does particularly suffer from  "here's some stuff that got replaced by cooler models very recently", not as much fond nostalgia as the other boxes

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I can’t imagine the box will sell well (AoS S2D are plainly better Models)

Neither can I, that for one is a problem I see and also the late rerelease.

with an earlier release the price on those models compared to the aos ones might have made a difference between some players.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I can’t imagine the box will sell well (AoS S2D are plainly better Models)

Yeah, in Aos my main army is StD and I am also interested in starting WoC, but I will only buy the AJ.

Miniatures wise:

  • With Bretonnia I bought BSB on royal pegasus, with O&G I bought the new Black Orc resin character and with dwarfs I bought the shieldbearer set (which arrived today :D) and will buy all the new resin dwarf mini's when they are back in stock.

For WoC I will not buy a single mini. I am looking forward to the AJ, but miniature wise this flop big time imo.

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