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The "Definitely Happening" Chaos Duardin Discussion

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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I want to start by commending you for making a really good argument, it really was a lightbulb moment for me as I too tend to dislike notions that X are incapable of doing Y - when I GM'd RuneQuest I heavily modified the Broo, allowing players to play such as Good-aligned characters (fun fact: The Beastmen from Fantasy are the Broo with serial numbers filed off, GW made some miniatures for tabletop rpgs - including RuneQuest - before Warhammer) among other things.

We're pretty much on the same page in how we perceive the Chaos Dwarfs/Duardin, in this instance I was too set in wanting GW to keep the bit of lore as a shorthand for the self-destructive nature of Chorfs' hypercapitalism. But I wouldn't want it to exist in the expense of narrative freedom.

Well thanks! I had similar lightbulb moments when GW changed "Dwarf" to "Duardin" and when D&D started self-reflecting on how it handled races/species. I know it caused some waves online, but I'm all about fun spaces being inclusive to anyone who is not trying to exclude others and I feel like its a positive shift! To your point about the Broo; I really liked that the initial beastmen book in AoS had a section suggesting that, if Sigmar hadn't taught the burgeoning Order races how to be racist, the Beastmen could've been alright hanging out in the woods with the rest of the intelligent factions. I think AoS has done a great job recontextualizing familiar WHF stuff like that, so I think I should keep an open mind!

I think I disliked the calcification too much on principle, though; there is absolutely no reason GW couldn't write in a myriad of new reasons/speculations for it happening! Just because I didn't like it in Fantasy doesn't mean I cant like it in AoS! With how the narrative has been handled, I could see the rock thing both being in and handled with a bit more finesse. Otherwise how is Astragoth Ironhand going to come back/get rebooted? haha

41 minutes ago, Fracas said:

My dream for this army would include keyword allies like Kruleboyz and Gitmob with Hobgrots being a unit in the book.

I’ve been assembling some snarlfangs, and their armor and weapons are rather refined for grots. It would make sense for the chorfs to make it for them.

Otherwise very excited for any new miniatures and hopeful that bull centaurs return. Kragnos has gotten a little confusing with regards to how many factions have adopted the man-horse identity. 

I'd also like to see some amount of opportunities for allies, especially the hobgrots. I finally built up one of my plastics and, compared to the old metals, there are so many tiny design cues they share between them that i'd be a little let down if they aren't able to cross-pollinate at all! Their helms in particular are a metal version of their old hoods, even down to the v-shaped top where it lays on their foreheads. and their sculpts look great side-by-side; the old one is just a bit more pudgey and hunched. 

They may have to balance allies with what the army has, but tbh I could reasonably see allies in the form of Gitmob, Kruleboyz, Hobgrots, and Horns of Hashut all filling the "chaff" role. It'd be the first time an army has explicitly allowed allies from another Grand Allegiance, which could be fun! Especially if they use it to loosen things a bit more with other factions moving forward!

Edited by Pizzaprez
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I think the stone thing could work quite easily. Since these are chaos dwarfs it would be easy to say that using dark magic turns them to stone, not all magic. 

That way it needn't be an all "dwarfs can't use magic" thing and more just the price of using Dhar, rather than one of the proper winds, or sticking to good dwarfen runecraft. There's plenty of potential to have your evil sorcerous cake and eat it too. 

Turning to stine is definitely my favourite chaos mutation, the petrified sorcerers with their mechanical suits are just so iconic that they need to do something with that!

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On 1/31/2024 at 1:55 AM, EccentricCircle said:

Turning to stine is definitely my favourite chaos mutation, the petrified sorcerers with their mechanical suits are just so iconic that they need to do something with that!

I wouldn’t be surprised if that becomes a lord mainstay of them all using mech bodies to move their stone forms around after eons in the Realm of Chaos.

Heck that might be why they need things like the Horns of Hashut to lay the groundwork’s for them since they’re too clunky to get somewhere fast.

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1 minute ago, Baron Klatz said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if that becomes a lord mainstay of them all using mech bodies to move their stone forms around after eons in the Realm of Chaos.

Heck that might be why they need things like the Horns of Hashut to lay the groundwork’s for them since they’re too clunky to get somewhere fast.

That would make a lot of sense!

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1 minute ago, Baron Klatz said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if that becomes a lord mainstay of them all using mech bodies to move their stone forms around after eons in the Realm of Chaos.

