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Living City 2k list


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Hi Everyone,

I’ve been painting for a while but lockdown has given me time to start thinking about actually playing AOS and getting a list together. Before I remortgage for the models though I thought it would be worth getting some feedback on my list as my actual play experience is pretty limited!

Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
- City: Living City
Mortal Realm: Ghyran

Nomad Prince (120)
- General
Battlemage (90)
- Mortal Realm: Ghyran
Knight-Azyros (100)
Treelord Ancient (260)
Branchwraith (80)

20 x Eternal Guard (260)
10 x Sisters of the Watch (160)
10 x Sisters of the Watch (160)

2 x Drakespawn Chariots (160)
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
- Scythes

Celestar Ballista (110)
Celestar Ballista (110)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Emerald Lifeswarm (50)
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1910 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 113

As a bit of explanation to my reasoning:

- Treelord and Branchwraith hopefully make a Wildwood and summon Dryads to sit on objectives

- Ballistas are cool and shoot from way out buffed by the Knight Azyros.

- Sisters of the Watch ambush the backlines and have strong shooting. Also buffed by Azyros. Potentially could be very vulnerable sat out there on their own...

- Chariots ambush, shoot and charge using the command ability dealing mortal wounds on the charge. Will convert them to be pulled by wolves because that’s cool.

- Nomad Prince sits tight with the Eternal guard (Honoured Retinue) and Battlemage (Adjutant) and hold objectives. Thought of assassin rather than Battlemage but being set up in ambush defeats the point of him being the Adjutant.

- Kurnoth Hunters are a bit of a hammer, but potentially could be swapped for Durthu to be able to shoot, move and change with a command point. I do like Kurnoth Hunters though and had actually hoped to squeeze 6 in but it doesn’t seem possible.


Any thoughts, comments and criticism would be appreciated!



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Stick with the Hunters over Durthu. I played my first 2 CoS games this weekend with Durthu. He gets too whiffy after taking only 3 wounds. And any good player knows that and will focus him. Hunters are definitely more reliable or even Drycha if you can fit her. She's worth her weight in gold. 

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