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AoS 3 - Kruleboyz Discussion


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My vote on cavalry as well. Something like the boat guy in nighthaunt could be cool as well (ie means to teleport around units), they need to lean in way more into the sneaky/ambush lore imo. Generally mobility is the main thing I would like to see improved, survivability should come from screening and moving around, avoiding fair figths, so I would not really like to see heavy infantry (or leaning into monsters too much tbh), kinda like trolls though so wouldnt cry a river if we got that 😅

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I'd like to see the breaka tribe so a big focus on monsters and beasts. We could get cavalry (some kind of swamp strider bird would be cool), heavy cav (maybe crocodiles or frogs?), a non-hero behemoth, some elite "infantry" - maybe beast packs or troggoths (just let fellwaters do double duty? it would make sense).

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On 1/20/2024 at 12:00 AM, Lavieth said:

Is anyone here at LVO and interested in getting the Killaboss? I would really like one, but am never able to attend LVO.  Please pm me and Let's talk about it.

+1 ☝️

On 1/22/2024 at 6:28 AM, LiftForSwift said:

Was Killaboss Zagnog available at LVO?

Apparently but I have yet to see proof. 

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Calvary: Preferably gnashtoof and not something silly. I'm a fan of continuity across calvary in an army. 

Grots: Love some kind of grot trapper unit or some other grot focused unit. 

Breast-Breaka: A unit in the warcry monsta killaz style with a short ranged bow or two hander option. Ambush tactics, etc. 

Heavy: Three model 50mm swamp troggs. (Moss sloggoth,  new double duty fellwate, something new, etc)

Transport/ heavy support: Big gnarly water buffalo looking beasty that can transport 11 models. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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My wishlist for kruleboyz V4 :


- Dirty tricks (2 options)

             - rework the effect of them and you can use one each battle round . In addition , mannok allow you to pick up a second dirty trick each round .

            - Change them to dirty tactics : you can pick up one tactic between different ones. Each tactic give different effect / playstyle . In this case I can see a new hero coming that would allow you to swap between dirty tactic during the game . 

- Skullbugz : rework the rule to while your unit remains within X of a kruleboyz monster , the units have +1 save (they drink poisons after all , they should feel less pain)



Gobsprakk : gain warmaster keyword 

Murknob : 2 options

         - remove leader tag

         - Become a priest 

Breakaboss : regeneration ability similar to Gloomspite troggoth 

Marshcrawla Sloggoth : gives +1 melee attack to kruleboyz unit with 12’’ and regeneration ability similar to Gloomspite troggoth 

Gutrippaz : hacka do 1 more attack than stikka 

Monsta killaz : become battleline of the general is a breakaboss 


New Units :

- Elite gutrippaz (similar to the flail unit in daggokIMG_6938.png.183798842725422a9f13c56ce0c1b49c.png) or gitzsnatcha warriors (like this unit in mannok krewIMG_6937.jpeg.285dd9ed897ab2c38f950a15d2ae213d.jpeg)

- Cav unit 

- gnashtoof hunt pack with a kruleboyz master 

- big yellerz cogfort 

Edited by Grunbag
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I'd like to see dirty tricks just scrapped entirely. We can get a rule with the same name, but the current rule just doesn't feel like a kruleboyz rule? The flavor is almost entirely in the names and they don't really change how you play the game.
If we're going to keep the name something like command abilities that apply debuffs to enemy units would be pretty fitting I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/23/2024 at 12:39 AM, Danaork said:

For a Kruleboyz's second wave, What's your wishlist for that if it happen ?

So, i want to see more swamp monsters, swamp Troggoths and wyverns.

I think that Kruleboyz doesn't feel like an army (2 type of troops and a bunch of monsters and heroes). That's why I would like to see some wargaming arche-types for a 2nd wave:

  • An elite melee unit, with utility (something like monsta-killaz, but a proper unit instead of a warband).
  • A tech-unit: gnashtoof pack (fast light cavalry), gnashtoof riders (cavalry), Rambo-like guttrippaz (Grakk da Hook) with teleport, block enemy troops to advance or put mines on the field. Anything that give us another tool to play a bit diferent.
  • Siege-monster: A swamp-drake or giant croc with a howdah full of guttrippaz or a Killbow (or something like that). 
Edited by Beliman
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  • 1 month later...

I bought Daggoks stab-ladz and read the lore from the cards, and I want to share this one because I loved it:


Unlike other orruks, Kruleboyz can think without having to speak aloud.


Edited by Someravella
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Kruleboyz lore is pretty sweet, wish there was more of it around. I didn't like their lanky look at first but the lore and monsters turned me around, so this week I bought and assembled the stab-ladz to play in Warcry.


Here's hoping Kruleboyz receive something in 4th beyond a hero. I'm always down with fantasy cavalry, and I think some gobbos would be a good addition. Then they'd really have that classic O&G vibe.

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  • 2 months later...

Kruleboyz Faction Focus for 4th ed is here :D

My initial reactions:

  • The new Dirty Tricks mechanic looks great!
    Some really good abilites, like teleporting to terrain and making an enemy unit Strike-Last.
  • The KB Klaw subfaction doesn't sound very strong to me, but I'm very interested in the other 3!
  • Choking Mist gets a quite big nerf, but I think it's still good.
  • Crit (Mortal) is still there, which I think is a bit sad because I think it will make KB hard to balance.
  • Not really sure what the role of the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof is, but it could be interesting to snag objectives off of your opponent.
  • The Murknob w/ Belcha Banna gets a big buff and might even be worth it, depending on points cost ofc.
  • I'm not sure why the Gutrippaz need to roll for the -1 to hit, but maybe the index warscrolls were written before they were buffed.

