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Hedonites of Slaanesh Discussion


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Oh, I was couching my language diplomatically, I cannot stand the hellstrider sculpts to the point that all of mine are kitbashed.

(All that said, I guess maybe don't go rushing out to buy a bunch of hellstriders, both as WHFB sculpts and sharing design identity with the newer Seekers, I imagine they have a bit of a ticking shelf life at this point.)

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5 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Oh, I was couching my language diplomatically, I cannot stand the hellstrider sculpts to the point that all of mine are kitbashed.

(All that said, I guess maybe don't go rushing out to buy a bunch of hellstriders, both as WHFB sculpts and sharing design identity with the newer Seekers, I imagine they have a bit of a ticking shelf life at this point.)

Hah! Fair enough. We don't all have to like the same thing. 

Yeah, I've heard a few people opine that they might be for the chop... I can't imagine them doing new sculpts. Oh well. I've got fifteen of them already, so I don't mind what happens! 

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Mm, I would guess the exalted seeker cav will just replace Hellstriders as the mortal cavalry option, leaving daemonette Seekers in the light cav role.  (Though, I'd also extremely like to see an updated sculpt for those too...)

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1 hour ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Slightly peeved that Synessa is still on one spell. Surely they should at least be equal to a Keeper of Secrets when it comes to magic ability.

Mhmm... she is on 2 Spells with Dexcessa on her side. This mechanic and lore ist super Cool. Togethter they are in 1 Regiment and bring together 520 Points so a littel like, lets say Glootkin. So are they worse it ?!

I Dont no, i think they boath are a littel bit to Expensive and if both are 10-30 Points cheaper or u get Points if u take both (so 480 or so for both) they are good.

But we have the this rules now, and i will try a List with both and a Keeper and massive Damoenettes to push the Abillities so this:

Keeper Strongest Alone
Dämonetten 20
Dämonetten 20
Seekers 5
Dämonetten 20
Seeker Chariot 1
Seeker Chariot 1


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38 minutes ago, ibel said:

Mhmm... she is on 2 Spells with Dexcessa on her side. This mechanic and lore ist super Cool. Togethter they are in 1 Regiment and bring together 520 Points so a littel like, lets say Glootkin. So are they worse it ?!

I Dont no, i think they boath are a littel bit to Expensive and if both are 10-30 Points cheaper or u get Points if u take both (so 480 or so for both) they are good.

But we have the this rules now, and i will try a List with both and a Keeper and massive Damoenettes to push the Abillities so this:

  Hide contents
Keeper Strongest Alone
Dämonetten 20
Dämonetten 20
Seekers 5
Dämonetten 20
Seeker Chariot 1
Seeker Chariot 1


Oh yeah, forgot about the power boost with Dexcessa. 

I'm very interested in trying out both siblings together. But I'm yet to even paint up one of them, so it's a slice of strategy that'll have to wait a while! 

I think spamming Daemonettes could work quite well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So guys here some impressions on my first game`s (Win against SC and KO, Lose against Kruleboyz):

Battel Traits: Just usefull in the first round or if u need to move your BigBoys/Girls fast around. The Crit Bonus is nearly not importend. (But run and Charge is very nize)

Battel Formation: Only use 'Exquisite Palate" : Its okay but far away from good. Next time i will use TEThrongs. I have big expectations.

HeroThread, Artecafts, Speels and so: Is okay, nize somethimes is very okay like "Strongest alone" and Iconic, but Pendant could be very nize too on your Keeper. Spells: are good but i was not in the sitation it really kickt.

Manifest: I always failed to summon so.... very bad MagicPhase :D :D 


Shalaxi: Super nize, Take him/her.... he is cool ;)

Keeper: Ähm its okay. Somethimes no Dmg is the Output and somethimes (Withbuffs okay) he kills a KOFrigate in 1 Turn (17 Unsaved Wounds) His Ability Rampage is super määähhhhh and counts to plus minus Zero, Spell mhmm there are better ones in the Hedoinit Spelllore and so... but the Keeper is okay, is okay (expequelli with Strongest Alone and Healing everyturn)

Dexcessa: Is okay but was always often death very soon so...

Dämonetten: Je, The Footprint and Boardcontrol is cool, the lack of Run and Charge (automatik) is very Sad, The Output is okay but they are dyieng faster san Ice in the Sun. The are very very fragile.

Seeker: Fast, and good. They are very Durabel with his 3 LP and 5+/6+. But they have not that much Outout as i thoughts.

So thy are my 2cents.

2 Questions;

Eurpohic Killer: Is it just posibel to use two 6ses fot the Charge or can u just ONE plus the roll?

Did the Crit (2) Inffekt the Companion Weapons like "The Seekers" to or not?



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If someone wants to modify a charge roll with the EK dice they have to use two, there's no option for using a single one for 6+D6", that's clear in the EK text.  Which is why the 'best' option is making either 1 or 0 units Euphoric per round, otherwise you're guaranteed to let your opponent either score battle tactics for free or deny your own for free.

Per the FAQ companion weapons are not affected by any buffing abilities that don't directly specify that they apply to companions (so just All Out Attack, pretty much.)  No EK, no Fane bonus, nothing.

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Because a lot of the tactics require you to have units in a place (and alive) with no enemy units nearby, or they need to not be in combat, etc.  Which is very easy to disrupt/achieve if you have access to guaranteed 12" charges/countercharges.

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ahhh okay. Jes but this is something u had to figure out. Hej the Generic Traits is not that good. Maybe it they will change it a littel bit. At the moment u can/need them for Run&Charge (Run&Shoot) i think.

