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Path to Glory - Khorne


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I have started painting my Khorne models (I bought the AoS starter box back in 2015 when it first came out) and am thinking about starting them in a PtG campaign.  Little bit of narrative, some fluff, more time to add new units (and paint them up), seeing the army evolve and grow,...


But I am struggling a bit about what my initial 600pt list should be. (I will be playing a "Skullfiend Tribe" subfaction army)


1) Exalted Deathbringer, Bloodsecrator, 10 Bloodreavers, 5 Skullreapers and 1 Khorgorath = 595pt  (only need to buy the Skullreapers)

Cool factor is great with the added Skullreapers but is low on miniature count and is an all-infantry army (hence slow moving)


2) Exalted Deathbringer, Bloodsecrator, 20 Bloodreavers, 1 Khorgorath and 5 Flesh Hounds = 585pt (only need to but the Flesh Hounds)

High on miniature count and includes some cavalry but perhaps not maneuverable with the large unit of 20 Bloodreavers (but has staying power)


3) Exalted Deathbringer, Bloodsecrator, 10 Bloodreavers, 10 Bloodreavers, 1 Khorgorath and 5 Flesh Hounds = 585pt (only need to buy the Flesh Hounds)

Same as list 2 but Bloodreavers in 2 units of 10...  More maneuvrable but also less staying power.


4) and 5) are the same as 2) and 3) but instead of the Flesh Hounds another Khorograth = 590pt. (only need a 2nd Khorgorath)

More punch but lose the cavalry speed.


So each has its pros and cons...  but which is the best starting point for a PtG campaign according to you?  (I want to plan what I should buy next and what I should paint next 😉 )


I'm leaning towards number 3 if you should ask 😉


I have so far only playing 1 AoS 3.0 battle so am very new to the system (I have played lots of WFB battle games long, long ago...)


Thanks for the feedback


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Thanks for the feedback guys...


Keeping some daemons on the side to summon is a great idea  (*add a box of Bloodletters to my 'things to buy' list)


I'm also a fan of Skullreapers, they just look so cool and seem very tough...  But I am doubting their tactical flexibility in a 600pt. army.  They are a single unit on foot while for the same amount of points I can get 2 units (10 Bloodreavers and 5 Fleshhounds), 1 of which is cavalry.


Perhaps I should go for a 6th option

6) Exalted Deathbringer, 10 Bloodreavers, 5 Skullreapers, 1 Khorgorath and 5 Flesh Hounds = 575pt

Dropped the Bloodsecrator but included both the tough unit (Skullreapers) and the fast unit (Flesh Hounds)


What do you think ?   


(though the Bloodsecrator has some cool abilities...  Aaaargghhh, choices, choices !!  😉 )



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I guess two heroes at 600 points is a bit much, so in my opinion you made the right choice. Might be debatable if you could use the Aspirin Deathbringer or the Bloodsecrator as General instead of the Exalted Deathbringer. 

But I guess, this is your PtG Protagonist, so not possible. 

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53 minutes ago, Salyx said:

Might be debatable if you could use the Aspirin Deathbringer or the Bloodsecrator as General instead of the Exalted Deathbringer.

The Aspiring Deathbringer costs the same amount of points as the Exalted Deathbringer so that won't make a difference.


But indeed...  I would like to keep the Exalted Deathbringer as my General as I already play him in my Khorne Warcry warband  (this AoS army will have grown out of that warcry warband)


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1 hour ago, aquenaton said:

Exalted deathbringer, bloodsecrator, bloodreavers, bloodreavers, skullreapers?

This comes to 565 pt.  (I already own a deathbringer, bloodsecrator and at least 20 bloodreavers, so price will be okay for this army)  But a very good idea, let call it army option number 7 😄


Skullfiend Tribe subfaction has a buff for Khorgoraths, that is why I included 1 in each of my proposal armies (I choose Skullfiend Tribe because I use a Khororath in my Warcry Warband)


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Hey guys, can I also add in a little rule question.

I get a Blood Tithe point each time a unit is destroyed.  But it does not say by whom!   Do I receive a blood tithe point if one of my own units gets destroyed?  (It was implied in one of the reactions above, that's why I reread the rules and the faq but still not sure)



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OK, this is a great rule...  so very Khorne.


