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Living City / Steam Tanks? First List Help


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Hi everyone,

I'm considering getting back into AoS with the Living City army. I love the idea of combining Steam Tanks with the treants in a kind of tree-hugging free-for-all.

On the face of it it seems like there's some synergy between the wound regeneration and tanks, as well as the deep strike / command ability.

Are there any legs here? Any suggestions to make it better? Cheers!

++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Cities of Sigmar) [2,000pts] ++

+ Leader +

Branchwraith [80pts]

Cogsmith [60pts]

Lord-Ordinator [140pts]: Astral Grandhammer

Spirit of Durthu [300pts]

Steam Tank with Commander [230pts]
. Commander: 1. Ironoak Artisan, General

Treelord Ancient [260pts]

+ Battleline +

Steam Tank [180pts]

Steam Tank [180pts]

Steam Tank [180pts]

Steam Tank [180pts]

+ Other +

Gyrocopters [70pts]: Brimstone Gun, Gyrocopters

Gyrocopters [70pts]: Brimstone Gun, Gyrocopters

Gyrocopters [70pts]: Brimstone Gun, Gyrocopters

+ Allegiance +

. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar: Living City

+ Game Options +

Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

+ Realm of Battle +

Realm of Battle: Battle: Ghyran

++ Total: [2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

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Post this in the LC subthread.  More people will see it.

The sylvaneth models are confusing (Branchwraith, what will she do, other than nothing really?)


ON the whole you capitzlied on the idea of the city well. Stanks and Gyrocopters are good in LC.  

Drop Durthu.  In this configuration he risks accomplishing little more than die,  probably miss on your 3 attacks (since you aren't getting more than one woods out).  I would consider Drycha as she's good in LC with some good shooting and attacks.  Durthu really needs to be in Harvestboon or Winterleaf or have the items you gave to the STank commander in which he becomes harder to kill and more reliable.  If you wanted some Sylvaneth big guys I wonder if the ancient and Durthu would be better off as 3 Treelords.  Just a thought as they aren't bringing as much as you hope in LC.  I could be wrong though.

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Steam tanks are usually regarded as pretty terrible with low damage output for their points, but yes, the regeneration and command ability are both reasonable.

First, I think given your steam tank theme you might have too many sylvaneth models.  Durthu is solid, but treelord ancients are pretty bad. Also, if you use his woods forward, to give durthu the +2 attacks, you can't also use it near the back to give the branchwych. I might drop both of those 2. Durthu is also much better with artifacts and command traits, which he carries admirably if you can swing it.

The next question is the gyros. Generally, people think the steam cannons are much better than the brimstone guns, although are obviously better with the command ability. If you want to use the command ability aggressively, I'd combine them into a single squad for more efficiency, and maybe even consider gyrobombers, for that sweet double bombing (You can do that right?). Either that or just switch to steam cannons for some horde killing.

Why a cogsmith? I think they aren't great. Maybe drop them unless I'm missing something

With your extra points you maybe could just use something to solid to hold your backfield or deepstrike to take enemy objectives. Handgunners seem to fit your theme pretty well and don't need much support. 

Finally, instead of the ordinator, you could consider a celestial huricanum. They are generally considered quite useful and strong and recreate the most important part of the ordinator while also buffing any other units you might add. Or giving you a 2nd bubble of +1 to hit. They can also fire and fade nicely with their shooting attack and healing a wound a turn keeps them around a touch longer. 

Your theme is also pretty strong. It would still be strong with 4 tanks instead of 5, and your list would be much stronger with less of the awesome to play and super cool but quite weak steam tanks

Something like

Steamtank w/ commander

Hurricanum w/ battlemage


 Steamtank x3

3x gyrobombers (squad of 3)

10x handgunners (and add more if you have the points- I didn't do the math).

Extra CP

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