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3 hours ago, ibel said:

Dämonetten: Je, The Footprint and Boardcontrol is cool, the lack of Run and Charge (automatik) is very Sad, The Output is okay but they are dyieng faster san Ice in the Sun. The are very very fragile.

I'm playing my first game of fourth edition tomorrow, and out of sheer bloody-mindedness I'm going to overdose on Daemonettes! Three units of twenty. Surely some of them will survive to hit back! 

I'm fighting against Lumineth, anyway, so chances of a win are slender at best (I've always been trounced by the Lumies). I'm playing a fun list to run the new edition through its paces. Really interested to see how our Endless Spells play, so I've taken a good cluster of spellcasters. 

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On 7/23/2024 at 2:07 PM, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I'm playing my first game of fourth edition tomorrow, and out of sheer bloody-mindedness I'm going to overdose on Daemonettes! Three units of twenty. Surely some of them will survive to hit back! 

How was the game?

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1 hour ago, ibel said:

How was the game?

Predictably, I lost... but not a crushing defeat! As I was hoping, my opponent did underestimate the Daemonettes, and they did quite a bit of damage before being swept away. Unfortunately just about everything else I had got held up by Endless Spells and/or picked off by shooting. 

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43 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Predictably, I lost... but not a crushing defeat!

Mhmm okay. Good and bad at the same time :D 

Hey i will try MassShooting.

Is it right that a Hedonits Player go 4the Place in a 84 MemberTournament ?! (With a List with 40 Archer ...?!) 

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Tournament rankings in these early days are going to be even less statistically reliable than usual, but it doesn't surprise me that mass shooting might (regrettably) remain the most effective way to run Hedonites: unlike most shooting units Blissbarbs kept their 18" range, and by playing heavily into shooting you don't have to engage with the slaanesh battle traits as much.

That said, I do think a good chunk of the HoS warscrolls are pretty good, it's just the battle traits that hold things back, so I'd expect HoS to hover generally around the lower end of the middle band when it comes to competitive rankings.

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1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

Tournament rankings in these early days are going to be even less statistically reliable than usual, but it doesn't surprise me that mass shooting might (regrettably)

He thats right but could be interessting in some Way.

1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

don't have to engage with the slaanesh battle traits as much.

I think the Run&Shoot is super important. Not the Crit(2) but the felxibilitie of Movement.

1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

That said, I do think a good chunk of the HoS warscrolls are pretty good, it's just the battle traits that hold things back, so

That is something i dont really understand... why it is hard hear for a Hedonit Shooting List? Or every Hedonits List?

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I just mean in the sense that a melee list would prefer to hit multiple units with EK every round, either to cross the board faster, open up potential redeploy + countercharge options, or just activate damage output (Daemonettes without crit mortals are not nearly as useful, etc.)  Whereas if you're just spamming blissbarbs you might only need to run and shoot situationally.

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41 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I just mean in the sense that a melee list would prefer to hit multiple units with EK every round, either to cross the board faster, open up potential redeploy + countercharge options, or just activate damage output (Daemonettes without crit mortals are not nearly as useful, etc.)  Whereas if you're just spamming blissbarbs you might only need to run and shoot situationally

Ahh okay jes thats right.

But Maybe u get problem with objectivPLay and Batteltaktiks ?!?! Mhmm we will see i will try a Shootie List next time


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4 hours ago, Lucentia said:

That said, I do think a good chunk of the HoS warscrolls are pretty good, it's just the battle traits that hold things back, so I'd expect HoS to hover generally around the lower end of the middle band when it comes to competitive rankings.

I'd agree with that - once you get over the traits debacle, there's good stuff on the individual scrolls. 

But the Slaangors... oh, why do they hate the Slaangors!? They're not fast enough, or killy enough, and certainly not tough enough. Can't work out what to do with them! 

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11 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I'd agree with that - once you get over the traits debacle, there's good stuff on the individual scrolls. 

But the Slaangors... oh, why do they hate the Slaangors!? They're not fast enough, or killy enough, and certainly not tough enough. Can't work out what to do with them! 

I was commenting to a friend that it’s incredibly disheartening to see how useless units like Slaangor remain at the beginning of a complete overhaul like AoS4. They could have done literally anything with them, this unit they’ve included in every Vanguard, Spearhead and Battleforce in the last 3 years…but instead they opted to do absolutely nothing and so they’ll remain on the shelf for another 3-5 years.

Edited by Lupercal
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Slaangor, I think, suffer from an intrinsic design problem that's hard to overcome, which is the size of the models, if they were larger, minotaur/theridan sized models you could justify giving them a more impressive stat-block as mini-monster infantry.  But cos they're fairly weedy looking 3-model units they can't go too crazy on how they function.

IMO at this point just let them walk in via a board edge ambush and let them be overpriced objective stealing pressure.

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16 hours ago, Lucentia said:

Slaangor, I think, suffer from an intrinsic design problem that's hard

Slaangor are not enough and too expensive....

Make 6 out off it (so the doppel is 12 .. sry iconic for Slaanesh) and let 6 cost lets say 120 Points u find player who run hordes of 4 times 12 over the Tabel....

But jes at the Moment they are absoluttly useless...

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34 minutes ago, Sonnenspeer said:

Slaangor should have a 3D6 charge instead of the gimmick move ability they have now. 

Would be fluffy an everybody would love them.

I'd certainly love them! 

Anyway, the Heodnites 'thing' is meant to be speed. It doesn't feel like we're significantly faster than some other factions. 

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