Heck that might be why they need things like the Horns of Hashut to lay the groundwork’s for them since they’re too clunky to get somewhere fast.

Five bucks says that this quote by @Baron Klatz becomes the basic lore for either a new named character or the generic "daemon prince" type hero for the army.

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Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence guys. It’s appreciated. 😄

I wonder if it could play into a “boiler” playstyle too. Wound Charts that actually build up their stats every turn as their bodies and daemon-engines pile on the coal so you need to hurt them bad mid-game or get completely mecha stomped late game when they go full steam ahead? 🚂 

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if that becomes a lord mainstay of them all using mech bodies to move their stone forms around after eons in the Realm of Chaos.

Heck that might be why they need things like the Horns of Hashut to lay the groundwork’s for them since they’re too clunky to get somewhere fast.

Maybe that's why old Astragoth needed the machine-legs?

I have decided to make some right-proper Bull-Centaurs, led by my metal Hthark from Bloodbowl as the Tauruk, and a Forgeworld Shartor.  I was thinking plastic Juggernaut bodies and Ogor torsos/arms.  Guess for the heads Ogor heads with added horns and maybe beards?  Then should do single-handed weapons and shields or should I do great weapons?  Gonna base them on rectangular stone plinthes of appropriate size for Old World too, then magnetize those for oval bases when friendly gamers are alright with Legends.

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1 minute ago, Lord Krungharr said:


Maybe that's why old Astragoth needed the machine-legs?

I have decided to make some right-proper Bull-Centaurs, led by my metal Hthark from Bloodbowl as the Tauruk, and a Forgeworld Shartor.  I was thinking plastic Juggernaut bodies and Ogor torsos/arms.  Guess for the heads Ogor heads with added horns and maybe beards?  Then should do single-handed weapons and shields or should I do great weapons?  Gonna base them on rectangular stone plinthes of appropriate size for Old World too, then magnetize those for oval bases when friendly gamers are alright with Legends.

Well we know from old lore and TWW that Bull Centaurs often became biomechanical monsters due to experimentation, so the juggernaut bodies make sense (heck I've had the same idea), though I think you should use Ogroid Myrmidons as the upper torso since they're more muscular and bull like then ogors (so you just need to add beards). Speaking of the taurus in the room, what do you think will happen to Shaartor? will he labor in hobby limbo exile or be reborn in glorious plastic once GW decides to bring the lads onto the tabletop proper?

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Speaking of the taurus in the room, what do you think will happen to Shaartor? will he labor in hobby limbo exile or be reborn in glorious plastic once GW decides to bring the lads onto the tabletop proper?

Either reborn in plastic or left in limbo for all eternity as GW marked him as an official AoS character IP so won’t be back-ported to TOW(same as he’s off limits to CA).

AoS isn’t touching any resin kits so it’s glorious plastic or nothing.

Hopefully he’s reborn, he looked pretty dang cool.

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15 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence guys. It’s appreciated. 😄

I wonder if it could play into a “boiler” playstyle too. Wound Charts that actually build up their stats every turn as their bodies and daemon-engines pile on the coal so you need to hurt them bad mid-game or get completely mecha stomped late game when they go full steam ahead? 🚂 

The "boiler" playstyle reminds me of some of the mechanics the faction had in the Tamurkhan book iirc; K'daii could burn out and I think the iron daemon had a similar mechanic(?)

14 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:


Maybe that's why old Astragoth needed the machine-legs?

I have decided to make some right-proper Bull-Centaurs, led by my metal Hthark from Bloodbowl as the Tauruk, and a Forgeworld Shartor.  I was thinking plastic Juggernaut bodies and Ogor torsos/arms.  Guess for the heads Ogor heads with added horns and maybe beards?  Then should do single-handed weapons and shields or should I do great weapons?  Gonna base them on rectangular stone plinthes of appropriate size for Old World too, then magnetize those for oval bases when friendly gamers are alright with Legends.

That is why Astragoth needed the machine-legs! 100%: he was too stubborn to give up his position at the head of the table so he got the frame built for him! I think his arms may also had started to calcify but I'm forgetting. 

I keep having to stop myself from finding/converting bull centaurs lol: I'm trying so hard to be patient for eventual plastics! I'll second the suggestion that Ogroids may be a better person-half, though! Biomechanical centaurs would be really cool!

