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Warhammer: The Old World News and Rumours Thread

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Maybe, but this can change in both directions. It all depends on their financial numbers and a lot of "if"s

There are ofcourse a couple of armylists that can be done before bringing back legacy factions. Halflings i.e.

Although in one way or another I believe we will see somekind of implementation of Vampires / undead. But we will see. 

There is a rumour that we're going to see old armies, but reimagined. Example was "Vampire Counts but the flavour is Mousillon and not Sylvania".

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18 minutes ago, michu said:

It's more true for skaven. They are supposed to be dirty and dressed in rags. No point in highlighting everything.

Edit: The reason why skaven player weren't that interested in Skaventide that I've seen the most is that while the new clanrats are technically better, their dynamic poses make the "army of clones" look more obvious. Old rats had a very limited pose but it looked good in a horde. These ones are too individualistic for that. They're good for Mordheim/Warcry not for bigger game.

Old rats were screaming "army of clones" way louder than the new. I have seen on facegroup pages some starting Old World armies from Skaventide miniatures, they look really great and certainly less "same-y" than the old. Sure, it's a big more complex to put in regiments, but basing infantry on 25mm square bases gives way more space for that.

They're not that great for Mordheim, 'cause it's a pain to put them prone or face down depending of the wounds they suffer. There's always something in the way. :P

For Warcry, they're indeed nice !

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1 minute ago, michu said:

Eeeh... Would it be really? They would probably play differently to their old versions and I'm not sure if people want that (I don't).

The thing is that while ToW is the specialist game and not the main game, that kind of differences would be there. Unless there's a drastic change in the direction and ToW turns out to be the main game, it is unrealistic to think things will be the same as they were in WHFB. Even in that case many things will change.

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39 minutes ago, michu said:

There is a rumour that we're going to see old armies, but reimagined. Example was "Vampire Counts but the flavour is Mousillon and not Sylvania".

That would be cool. If the Arcane journals are anything to go by they are theming the armies around what is specifically going on in the Old World at this time. 

If the Rumour that one of the high elf armies of renown is a nautical themed force (Lothern or Cothique) is correct that means they are focusing specifically on the regions. The logic being that, a nation like Elyrion is much less likely to intervene in the old world then a nation like Lothern how actually has the ships and ability to sail over and fight a battle. 

I don't think we will see legacy factions for a while though. The next releases after the arcane journals will probably be expansion and campaign books. 

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33 minutes ago, michu said:

Sure, Dwarfs don't play exactly like old Dwarfs but they're still Dwarfs. People want Vampire Counts not just vampire faction.

I would love such armylists. Although maybe I am mistaken but the current duke of Mousillon is Maldred. Not much of undead troops there or with the civil war a couple of years later that he started with the affair of the false Grail.

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2 hours ago, michu said:

Can't agree with you. A horde of old rats will look like a horde of rats. Single pose with different mini details will look better than "each 5 guys in my army look the same"

Well no, because at the point of view of the battle, you don't see the details, you only see a unit of rats with the same pose and thus look very the same.

With different dynamic poses, the look is very different on that matter.

But it's not like it's important.

A "Vampire Count" Moussillon army wouldn't play that different. Just need to be based on undead cavalry as core, the rest is mostly the same. They're not praying the Lady of the Lake anyway.

Otherwise, there's also a rumor of an arabian skaven army lurking around the ruins of Nagashizzar.

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Thinking the new clanrats have a clone problem is wild when there a minimum of 20 unique poses in the kit and the command also have 3 separate configurations they can be built in.

What's also wild is thinking that makes any difference to whether people want to buy the box or not, especially as push-fit monopose models are the standard in these types of launch boxes and have been ever since Battle for Skull Pass. It has 0 impact on sales of the box and is the first time I've ever heard it brought up as a complaint.

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9 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

Before they bring out skaven boxes for use in the Old World, they might want to fix the Skaven rules in the game. 

They are probably the worst performing faction as things stand. 

Something altogether for infantry to make them more interesting to take would be a big help for all factions,

and maybe a decrease in points for some skaven units would be quit helpful.

clanrats in stats are well what clanrats are meant to be.

i would just prefer it if we wouldn’t be paying 7 points for a unit of clanrats with spear and shields

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Come on. You know that if GW really wants to bring back more factions, it won't be Legend army lists anymore, but a proper separate book to buy. Coming of course with said skaven boxes (it's Old World, so it will be the old miniatures, obviously - gotta keep the miniature ranges separated from AoS so that they can mark the right cases on their sale data sheets).

But I honestly believe it's not coming any time soon and they have plenty of other Arcane Journals / campaign books to release before that.

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2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Something altogether for infantry to make them more interesting to take would be a big help for all factions,

and maybe a decrease in points for some skaven units would be quit helpful.

clanrats in stats are well what clanrats are meant to be.

i would just prefer it if we wouldn’t be paying 7 points for a unit of clanrats with spear and shields

Yeah, that would be nice. Anyway I play casual and build my army in a way that feels how "I think" an army should play, so I am no to fussed about min-maxing. I can only hope that SDS will not use tournaments as the measuring tool for balancing. Some players seem to abuse every loophole to win or make lists that imo goes against the spirit of the game, which results in other tournament players crying that it is broken and etc...

