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Hedonites of Slaanesh Discussion


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It certainly doesn’t help the perception of the Battle Trait as being wildly punishing to the Slaanesh player, that every YT battle report I’ve seen so far has played it wrong to the game-swinging detriment of the Slaanesh player

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10 hours ago, Lupercal said:

It certainly doesn’t help the perception of the Battle Trait as being wildly punishing to the Slaanesh player, that every YT battle report I’ve seen so far has played it wrong to the game-swinging detriment of the Slaanesh player

How did they play it wrong into Slaanesh detriment? I saw 1 bat rep from Season of war and it was to Slaanesh advantage. They let shooting benefit from the mortal wound spell and were rolling for wards after using the fane

Edited by azdimy
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46 minutes ago, azdimy said:

How did they play it wrong into Slaanesh detriment? I saw 1 bat rep from Season of war and it was to Slaanesh advantage. They let shooting benefit from the mortal wound spell and were rolling for wards after using the fane

Using it for 6s to hit, causing Crit abilities to trigger. Spending 2 on abilities other than Run rolls. Forgetting to take Mortals after using them.

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Got my first game yesterday and outside of our battle trait the warscrolls felt fine.Hellstriders are really good after being absent of any list an entire edition. The fane giving +1 to cast and dispell on a keeper or Glutos is really strong in a world where manifestations dominate. Glutos is no longer the tank he was and I need to protect him better. Maybe some twinsouls to bodyguard him.

I never gave more than 1 temptation dice each battleround all game. 

Blissbarb have lost a lot losing the +1 to wound on their warscroll but they are still good especially with the ghb rules and giving them +1hit/+1wound

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Hi Guys,

I have a Game next Week against a good player with his LRL.

He Played



10 Windcharger

5 Windcharger

10 Dawnrider 

and the DropWizzardHunterRenowney HumanArmy 

I play

470 Glutos
130 Shardspeaker
  General: Strongest Allone, Threndory Voicebox
260 Sigvald
280 Archer
280 Archer
180 Sickblade Seeker
140 Seekers
260 2x Twinsouls

Soo... i know i have no Chance but, any Idea how i can make him the win as difficult as i can ?!

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On 8/16/2024 at 8:11 AM, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Apparently the Viceleader can fly. 

Häää?! I didnt finde the Viceleader? What do u mean ?

Edit: ahh okay, in Legends.

Edited by ibel
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I haven't played a game of AoS4 with my Hedonites yet so I'm only going on what I've read in the faction pack but... compared to the last battletome they don't look very... fun?

I'm less concerned with how competitive they are, but for those people who've played a few games now, are the Hedonites actually fun to play in this edition so far?

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They're fun if your idea of fun is spamming Blissbarbs, I guess (So no huge change from 3rd edition there, really!)

Depending on what you like you can make some pretty fun hero-hammer lists with, like, Shalaxi, Keeper, Sigvald and cavalry hammers/chaff which aren't necessarily good but do the job if you just want to run around the board and throw dice.  Or Glutos is still a solid anchor for a mortal infantry list with Twinsouls.

So there are fun units and lists out there, the trouble is that you will always have to work them around the battle-traits, which kinda require you to deliberately forego fun combos and tools until you're already in a dominant or desperate position.  I'd say HoS are probably pretty middle of the pack in terms of running interesting lists that won't keel over, better than your Nurgles and Ironjawz, worse than your Khornes and DoKs.

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To be honest a better version of temptation dice should just be "once per turn, when an opponent fails a save/charge/attack/wound/cast" roll you can offer them a single "6" dice, if they accept they can sub out the dice for this one, in return the hedonites player gets to add a 6 to a dice pool that they can later spend on cast/charge/save/hit/wound and can be saved for later, if they refuse pick a unit in the slaanesh army, that unit is offended at the slight to their masters generosity and gains exploding 6s to hit.  certain characters allow you to offer more dice per turn. 

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I would personally disagree that the 3rd Ed system was either fun or flavoursome, but it did at least more or less function, which is more than can be said for the 4th ed version. 

That style of temptation/devil's bargain mechanic is always going to be flawed in a competitive game, I think, cos there will always be a 'correct' answer each time it's offered, and a player will never deliberately take an offer that's better for their opponent than it is for themself, unless the mechanics are so obfuscated thar it becomes a time-wasting mind game every time it comes up.  Better to jettison the whole concept (or at least relegate it to a thematic warscroll or something) imo.

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44 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I would personally disagree that the 3rd Ed system was either fun or flavoursome, but it did at least more or less function, which is more than can be said for the 4th ed version. 

Maybe I'm already viewing the past with rose-tinted nostalgia goggles on... hah!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a few game. I feel better about our index. Hellstriders in seeker cavalcade is probably my favorite unit for their current points. On the charge they have the output of our old twinsouls with yet more speed to get to the enemy. Being now 3 health each has made them more survivable than they used to. I guess most cavalry got this buff but I m really happy to play with a unit I shelved in 3rd edition because they were just left out by gw to promote the new cavalry then. Slickblades and Bliisbarb seekers 

Fane giving +1 to cast and unbind is really strong now and I use it every turn with a big hero that can handle the non wardable wounds ( that part is rough. Ward should be allowed like it used to)

Sadistic spite has unlimited range so I will try to stay out of unbind range to get it off on a unit that will be in combat this turn

Sadistic spite does not turn off crit(+1 hit) in shooting! I thought it did but no! Blissbarb can shoot with exploding hits and then charge with crit mortal in melee to finish something off

Now not everything is good, they are plenty of bad mechanics in our index and it s a challenge to mitigate the negative of our temptation dice. I find all my high wounds damage attacks getting automatically saved by my opponent using temptation dice after failing save. They should decide to use the dice before rolling and should also be limitied to 1 dice per phase I think

4s to wound even for our eltie troops is rough. A minus 1 to wound just cripples the army. Overwhelming acquiescence is not so overwhelming anymore as it only targets a single unit now

Fantasmagoria needs a rewrite again. By trying to clarify it they made the spell useless. Tough when we only have access to 3 spells but this is not new to us

Euphoric killer should affect companions! This makes Glutos very sad with zero melee non companion attack on its profile

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