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Not much to write home about, but managed to get the underbelly base coat on 10 Drakespawn. That leaves the chariot and sorceress to do the same with, and then I can do the washes. 


If I've learnt anything recently, is just because a model is bigger, and the unit smaller, that I'm now no longer convinced painting 30 rank and file would be any slower to paint! ?

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On 5/17/2018 at 7:04 PM, syph0n said:

Not much to write home about, but managed to get the underbelly base coat on 10 Drakespawn. That leaves the chariot and sorceress to do the same with, and then I can do the washes. 


If I've learnt anything recently, is just because a model is bigger, and the unit smaller, that I'm now no longer convinced painting 30 rank and file would be any slower to paint! ?

Haha speak the truth brother! My close to finished cauldron of blood has been overtaken by 20 gutter runners and 10 witch elves. My conclusion: everything takes a long time ?

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Sorry for a boring update. Managed to do the dark brown base coat for bones/spines/gold on all drakespawn models (10 knights, chariot, sorceress) and tidied up the underbelly bits. 


However, I'm more proud to get my boy involved. He loved a game we played a couple of weeks back, he's got the bug and he loves Stormcast. Score 1 to Games Workshop. Here's a WIP:


He's doing really well. I'm in hand as he does it to smooth thick bits of paint or do tiny details, but he loved slapping on the Reikland and drybrushing! He even managed to do some of the silver highlights. 

Think he's quite enamoured, and a friend of a friend is able to get me the starter box and some Longstrikes for a 1k list for cheap. He can do all the basecoating, I'll do the fine details! ??

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15 minutes ago, syph0n said:

Sorry for a boring update. Managed to do the dark brown base coat for bones/spines/gold on all drakespawn models (10 knights, chariot, sorceress) and tidied up the underbelly bits. 


However, I'm more proud to get my boy involved. He loved a game we played a couple of weeks back, he's got the bug and he loves Stormcast. Score 1 to Games Workshop. Here's a WIP:


He's doing really well. I'm in hand as he does it to smooth thick bits of paint or do tiny details, but he loved slapping on the Reikland and drybrushing! He even managed to do some of the silver highlights. 

Think he's quite enamoured, and a friend of a friend is able to get me the starter box and some Longstrikes for a 1k list for cheap. He can do all the basecoating, I'll do the fine details! ??

 Ah glad my stuff is going to a good home :)

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Not a WIP but a complete model my son finished with a bit of help from dad... 


I've got a massive load WIP but I'll not cross post those from the May Contract thread. Here's a sample though:


Nearly there with this batch of lizards. That's 18 in total when these are done (sorceress, chariot and 15 knights). 

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Slowly waking up from my winter nap, I've been trying to get some color on my scratch-built skryre army standard.


Still gotta redo some details, add water effects, and light effects. oh and random glowing runes for the flag. Aaand probably something else once I notice what's missing.

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So, my WIP this week focuses around rebasing my entire army on to MDF bases. Just in time for AoS2. Hope I've guessed right with sizes, though I think I might have at least the chariot wrong (probably on a 120mm, mine isn't). 


Painting wise, towards the June contract. On to fine details with my Drakespawn:


Teeth, tongues, spines, claws, eyes, leather and saddles to go. Some fine highlights of the underbellies too. Then onto Knights... 

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Lizards nearly done! 

Faces, spines and gold to go. 


Won't post the chariot pic because I've also updated the June thread. Also WIP... 


My son's first army being built. 1k Stormcast (Starter set, 2x extra Retributors, Vanguard-Raptors). 

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Not worth sharing a pic of work done on my drakespawn, but mouths about done, spines, teeth and claws on the way. 

Running a club at school, so took Lokhir to paint, rather than transport all my drakespawn. This is the result of 3 hours (1 hour club plus 2 hours tonight):


It's all washed and ready for the final highlights. I'm going to use the Blood God paint on the swords, covering the whole metal. Then, I'll do fine little silver highlights as in the Daughters of Khaine battletome. Love that look. 

I've also finished building and spraying my son's Stormcast Eternals:


The gold spray is fantastic. It covered really well, two fine coats from top and bottom. He'll do all the Reikland Flesh, drybrush and I'll do the fine details. I found them a joy to paint before... Unlike my own bloody aelves! 

Edited by syph0n
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