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On 1/23/2023 at 8:43 PM, Gitzdee said:

I completely agree, awesome game. Hope this section of the forum becomes more alive. Glad that u enjoy Warcry. 

I played a few games by now and last game i played my Nighthaunt versus DoK. This is a quick review of my game. Next time i would maybe like to start a campaign.

Could tell more about this game if anyone is interested.

Copy from my post in a dead topic:

List: 970 points

2x spirit hosts

2x chainghasts

1x spirit torment

1x lord executioner

I found the Spirithosts really underwhelming. The reaction that damages them on misses almost outdamaged them even when using Frightfull Touch. They werent bad, but not an auto include for me next time.

I did really like the 2 Chainghasts. Chipping away at foes with ranged attacks and threatening objectives and blocking attacks with reactions really made them deal a fair amount of damage as they got targeted over the Spirit Hosts a lot of times. More than i expected them to.

Spirit Torment didnt do much last game but got to ress a Spirit Host.

Lord Executioner hit like a truck with the use of a double. Got a bit lucky with the dice, so couldnt complain. Did 24 wounds in one activation.

Managed to pull out a win. Did also play catacombs for the first time and i didnt expect it to be as fun as it was. I really liked the dungeon setting and fun thematic addition they added for the extra flavour.

Edit: Also a friend gifted me a set of warcry dice and tokens, so i can play games on my own now. Still need to get myself some more terrain though.




On 3/14/2023 at 12:02 AM, Gitzdee said:

Just played another game of Catacombs. I played Gitz and my opponent DoK. I used a list with 6 models vs 12 DoK with 9 cheerleaders and a 3 leaders.

My list: 2 Rockguts, 1 Fellwater, 1 Spiderboss, 1 Spider Rider and 1 Fungoid Shaman. (Used Snarlfangs as Spiders)

We played a game with 5 objectives that could score victory points if u controlled one at the end of the battle round. Also a move action reduces  toughness by 1, this was really bad for my high toughness guys. 


I started out great with a 4-0 lead in the first round because of the Spiders movement. But it was all downhill from here. I could block some doorways and stall a bit but my opponent managed to get a few crits in a row and kill one of the Rockguts at the beginning of the second round and ended in 7-2 vp. My opponent used sheer numbers to get control of the objectives. I just could kill tge DoK fast enough and the third round ended in a 8-6 score. Now we could remove 1 objective each and he removed the only objective i controlled and i couldnt score after that. He scored the 3 that were left and the 4th round ended 8-9. I surrendered at this point because things didnt look good for me and even a tie would be close to impossible to achieve.

I think i could have positioned myself a bit better to prevent my opponent from flooding the board but this was an uphill battle for me. Both the objective and the -1 toughness when moving really didnt suit my list this time.


They couldnt pass the T(r)ollbridge. This was a personal win for me this game.



On 3/25/2023 at 12:06 AM, Gitzdee said:

Pulled my old Spiderfang of the shelf for another game of Catacombs. This time is was a game where the one holding most treasures at the end of the game is the winner. For the twist we had a chance of getting eaten something if a model is more than 6 inch away from another model if rolled a 6. Too bad this didnt happen because it would have been fun.

My opponent played some kind of harpy list this time. He went for the treasures asap. I tried to go for my opponent as i was stronger in close combat. My Spiders managed to catch up to them early in the game and kill a few model in the first 3 rounds. Having lost half his warband and the key positions on the board my opponent conceded.


Should i keep dropping posts like these here?


15 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Its been a while but i played another game of Warcry! This time using only my own models and makeshift terrain.

A friend played my Nighthaunt warband i used before with a Spirit Torment, Lord Executioner, 2 Spirit Hosts and 2 Chainghasts.

I felt in the mood for some Gitmob goodness so i slapped together this gorgeous lineup. Used Rippa as a Scuttleboss as i think it reflected those rules the most. Used the 2 Nasty Skulkers as Loonbosses. That leaves a Shaman, 4 Shootas and a Stabba with spear and shield.


Used the battleplans, victory conditions and twists from the 1st edition rulebook as those are more fun than the 2 free pdf battleplans. 

The victory condition was to kill half the enemy force to achieve instant victory. I was already at a disadvantage using a few 6 wound units.

We ended up in the first round with all our units on the table.


My low movement and the Nighthaunts ability to fly didnt really help me here. I ended up with my main unit on the big mountain. My opponent took advantage of this and blocked the exit with a Spirit Host so i had to jump down for impact damage. Rippa ran to the middle of the battlefield trying to cut some ghosts and force them into combat. I had to hide my shootas at the table edge because they would lose me the game real fast.

The battle in de center was a clash between the melee units with the ranged units chipping away at them. I lost Rippa quite fast sadly before i could do any real damage.