14 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Speaking of the taurus in the room, what do you think will happen to Shaartor? will he labor in hobby limbo exile or be reborn in glorious plastic once GW decides to bring the lads onto the tabletop proper?

I'd wager he is completely done for. The "favored headsman of Hashut" seemed like it was more intended for the Old World, but maybe he's just another character like Alwach the Drowner: despite there being like eight bigger-than-earth sized planets, there really is one dude in particular who is best at drowning people

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34 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

It's on like Donkey Kong then.  Friday I'm trading my pair of Stormdrakes and some bits and a Lord Ordinator for 6 built but not painted Theridons.  I'll add shields and make them with single handed axes; then....Jugger-bodies.    Phase 3): Profit.

Sick!! Make sure to post pictures!

If you don't already own a Hobby Saw it would be a rock-solid investment for that project; the X-Acto brand one was less than $10 on Amazon when I'd checked this week and it comes with a spare blade! (just bought a new one myself)

Having built three theridons recently, no force on this planet could make me try to cut their thicc selves in half with anything less!

Edited by Pizzaprez
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I’m aiming to use my Chorfs in both TOW and Azgorh for casual games in AOS. So I’ll need a Shartor to make the Bull Centaurs battleline.

Seems like he’s supposed to be pretty huge and more purely mutated/gifted organically from Hashut.

Anyone know if a Myrmidon body is bigger than a Theridon? Also was looking at the Fomoroid Crusher and maybe putting either top on perhaps on either a Mournfang body (and sculpting it smoother and with hooves) or on that Stormcast Astreia Solbright mount (and again sculpting hooves)


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On 2/11/2024 at 11:20 AM, Lord Krungharr said:


I’m aiming to use my Chorfs in both TOW and Azgorh for casual games in AOS. So I’ll need a Shartor to make the Bull Centaurs battleline.

Seems like he’s supposed to be pretty huge and more purely mutated/gifted organically from Hashut.

Anyone know if a Myrmidon body is bigger than a Theridon? Also was looking at the Fomoroid Crusher and maybe putting either top on perhaps on either a Mournfang body (and sculpting it smoother and with hooves) or on that Stormcast Astreia Solbright mount (and again sculpting hooves)


I've got both the character Ogroids and ngl neither of them are notably bigger; I think the Fomoroid is what you're looking for!

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:20 AM, Lord Krungharr said:


I’m aiming to use my Chorfs in both TOW and Azgorh for casual games in AOS. So I’ll need a Shartor to make the Bull Centaurs battleline.

Seems like he’s supposed to be pretty huge and more purely mutated/gifted organically from Hashut.

Anyone know if a Myrmidon body is bigger than a Theridon? Also was looking at the Fomoroid Crusher and maybe putting either top on perhaps on either a Mournfang body (and sculpting it smoother and with hooves) or on that Stormcast Astreia Solbright mount (and again sculpting hooves)


19 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I've got both the character Ogroids and ngl neither of them are notably bigger; I think the Fomoroid is what you're looking for!

I can confirm that what @Pizzaprez said regarding the ogroid models is true. Personally, if you want to kit bash a Shartor model I think you should use the Centauroid as a base (dude looks more like a bull then a horse) and out the Ogroid body to fill in the holes. For the axe I think the best option is one of the weapons from the Varanguard kit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As a lover of chaos dwarfs and kharadron, I'm hoping for Big Hat evil Kharadron who instead of using flying machines focus on railways. Like say an old karak that survived the age of chaos and harnesses aether/souls for evil railway tycoon shenanigans. The look being the opposite yet similar to KhO, instead of steampunk its clock punk with an emphasis on the use of demonically possessed automatons (like a hybrid of the kaidai and centaurs), bionics (due to magic turing them to stone/crystal), slaves, and trains. Unlike KhO and more inline with chaos, they gave a focus on melee but with reasonable ranged capability similar to old dwarfs but also are deceptively mobile with the trains. The main named character is a dark reflection of Brok Grundson complete with a comically oversized hat but very much a railway/steel magnate. 