What are your thoughts on the sneak peak of the Kruleboyz rules for 4th ed?


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8 hours ago, Sabush said:

What are your thoughts on the sneak peak of the Kruleboyz rules for 4th ed?

Very much in line with your take, maybe to add that based on the Spearhead it's quite likely ranged MW turns into auto-wound, and with the new dirty tricks I think we will see a big change (for the better) in playstyle.

Very hyped and really liked what they shared in this article!

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9 hours ago, Sabush said:

What are your thoughts on the sneak peak of the Kruleboyz rules for 4th ed?

For me kruleboyz had 2 problems: to much randomness (in damage and to use the fell abilities we had) and to little tricks (outside the dirty tricks you try at the start of the game we had the wag and that is it). The New dirty tricks solve the second problem, but with what we saw on the faction focus still looks like randomness will be a thing. Of the two, not have tricks was the worst one for me, so I really looking forward to use my Kruleboyz more once the edition drop!

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There is a lot of Randomness in kruelboyz: 1D6 damage, Crit (Mortals), CV 7 Spells, abilitites with 33% of doing nothing, all battletraits, etc...

But I think it's the nature of kruleboyz. Yes, we have a lot of 3+ abilitites and 50/50 spells, when everything lines up, we are going to eat the opponent, and when everything goes down, let's just cross fingers.

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It seems to me that Kruleboyz are well positioned to take advantage of the transition to 4th ed. They benefit more than other armies from some of the general changes, like no battleshock and 3" combat range. Combat profiles are getting normalized to a 4+/4+/-/1 baseline, which means that Gutrippaz actually look pretty decent at 4/3/-/1 with Crit(Mortal). No more save stacking also makes a 2 wound 5+ save defensive profile quite a bit better, since you are no longer competing with 3+ unrendable as a base line for tankyness. I think battle tactics being on an even playing field also benefits KB more than others.

On top of that, Kruleboyz are also losing comparatively little in terms of allegiance abilities. Venom-Encrusted Weapons is still around as part of their warscrolls. Dirty Tricks are also looking pretty great right now, I would say. They are on a die roll, so that sucks, but the effects are generally strong, they are not dependent on heroes or anything like that, and there is no penalty for failing them. You can just keep throwing them out at every opportunity if you want. You can even stack them onto the same unit.

So, Dirty Trick rolls get harder the more tricks you use, and it resets at the end of the round. That means a maximum of 7 tricks per round, always in one of two set orders:

If you go first: Poison, Sneaking, Surprise, Racket, Sneaking, Surprise, Racket

If you go second: Sneaking, Surprise, Racket, Poison, Sneaking, Surprise, Racket

You will probably want to use Poison every time you can get a unit into combat. It lasts until your next turn, so that's high value. It only affects infantry, but that should include Boltboyz (and their ranged attacks) and foot heroes.

Sneaking is probably the next most valuable. The timing of "any movement phase" is great, because it can really mess up an opponent's charge. This ability can also teleport Boltboyz, even reinforced units.

Surprise is overall kind of weak and you will probably want to skip it some of the time, but it is a nice tool to have when you get charged by cavalry units. I believe Charge(+1 Damage) is the standard cav ability this edition.

Racket is good on the opponent's turn. Letting Kruleboyz hit you in melee is always a risk because of their Crit(Mortals), so strikes last in your opponent's combat phase is quite potent. The only downside with this is that the ability comes pretty late in the rotation of tricks, so if you want to make it predictable you need to skip a few other high value tricks.


Personally, I think Kruleboyz have the opportunity to be one of the sleeper hit factions of 4th. I already found them pretty good in 3rd in match ups that played to their strengths, and I think they have overall improved.

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As long as we have some decent dmg output in troll and sludge I think we are golden here, the new VEW is so much better for the gutrippaz compared to the old shaman version that didn't work in combat and was tied to have shaman next to them, so while he before was just buffing boltboyz we can now use Gutrippaz a bit more effectively, a unit of 10 with 21 attacks and VEW should put out 7mw on average, combine that with potential strike last and d3 dmg from lethal surprise and they actually are a bit scary to charge, if dice goes against him that battle can turn really bad for the opponent.. love the mind game / psychological warfare of that so much, that's so much in line with the faction and I think the fact that the effects are random makes that effect stronger as its a bit of a gamble for the opponent.

speaking of which, hope the shaman gets a nice buff now that his poison is in the allegience abilities... :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kruleboyz rules preview! https://www.goonhammer.com/faction-pack-overview-kruleboyz-age-of-sigmar-fourth-edition/

"If you are a Kruleboyz player your time has come. All of the wishing, hoping, and wanting a full rewrite has been answered with one of the most significant rules departures in the new index system. Kruleboyz have moved from a slow and plodding army reliant on a counterstrike to a teleporting nightmare full of tricks that take advantage of the new rules. While they do retain a fair bit of shooting the army is far more open from an army building and play style with little used units like the Marshcrawla Sloggoth and Murknob having prominent buffing abilities."


Edited by Gareth 🍄
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