The Nasty Skulker used the stab em good boss ability with a value of 5 buffing the attacks of 2 Nasty Skulkers and the Stabba. I managed to kill the Lord Executioner and deal around 15 damage to the 2 Spirit Hosts and left the Spirit Torment with 2 remaining wounds.



This was the best i could do. The low damage of my units and high toughness of the Nighthaunt didnt match up well. My opponent ended up killing the 2 Nasty Skulkers and then ressed the Lord Executioner. It was game over from here.


The Shaman ended up dealing some good damage shooting spells down from the mountain. And was also happy with the Nasty Skulkers, they had decent bulk and damage for their points. Wasnt happy at all with the 4 Shootas, didnt really deal any damage and had to hide most of the game.

My opponent did well for his first time and stayed out of range from my Shootas and controlled most of the melee combat.

I should have taken advantage of Rippas high movement to swing around my opponents tanky units and kill the 2 Chainghasts. This might have given me a fighting chance.

I was really pleased with how the terrain looked on the tabletop. Its nice when u put effort in to terrain and its finally being used. Next time i want to try using some Rockgut Troggoths.


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  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

lost a tight fun game vs fyrleyeers with my rotmire creed
We were given revenge, to kill each other. My knife and hammer came in first with the shield round two at the back of the long side. My warriors tried to use their higher speed to attack but the dwarves have the same reach on the weapons so couldn't use my spears. On the flanks, my warriors began (one Carrion Catchers and 2 Mirefolk Outcast on each flank) to damage but not enough, the dwarves wore me down and when my shield came in with my Witherlord Bloated One and his 2 Mirefolk Outcasts, I had already lost too much. Managed to kill 3-4 warriors including his Drothblood Thane who rushed at my leaders but failed to do damage.
In round 4 I reterated with my Witherlord and two warriors.
The highlights was:
Witherlord killing his Drothblood Thane
Kyndledroth finiching of two Mirefolk Outcasts on one Kyndlebreath abilitie

Edited by Fellman
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Finally got my Partner to play me in a Game of Warcry, she had fun and seemed to enjoy herself. I think she did a terrific job and hope she plays again soon.
I only took one little photo during the battle. I also took a few quick out of focus shots of my current warbands

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  • 4 weeks later...

Raid in the Dark. After the discovery of the Ven Talax map by the Twin Tails Wildercorps rangers, Marshal Hull is dispatched to lead a Castelite fighting patrol to the lost city. After a 30 mile march from their forward base, the patrol harbours just inside the Gnarlwood. The Freeguild are awoken just after midnight, Skaven were approaching from the northeast!


Captain Kallean, ordered the fusiliers to secure the map and move to the rendezvous point to the south whilst Hull and Captain Balian readied a spoiling attack to cover the withdrawal. During the action, Hull's Gryph-hound is killed by fire from the ratmen's Stormfiend. Marshal Hull soon takes his revenge, slaying the monster in close combat.


Warlock Rikkit surveys the battlefield. He immediately sets about rallying his troops and preparing for the coming pursuit.


Victory to the Cities of Sigmar for their first game! Was a great game with a terrific and sporting opponent. Low light meant the range and influence of the Stormfiend was reduced, the most expensive unit in the Skaven warband. Managed to kite the monster across the board, bleeding it of activations before surrounding and killing it late in the mid game. Castelite Hosts seem really good! Fusiliers seemed too good. Perhaps they should have the mount keyword as one of these guys won the game for me by darting up a tree to grab the objective from atop a platform. Can you imagine trying to climb a tree with that Pavise! 

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Deadly Race. Deciding an escape through the scorpid tunnels too risky, Marshal Hull led his patrol back to marry up with Corporal Tannerhand's section. Sunrise would soon be upon them and the chance to break contact lost. In the dark before dawn, the Fusiliers were the first to come under attack.


Hull was able to scatter the probing Skaven and order the Fusiliers’ withdrawal with the map before being set upon by the attacker’s main body.


Captain Kallean bravely attempted to delay the Skaven. He too was forced to give ground when a monstrous Stormfiend emerged from the brush.


As the first rays of sunlight pierced the canopy, Hull sighted the Skaven leader blocking the escape route laughing maniacally with the Ven Talax map in his hands.


Victory to the Skaven! Initially, my opponent and I didn’t think the Skaven could win - I sure learnt some hard lessons! First, I forgot to use the scopid tunnels I found last game. This would have given me two bonus wild dice and the chance to allow critical units to escape before the rats could react. Secondly, Captain Tannerhand’s 'Forward to Victory!' ability could have propelled my units to the escape point rapidly. Had I task organised, I could have used this to great effect.

Even with these mistakes, my opponent had to play an almost flawless game to stop me. And that he did! The Skaven have now seized the advantage going into the final game of the campaign. Curse you fiendish rat-men!

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