I am glad I started playing again. All those thematic rules makes it so fun  (a far cry from what I remember from WFB).  Now I only need some blood red tokens to visualize these Blood Tithe points 😀

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Hey guys,

I just ordered a box of Flesh Hounds...  So I decided to go for list #3 (Deathbringer, Bloodsecrator, 2 x 10 Bloodreavers, Khorgorath en 5 Flesh Hounds).  BUT the very first reinforcement unit I will add to the army will be the Skullreapers!!

Thanks again for all the feedback, it was all very helpful to decide.


One more question though...  I was reading through the rules just now and noticed something I want to check:

10 Bloodreavers ---> 10 attacks (11 with Champion)

Bloodreavers "Frenzied Devotion" rule (wholy within 16" of Totem = Bloodsecrator extra attack) ---> +10 Attacks

Bloodsecrators "Rage of Khorne" rulen (units wholly within 16" extra attack) ---> +10 Attacks


Do they really have 30 (31) Attacks when paired with a Bloodsecrator ??    I must have missed that when reading the rules the first time, I thought they had 20 attacks.


If so, then my 2 times 10 Bloodreavers will be very powerful (If I make sure to keep them in the Bloodsecreator bubble)  These units will become my 'anvil', the Flesh Hounds and Khorgorath my 'Hammer'  (which is fitting as my Warcry Khorgoraths nickname is 'The Hammer' 😄 😄 )


Thanks in advance for your replies.

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Keep in mind, though, that Coherency rules in 3rd edition make it difficult to get every Bloodreaver in a unit into combat (what with 32mm bases and 1" weapon reach), so that output might be drastically different from what you expect--and Bloodreaver damage is unfortunately nothing you can count on.

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Granted...  I probably never will have to throw 30 dice at the same time due to coherency and weapon range.   But the difference between throwing 5 dice for 5 models or 15 dice for 5 models is huge!


So both rules count when combining Bloodreavers and a Bloodsecrator...  that is the most important thing to me 😄


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just had my first test battle with my Khorne.


The opponent had Ironjawz Orruks  (Megaboss, 5 Brutes, 5 Ardboys, Morgok's Krushas & Ironskull's Boyz). 545pts. vs my 585pts.  We played an Open Battle in which there was 1 objective in the middle you had to control. My ruse was the Firestarter, his was no Battleshock tests needed.


Turn 1 - my turn

10 Reavers vs 5 Ardboyz  -> 6 Reavers killed vs 1 Ardboy dead, other 4 Reavers ran away

10 Reavers vs 4 Ironskull's Boyz -> 3 Reavers killed vs 1 Boy dead, extra 3 Reavers ran away.

So after a single round my entire left flank was reduced to 4 Reavers and the Bloodsecrator


Turn 1 - Orruk turn

1 Reaver died because the Megaboss charged (some rule that he causes d3 mortal wounds) and the other 3 were slaughtered by the Megaboss

The Bloodsecrator received 3 wounds and killed single Ardboy

On the other flank the Brutes charged and instant massacred my Khorgorath before he could react.


Turn 2 - both player turns

Bloodsecrator got killed by the Megaboss (just by the mortal wounds he caused due to charging me)

My Exalted Deathbringer received 3 wounds but managed to kill 2 brutes (1 in each player turn)

Flesh Hounds charged the 3 Morgok's Krushas and managed to cause a single wound while losing 3 Hounds

Only positive thing was that 10 Bloodletters emerged on the battlefield.


Turn 3 - Orruk turn

Deathbringer managed to kill another 2 Brutes but was killed in return

Flesh Hounds were wiped out


By then I just wanted to try my Bloodletters (battle was over anyway) so they charged the remaining Brute and managed to cause 0 wounds while suffering 4 in return.   Only thanks to a superb save (3 sixes and 1 five) that only 2 Bloodletters were killed  (instead of 8 out of the 10 when I would have saved nothing)


So, yeah...  While it was nice to play a battle I never imagined it to be so one-sided.  It was just one-sided slaughter while I just tried to kill some Orruks.   Let's hope the next battles will be a little better 😉


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  • 5 months later...

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