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The "Definitely Happening" Chaos Duardin Discussion

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9 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

What about a giant hat in the form of a cage / iron maiden inside of which an upstart elgi is imprisoned? The sorcerer prophet will mostly be stone anyway, so can cope with the weight!

Probably on our giant monster/centerpiece character.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/31/2024 at 8:31 AM, EccentricCircle said:

What about a giant hat in the form of a cage / iron maiden inside of which an upstart elgi is imprisoned? The sorcerer prophet will mostly be stone anyway, so can cope with the weight!

Or a construct Cage that can be burn to slowly Cook the enemy as a torture machine (like the tophet from pathfinder RPG that got inspired by the historical Tophet sacrificial burials):


Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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  • Asbestress changed the title to The "Definitely Happening" Chaos Duardin Discussion

I have magnetized nearly all my Chorfs for the Old World to their bases for use on AOS bases as other various armies...wonder if there will be enough parallels to use them. 

Horns of Hashut have no shorties amongst them for example, and the Iron Golems only had 1.  Thought there was another Chaos Dwarf looking guy in some other modern recent kit, but can't think of where I saw it or if I actually saw it.  One thing is for sure; they'd have a ginormous evil cannon! 

More uncertain is the bull-centaurs.  They're so classically Chorfy, and IMHO need to be in any Hashut themed army, for they are blessed.

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I'd be happy if they just copy the designs from total war Warhammer directly. There's no need to reinvent them for AoS as the units were all updated and modernized already and honestly they look pretty fantastic. They'd slot perfectly into the AoS aesthetic as is. Bull centaurs, ridiculous daemon powered steampunk artillery trains, flying bulls breathing fire, hyper intelligent lammasu, big hats. It's all peak AoS, just released a couple decades too early. 

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On 1/7/2024 at 4:43 PM, Asbestress said:

Let's start with Hobgrots.

  • A race between orruks and grots, but still kinda outsiders to them, trading with Chorfs
  • Their equipment is made by Chorfs, although it's the "lowest of the low" in terms of quality
  • More independent mercenaries than slaves


So basically those weird Orcs from mordor that where added as a starting faction in this (3rd) edition.

Yeah I could definitely see them being hobgrots for the chaos dwarfs

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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i really want to like and play AOS, but the lack of proper dwarfs and proper evil dwarfs leave a bad taste in my mouth.

i really really hope they will come out, the chaos dwarfs were my first love and the first miniatures i bought when i was 8.

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19 hours ago, Grungir said:

i really want to like and play AOS, but the lack of proper dwarfs and proper evil dwarfs leave a bad taste in my mouth.

i really really hope they will come out, the chaos dwarfs were my first love and the first miniatures i bought when i was 8.

I fully agree about the lack of proper dwarves. If the Chaos Dwarves are close to the Total Warhammer versions, I will be very happy. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So...considering they are the next new army in aos....which time periodo of the year do you think Will be release/or at least previewed?

End of 2024 seems too early tbh.

When usually,considering the months of the year, gw put out big new release?

Rumors talk about EC in 2025 for 40k so i think they'll be the "biggest" release of the year but there's plenty of space for aos.

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1 minute ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

So...considering they are the next new army in aos....which time periodo of the year do you think Will be release/or at least previewed?

End of 2024 seems too early tbh.

When usually,considering the months of the year, gw put out big new release?

Rumors talk about EC in 2025 for 40k so i think they'll be the "biggest" release of the year but there's plenty of space for aos.

My money is that the preview campaign will begin with the next big GW event, followed by a battle of between them and the Fyreslayers that’ll lead into wave two for the latter and a whole army for the former…. So early 2025 at the earliest, summer at the latest.

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Rumors talk about EC in 2025 for 40k so i think they'll be the "biggest" release of the year but there's plenty of space for aos.

As 2025 is a year without an AoS/40k edition, we need a big release, like a new army, to fill the period. EC are favourites (especially with 40k 11th in 2026) and I think Chorfs will be for 2026.

Why not follow the same pattern as COS : announce the army around May 2025, first minis reveal at Adepticon 2026, army set in September 2026 and full release in November of the same year.

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33 minutes ago, Draznak said:

As 2025 is a year without an AoS/40k edition, we need a big release, like a new army, to fill the period. EC are favourites (especially with 40k 11th in 2026) and I think Chorfs will be for 2026.

Why not follow the same pattern as COS : announce the army around May 2025, first minis reveal at Adepticon 2026, army set in September 2026 and full release in November of the same year.

But 2 new armies for 2 system in a year Is feasible....i Hope chorfs Will happen before 2026.

Also Cos style preview would be too "long" imho.

But Who knows...maybe you're right.

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2 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

But 2 new armies for 2 system in a year Is feasible....i Hope chorfs Will happen before 2026.

Also Cos style preview would be too "long" imho.

But Who knows...maybe you're right.


It all depends on how big Chorfs release will be. It should be, as they're starting from scratch with no WHB kit, unlike COS.

For them, I was expecting spring 2024 when they were announced at WarFest 2022. So I could well be wrong again. Which would be cool in fact. 😉

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7 minutes ago, Eldarion79 said:

First tease was about one year before release ?

Shorter than that :

  • First tease 1st april 2022
  • Army set september 2022
  • Complete release november 2022 (with 11 kits)
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On 6/23/2024 at 10:43 AM, Grimrock said:

I'd be happy if they just copy the designs from total war Warhammer directly. There's no need to reinvent them for AoS as the units were all updated and modernized already and honestly they look pretty fantastic. They'd slot perfectly into the AoS aesthetic as is. Bull centaurs, ridiculous daemon powered steampunk artillery trains, flying bulls breathing fire, hyper intelligent lammasu, big hats. It's all peak AoS, just released a couple decades too early. 

Skaven too I think were AoS before AoS was even a thing. Totally different fantasy type that (afaik) we hadn't seen before. Certainly the skryre stuff. 

Honestly, if they do this right, new chaos dwarfs and the Emperor's children release could be bankruptcy. There's nothing else in the pipeline if interest.

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Another bit of Chaos Dwarf foreshadowing that I found now that I have my hands on the physical core book. Way less blatant than the others but I'll still post it here.


Though none have seen the true faces of the Chaos Gods and remained sane enough to tell the tale, the existence of five major deities is generally agreed upon: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh and the Great Horned Rat. As the fires of industry flare ever hotter, whispers of other powers swirl amongst wild bands of worshippers. 

I mean, its pretty obvious when you bring up the "fires of industry" in the context of Chaos Gods not part of the Big 5.

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On 7/24/2024 at 6:35 AM, BarakUrbaz said:

Another bit of Chaos Dwarf foreshadowing that I found now that I have my hands on the physical core book. Way less blatant than the others but I'll still post it here.

I mean, its pretty obvious when you bring up the "fires of industry" in the context of Chaos Gods not part of the Big 5.


Edited by Neverchosen
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