But to each their own. 

Maybe they should bring back somekind of step up, maybe a lighter version of 8th edition. This would improve infantry. With lighter I mean i.e 50% of the replaced casualties can fight back.

Edited by Tonhel
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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

You cannot say that about Lumineth. Or Slaanesh. Or even new Cities.

I don't agree. Another thing is how cool you want them to look, but base, wash and dry? You can do that with every single mini.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't agree. Another thing is how cool you want them to look, but base, wash and dry? You can do that with every single mini.

If you want the end result to look anything like the how the factions are presented (I assume most people do), then you cannot achieve that look for "clean" armies with lots of mixed materials by drybrushing. Simply because washes and drybrushing are (to a degree) uncontrolled, rough techniques. And if you do them in a controlled manner you might as well be layering, since they are not easier or quicker at that point.

There are drybrushable armies. Drybrushing Stormcast, Nurgle, Skaven, OBR and a bunch of others will get you reasonably close to the box art. But that is not the case for a bunch of "clean look" armies, at least not without losing what makes drybrushing so appealing in the first place.

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7 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Honestly, it feels like both rules teams have a hate on for Clan Eshin right now, in retrospect bad choice of clan to focus on ever since Storm of Chaos :/ 

Skryre has always been quite popular, and manages to perfectly catch the spirit of skavens (entropy, madness, absolute no care for collateral damage).

Problem of Eshin is that they don't really make sense for mass battle game systems. Their fight is more on the small skirmish level, as elite assassin teams sneaking behind enemy lines to decapitate their leaders. Something more favorable for 10-20 miniature games like Mordheim or Warcry than regular AoS or Old World.

They're good as small scouting units in these big armies, but they're not really suited as a whole army of Eshin clan in itself IMHO.

Edited by Sarouan
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Armies of Ninjas are exactly as appropriate as anything else in this game, let alone skaven for whom quantity is absolutely their best quality :D Bear in mind Night runners are really just somewhat specialised clanrats, not even slightly elite troops :D

And honestly, even the biggest Warhammer or AoS game is just a glorified skirmish on any actual battle scale, where even very small armies are thousands of troops.

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12 hours ago, Noserenda said:

And honestly, even the biggest Warhammer or AoS game is just a glorified skirmish on any actual battle scale, where even very small armies are thousands of troops.

Yeah, that's the usual excuse. In AoS, Eshin could find a purpose indeed, especially in Spearhead, but in the Old World, where it's about a regimental game, I feel like Eshin's style is at odd. I mean sure, you can play an army entirely made of skirmishers, but it's not really what Old World game system stands for.

Even in the background, Eshin don't do open battles like the Old World presents them. They don't fight in the open with masses of ninja rats ready to charge the enemy front lines. They're more into supporting other clans' armies with small elite / scouting teams or assassin individuals. They're completely different from Moudler, Skryre and Pestilens that can indeed muster their own troops for a frontal assault on that matter.

Edited by Sarouan
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7 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Yeah, that's the usual excuse. In AoS, Eshin could find a purpose indeed, especially in Spearhead, but in the Old World, where it's about a regimental game, I feel like Eshin's style is at odd. I mean sure, you can play an army entirely made of skirmishers, but it's not really what Old World game system stands for.

Even in the background, Eshin don't do open battles like the Old World presents them. They don't fight in the open with masses of ninja rats ready to charge the enemy front lines. They're more into supporting other clans' armies with small elite / scouting teams or assassin individuals. They're completely different from Moudler, Skryre and Pestilens that can indeed muster their own troops for a frontal assault on that matter.

Lore wise they haven’t not even in aos so far.

in both systems they are often infiltrators, sneaky rats disturbing backlines of cannons and artillery, placing bombs or going for a good kill on a character

Edit: even in aos where eshin has been mentioned to fight whole battles, it often gets mentiomed how they use masses of clanrats and other lower filth to keep the enemy occupied for a while.

they are not front line fighters and prefer dirty tricks.


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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You guys know that there was a specific Eshin list for fighting whole battles in warhammer right? Like not an appendix, a whole Storm of Chaos army list? Because of all the battles they were fighting at the time? 

You also seem to be forgetting Night runners, its ok, GW has too apparently :D Who up until OW were not skirmishers but as i said above half way to skirmisher clanrats.

Like i can see other people having opinions but this is right on the verge of gaslighting guys :D

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5 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

You guys know that there was a specific Eshin list for fighting whole battles in warhammer right? Like not an appendix, a whole Storm of Chaos army list? Because of all the battles they were fighting at the time? 

You also seem to be forgetting Night runners, its ok, GW has too apparently :D Who up until OW were not skirmishers but as i said above half way to skirmisher clanrats.

Like i can see other people having opinions but this is right on the verge of gaslighting guys :D

I don’t.

i’ve sadly not started playing fantasy after the storm of chaos.

although I was lucky and got the book.

Just recently

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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