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Let's Chat: Crimson Court

Clan's Cynic

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Super hyped for this warband. Looks gorgeous, and seems like it will be fun and engaging to play. I especially like the choice between Bloodthirst and Inspire--Inspiration seems to be better for most scenarios with the warband, but I can absolutely see scenarios where you either don't put in the tech to Inspire reliably because you're doubling down on Hunger, or where you let a specific fighter succumb to the Bloodthirst to get that Scything attack or additional Wound or what have you.

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This warband looks very fun to play. I really like the idea of being able to choose to bloodthirsty or inspire. Also the idea that they can un-inspire and bounce between bloodthirst and inspire. 
Im hoping they aren’t to strong, they seem really good. Speed 4 and 4 wounds un-inspired is very good. Magore’s Fiends is a strong warband and the vampires seem to be better at everything comparing the 2. At the very least vampires have many more options for what they can do in each game. 
the movement they can pull off is very good as well:

beast trail, quicksilver advance, vision of glory, enforcers cloak, all great movement options.  Beast trail followed by quicksilver advance basically places one of your fighters in any empty hex. 

and obviously the models look fantastic. I think in this scenario you can have your cake and eat it too.

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Also, I really like the flexibility of being able to move from inspired to bloodthirst and changing your fighters stats after an activation. You could have a vampire inspired with 2 hunger counters and then get a third and all of a sudden that vampire has bloodthirst instead of being inspired. Which could mean Duvalle has more damage, Gorath has more wounds, Vellas has scything, or Ennius has base move 6. 

it seems that inspiring is the stronger way to go for each fighter, but flexibility is an extremely powerful tool and your opponent always has to be aware of it. 

so my plan would be to look for the inspire, but have enough hunger cards (to give hunger tokens) in order to be able to go back to bloodthirst from inspire if needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently they sold out everwhere. I heard a rumour that they won’t be getting restocked in their current form, likely due to the underworlds card design changing for next season (i.e. any restock will have the new card designs and probably won’t happen until next year). But you know rumours, pinch of salt and all that.

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Anyone gotten any games in with the new warband? I've seen some battle reports on YouTube, but more than one perspective on them would be neat. The YouTuber said he felt Inspiring was a trap and he built around Bloodthirst, but I think there's probably play in a deck that is more flexible. Haven't been able to get matches to test yet, though.

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