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26 minutes ago, turbanator said:

As a lover of chaos dwarfs and kharadron, I'm hoping for Big Hat evil Kharadron who instead of using flying machines focus on railways. Like say an old karak that survived the age of chaos and harnesses aether/souls for evil railway tycoon shenanigans. The look being the opposite yet similar to KhO, instead of steampunk its clock punk with an emphasis on the use of demonically possessed automatons (like a hybrid of the kaidai and centaurs), bionics (due to magic turing them to stone/crystal), slaves, and trains. Unlike KhO and more inline with chaos, they gave a focus on melee but with reasonable ranged capability similar to old dwarfs but also are deceptively mobile with the trains. The main named character is a dark reflection of Brok Grundson complete with a comically oversized hat but very much a railway/steel magnate. 

Well, there was that one missing sky port called Barak-Zhoff mentioned back in first & second edition, so it's possible you might get your wish in some shape or form.

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  • Asbestress changed the title to The Chaos Duardin Not Unbased Discussion
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I still can't process a 100% that we are actually most likely getting Chorfs. Anyway;

New info that can be sorta picked out from today's article:

  • Forge Anathema is now basically confirmed as a full on Chorf stronghold in Aqshy (and probably one of the army's subfactions)
  • Main settlements of Chorfs seem to called be Forge Cities

And some theories, if I may:

  • The Forge Anathema could be the Vosforge (original home of the Vostarg Fyreslayer lodge), as it is heavily implied one of the founder's sons (Darz) became the Unnamed Prophet of Hashut, and the original location of the magmahold is surrounded by chorf structures
  • And leading on from that, Darz (or a descendant of his acting as prophet) could be the faction's big named character and setup some rivalry/grudges with the Fyreslayers.

Now it remains to be seen if we'll get big hats in the new range...

Edited by Asbestress
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1 hour ago, Asbestress said:


I still can't process a 100% that we are actually most likely getting Chorfs. Anyway;

New info that can be sorta picked out from today's article:

  • Forge Anathema is now basically confirmed as a full on Chorf stronghold in Aqshy (and probably one of the army's subfactions)
  • Main settlements of Chorfs seem to called be Forge Cities

And some theories, if I may:

  • The Forge Anathema could be the Vosforge (original home of the Vostarg Fyreslayer lodge), as it is heavily implied one of the founder's sons (Darz) became the Unnamed Prophet of Hashut, and the original location of the magmahold is surrounded by chorf structures
  • And leading on from that, Darz (or a descendant of his acting as prophet) could be the faction's big named character and setup some rivalry/grudges with the Fyreslayers.

Now it remains to be seen if we'll get big hats in the new range...


Okay, with the new article confirming that we’re still alive and well in the realms, I think we can name at least three more forge-cities/factions:

1) Zhar-Vyxxa in Shyish, a massive soul stealing oil rig.

2) Barak Zhoff: a “lost” sky port from the first edition Kharadron Overlord tome.

3) The 8-points industrial district (name escapes me) from Wrath of The Everchosen.

Naturally Forge Anathema is gonna be the poster boy faction, but it’s still nice to know that we are on our way to being a tabletop faction.

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I would love for them to combine the classic Chaos Dwarf look with a sort of fusion of Evil KO and Fyreslayers. It would help reflect the setting a little more since we have less and less regular Duardin in the setting. 

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It will certainly be a mix of citadel chaos dwarves and classic chaos dwarves with more modern inspiration.

TBH, I feel like the Forgeworld models made plastic would be good enough for a release.

I don't think they will include Fyreslayer design. They need to be distinct, because even if they look similar they are completely different. Grimnir has nothing to do with Hashut.

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8 hours ago, Sarouan said:

It will certainly be a mix of citadel chaos dwarves and classic chaos dwarves with more modern inspiration.

TBH, I feel like the Forgeworld models made plastic would be good enough for a release.

I don't think they will include Fyreslayer design. They need to be distinct, because even if they look similar they are completely different. Grimnir has nothing to do with Hashut.

I feel like we’re gonna get a mixture of the classic+forgeworld look mixed with the Horns of Hashut and the Hobgrotz. The only thing Hashut and Grimnir have in common these days is that Hashut seems to enjoy corrupting the latter’s followers and sites of worship.

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I think there is also a distinct chance that they look exactly like the models from Total War: Warhammer 3. Grombrindel looks almost exactly like his model, and while it is a different game we saw the Thunderstrike Liberators and Prosecutors in the Realms of Ruin before the starter set. I know that is a really big reach, but just food for thought.

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